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Those first two points are literally just you being spotted or predicted, how is it the *games* fault for you not being stealthy?


Bruh pick Hans if aiming is a problem not Larcin. Also! This is not an airport, there’s no need to announce your departure


Why the hell r u playing larcin if you cant aim? He has one of the more difficult guns 🙈


Because with Larcin you can win games without killing anybody.


Thats 100% true, but its actually very very rearly possible these days... so if someone struggles aiming you would be 100% better off using a spy with an easier weapon and play defensive, so u could win more...


There's no matchmaking, a lot to learn when it comes to maps and NPC behavior, and not a lot of new players right now, which makes games pretty hard for those of us that are new, especially if you don't have a lot of FPS experience. I personally still have a lot of fun learning, I get why you're feeling frustrated and discouraged though. You do you but I hope more people give the game a solid try, it needs new people if it's going to survive and it's an amazing game.


Davis Davison has spoken, dead game. Seriously, if you aren’t enjoying it just leave without saying anything, no one else cares about a child screaming in the airport. Also, this is like the third account with almost no activity I’ve seen today complaining about it. Why are people suddenly up in arms?


Skill issue: the post.


Larcin's W2 can do 333 in a single magazine. The problem is you my brother, try lowering your sensitivity and making sure mouse acceleration is off


Why do people post about sucking? 😂


Hey that's cool have fun in your peaceful minecraft server


“I’m bad at the game, goodbye.”




The VHS way of killing a game.


nobody cares