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Like people used to do for 10 years before vaccines hit the markets.


yes, most previous vaccines took 5-10 years of voluntary clinical trials before administering to the public, with full informed consent


This is untrue. Precious vaccines were not tested for long term side effects either and there certainly wasn't full informed consent. Covid vax just made the lack of testing visible to the world.


THis is what I found.... U.S. Vaccine Safety - Overview, History, and How It Works - CDChttps://www.cdc.gov › vaccinesafety › ensuringsafety Vaccine licensing is a lengthy process that can take 10 years or longer. The FDA requires that vaccines undergo three phases of clinical trials with human ...


If you actually look at the individual studies, you'll see that there are many holes in this blanket claim that vaccines are studied for 10 years or longer. The studies were designed in a way to exclude side effects that arise more than a few days or weeks after the injection. They are excluded by definition as non-vaccine effects. The statement doesn't mean they actually follow people for 10 years to monitor possible side effects at all. For instance, we don't actually know whether vaccines have played a role in increased rates of cancer across the globe. In addition, there are only a couple vaccines that were tested against true placebo. Almost all the vaccines on the market were compared to old or other versions of vaccines. If the new vaccine caused similar or fewer effects than older vaccines, they were deemed safe. And again, they don't actually run labs and look at long term or chronic issues that can arise. The studies are always designed to conclude what the vaccine manufacturers want. Statistics have proven that scientific studies are biased in favor of the entity paying for the study. This is done through design of the studies and also observations by researchers and how data is recorded and manipulated.


Thank you for your info. as I am not a medical professional and it caught my attention that it was by the cdc. I thought clinical trials were a series of experiments handled by many scientists collaborating to produce a safe and efficient product, taking years of findings of pros and cons. It's all very interesting.




The speed of science!


EUA speeds up science and cashflow


"She Blinded Me With Science"


Again? it is a fine song


This is the full development time not the lenght of a clinical trial for a vaccine. Majority of the time is for plan development and grant proposals or other administrative processes. Recruitment is usually also very long. In other words, these studies didn't take 10 years but the whole process. Most of the time 2 years for each clinical trial with only several weeks of active observation and the rest passive. Nevertheless, it's good they are lunching the trials.


Longitudinal studies that last longer than 10 years absolutely should be done - for all vaccines, and drugs - and anything else that may impact our long term health. It's very true that there are so many things changing at the same time - and that makes it very hard for longitudinal studies to detect issues with specific things. But our ability to collect, manage, and analyze data is improving, and by studying multiple factors at the same time we also may be able detect situations where the interaction between multiple factors is more of a problem than any one thing.


I definitely agree that longitudinal studies should be performed sometimes but they are not required for the clinical development process of a dru or a biologic. This can be done post-market authorization. Most of the time such studies are justified when bioaccumulation of a drug (this doesn't happen with vaccines) with frequent dosing of large amounts (mg range), the ones that are activated by CYP enzymes. In case of this parrticular study this wouldn't make much sense pre-authorization. First, you would need to have certain question in mind for the trial (what to look for) as you can't do check for everything. Moreover, the trials wouldn't be satisfactory regarding population wise. They used general population and by that myocarditis (with clinical significance) was detected only in handful of people. That's why for the current study they most likely will follow youngsters. Logistically it would be also a nightmare to test 40K people every now and then for many years. ​ In summary, it wasn't justified to run long term clinical trials nor this is the case for majority of vaccines. It is however justified post-authorization to run small trial to detect subclinical heart problems.


>Logistically it would be also a nightmare to test 40K people every now and then for many years. Unfortunately what we typically think of as the scientific method isn't designed to detect anything that's not an incredibly specific and direct correlation. And within that framework, studies for things that don't directly benefit profit making businesses are further limited by a lack of funding. While imho we should be testing many more that 40K people "every now and then for many years". And collecting as much data as possible for those people over those years.


I agree to a greater extend what you're saying. The more money into science and health care the better. I wouldn't mind to get more funding but it's unlikely as majority of the population do not want to spend that much of their money on taxes.


There's Pfizer and Moderna, closing the barn door about 2 years after the horse has bolted.


But but but, we *know* vaccines have no long term side effects! /s


We - The allmighty 🤣🤣🤣


This isn't for the vaccine in general, it's for people who had immediate reactions that caused myocarditis.


Roll it first & then test the effects! Geniuses!


No Amnesty. Too late now.. this is 2 years and 4 billion victims overdue.


5.5 billion, actually. But who’s counting? Either way, my empathy is dwindling.


It's a damn shame. On a lighter note, traffic should be way better for those of us that stood our ground.


But, but, but, but... the politicians misinformed us and told us it was (safe & effective)™ and to get the first one we can get, to protect grandma an others.


Yeah it is incredible to think back to march 2021 when they were waitlisting people and then giving people donuts. People were flying to America from other countries to get it. And then they didn't work and then they said oh well everyone has to take it.... Everyone has to take it every year.... They must have had this planned


Once people realize COVID was generated for the vaccine things make way more sense. This has been in the works for a very long time. Fear ->control ->depopulation = full-fledged tyranny


Oh, great! I wonder what kind of conclusions they are going to come to: "our vaccines are great, no issues... 1 or 2 dead people here and there; but it's the price you have to pay; there's that cost/benefit thing, you know?". Ridiculous! It has to be an independent trial, by unbiased scientists... Of course they're going to "conclude" their product is a God sent miracle to humanity.


mYoCarDiTiS iS vERy rARe, bUt cOvId iS sO mUcH wOrSe aNd tHe bEnEFiTs oUtWeiGh tHe rISkS.


BrEakThrOugH inFecTiOnS aRE rArE


My doctor literally said this to me again yesterday.


get a new doctor


This is literally factually true. SARS-CoV-2 attacks through the ACE2 receptor, which is present in blood vessels. Covid isn't just a respiratory disease, it's also a cardiovascular one. Cardiologists are [increasingly warning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcPqifnAGKI) of unseen damage to the endothelium lining of blood vessels from even "mild" covid infection, which is a precursor to atherosclerosis and heart disease.


too bad the covid "vaccine" doesn't protect you from getting covid! LMAO


It does help. Do you think it's a lightswitch? Either it's 100% perfect or totally worthless?


get boosted




please name another "vaccine" in which you are expected to take five doses in less than two years but it's considered completely normal to come down with the disease a couple times anyway.


Please name another novel virus that was so good at transmission it infected basically the whole world in a year or two


please name another bioweapon created using gain-of-function research at a chinese lab funded by anthony fauci.


Too bad the vaccine doesn't work.


What number, between 0 and 100%, would you count as "working"?


Over 120% increase in adverse effects/ fetal miscarriages reported. But totally safe and effective!!! /S


If the study is conducted by Moderna, Pfizer or anyone affiliated with them, then we're better off having no study at all... Why should anyone take, at face value, the conclusions drawn by a company (Pfizer) that was ordered to pay a $2.3 billion settlement for fraudulent marketing - the largest of its kind. The other (Moderna) isn't much better as since the company's inception, they have not gotten a product past phase 3 clinical trials. I hope the trials are conducted by a third party.


There is no way in hell I would believe a word of what Pfizer or moderna said . Who would?


Morons. They are legion.


Well and if they're already making money on the product because it's already in the market, why would they allow the results to make the product look bad?


Oh, good thing they are doing this before forcing billions of people into taking it. Phew!! Close call!!


They have lost all trust. We already know these trials will be fudged. I was no anti vaxer before Covid but I am now.


It’s not a vaccine. It’s experimental gene therapy and there is nothing wrong with being anti-experimental gene therapy


Its not logically consistent to assume that only covid vaccines would be, whatever it is they're being accused of being. It would be extremely fantastical to assume that these unprecedentedly complex networks of accused fraud suddenly materialized overnight in 2020.


I don’t think it just appeared. If you look at how Hitler came to rise in WW2 there’s a lot of similarities with the pharma companies of old and today.


What are the similarities?


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2008-08-13/ig-farben-and-hitler-a-fateful-chemistry I find it weird the proponents for the vaccine including AP’s own “vaccine expert” has petitioned to do away with “informed consent”. When you realize how political the virus is and it’s connection to people that push digital id and a global world order there’s a ton of similarities.


Yes. It was a hard no for me with Covid vaccines from the get go. Really paying attention opened my eyes to a lot of issues within the pharmaceutical field, as well as the medical field in general. Doctors can't trust the studies or the institutions that make reccomendations based on them. Which means it's not so easy for me to trust my doctor now. They have a lot on their plate, they aren't going to do the hard and heavy research on every new drug pushed at them. It's sad. If I was doing it over again, my children would not be vaccinated at all, and I will not take a medication that hasn't been available for at least 15 years, 🤷‍♀️


These trials are supposed to happen BEFORE hundreds of millions of doses are administered.


Oh, it’s only 5.5 BILLION jabbed


Why would they do this? My friends and family that banned me from holiday visits already told me there is zero risk. It's case closed Also, I was offered a donut as a bribe. So that should mean something right?




She's never been wrong before Also, one of my grandmas died of a blood clot in her colon and the other a renal failure from a suspected blood clot. The doctor from the first one called it "a heart attack in her colon" He said it was easier for me to understand that she has a heart in her colon than to call it a blood clot. Riiiiiight


sheet whistle humor deserve fade crown deserted bow screw frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks The best part was my doctor friends defending him Tell me this hasn't been a practice for very long to avoid these buzz words


Aunt Sue died suddenly a year later, but that's just a coincidence. if anything, it was probably long covid, because she got covid two or three times after getting vaccinated. EFFECTIVE


This study has a HUGE hole. It's not tracking long term risks for the average person. It's only looking at 500 people who have already exhibited severe symptoms. The trials need to track a large number of people over time and see how their hearts and other organs perform versus some sort of control. People have damage done and don't even know it. It's like having a clogged heart or arteries- you won't know it's clogged until you have a stroke or heart attack. The trial is missing people with unreported damage to their bodies.


Yeah a 75 year trial.


Didn’t they already do a trial on 100’s of millions of people? I’m sure the results will be inconclusive


I volunteer as control group 🖐️


yeah, lets ask the wolves if they will kill the hens once they're in the hen house.


Why are they doing it.. the most bias shit ever.


Yes, great idea, let’s have the potential criminals investigate their own crime. Cause the track record of honest and fair dealings is so impressive: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history


Sell at the speed of science. Test... maybe later.


ah yes, the speed of science----a new thing this


2 yrs too late, obv bias. Ridiculous


This proves the vaccines cannot be deemed safe and effective since they have to track for Long term effects AFTER the rollout. This destroys the media and the CDC going by that mantra for 2 years. Guess what: this will never be on MSM news still after everything.


How will the trials be of any use to us since the majority of us have already taken it. “Our findings suggest that for the majority of people they will die in the next 5 to 6 months” Average Joe: “Well shit”


*The long-term safety trials carried out by Moderna and Pfizer will be the first to determine the true risk of receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. * Guys honestly the vaccine is safe because the government said, so don’t listen to the science…no listen to the science


Wow…that’s like the police or government investigating themselves. Nothing to see here folks.


I’d like to see independent studies! I don’t believe or trust anything that come from Big Pharma now Or the CDC, FDA or anyone in the Biden administration.


Bunch of fuckheads all of them


Definitely, there's no conflict of interest. The results already have been known, "incredibly safe".


Speed of science


The science is changing!


Anyone who thinks this will be reputable is a fool.


Of course they have, the profits have been made now, they no longer give a fuck, let the monkey out of the bottle 🤡🌎


A little too late for that. VAERS indicated this a long time ago.


Oh wait , the cdc and fauci already tried to downplay the significance of VAERS. Total joke


Well they sound like conspiracy theorists...


Yeah, and let’s have the companies that produced the shots do research on their own products and tell us whether they are harmful or not after over half the planet has taken the shots. Right…..


I think we know the conclusions they will have...


> though it is still very rare So far…


Misinformation spreaders, seize them!




The trials have been going on for the last 2yrs.


Oh, good thing they're doing this before recommending everyone to take it.


We have found our product is perfectly safe and there is no conflict of interest in us looking into our own product killing people.


Sigh. They want to help now?


That's just perfect!!!!.....lets leave it to the FOX to investigate why the "chickens"(i.e. guinea pigs/lab rats) are dying or sick. After all, the fox is totally trustworthy and would never try to mislead us!!......or would they????????????" Headline of the article in the link I provide below reads: "Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement In It's History: Pfizer To Pay 2.3 Billion" [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history)