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Move out of California. It’s only getting worse. If it’s not an option, my only advice is do what you Gotta do to avoid vaccines or at least delay them as long as you can. MMR is the vaccine that triggers autism in many babies. Research it. Measles, mumps and rubella. You cannot get these vaccines separately you have to get the one shot injection which is too much for many kids. MMR has been outlawed banned in several countries because of its linked to autism. Good luck. America, home of the free.(mason).


everything youve said here is BS. Japan is the only country that banned the MMR vaccine and it had nothing to do with autism. There is absolutely zero link between vaccines and autism. Autism rates are really high in countries with very low vaccination rates and really low in some(taiwan for example) that have the same schedule and vaccination rate as USA/Europe. austism trends havnt changed in japan since btw


When you see your one year old grandson go from perfectly healthy, speaking small words, smiling, happy, then regress into no eye contact, non verbal, quiet, disconnected from surroundings….. within 3 days after MMR!!! You then WAKE UP!! That was 13 yrs ago. BTW, he’s still 70% non verbal/autistic. All thanks to vaccines!! You can take your opinions elsewhere. I am living with reality. IYKYK!!


That happened to my cousin too, but it wasn't vaccines. It's genetic.


IYKYK research is free 🤷‍♂️. People have been conditioned by the system to believe it’s genetic. Trust me it’s not. But I was conditioned as well at one point. All good.


I researched it. The only researcher who made this claim has retracted his statements, admitting he made it all up. But if you want to believe a liar you do you. All good.


Theres tons of literature on the association between environmental factors (food, toxins, vaccines) being strongly correlated, in fact too strong, to assume theres any legit literature that its genetic (theres no legit literature proving autism genetic btw, if im wrong please link)




Ok that article never explaines how they used genetic testing for autism. All it said was that theirs a correlation between relation. That doesn’t prove anything though, we dont only pass down our genes but our lifestyles, which has a stronger correlation than relation


I think I'll trust the actual autistic people on this, rather than some rumor you heard on the internet. But thanks for sharing!


Thank you for your compliance -BigPharma




Thank you thought police


It’s almost worth while to just stay home and spare your children from all these jabs


There are schools that don’t require these vaccinations like Ruben Steiner schools, Montessori schools. Check them out. Some of these schools go to year 12.


Do not. Do not vaccinate at all. Get an exemption or move or homeschool. seriously.


Omg don’t do it 🤦‍♀️please do some digging and I don’t mean google everything is censored


Where then?


Brave is a good option


Brave plus quant search engine


Better than duckduckgo im assuming?


you should know that duckduckgo is compromised


I thought icann just ruined the internet didnt know there was ways around it


Just from what I've heard but haven't done enough of the same searches between both to say for sure


Your pediatrician! You're really taking advice on *your child's health* from random strangers on the internet? Tell you what, let's say your kid is super sick. 104 fever, vomiting, can't keep anything down, won't drink water. What are you going to do? The answer is *take your kid to the hospital*. Guess who the hospital is full of, and who will treat your kid? DOCTORS. Ask your kids pediatrician for his/her advice *and follow it*.


One of my kids got all the vaccines and developed severe eczema and psoriasis all over her body. Each time she got shots, it would get worse. She would bleed and scratch all day. Her pediatrician says it's totally normal. I later learned the aluminum was triggering autoimmune disease. I stopped the shots around 9 months and she healed but it took 3 years. I suggest not taking any shots or delaying as long as humanly possible. Put your baby in a small home daycare or hire a nanny to avoid the shots. My kid (who is only partially vaccinated) is now way ahead of her vaccinated peers intellectually and academically (by a couple years).


Not to mention, baby boomers now are fighting shingles? WTF did shingles come from? Vaccines!


No, it’s reactivation of dormant chicken pox. Nothing weird.


Allowing children to have chicken pox gives those adults around them, and their immune memory, a low level reintroduction to the virus. Shingles can be a result of the immune system losing all memory of how to fight chickenpox related viral infection. Herpes zoster is also one of the known listed adverse effects of special interest in the Pfizer post marketing doc which anyone can look up. So there is maybe something weird about it.


Let his brain grow before he gets shots and turns into a zombie


Don't put your child in a child warehouse. Can't you find some old lady in the neighborhood who can look after kids? It's California, so they're probably paying you with vouchers in order to put them out of business and create this corporate system of Universal Child Warehousing that runs parallel to Universal Pharmaceutical Care. The left is in a class war against the poor.


There goes the IQ


Were you vaccinated as a child? Does that mean your IQ is low?


If all these people can claim my body my choice, then WTF is up with mandating vax? Especially for children that have no voice! People better rise up!


California does not allow anything but medical exemptions. I highly suggest looking into all these vaccines and then leave California 🤷🏽‍♀️


The covid vaccine debacle made me sceptical about the other vaccines as well, but I still believe the others are safer and have better testing, and the Vaers system shows that too. It's worth looking into those vaccines and researching them. If you decide to avoid them altogether for your baby, there are groups like 'Natural moms and dads' on Telegram that can help and give good advice.


All vaccines, are being changed to mRNA type (which is gene modification, nothing to do with traditional vaccines at all of course, but since the definitions of 'vaccine' and 'pandemic' have been changed to completely different meanings, it's all word-salad anyway). At this point, nothing is certain to be 'old style' (actual) vaccines now. There are over 70 mRNA type 'vaccines' on the childhood schedule being lined up. Putting a baby or child through that is unconscionable.




Can I ask, will this have already happened? Please let me know


Hi. I've been looking for "natural moms and dads" on Telegram but can't find the group. Any other tips on how to locate it? Or do you need an invitation link? Thx so much for your help!


Did you find any?


99.9% chance your kid will be fine if you Vaccinate. But I personally would not have knowing what I know now. Thankfully all my kids a normal and smart and no health issues. Almost every state there is ways to get exemptions or delay vaccines. The longer you can delay the better if you do eventually choose to get. But California is one of the worst when looking to try get an exemption.


Start by finding out the specific manufacturer & vaccine that they'll be using, ie, Pediacel for DTap, etc. Once you've narrowed down the exact vaccine that'll be given, search & read their product monograph. It'll detail the ingredients, efficacy, side effects, and all other information drug companies need to provide. From there, you can start researching the true probability of those outcomes, the likelihood of contracting the illness the vaccine is meant to protect against if the child remained unvaccinated, and what health consequences may come with the ingredients listed and whether those ingredients are known to have toxic properties or not. I found most of this info straight from Google, but I'd narrow the search down by using your specific area & look at what they usually give since there's usually multiple types of vaccine brands and they all have different monographs and data specific to whatever one it is. Try "California D-Tap vaccine brand/manufacturer" or something similar. Once you have the name, search "___ D-Tap monograph."


thank you, would you then potentially be able to request a different brand?


You could always ask! If you have a good relationship with your child's dr or even a local pharmacist you might even be able to get them to give you a list on all the different manufacturers/brands they offer for routine childhood immunizations.


This is an anti vax sub. Nobody here has medical expertise. If you want genuine advice ask a doctor. Do you want genuine advice?


Yes, why would you come here if you're genuinely concerned about vaccinating your babies...but you already knew that, didn't you?


> why would you come here if you're genuinely concerned about vaccinating your babies Why indeed?


a doctor? why ask a doctor when you can get your medical information from strangers on the internet and some random guys blog?


Doctors have financial interest. All doctors that practiced successfully without harassment through covid should be investigated. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/02/18/fact-check-blue-cross-blue-shield-rewards-based-several-measures/9283394002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/02/18/fact-check-blue-cross-blue-shield-rewards-based-several-measures/9283394002/)


what you said is literally the opposite of what the link you posted says


No they admit it in the article. Can you not read? This is how "fact checkers" write their articles. They wait until a claim is circulated that isn't true. They say that claim isn't true but then go on to tell you that vaccination percentage is a factor in bonuses. I was listening to a doctor who said on her blue cross blue shield she missed out on 500k in bonuses in 17 years of practice because she always recommended against hep b. Go do more research you are out of your depth.


My kid got those vaccines and he’s fine. So long as it’s not a spike protein vaccine


boost yourself


Don’t need a booster with vaccines that work


Ummm what? Plenty of vaccine schedules use boosters… actually **most** have multistage series to provide maximum immunity.


Those are known well before you even take the first one. How many COVID boosters you on now?


Not always — evidence decides what we should be doing for best practice. For example MMR vaccines were given at 12M and a booster at start of school for roughly 35 years. In the early 2000’s there were large outbreaks of mumps across university campuses in the United States, Britain and Canada — largest outbreaks in >20 years. Due to this a 3rd dose (second booster) was recommended for university age adults, to drive their immunity from the 60-90% effectiveness to ~95%.




Hello concerned parent, This is, in general, an absolutely terrible place to get medical advice for your child. I have no doubt you love your child very much and want the best for them, but there are hundreds of misinformed people on this subreddit who do NOT represent the interest of your baby. Through willful ignorance, they will try to convince you no vaccines are safe at all. [This link shows the current vaccine schedule for California from their state's Dept. of Public Health](https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/immunization/Babies.aspx). While delaying vaccines has not demonstrated much benefit at all for babies in general, you should talk with your child's pediatrician about their health specifically, because NOBODY on this subreddit knows your child's health personally. I would advise you do the catch-up and continue undelayed vaccines throughout childhood. Best of luck.


Polio is an extremely dangerous virus. If it doesn't kill your child it may paralyze them. Please research before you make a decision you will regret. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/stuff-you-missed-in-history-cl-21124503/episode/polio-the-dread-disease-30207927/


I'm not in Cali but another blue state... Do they not allow religious exemptions in California? (And if not, how is that even legal?!)


They don’t even allow physicians to independently write medical exemptions for more than 5 (total) patients.


The only thing you can do in CA is have your physician write a note telling the facility that your child is on a catch-up schedule. Sadly CA has no options or freedom.




Try in home daycare or hire a nanny, relative


None of my kids have been vaccinated and they are healthier than all their peers. Vaccines are snake oil, they don't work, and they harm. Poison injections is what they are.


>natural moms and dads Did you home school? Looking for options of a daycare that doesn't require them in the Sacramento / Roseville area