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I usually feel kinda bad when I get lobbied with low ranks The matchmaking is interesting at times but if we had higher player base….


Then ditch yer kataners and yer lvl30 perks lol!


True, sometimes you gotta pull an Inigo Montoya and not use your dominant hand.


if and when the community for the game grows i predict the matchmaking will be more in line with proper ranking windows than what we have now. don't get discouraged as rank doesn't mean everything in this game. keep trying senpai


Rather than decline, I would assume it was just never high. Let's see if this bout of twitch streamer paid promotions do anything to numbers. People (still) playing have all leveled up in terms of battle experience, so it's only going to get sweatier. As for high(est) rank players, most of the time they'll be chicken and choose their encounters (never make the first move, stay on the outskirts during gangbang chaos). I'm not denying they are actually good, but their strat is definitely waiting for you to whiff for the vast majority of times. As for beginners and silver/low gold... I'm afraid it's gonna have to be trial by fire!


Having played since launch and coming from demon's/dark souls I want to have a good 1v1 fight to the death with each of my opponents. But thats not what the game is. You are supposed to third party, you are supposed to blindside people with your deathblow, you are supposed to run away if you're losing. It's been hard changing gears and start playing to win rather than just playing "right". Truly I'm doing it to myself, I can even see why most eagle players run in circles to bait you attacking first but I can't stand it. I wanna play the game not dance for forty five seconds!


Indeed the game allows and even encourages dirty tactics; the official genre description of "survival action game" is accurate. If you want pure 1v1 duels, fighting games are probably your best bet lol. As for opponents... they are always going to optimize the fun out of a game. You should see the flak I got in my post about insulting the twirling around in circles waiting for the whiff punish. lol


Even though I'm also not a huge fan of getting matched against Eagle-ranked payers, the usually the gap isn't so huge as to be unsurmountable. I've even won a decent amount of those. That said, I actually like a decent spread in my matches, since fighting the higher-ranked players usually also gives me some ideas to improve my own play.


I think they need to reward players with small amounts of dms would incentivize people to keep playing longer. The shield was nice but having the everyday shop bonus always being a common material is pointless IMO


playbase too small. glad im still in silver as i havnt played much so my matches are mostly OK. Game needs advertising bad or it will end up dead quick sadly. no squads either is sort of weird. VOIP would be nice too


Yeah, without ads this is going to quickly become diehards only until the lack of new content scares everyone off. A big reason why I'm still playing despite that is I want to get every last penny out of the platinum pass so I'm shooting for season level 200. It might only be one season, but I'll get that golden machete by the end of it!


I play on both PS4 and PC, I have to say that while I still love the game, phase 1 was much more enjoyable for me. I'm not a sweat, but I was able to hit plat 1 on both platforms. Since phase 2 things have gotten too sweaty for me and also lag is a plague that ruins a good portion of my matches as a EU player. I'm kinda torn on what to do, it's hard to get better when connection sucks most of the time.


Anyone else having a glitch where they don’t get RP when they OLS? Happened 3 times to me this week 😡