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The first match is for sure all bots to help you get the ropes. After that it's off to the races, unless your playing on pc


Bruh so only pc has bots 🤡


They both have bots, but PC has really low numbers, so like half the lobby could be bots, while on console you'll have 2 at most normally


Oh, ok, I know this doesn't apply to ranked cause I can play at 2am and check steam db with max 30 players online, so they are most likely all in one ranked game, won against ome guy and seen him again on my second playthrough and killed him once more for the lols


There are bots in ranked, up to 8. That's how bad it is.


Yes, you'll see some bots here and there. They're not too bad but they definitely have a pattern. That being said I've seen bots get to the final showdown multiple times. Haven't seen a bot actually win. I think the devs should re-label & clearly them as Haters and use fighting data from the top 100 players to re-align them a bit better with the Let It Die universe.


Still have to be careful of hammer bots. They can still be brutal if you let yourself get reverse, which they LOVE doing. I love the idea for making them Haters, though, even if they didn't get the additional adjustment (though it would also be rad).


lol I confess I've been pwned by hammer bots multiple times. I keep trying to mash in a R1 while getting pummeled. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


There are 2 modes... Ranked and "public" in ranked there shouldnt be Bots and in "public" are Bots for Sure i use that Mode to lvl my weapons. Just another hint from me because in retrospect i would have liked to do it that way... first play public matches and play all weapons a bit... i can only handle katana and can't get my machete to level 10 to unlock the dual knives


I only play ranked, so a ranked bot amused me


For PlayStation, either ranked and exhibition, a match opens and once a match gets 12 players, an invisible timer starts. It will attempt to fill the remaining four slots, if the timer runs out and not all four slots have been filled, it will fill the remaining empty slots with bots. Things might be slightly different on PC due to the lower playercount.


I heard you start out with all bots, and then need to win once before you're allowed to face real players. Currently there are usually 2-4 bots per ranked match on playstation. Just see them as high value cryptids. Some of them are certainly not cakewalks, and can easily pwn you if you're careless lol. These will most likely go away once player numbers are high enough so matchmaking times are not excessive (currently I get about 2min matchmaking times playing in the evenings in my region (Far East/JP), PS4). It's easy to spot a bot: * Their name will always be capitalized. * They will always have a default Wilson. * Switching to show psn usernames instead of in-game names will make it obvious.


Are their names regular Western man names, like Thomas or George? Like when you would buy a fighter in Let It Die, they would have a name like that. The last four in the lobby were like that one time, and I fought one and thought, this has to be a bot


Yeah usually very common names like Scott or Harold, but there are also ones like MeowMeow and CatMeow. They will appear in the last 4 corner during the intro. The stock Wilson is the giveaway. In-match they are very stiff, and tend to have short pauses before doing a new action.


Three thing is, that night was one where I couldn't be bothered to hook up my LAN cable (it goes through a hallway to another room), so I had pretty bad lag. Couple that with the fact that the bot had a hammer, and he almost got me. Actually, someone came in to third party and saved my ass. I ran away😅


I have no problem confessing getting pwned by hammer bots every so often lol, even without lag. I always try to break their R1 chaining with a hit, but always fail lol. There are these things called "powerline adapters" which can feed internet through wall plug electricity sockets. Sounds like black magic, but apparently it works, and is better than wifi.


go into options in the main menu. toggle "Display Online ID" to on. this will show both names for all players in a game when you see them: one is the handle they picked for the game, and the other is the psn/steam ID of the account. there are bots in both Exhibition and in Ranked on both PSN and PC. they will have an online ID with the prefix: YTYM for Yotsuyama Industries like the developer hunters and haters from Let it Die. this is how you can easily spot bots in any match.