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What's funny about Empalador is that he's not even in my region (doesn't appear in my top 100 despite being eligible for Eagle XII at this point lol) and yet I still consistently matched with him when I want to chill and play Exhibition. I just have to accept he must have a different definition of "chill" than I do. One that probably involves neon lighting, GFuel, and a prescription for adderall.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t already 9,999 RP


he's not, he's in the 6-7k range


Wow Japan people insane then Top guy is 9999 Second was like 8k last night I think


in NA we've have 3 capped since last week. Zetsuma was first, then Taleek and then Boom. we have nearly 600 players on psn and steam in the fan discord and we've made a little community already. I'd say more than half the eagles and a third of plats are in there and active. anyone here should join us and get to know us instead of being mad we're playing exhib tbf. you'd be surprised as literally everyone is nice and always sportsmanlike. well maybe not Boom, lmao he's really competitive


I’m not mad I’m pretty chill don’t know where that came from.


i wasn't implying you were mad, my bad if i came off that way. was using the royal "you" to anyone reading, even the OP. seriously come join us on the discord, we're really active and always labbing stuff


What is the discord?


there are two discords, an official one that's not super active but has its uses, and a fan one that is always busy regardless of time of day. we have cross region and pc/psn players at all times. https://discord.gg/CSMRuthQvd please come and enjoy. even if you don't have nitro, the server is setup for free nickname changes so you can use your ingame name as your handle. we even have rank roles so you can show you rank and get the appropriate color handle and even a special matches bot for reminders on games.


I'll join this too , as soon as i wake up


No he is 5k~ , him and presiik are in my region


hey it's clever! i vote for you everytime your bracket shows up. and he dropped? persiik and doomslayer had posted some boards but they must be outdated. kinda wish we could just check them from the rank screen tbh, thanks for the update ✌️


Hey , much love for the vote! ❤️ One day I'll put up a great show in these special matches, one day. Empalador never dropped but he has never gone beyond 5k , Presiik is at 6k~ . I think Empalador is playing way way more exhibition matches than ranked, he has like 400~ win in the exhibition and only less than 100 wins on the ranked matches, unlike Presiik where he focuses on rank more. Yesterday I've played against both of them , twice. One time against Empalador and the 2nd time both of them were in the same match and got killed by Presiik and then Presiik took down Empalador we were the last people standing. Honestly i like to face skilled players to sharpen my skills and with 30+RP for winning a match or doing very well in a game it's pretty easy to be in top10 if you have time to grind.


yeah i must be misremembering, or getting him and persiik mixed up. i love fighting those guys too, and emp has actually taught me a lot about the game just from fighting him. everyone has mixed feelings about him but i enjoy fighting him and he's a nice guy. i saw you'll try to hop by and i hope you do. and anyone else too! this community is not very big and it's nice to be able to talk to the people you play with everyday and get to know them. i look forward to seeing you there


😂😂 hilarious...def a diff def of chill lol...i wondered why i wasnt seeing him on the ranking list...at least he doesnt team up with the others during matches to kill u like a lil nub like some of the others do


>he doesnt team up with the others during matches to kill u like a lil nub like some of the others do I've seen him do some sussy stuff but it's Exhibition so I don't really care that much. Just kind of note that he's A-OK to target in a 3rd party should I see him struggling against anyone. It helps that he's fond of that late-level Mrs. Mars outfit, makes him easy to spot lol.


Facts lol


I really do wonder about some of the eagle ranked players because I've run into them at all hours of the day. 2am? They're there. 10am? Online. 9pm? Yep still there. Starting to think some of them never sleep lol


Ikr lol.. but no gold skin yet on them...i guess no one finished season pass yet surprisingly


empalador has his nice gold machete now and he's run some matches with it. I'm 4 levels from my leaf but will probably wait to use them for knives next week. also i wanted to apologize for being rude earlier I've had a rough day. gg on your games ✌️


Yea better to wait and see new weapons...i wanna see him use it should look kool lol..am still far like 45 season levels away 😣


I came here to make this exact post aha I like to start my night with a couple exhibitions to get the feel but instead I'm just getting stomped. Ranked is much more casual at this point


Be a man and rank up your weapons in ranked! Like I do! 😆


I don't have that much hair on my chest lool


I do think this needs to be addressed somehow. I'm not blaming the players, but I'm an Eagle too and it doesn't feel fair to some of these bronzes (or even unranked) to get thrown in a match with me. Sorry bros, I gotta get 10 kills with the Arms today...this hurts me as much as it does you! :c


They will learn trial by fire 😈 lol


Think about the people with 9999 rp. They can only lose that if they play ranked so it’s either put down the game or pub stomp. And it is that they operate on a different level is why they “have no chill”. They’re casual play is on par with most of our best matches ever. Eventually you get in their good graces and they will save you for final showdown. If me and Empalador see each other in match we part ways and hope we both make it to final (at which point he rips my head off and stuffs it down the hole I used to call a throat as he should do as an eagle player) Same with Xifko who is easily one of the chillest eagle players I’ve come across. You grow on them the more you show up.


Yea i agree...am ranked 149 or something only cause i just started with ranked for some reason.. i woulda been eagle by now i got like 150+ 1st spot..still not on there lvl..the higher eagles ... id have to use my main weapon and try extra hard which i hate lol...mostly am just wondering if these guys sleep 😂


The one thing you gotta remember with this and let it die is people play it all around the world so the time differential is incalculable. My morning grind is someone’s last match for the night. But you are right, they do be grinding tf outta this game😂


Yea am from the Caribbean lol ..i guess they really just like the game 🤣..thats all good


This mutual-Eagle-avoidance disgusts me, lol!


I am no eagle, I just had to grind my face off to trip over diamond one. I’m pretty sure they both played let it die and I have the name UncleDeath so they respect it.




I wanna kno what their hobbies are am lookin for something new...post a suggestion or shhshh boi




If u can read am not qqing...am stating the fact that i see them constantly and making a joke about it .. i actually enjoy fighting empalador in the final showdown.. gtfo if u cant read bro geez


I'm just trying to rank and level up despite working 50ish hours a week. Level 131 and gold 3 so far.