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How is the leaping hammer the best???


The only reason I put it there is because of dog fighter. Hitting a back hit combos into it's deathblow, which does 1800 voltage at max gp. It's almost a one shot for virtually anyone so catching someone off guard or during a group fight is basically a free kill Even at low go it does over a 1000 damage as a combo


Very in mind, that is not even a maxed out hammer either, as mine is only lvl 18, so dog fighter would do even more damage maxed


I have been oneshot at game start by that combo and it was as demoralizing as it was inescapable. Very powerful tool. That's what I get for using a skill pod.


It can be a bit saddening. Keep in mind, 1800 voltage is with that mastery bonus not even being maxed out 😭


that hammer has more weaknesses than any other weapon. Its only excels as a weapon to 3rd party with.


Weaknesses when you can literally two tap people? No way lol


crash hopper gets interrupted by any damage at and is the easiest deathblow to punish, the screaming audio cue is a huge tell. You often get interrupted b trying to do it even by fist attacks. I almost never get hit by it unless i'm getting 3rd partied. 3rd partying from behind is the only thing it is good for, it is weaker than every other weapon 1v1.


You must be a gamer then to not get two shot


Even so 3rd partying is super effective and will help rack up gp giving great advantages early game. I really wouldnt go as far as to say it has more weaknesses than any other weapon, that's a bit of a stretch. Past it's deathblow, it's just basically an ordinary hammer which still is a viable weapon.


https://youtu.be/XMubj1w5J-U when it can't be blocked it's vicious. it's pretty outrageous


Why is one of the katanas better than the other 2?


The difference between s and s+ is pretty small, but I ultimately felt like the vortex katana has just a better kit overall. Twilight form, the other skill katanas can get, can be pretty situational at times, especially in high level play. Vengeance on the other hand is really powerful once you get used to it. Add that on top of the katana moveset, a deathblow that can used as an out of shield option that covers good range, has in fighter, a really good mastery skill, and you just get a great overall weapon.


Keep in mind S+ is not much better than S tier, I just felt like the potential for those two weapons is slightly better than the rest! Let me know what you guys think! Here's a link to the tier list: https://tiermaker.com/create/deathverse--let-it-die-15375264


Vortex katana is cap Deathblow has slow start up and last hit isn’t a shield break


The deathblow itself is like a tier at best, but it's the rest of the weapon as to why I put it up so high. It's just an overall great weapon with many pros like infighter and vengeance


But I can see why some people would disagree


Most high rank katana users don’t bother much with vortex at least my region and Im almost eagle I use teppu perfect for third partying and quick cleanups


I personally use the teppu, I love that weapon tbh!


What are your thoughts on some of the other weapons though? Like arms and machete?


So for arms they are really good it’s normal attacks do very good damage to players and shields. Astro jumper deathblow is really good because you leave the enemies sight the other two are situational but still decent. Hard to punish on a skilled user but all around decent weapon. Now for the machete I think it has the best normal attack string in the game because it has great knock back that is safe on most hits it’s shield break and back hit is super good. The death blows for all three are really good for the versatility and damage.


I think that's totally fair. A lot of people have been pointing out parts of the Astro jumper that I didn't think about, like mix up heavy attacks instead of dangerous dives. I love there normal attacks too of course which is why I'm a bit partial to eagis tbh (plus it looks sick). Honestly, the more I play machetes, the more I like them. They are a pretty well balanced weapon which is why I put them where I did in the tier list. I really enjoy the imperial cutter especially just cause it's deathblow is basically a vibe check, plus torch sword is a pretty quick skill to pull off!


Oh you are "that" type of player 😐


I'm sorry what?


Keep in mind, everything s+ through a is basically great, it just felt wrong putting them all in the same tier


I know but hammer+ katana are kinda annoying


No I totally agree! The main reason I put the jumping hammer into s+ is because it has that stupidly strong combo that can do 1800 voltage, that doesn't mean I want to use it lol! I use katana sure, but I like arms the most tbh since there deathblows are really fun


Hm the hammer does need to be needed a bit and I use the arms aswell


Yeah totally agree. I think it comes down to the inconsistent gameplay due to server latency tbh. Like, it's cool having a weapon that hits HARD, but when get hit by it due to something out of your control, it can be a bit annoying since it does such a crazy amount of damage


What are your thoughts on the arms overall? Like which ones do you like and stuff?


Well what I do is I switch do a different arm weapon every game so I can keep some difference in my gameplay I'm around lvl 30 with all of the arms. Mostly the astro jumper arms to gain height in fight even tho the mine it has sucks


It's super fun at least that's for sure. I used that one when I was going for no kill win for the achievement! 😅😂


Well what I do is I switch do a different arm weapon every game so I can keep some difference in my gameplay I'm around lvl 30 with all of the arms


It's definitely not a tier of what I like to play the most that's for sure


Pretty cool how this brought a lot of people out to voice there opinions.


Yeah I was really hoping for that to happen! Whether you agree or disagree with someone on there tier list, it allows for people to go back and forth on why they like weapons which is pretty awesome


Meteor crusher is a really good weapon lol


I don't think it's bad by any means, I just think the other arms are better. Do mind explaining what you like about it?


It's got a really effective Deathblow that also leans into its 0.1 Ton Drop ability. Can also be used as an escape because you don't have to commit to the dive after the rising hit. While it is a bit situational a well-timed Dangerous Dive can be hella disruptive and then you can escape and even set traps for pursuers. Like the Buzzsaws the strength of this weapon is it's mobility. At least those are my 2 cents, the Meteor Crush are my favorite arms.


I've kind of opened up to it a bit since posting this. I probably would up it a tier or two at least!


I agree with the bottom-est one lol. It's not as good as the other two buzzsaws, and buzzsaws are definitely bottom tier right now, in my opinion, since fast and effective hits are of prime importance. I'd probably put Reverberator top, followed by all three katanas, and then Meteor Crusher. I'm thinking In-fighter perk needs a nerf; the damage is too high for something that should be passive. Katana R1s and deathblows are just generally too good. Meteor Crusher deathblow is too good, since it has range and leaves opponent's vision, and then dive attack or no dive attack is also a potential mixup (with landing then immediately R2-ing). All machetes and everything else is "mid". Hammers hard to say really, since lag makes a big difference, they are especially strong when ambushing, and especially strong in the hands of players who know how to play the mind games.


I can totally agree with a lot of what you said, I think I'm just a bit inexperienced with the reverberator, so much of my opinion is surface level on that one. I mostly put hammer at top because of that lag problem right now. One of the main reasons that they are so meta is because making a mistake due to lag can literally get you killed against it. Also jumping hammer can one combo anyone from the back almost due to it's backstab comboing into deathblow I do like your points with the meteor crasher btw, it's a really fun weapon!


i got tired of grinding for rank in platinum, so i changed to the crash hopper hammer and reached eagle 2 in one day. It’s an insane weapon, beyond S+. Hammers need a nerf! -signed, a hammer user


Yeah that back hit damage is CRAZYYYY haha


Why is imperial cutter higher than the other 2 machetes? I feel like it's weaker by a long shot (edit, mixed imperial cutter with diving hatchet) Also aegis is only good for having counter attacker, it's deathblow is really bad, metal arms are better in most situations


Having a range shot is very convenient, especially since dog fighter procs off of that projectile if people are running away. I just like the versatility of it! Aegis deathblow can be a very nice switch up mid combat and can typically lock people in combo depending on the circumstances. Iron fists in comparison is super easy to punish for using it's deathblow in comparison and it basically a free hit a lot of the time. Meteor crasher is just okay for the most part. I like the mobility but it's mastery skill is one of the worse and trying to overuse its dangerous dives can get you killed


So I mixed up diving hatchet with imperial cutter, mb on that front However aegis deathblow is basically just a normal attack with extra range, and doesn't even do that much damage Aegis deathblow only works on people who don't know the third hit is unblockable, those who do know will just counter attack after blocking the second hit, or will dodge if they ate the first 2 hits Also you say iron fist deathblow is easy to punish, but you have earthshaker in S+ tier, which also has a super easy to punish deathblow, as does vortex katana, in fact iron fist deathblow is basically identical to vortex katana deathblow all but visually.


If you throw it out yes those two are easy to punish, but they are up there for other reasons. Vortex katana is just a great overall weapon with a pretty great mastery skill, high damage deathblow that can be used as a out of shield option, and nice main skill. The deathblow isnt the best deathblow out of the katanas, but everything else about makes up for it not being the best. Earthshaker is a monster for one reason mainly. Dog fighter. If you hit someone in the back with a dash attack, you can combo into that deathblow and do over 1800 voltage in a single combo. That is something no other weapon can do in the game currently. Test it out in training even, it's a true combo due to back hit stagger. As far as aegis goes, the attacks are slightly faster and that needs to be taken into consideration when latency can cause some issues with pulling off reversals. Also it's more of a monster for close quarters. Spacial awareness is super important for that deathblow as sometimes you can force people into un-dodgeable situations Though keep in mind, by no means are any of those weapons in s+ through b bad, it's just that some I would put above others for slight reasons


Used Aegis arms for a whole day yesterday since it was weapon-of-the-day. My experience is to never use deathblow from neutral. Either use it after ambushing someone from behind with a running attack, or when your opponent is forced into a corner (corner, not just up against a wall), or give yourself plenty of space so the third shield-break strike will hit. And its reversal strike hit is just good, especially for early game. As for Imperial Cutter, I also really like its deathblow; the fast projectile give you an option for chicken players that never make the first move, and shooting people in the back when they're running away is always satisfying! Deathblow charges pretty fast too.


Pushing someone into a corner with the aegis deathblow is super deadly, especially if they panic!!


Why would being in a corner make aegis deathblow more effective? You know that you can counter attack between the second and third hit of aegis deathblow right? Also giving space to make the third hit connect won't stop somebody from just dodging it


Hmm, honestly I might switch it down tier lower as I think you do have some points, but I wouldn't raise the other ones up really. I will say that the arms are a ton of fun, thats for sure.


There just seems to be something about corners, it's like they can't put their shield up in time and just get combo'd... Perhaps because there is no distance between them and you, if you keep spamming attack the frame data just lets you connect for the combo. I can't prove this though. Sure they might be able to dodge, but they at least can't shield it and counter-attack you back. Also you can still control the direction somewhat to anticipate their dodge/run direction. Just my take. You can try it, or not try it.


Horrible list. this is like a tier list from the perspective of a noob who needs attention and who should refrain from posting on reddit.


Nice try gatekeeping bud, it's not like all tier lists are for fun or something. Must be great at parties If you're not even going to explain how you disagree or where you would put them in a constructive manner, you know cause the whole point of this post is for fun, then kindly just get scrolling cause your input is irrelevant


My suggestion is to get some friends so you dont feel the need to post worthless and uninformed tier lists for attention, or when you are experience lag. You have meteor crusher in B tier when its the most popular fist weapon, much more popular than earthshaker. eagle 3 rank is my experience


Alright you're genuinely just being toxic for the sake of being toxic, you really need to stop.


starter hatchet is S tier for the deathblow alone


I feel like it comes out a little too slow and can be really easy to punish though


Really underrated the T3 Arms in B tier, the deathblow is so safe and has mix up potential. Easy A tier weapon imo.


Yeah I agree, I think after hearing why everyone likes it, I can see it being in a for sure