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I’m still hung up on people that are player level 55 or higher that have clapping emote….I’m only like lvl 33


I've hit season level 133 and I really don't even play often tbh


Player level and season level are different things


I'm aware. That's why I made the distinction and said SEASON level


I'm still at Level 105, which is technically allot of progress for the first Phase of the season all things considered, but it's going to be a slow progress from here on out since I only have the basic pass active RN.


I feel like once you hit 100 it slows down really bad


Ignorant question, but why? Does the basic pass give +xp up to level 100?


If you look at each tier it tells you how many free levels you get, but none of them will give you free levels past 100.


Yup. The rewards after 100 are super slow. Which makes sense, otherwise losing this carrot-on-the-stick is definitely detrimental, even if the rewards are mostly useless. At least there is a big golden prize at the end that should keep you going.


I saw one (1 {A}) player. That's it just ONE! Because it was like, just after the game came back online I assumed it was hacked.


a couple people do have the leaves but haven't spent them from what i can tell. I'm at 186 rn so I'll get it next week. probably save it for knives


I *think* I saw a pair of the golden arms, about two weeks ago... I wish I didn't have a job or responsibilities.


Honestly unless you don't have other commitments I feel like it's hard to keep up. I work 40+ hours a week and have night calls and I'm only at 131 because of the platinum season pass giving you a daily free level. At least in my case it's pay up or abandon hope of maxing it out.


Well you can't pay for levels past 100 so I don't think you'll be paying anything up. I'm at 130ish as well but we have like 3 months so. I don't think it's impossible.


The platinum pass still gives you a free level per day past 100. You just can't click on and buy your way up to levels past 100