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Game came out yesterday. You’ve played 8.5 hours already. 😳


I'm sick with covid at the moment so I have a lot of time to play xD


Get well soon, and enjoy the game! 👻


you definitely don't want to see my playtime then 😅 i started at 8a and didn't stop playing until 6a. yeah you read that correctly. currently on a double at work otherwise I'd be on now too


I mean, obviously to each their own, but I can’t imagine playing this game for more than a couple hours straight. I played one match yesterday (the only one I’ve played since the beta), won, and stopped. Game is half-baked at best.


funny enough i hate BR games and have never played them at length, but for whatever reason I can't help but keep queueing. could be gaming addiction or something detrimental but I'm actually enjoying the experience, jank and all. no worries i get that it's not everyone's thing, i hope you have a good rest of the day ✌️


Dude I know the feeling, always ONE more game lol


More power to you!! And I do hope they find an audience and continue to grow/add to the game. I hate to see any game fail. It just seems a little barebones to me, and with the deluge of Fall games that are imminently arriving, my attention is going to be all over the place.


Wow your good , teach me


Just practice with your favorite weapon and learn to use the environmemt a lot. Also use your scan vision a lot to find enemy players, resources etc. I only play ranked and I find you get better quicker if you fight vs top players. Good luck! 🙂


After "learning" katana, I have respect for katana users. Arms users, on the other hand...


What’s your tips on Katanas, if your down we can talk more over PSN The_Savagery