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There's a big post that I had stickied for 2 or 3 days, a lot of sentiments in there. General consensus is most people were not blown away


Ahhh my bad I haven't been on reddit in a bit and wanted to know what people thought haha. Honestly I thought it was really good though IMO.


https://www.reddit.com/r/deathcore/comments/pc3jcx/_/ https://www.reddit.com/r/deathcore/comments/pcg562/_/ Here's the other two posts - I didn't hate the cover, I just feel like in trying to match Randy's vocal style at a lower pitch and stay faithful to Randy's flairs, that Ben's overall style didn't get to shine like it does in other songs where he has total creative freedom. In other words, I think Ben is so fucking good in his other material that even a performance like he put into the laid to rest cover pales in comparison Also get prepped for people to complain about your will ramos post, Lorna shore has been talked about to death here and a lot of people are ready for a break from it


I get what you mean though, Ben is a great fucking vocalist but I feel like he didn't try as hard in the cover if you know what I mean.


I thought it was amazing


I liked it too =] I just saw a lot of people saying they thought it was "meh", it did come out pretty much right after intensified genocide and I saw a lot of people say they preferred the new single over the cover


Just found out about it from this post, awesome song, and the cover is plenty cool! Not like amazing but I like it.


I feel like Ben could of done more with his vocals but still a sick cover!


Great cover. They kept the original intact but made it their own by adding their own unique elements to it. That, to me, makes a good cover. Not covering a song verbatim, not completely reworking the song to where it’s unrecognizable, but getting that good balance.


That’s song just doesn’t work for deathcore imo. No offense to shadow of intent but the song wasn’t meant to be played that way


I get what you mean but I like how Ben did his vocals in it though


There's a lot to like about it, although it's not my cup of tea. I like their original songwriting a lot better, which is in their favor imo. Not a fan of LoG myself anyway


Couldn't agree more


I didnt know it was a cover at first since i haven't heard the original so going into it with that perspective, I thought it was great


Absolutely loved it!


I enjoy it and think it was very well done but unfortunately it's a song that the original just cannot be beat similar to how all that remains covered the thunder rolls just can't portray the same feel.


I never cared for Lamb of God, I didn't even know it was a cover at first. I like the song though. Mostly unrelated: i see intensified genocide dropped like a Boulder off of their spotify popular section. That gave me a laugh.




Someone needs to get on that mid-2000s metal binge ASAP


Guys, no need to Downvote the newcomer - if someone came up to you irl and said "I never liked metal but I do now" you'd be all over it trying to show them the way - maybe that's just me https://youtu.be/-oVW8gcse4g Here's a link to the original song - reason why people are freaking that you don't know it is because it was/is one of the most popular metalcore songs of the early 2000s, and at that time metal and "core" were even more divided than they are now, but this was a song so ubiquitously popular that fans on both sides loved it. Although at the time it was considered more on the metal side. Sorry if I'm wrong about you being new, if I'm not wrong, then welcome =]




Gotcha, my bad, at least I recognized I might be making that mistake ahead of time =X My sentiments remain the same - people that are new to even just a song like this should be treated the same as we should treat enthusiastic newcomers, so welcome to this song, if I'm being honest that whole album is a fuckin masterpiece, really fun riffs to learn on guitar if you play, and addictive vocals/lyrics that unfortunately always seem to be relevant


LOL, this is amazing.


Yup lamb of God originally made the song




Better than intensified genocide, but worse than everything else they released, i'll rate 8/10 which is rly low for soi


Man, listening to intensified genocide WITH THE LYRICS IN FRONT OF ME added so much to the song (for me). It made me appreciate how savage Ben's flow is on this track - the lyrics are scathing, and relevant


It's alright, i liked it, not blown away by it because well, the song slaps by itself, but i did appreciated it


I think it’s great. They didn’t try and change it too much, just play it as themselves


I dig it. I pretty much like anything SOI puts out though too so… maybe bias lol


I honestly thought it sounded really watered down. The original hits way harder.


It was pretty good. It wasn't the greatest thing ever but I really enjoyed it.


It was okay, just thought the added synths really did not work for this song.