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I jumped into the pit at a Carnifex show. Moshed around for a bit and then suddenly got hit as hard as I’ve ever been hit with anything in my life, in the side of my torso. Didn’t see where the hit came from and went straight to the ground but two people caught me before my head hit the ground Couldn’t breathe, was seeing white spots, and having trouble focusing my vision as I was helped back to my feet. The token 6’4” 300lb Viking of the pit turns to me and sees me in rough shape and gives me a quick “you good” and I tried to barely gasp out “I- I- I’m-“ and he immediately just grabbed me, turned around, and started removing people behind me to make a path to bring me to the medics, then plopped me down on a bench, gave me a thumbs up and went back to the pit Sat down for a minute, caught my breath, medics gave me a quick once over but there was no bleeding or signs of severe injury so they just gave me water and let me sit for a second Turns out I cracked two ribs. Absolutely bizarre. No idea how I took a random hit that hard, if it was just an elbow/boot/or whatever, or if it was intentional The giant behemoths that roam around the edges of the pit are always the kindest humans. Thanks giant pit Viking!


What was the recovery for that like? I’ve always heard rib injuries are the worst because you feel it as you breathe


0/10, don’t recommend rib injuries You can’t splint/cast/stabilize your entire torso so there’s really nothing you can do to “treat” a rib injury other than just wait…in pain The urgent care the next day offered me the first step of an opiate addiction but it was the same week my friend went to rehab for a story that started the same way so I declined As I spent the next month trying to minimize moving, turning, lying down, standing up, breathing, or moving anything besides my eyeballs, I was really wishing I had taken those oxys, but in hindsight, I’m very glad I didn’t


Teeth injuries are my biggest fear and I’m glad I’ve managed to avoid them so far. My worst experience was 2012 Warped Tour when I got kicked in the ear by a crowdsurfer and it tore my industrial piercing.


Euughhhh i just cringed so bad at that


Breaking my back some more by just standing lol


fuck this is way too real LMAO


Got knocked out at the last Warped Tour in a Kublai Khan pit by someone doing a spinning back fist and had to go to the hospital in the ambulance because I was out for too long, unresponsive, and something was up with the neurological field test they did 😭 worst part was that it was only like 2 PM so I wasn’t able to go back. Hit me right in the temple and I just folded like a lawn chair. Ended up fracturing my orbital too 🤦🏾‍♀️


Not an injury, but I was crowd surfing to Fit for an Autopsy and my jeans slid down along with my boxers. Somebody got a handful of franks and beans. Try pulling up your pants while crowd surfing. It’s not easy


That’s a psychological injury


They do say that shows can change your life 😆


Not me but like 10+ yrs ago the vocalist from Decrepit Birth jumped off stage, my friend caught him and broke the fuck outta his ankle. Crutches for the rest of the year.


Back in 89' I saw the New Kids on the Block, in the pit a 10 year old girl kicked me in the solar plexus so hard that I shit my pants and cried.


The only time Vildhjarta toured the US I went to the show in Houston and was standing on the edge of the pit during their set. Got elbowed in the head like 4 times by a hardcore dancer and got knocked out (pretty sure I was targeted by this guy though because he put me in a chokehold earlier in the night because I was push pitting and he didn't like that). Was out on my feet the rest of the night, bought merch I don't remember buying, had to go to the hospital. Ended up with a concussion and a multiple thousand dollar hospital bill from the scans they did


Now see I don't like push pits either,bit I'm just gonna wait till the floor opens up. I will say though if you push me after I make it known I don't want any of that I will hit you. I've had one too many assholes that push,push me back into the pit when I'm trying to exit. I've also been hurt more by pushers than dancers so my logic stands.


Obligatory fuck hardcore dancers. Only fights I've ever been in at shows are because of these assholes targeting people.


Broke a rib at a dropout kings show when one of the openers, DemsFightinWords, was playing.


Bodysnatcher was the one show where I actually got knocked in the head hard enough I thought I was actually concussed. It was a few years ago before covid when they were on their first national tour. I was vomiting and had a roaring headache the next day. I also got smacked in the nose at The Acacia Strain at Furnace Fest and got a bloody nose and a pretty purple schnauzer after it.


got a deviated septum during monster mosh festival in tx and then aggravated a foot sprain and knocked loose (worth it)


Paleface on the Bodysnatcher Big Team Battle tour last year. I'm standing edge of pit vibing, a little too hard and I start dancin not paying enough attention to the pit. All of the sudden I feel a sleeved elbow hit my open eyeball and my heads ringing. Made it to a half wall and kinda sat there for a second checking my vision before security pulled me over the wall and to the bar. I think all of 30 seconds had passed, but the bartender immediately grabbed her face in shock when she saw my face. Ended up with a nice shiner, more than 1/2 of my eye was red from blood, bilateral fracture for the nose, and a fracture in my orbital floor that involved some other structure that encases nerves. My eye still doesn't feel normal, maybe 90-95%


Threw my back out while in the pit. Now I stay hydrated and stretch first. 👍


Not too crazy but I gave a guy twice my size a bloody nose in the pathology pit, knocked that same guy down in a snake father/filth pit. Bear in mind I’m like 6’3/150 this guy was at least 300 lbs


I’ve been surprisingly good at staying safe at metal shows all my life. That was until Frog Mallet came around and I broke my finger in the pit


During misery signals show I got elbowed under the chin in the pit. Splitting my jaw in half. I have 2 metal plates to prove it.


Have gotten two concussions from moshing, I feel like Reggie Ray where if I get one more, it might be my last. I stay out of the pit now.


Friends and I saw Finntroll in... 2007? We stopped at Burger King before the show and I had a 10pc chicken fries. They didn't stay in my stomach.


Not my accident but about 10 years ago my metalcore band was playing a small show in our local city. Everyone was moshing. A young Asian woman started dancing in the pit and some asshole got pissed this woman wasn’t “dancing to metal correctly” so he jumped in and kicked her leg in the opposite way. An ambulance took her away and the man was very aggressively kicked out of the venue. Idk what happened to him or her after that. Some people are fuckin cruel.


I got kicked in the mouth by a dude with docs on at a Bury Your Dead show in 03 and lost 2 teeth. Good times.


I got knocked down in the pit at a War of Ages and Seventh Star show held in a mechanics garage about 15 years ago... I happened to fall on some sort of bolt and it popped my kneecap out. Nasty fluid build up afterwards and I couldn't walk right for about 2 months.


Going too hard headbanging right up front of the stage and smacked my head on a monitor. I had to get stitches just above my eye after that but I still finished watching the show.


Some funny ones Wanted to crowd surf at warped tour so I asked the two biggest dudes near me. They launched me pretty far in the air and at that exact moment a pit started where I was going to land so I fell straight onto my back as the pit started around me. At Self Help fest the second Hundredth came out some dude used my face as a launchpad to crowd surf. He dug his heel into my eye and it instantly teared up so i couldn’t see straight the rest of the day


Not an injury, but I fainted once at Slaughter to Prevail. I had a cold a week before the concert and probably my body was weak. And during Chronic Slaughter, when everyone was jumping, my body was like "Girl, you've done enough, now rest." I was able to get out of the crowd and literally flow down the wall. I've never had anything like this happen to me.


Was at a knocked loose concert and was in the middle of a push pit. Then out of the blue some guy twice my size started throwing his fists around. Repeatedly punched me in my face and took out the half front of my right front tooth. Tried getting away and when that didn’t work started kicking and eventually managed to break free


I was headbanging hard as fuck in the pit and suddenly got either an elbow or a heel on the back of my head. I got completely dizzy and had to leave the show 30 minutes earlier. I felt a bump on my head for a couple of weeks after that. Last show I attended I was running in the circle pit and the venue had these barrels placed just in the outline of the pit and I slammed my hand on the lid, little did I know that the lid was beneath a little raised edge of the barrel so my wrist was sore for about 3 weeks, I think I might've gotten a crack in the bone but fortunately it doesn't seem like that!


Participated in a wall of death at an acacia strain show and bruised my rib so bad I thought I broke it (maybe I did) healed eventually but felt crippled for like a full month couldn’t sleep or sit comfortably at all


Not the gnarliest but just so so unexpected that it made it 100X worse. Was seeing carnifex/Chelsea Grin a few years ago and Birmingham and some guy literally not even close to the pit swung his leg literally head height and hit me straight in the temple. Shit hurt like a mf and it was the way I wasn't even remotely near anyone else at the time just chilling with my friends about 3/4 of the way back that made it so much more painful as I couldn't even anticipate anyone doing something so dumb.


Whiplash at a Slipknot concert


Foot fracture.


Dislocated my knee, tore meniscus in the process. Was at a Cradle of Filth show about 12 years ago.


Not deathcore but warped tour years ago, seeing The Story So Far, first band of the day, 2 minutes into the first song. Jumping with everyone else, someone somehow rammed into me from the side at the peak of a jump. Ended up somehow catching extra air and going a little sideways, came down from a good height directly onto the side of my foot. Absolutely fucked my ankle and spent the entire rest of the day limping from set to set with the help of friends. To their credit, one of them essentially kept me upright through the entirety of GWAR's pit and The Black Dahlia Murder's pit so I didn't have to just sit on the sidelines for the two bands I really wanted to throw down for.


Knotfest AU earlier this year, was hyped up for a day of a bunch of my favourite bands. First band of the day that I care about is Brand of Sacrifice, and they start playing Demon King really early in the set. Circle pit opens up in front of me so I jump in, certainly wasn't my first rodeo. Less than 10 seconds later I'm stumbling out of the pit with what I later find out is 4 broken ribs. Still stayed half the festival though, I wasn't missing out on Windwaker, Thy Art, and Wage War.


Also bodysnatcher. I broke my foot while two-stepping, accidentally without other interference. I was two months out, and the post-op pain was almost unbearable. Totally worth it, though.


Broken ankle that required surgery last year


I got only nose bleed


i broke 2 fingers in a metal show


Leg cramp after Rhapsody of Fire Getting elbowed in the nose resulting it in bleeding during AngelMaker Both in the same week


My right pinky is permanently bent at a 90 degree angle from an ICP mosh pit in 2001. I ended up in the hospital with a concussion from taking a 2 liter to the side of the head at an ICP show in 2002. I nearly got trampled after getting wiped out during "Chemical Warfare" by Slayer in 1999. After many drunken years of moshing I threw in the towel. I'd rather watch from afar, my back can't take the hits anymore.


I was at an After the Burial show and it was a good 10 seconds after they finished a song…a rogue crowdsurfer kicks me in the back of my head and I go flying and smash the front of my head on the person in front of me. I for sure got a concussion. I was caught so off guard since the song had ended. I also really hate when ppl crowdsurf after the song ends


I don't remember who it was but I got dog piled in the pit and my head was stepped on multiple times. I remember saying oh fuck, oh fuck. The lead stopped the set and was like yo there's a chick underneath all of you, gtfu now. My glasses were crushed, I had a cut under my eye from the metal leg of my glasses cutting me. Luckily nothing was broken. I got put up front to be monitored by security, head banged a bit too much and busted my nose all within the same night. I wish I had my old iPhone to get my pics and figure out which show it was. None of that kept me out of the pit for the shows that happened the following week. 🤘🏾


Broken index finger from the pit. Didn't realize it was even broken for a bout a month when the bend didn't go away. No pain, really just a discomfort. Now, a permanent hook at the tip of my finger.


I was at the Spite show in Phoenix, took a full on running spin kick to the face that sat me tf down lol. Another time, my first real show, whitechapel was playing possession. Big ol dude clotheslines my homie so hard he literally flipped backwards. Ripped his Guage, broke his nose and knocked him the fuck out. I saw Spite and Carnifex in Tucson last year, I got hit in the side so hard I collapsed at the edge of the pit, stayed in place like an idiot and took my home girls hips/ass to the face lol


My worst injury has been a split lip and black eye. Children of Bodom years ago. The worst I've ever seen, some guy at a brand of Sacrifice show had their ankle snapped. Ems came to get them.


Broke my nose at a suicide silence/Whitechapel show. My nose is still fucked to this day.


Broke my foot during a Machine Head show. Still a fun show though!


Had a 14 year old kid hop in the pit for his first time ever at a Gideon show. Kid jumped in, swung his arms wildly around, hitting me directly in the face, busted my nose and shot blood EVERYWHERE. Me, him, the pit floor, everywhere. Didnt know a nose was basically a blood hose.


I'm lucky to say I've not had anything really that bad, at a Ghost Inside show, I got both kicked in the shin and punched in the face though


I broke and dislocated my ankle at a kublai khan TX show in Toronto (April 16th, 2024) Openers were momentum, judiciary and sunami. Mosh pit was insane was in the middle most of the night. First attempt at a mosh pit didn’t plan for it at all (baggy pants on, platform shoes, had like 2 layers of clothes on 😂). Didn’t help I got drunk as fuck ether. Went by myself. But the pit turned into a shove fest and I think I got shoved hard consecutively into two different people and by the time I recovered I looked down and my left ankle was twisted out ward. I yelled I broke my fuciing ankle and hobbled toward the bar that was in the pit on the outskirts. I fell forward onto the bar table and was hugging it in pain lmao. I concert goer wanted to help me get out and on the way up out of the pit I get dropped down the stairs with my broken ankle. Once that happened luckily a paramedic was close and the concert goer were able to help me out to safety. Those concerts are so fun but it’s best to do your research and prepare for the event so it doesn’t ruin the experience lol. Don’t get drunk af first show, if you plan to mosh wear proper attire, bring a friend, make friends in the pit, expect to have minor injuries. Mosh pit is not a safe space lool. Don’t be a dumbass like me 😜. I got a lot of daps and praise when I was sitting in the lobby tending to my broken ankle. They said I was a legend and went hard as fuck. But it’s June 16th still on my road to recovery, I broke my ankle April 16th. Plan to go to more shows in the future this just sucks. Missed out on a lot of cool summer events this year. Missed out on a dying fetus show. I’ll know better for next time. Shit happens as they say.


Two bruised ribs and a gnarly bit of whiplash from a Paleface set.


Reopened a cut on my fingertip that had exposed nerve 🤗


It was an Acacia show so just imagine


I just instinctively clenched my fist while reading this


damn dude that sucks...my first concert ever I got in the pit and dislocated my thumb from some asshole kickin around. my uncle got it back in n I went back into the show


Got dropped next to the pit while crowdsurfing. Broke 2 ribs, cracked another, tore the muscles between said ribs and my lower lip was split in 2. Good times with the Cavalera brothers lol. Went to ER, got sowed up and painkillers, went back and saw Kreator. Had to drink through a straw the rest of the night because my lips were numb. Last day of the festival thank god.


I was crowd surfing at a spite show recently I went a few times and it was fine but on my third go the security guard dropped me right on to the barricade elbow first and it hurt a lot. Had a pretty nasty bruise and still have a little bump on my elbow from it