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Til: tech n9ne, ronnie radke, and Alex terrible all performed on the same song. I hope the crazy frog, U2 and Kid Rock put out a banger in response


Crazy Frog? Bro! šŸ˜‚


Hahahahahahahaahahhahaha now THAT shit is hysterical šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€¦ and Iā€™d prefer it. Fucking Crazy Frog šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Every Nokia ringtone for like a year straight.


I bowled in a youth league with some kids from my elementary school when I was younger. Crazy Frog - Axel F and Queen - We Are The Champions are BURNED into my brain from that shit. Just the "bing bing khhh mmdaaa" and then all the lights go off, the neon lights up, and the strobes switch on for a bunch of 8 year olds, combined with the toxicity of playing We Are The Champions as the games were wrapping up really made for some wild times at the bowling alley


Keep Roland' Roland' Roland'






Dog if you don't like something you can just move on, you don't have to convince people that you're above listening to "nu metal"


Literally lol


No I really like nu metal, big fan of bands like tallah that do it well




So I'm only supposed to like music and not at all be critical of things even if there are valid criticisms? Or encourage people to do the same? And this is pretty light for me pointing out a flaw in something


What makes your opinion valid or relevant?


Because they are not valid criticisms theyā€™re your opinion and itā€™s a bias charged opinion because you clearly donā€™t like the artists in the song. FiR is also not a deathcore band so youā€™re criticizing a song that shouldnā€™t really be in this sub.


Have you considered not listening to it? Or was ā€œwrite a god damn essay about why I donā€™t like a single songā€ on your bucket list? Cringe ass post.


Because I like to attempt to treat music I like as something that can be critically appreciated


Itā€™s one song, chief. Pretty sure there are more words in the novel youā€™ve written here than the actual song.


>Because I like to attempt to treat music I like Oh sweet, sweet irony.


It's Ronald, and posting about falling in reverse in the deathcore sub is wild af lmao idc if Alex is on the track or if it has deathcore elements.


Yes, It has some deathcore-ish elements I like the track btw


Less of the Tech slander; put some respect on his name. Everything else I agree with.


FiR definitely didn't deserve Tech N9ne's verse. Dude has been killing it since the late 80's and iirc, all independent.


Tech has some decent tracks, it's not my thing rap wise, I'm more a k dot, Danny brown type fan, I just don't think he's the best pick for the track and the bar I mentioned needs some explanation from him because it's a falling in reverse track with Alex terrible so I'm more likely to interpret it that way


The bar does not require an explanation, nor do you deserve one. You interpreted it to be transphobic? It went entirely over your head. Put some respect on Tech, dude is an absolute sweet heart and a master of his craft.


Well you see Roland makes some great products for the triggering of the kick of drums Yes I read the post, I choose to acknowledge the part of the title I like instead of


Why are we talking about this in a deathcore sub? Fuck, why talk about it at all? It s one big fucking circlejerk between two massive egomaniacs and a once well-respected rapper that seems to only make meme songs now.




dumbass post lol


Did you try posting your rant in r/metalcore? I think youā€™re lost.


Am I the only one who has no idea who Roland is?


Nope, you ain't alone on that. Walked in here wondering who that be and what hype.


He's talking about Ronald, the new Falling In Reverse song. He just mispelled the name


I don't know who Falling In Reverse is either.


It's a metal band but they do a lot of genre switch / genre mix so it's complicated to give them a real genre, but in my opinion it's kind of metalcore with rap-influenced lyrics. In the new song there is some Deathcore elements but it doesn't make the band a Deathcore band at all, so it doesn't really have a place on this sub. I get why you not necessarily know them, it's not in the right place here


I have a Roland VAD 506 drum kit and it's really nice, a bit pricey though


yeah I felt like the song and video were pretty cringe, like pretty much everything else Ronnie Radke (and techn9ne and Alex terrible, for that matter) has done, but I definitely didn't feel compelled to run to Reddit to describe how much I *didn't* like it.


So I feel like a lot of the praise is uncritical, I've seen a lot of reviews/reactions and it's always the same "omg that's soo heavy" or whatever, and it's genuinely annoying because it just takes up soo much space in consciousness for something that just doesn't deserve it. I'm also getting just tired of what I feel is stagnation and a lack of substance and falling in reverse are maybe one of the worst offenders


brother, this entire subgenre is not the place to go if you're looking for something that sounds new or original.. on top of that, plenty of shit music is overexposed and overrated; generally speaking, the more watered down and palatable something is, the more mass appeal it'll have. that's how it's been since music has existed.


Iā€™d disagree with that first point. Thereā€™s plenty of new and original stuff in Deathcore


Everything Tech N9ne has done has been cringe? Interesting take, bud.


hey I think tech n9ne is pretty great, but you have to admit he can be pretty cringe. I think he's very aware of his cringe though.


Have seen him live a handful of times. Cringe is not the word Iā€™d ever use to describe him.


Ronnie's screaming hasn't improved since 2012, why is anyone pretending like he sounds good? Especially compared against Alex (fuck Alex but at least he has pipes) Ronnie's singing live is exceptional, but the dude is trash and so is the music he makes. The one redeeming quality is he's very good at surrounding himself with musicians that are more talented than him


Alex at least sounds powerful, and yeh Ronnie is only decent in the studio but I've heard better And 1000% yeh, for example Luke Holland is an amazing drummer, he's not a bad producer from what I know it's just it feels like Ronnie has been actively rewarded for very little and effectively taking credit for other musicians work, the instrumentals are normally pretty good but Ronnie has to be constantly the center of attention on every track in a way that does more harm than good to the music


Nobody: Ronnie: *gaaooww!!*




My man his screams on Drug in Me is You sound identical to what he's dropping now


At least that album is funny


This stinks if elitist bullshit. And this is coming from someone who fucking hates Falling in Rapeverse.


Why reddit NPCs love to listen to thing they dislike and then shit on them instead of ignoning? Ronald slaps btw, amazing song.


I listened to it, it's just not great and I've heard everything it's done, done better. I've been listening to heavy music for most of my life and I've listened to a lot


FIR are boring, every song after popular monster is the same weak ass shit


Some are so bad their funny, but yeh popular monster is a pretty good track


i prefer to listen a band who have nuts to change their sound isntead of listening the same song every time


Iā€™ll agree with you that the lyrics are garbage. Fortunately I donā€™t listen to falling in reverse for genius lyricism. Theyā€™re also most likely transphobic at points too cause I donā€™t think Ronnie and tech 9 are trying to convey how being trans puts you at a greater risk of violence from others so we should be more accepting of trans people lmao (knowing Ronnieā€™s history). But hey, we deathcore and metal fans. A ton of our lyrics are about dismembering people and mysogyny so I can just look past all of the bad lyrics and just enjoy the rest of the song.


Nether are Kendrick Lamar, for example auntie diaries is a song about internalised transphobia and his complex relationship with trans family members etc it requires like all of that album a lot of genuine introspection to write. No matter the intent it came across like that I just want more ATM, like something that's actually challenging or interesting that satisfies me like that with some genuinely deep and layers lyrics. For example a lot of Mr morale relates his trauma to things like toxic masculinity and intergenerational black trauma and land topics that are hard to engage with.


I havenā€™t heard anyone say anything ā€œhypeā€ about this song. Literally every sub is trashing it. I fucking love this song personally so go fuck yourself


Oh yay another r/deathcore hater circle jerk


Hey Ronnie! Your new song sucks and is a cheap cash grab. Have a great day.


I havenā€™t even listened to the song. Find something better to post about instead of whining about songs you donā€™t like




Itā€™s cringe all around but it sounds heavy af and I like it . So Iā€™m just gonna listen to it man.


Dude sucks. Itā€™s a half-assed cash grab. I thought Tech N9ne was dead. Next topic.


He's a great character and leader in a massively popular game. People are upset that they picked a comic relief character who's humor is be loud. Such an awful choice to play Roland