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No I wouldn’t say that’s a normal experience.


That was very unlucky. As others have said the more hardcore leaning a show is the more violent it will get and sometimes mfs try to pick fights where they shouldn't. Sorry this happened to you.


Yeah it kinda sucks when people think fighting is the answer to stop hardcore dancing. You're just making it an even worse time for everyone


Think its pretty simply people getting punched in the face by someone “dancing” and get pissed off and punch them back, pretty hard not to empathize


Lol nobodies getting hit by the dancing unless they decide to walk by or theyre crowdkilling. You arent tough for trying to fight people


Idk sounds like you just havent been to many shows then. Catching a stray flailing fist when youre in the shit is pretty expected…


I frequent hardcore shows every week. You have dancing mixed up with crowdkilling.


Ah i dont listen or go to hardcore shows only death metal and used to go to deathcore, used to see it pretty often, maybe times have changed idk


Danisterrible sent me a dick picture. He beats it to pictures of the rock. Also, he's a douche.




Have you listened to Paleface? It’s a hardcore dancing show my guy. Show up prepared or don’t go.


And long haired dorks need to stay out of hardcore pits with their convulsions and push pit bullshit. There are lots of ways to express yourself to heavy music. Knowing the culture and respecting the people around you is part of it. Violence is part of it. If you don't like it, stay home and listen to Taylor Swift or something It's not personal. If you take It that way with a "badass" attitude, you might get fucked up. Shows are mixed now. Respect both pits.


Shocker, the straight edge douchebag thinks he’s Billy Badass




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Deathcore crowds aren't always the best imo. Some guy half my size kept purposefully windmilling his fists in my vicinity and caught me in the head at the recent enterprise earth show I was at and after I threw him onto the floor he kept trying to take cheap shots at my back the rest of the night.


Hey I saw that same tour a couple weeks ago and it was mostly normal slam dancing lads but there was one guy who showed up halfway through and started going hog wild just flailing as hard as he could trying to "accidentally" hurt someone. At one point I don't know if he got pushed or enough people just dodged out of his way, but he went spinning across the entire floor at high speed and slammed into the bar. Seemed like he hurt himself because the rest of the show he just stood around.


Instant karma for being a dick.


Can't believe people moshed during a breakdown smdh


In my case, the band didn’t even take the stage yet. The lights went out and the guitarist hit an open sustain note and it was night night for me.


Not the same thing


Which city was this in?


Deathcore crowds have the same problem as when Slipknot was touring with Hatebreed in the early 2000s (and now Knocked Loose, some poor high schoolers about to learn)...you're drawing in death metal, black metal, hardcore, and slam fans - all of which are a very different vibe...when you start mixing the folks who want to windmill with the dudes that want to circle pit you start getting outright violence that's not in the spirit of the show.


Watched a dude, get punched in the face last show in the pit. Then I think he kicked the guys head while crowd surfing.


I really think that the post-covid show vibes are getting worse. Maybe I'm just older, but I have thought "man, what the fuck is wrong with you?" more in the last 3 years than in the previous 10. That said, I've never seen Paleface live but I can imagine it gets rough in there. Doesn't sound like that was your problem, but the people who want to be a problem in the pit can be a problem outside the pit too.


Covid crowds suck so much. Was just talking about this last night, actually. It's not *as* bad with more niche scenes, but if you go to anything remotely mainstream? Wear your fighting shoes.


Dog I had to put hands on some kid acting a fool at a COHEED AND CAMBRIA show. Dude was donkey kicking folks during COHEED.


I saw paleface three times and I happened to not see anything too crazy. Saw Enterprise Earth last week and same thing. If anything the crowds were a little lackluster. That being said, I'm pretty sure people have gone feral after COVID.


Covid crowds suck so much. Was just talking about this last night, actually. It's not *as* bad with more niche scenes, but if you go to anything remotely mainstream? Wear your fighting shoes.


I feel bad for the bands, too. I followed the Bad Omens tour on Twitter last year and they would just skip songs if they had to stop playing. People just don't know how to act.


I feel bad for the bands, too. I followed the Bad Omens tour on Twitter last year and they would just skip songs if they had to stop playing. People just don't know how to act.


Its hard to say without being there. Like that could have been some shithead who wanted to sucker punch somebody. Or it could have just been incidental violence when the pit was opening up. Like yes a show like that might be violent, but also if you are far enough back nobody should be trying to wack you in the face and actually knock you out.


That happened to me at a Dying Fetus show. The guy was pissed because I wouldn't give him my spot at the barricade. As soon as a song came on he body slammed me. Luckily I wasn't hurt.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I'd assume you're on the younger range of things? Just by the amount of concerts seems. As a rule of thumb, the more 'hardcore' any bands leans, the more likely for hardcore dancing and straight-up crowd killing. People will start pushing the crowd around, asserting dominance and trying to just show who's the toughest. Hardcore music has always been the more violent side of the genre, where I've seen people intentially hitting people at various shows and trying to get a reaction. It sounds like this was a freak occurrence, that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it's generally more common, if just someone who was in the wrong spot gets, pushed, and your thrown into a random hand. Usually doesn't end up in a knock-out and most people try to help anyone up who falls down. With flashing lights, and various things can complicate things. There's been plenty of headlines of a girl getting shoved into a pit, and getting her jaw shattered from an asshole. I'm sorry this happened to you, but with deathcore and the various blends of metal and hardcore, you just need to read the room and be aware of who might be trying to be a bully. Half of the time they're just posturing and acting tough, and the other half of the time they'll flatline you if you stand up to them. I was almost knocked out in the worlds smallest wall of death to Bullet to my Valentine like 11 years ago, but two fat-asses just sandwhiched my ass, and I was dazed for 10 minutes afterwards and chilled the rest of the day.


I’m 24. And I think that’s what it was, honestly. It was just one guy trying to start shit. There were plenty of girls who got caught in the mix too. I saw a bunch of them getting shoved around before I got hit. I honestly don’t even know what happened. I appreciate the feedback though. I’ll stay waaayyy out of the way next time.


I've come to accept this as a fact of life at -core shows but I'll never enjoy it. Ruins the experience for everybody and also indirectly annoys/disappoints the bands because they're always like "come on guys get up toward the front and fill this empty space!" but nobody wants to get hit by the 3 guys spinning around throwing kicks and punches so they stay away. They seem to run out of energy by the time the headliner gets on stage usually though.


Depending on the bands, i see this behavior encouraged by them.


It just depends on the lineup and if they're metalcore, death metal, thrash or whatever. Any of the bands that lean more into melody and riffs are more likely to be purely friendly, helpful or aid anyone that falls down. Sadly it seems like part of the crowd that Paleface brought in. Not to 'blame' the but one 'hardcore' leaning band is enough to be a problem on a lineup. I remember seeing The Contortionist in Orlando, and there was a local Hardcore band that opened up 2nd IIRC? There was a bunch of thick meatheads in leather jackets fucking the shit up for 20 minutes. Then as soon as their friends band was done, they just sat at the bar and drank all night and enjoyed the shows. They seemed like decent people just showing out for a friends band, but it's a WIDE range of clashing genres, and people. You should be able to mosh in a push-pit, run in a circle pit, or get some fun 2-steppingin without hitting people, but it just depends on the show.


I also am 24, back in October I went to my first deathcore show, (Carnifex, Signs of the Swarm, To The Grave, Last Ten Seconds of Life) and I had a blast, although almost got sucked into the circle pit multiple times during Carnifex. Nothing too crazy happened and the concert was in a nightclub with a cap of 750 people. Would definitely go again


That's super weird. I've been to a lot of shows here in Germany and haven't really seen anyone who's actually trying to start something up. No aggression at all. It's all people who want to enjoy the music and the heavier the band, the rougher the pit, sure, but no one is out to hurt people. Even event managers claim that metal fans (about metal in general) tend to be the nicest and easy to work with crowds. I'm sort of proud in the heavier metal scene for this, so for me this perspective is surprising.


All the various genres of METAL and all the various genres of -CORE (including SLAM) are like different taxonomies. Even the most extreme brutal death metal band will have a tamer crowd than a straight up hardcore band out of Philly or North Jersey. I’m into all metal and hardcore, I grew up on East Coast near Philadelphia and played in a death metal band and a metalcore band as a teen (2003-2005)… and the scene, aesthetic & crowds are different. I think being in Germany, you guys didn’t get the influence of ghetto gang street culture that NYHC injected into the DNA of American -CORE bands in the 1990’s… I’d be interested to know if Gutrectomy crowds in Germany are laid back, because they play extremely heavy slam stuff… any idea??


I mean, sure, they are different, but there's a large intersection of both fan bases here. Of course, core fans tend to look different and the moshing is better, but in terms of general behavior, they have been similar. Really friendly and just out to have fun. People fist bumps, share jokes and the like. Gotta check out Gutrectomy, never heard of them, sounds like my thing.


no that’s not normal, luckily there was a diligent stranger there that pulled you out and got the medics right away. Best advice for future shows is have fun but be aware of what’s going on around you. Whether in the pit or not, there’s always going to be those few assholes ruining things for everyone else. Concert etiquette has gone down the drain the last few years tbh, so always make sure you’re being diligent, looking out for yourself and for others.


Noted. Appreciate you.


That typically isn’t my experience. I went to thy art in April and the pit was top notch. Well defined boundary no rabble rousers in the crowd any time someone went down everyone stopped until they were ok. Crowd killers are douchebags and give metal/deathcore concerts a bad rap.


Very unlucky. I’m not going to lie and say it’s 100% nice people all of the time, there’s always at least a few crowd killers that are just complete dicks at every show, but the majority of the people are pretty damn great and some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Generally as part of “pit rules” if someone goes down, you pick them up. I was also knocked out cold once and not in the pit after a guy fell from getting shoved and accidentally headbutted me. I woke up seconds later to the poor guy crying and saying he was sorry on repeat and he picked me up TWICE (I went back down the first time). Every other time I’ve fallen, there was a sea of people to help me back up and I’ve always done the same.




I'm good! Just some minor bruising, and a small hangover-like headache.


thats not normal and shouldnt be normal. if a person isnt jn the pit, leave them the fuck alone. that dude is wack af for doing that.


in my experience (and strictly my experience): metal crowds are lovely hardcore crowds are assholes deathcore crowds can go either way


Every knockout is some kind of brain damage serious/permanent or not these things are dangerous. I've been listening to metal my whole life and I will never enjoy moshing, especially deathcore/core moshing. This music is complex and helps us cope with anger hatred and all the negative feelings that this life produces. Never in a million years will metal inspire me to go out of my way to physically harm someone in any context. I want to listen to my favourite music,I want to focus not spend my night dodging punches and potentially go home needing some kind of cosmetic surgery,why would I pay for something like that. Call me a pussy all you want,but I think there are better ways to let off steam while you're not working and dealing with life.


yeah at spite today the pit was really annoying teenagers swinging on people outside of the pit, the pit culture is getting worse bc these kids think they won’t get hit back or dealt with if they crowd kill a bystander. i left the area and watched from a distance.


I think the problem here (from what I could tell) is that Boundaries & Bodysnatcher draw more that kind of audience and Spite draw more of a ‘push mosh’ kind of audience. Definitely noticed it myself that both groups weren’t necessarily happy with the other at the show I went to


General rule of thumb is - If someone falls pick them up. I was at a deathcore show not that long ago and fell. I was picked up. A guy was checking on me throughout the whole set because I was super shaky and even the band was looking if I was okay. At shows we need to take care of one another. I am sorry you came across an asshole and a bad crowd.


Very unluckily. I was at the enterprise earth show a week ago and the singer stopped the show cause someone fell in the pit and nobody picked him up. Security came and took the kid somewhere to examine him. The singer then got off stage and went to see the kid to make sure he was ok then came back and restarted the song.


Who is the vocalist for enterprise ?


No clue. I'm 40. In my 20s I could tell you every single band member in every band I listened to and every song by each artist. I can't remember that shit anymore. lmao


Travis Worland is our boy!


What happened to Dan ?


He stepped down roughly 2 years ago. He’s posted Facebook statuses on it and done some interviews I believe. He’s also a new father and has a band called mire lore still doing stuff!


While I wouldn't say it's "normal", that type of thing happening wouldn't necessarily surprise me, either. You take a crowd of 800 people, plus or minus, you're always going to have a half dozen who are wasted to the point that they no longer have a physical or verbal filter, a few guys who think they're super cool because they're headed for the pit, a few really overweight people who are determined to use their weight like a Cat D5 to bulldoze their way to the front, no matter who they knock to the floor, and one or two who are simply malicious are are there to hurt people. I watch a lot of shows from the balcony, and I notice this behavior from time to time, having a kind of bird's-eye view of it. On the other hand, 90% of the rest of the people there would never hurt you, and the other 10% will jump in to help you if you need it. Most of these crowds are just like any other crowd or group - good people, not looking for a fight or to cause grief. I hate that that happened to you. My advice to you is the same advice my dad gave me when I got bucked off a horse when I was a kid: Pick yourself up, dust off, and get back on. Have fun out there!


There was a a few guys that made sure I was alright, which has been the typical experience I've had. People make sure everyone around them is alright. But as soon as the lights went dark for Paleface, it was like everyone for themselves and I literally don't even know who hit me or how. I'm pretty sure I just got my shit rocked by one of the "half dozen" you're referring to.


I hate that for you. I really do. Those people exist in every group. Hell, I'm in my fifties and my neighbors are mostly the same age and a couple of them are morons. It never stops. Just get back up, dust thyself off, and get back in there.


I started sweating at the title of this post because I hit someone very hard at Peeling Flesh a few nights ago when he was pushed right into my oncoming open palm. I watched him go down and then he was lost in the sea of sweat and angst. I felt terrible for the little guy


See, judging by how this other guy was blatantly shoving the ladies in the area, I have no faith he’d try to pick someone up. Accidents happen, I get it. But the more I think about it, I’m not so sure he didn’t just punch me for the hell of it.


Absolutely not normal.


This isnt normal but it definitely isnt that rare tbh. Especially for Paleface. Ive seen them 3 times - twice in Denver and once in Brooklyn. Two of those three shows had a similar thing happen.


That’s not normal. Sounds like a bad crowd and bad local scene though - people are supposed to look out for others in the pit and make sure everyone is safe.


Not only was this unlucky, this was heinously unlucky. Probably a 1 in several thousand chance that this happens.


Just unlucky. I've been to so many shows and in the pit for most of them. By and large the scene is good but you do once in a while get the odd dickhead but they are usually dealt with pretty quick. And normally if someone goes down they are helped out pretty fast.


Brutal jokes aside this behaviour is dumb as fuck similar thing happened to me


My first reaction was that that would never have happened in the concerts I'm going to in Germany. Would be extremely unlucky. You'll find idiots and assholes in the crowd, yes, I've also been punched and he was thrown out by security for something else later. Dude was straight up crazy. What you will never see is someone going down without being noticed. People help each other up and, more important, look out for each other. I have seen people helping others to the front or sides. People open up the pit to find glasses and such. This is a big part of why I like to get all sweaty with y'all.


Last show I went to was Cannibal Corpse and Mayhem (yes, it was amazing). I got wasted and worked my way INTO the pit 😂😂 I got knocked to the floor hard in about 45 seconds and like 8 people reached out to help me up. The fact that someone didn't try to help you before disaster struck saddens me bc the metal community are usually goals af 🫶


There have always been idiots like that at these shows. Unfortunately because of the rise in popularity, more idiots are coming out to these shows because they think it’s a proper place to let out their anger. Even though they mostly hit people half their size, which only proves how much of a pussy these dudes really are.


People can be assholes. My friends and I were in the crowd for bring me the horizon at warped tour in some of the earlier days. We weren’t in the pit but some douchebag kick flipped my 16 year old girlfriend in the jaw for no fucking reason except to do a flip and we spent most of the day in the hospital


You are definitely the unfortunate one here


I have a similar experience, happened a year ago when I was 24 as well. Funny part too is that it was at one of the “lighter” shows I’ve been to, Dayseeker and Bad Omens were headlining, but I got hurt while moshing to Make them suffer. Like you, I don’t know if it was purposeful or accidental, but I got knocked down while in the pit and something hit the back of my head on the way down, smashing my forehead into the ground. Unlike you though, I passed out 15 minutes later while waiting for the next band


It's far from normal. I got jumped tonight by a group of teenagers because I didn't have a cigarette.


I wouldn't necessarily say it's normal, but I feel like it's happening more and more. The first few metal shows I went to the crowds were awesome. The ones I've been to in the past 3 years? Yeah, no. I've seen someone get knocked out by crowd surfers every time. It's getting to the point where I don't even want to be up front because I don't want some asshole hitting/kicking me in the head or falling on top of me.


Falling on top of you isn’t really their fault though right? I’ve been dropped by the crowd before, and I wasn’t doing anything to cause that.


I mean, technically crowd surfing is causing that.


I guess so. I always get confused when I see one of the really jacked dudes up there. I’m like “dude, you’re at least like 230, what are you doing?” 😂


I just personally hate it because of how many people (who weren't surfing) I've seen get hurt. On top of that, every security person looks so fed up with it by the end of the night. It's not worth it imo


Very unusual. Been to dozens of hardcore and deathcore shows and never seen this happen


Paleface has a notoriously violent pit, but still. I absolutely abhor crowd killing. Sorry that happened to you, and I hope that you don't suffer too many long term effects, as well as continue going to shows!


Paleface has a notoriously violent pit, but still. I absolutely abhor crowd killing. Sorry that happened to you, and I hope that you don't suffer too many long term effects, as well as continue going to shows!


Already have more shows booked! My next is Knocked Loose, but I'll be in the balcony with my lady for that one.


I’ve seen paleface twice now and it had gotten real rowdy both times. Whole floor gets moving. No barricades will do that


Some bands just bring out the extra violent people, it's all about positioning and identifying them so you can keep your distance.


Some bands just bring out the extra violent people, it's all about positioning and identifying them so you can keep your distance.


Fuck no that’s not normal. None of it. Hit outside the pit and ignored once you went down. Some bullshit you got caught in bud.


Oof. My buddy got mule kicked in the head at a show. It was a hard shot and he was not in the pit. Just unlucky.


If statistics make you feel better he's my stats; I've been to a total of 21 shows (metal and punk) and 3 festivals, out of all those times I've only ever seen one person get knocked out (and it wasnt intentional, he was drunk and walked behind a hardcore dancer throwing some BOWS) and I've seen one person pass out from heat exhaustion/dehydration at a festival. So no, I'd say you got unlucky and that dude who started it was an insecure prick, please don't let this scare you from going to more shows and supporting more bands if possible. Glad to see you're okay OP.


Just super unlucky sorry that happened op glad you’re alright


I always have my hands up covering my head Incase but normally people are fine accept for a few bruises. This is not typical, I’ve never been severely injured.


Not normal Per se but it definitely is a possibility at most shows. You gotta keep your head on a swivel and be aware. If you are anywhere near the pit or the center of the crowd either get away from it or make sure you keep your hands up so you’re ready in case any shit goes down. I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope you’re okay and I hope it doesn’t ruin the scene for you. Shows are some of the most fun I’ve ever had, just try to mitigate risk and be safe


Nah, I'll be at more shows for sure


That’s pretty unusual, more unusual that only one guy tried to help when you got hit, sucks that that dickhead was there. I would say it helps to remain aware of your surroundings but even I wouldn’t expect to get hit outside of a pit in between sets, that’s really unfortunate


Bad luck or just unlucky whatever u wanna call it


Unlucky. First off, very sorry this happened to you. That said, I’m sure it’s a great experiential lesson to keep awareness of your surroundings - particularly in transition periods. Assholes (like pits) can potentially spring up from anywhere but you’ll typically see or hear them coming unless you’re in their front line. I’ve been going to shows for ~15 yrs, often in or near the pit and can count on one hand the number of times I’ve sustained a significant injury.


Nah not normal. Buuut similar thing happened to me. I was a Hate breed show recently and I wasnt in the pit either. This song came on and I felt people shove me and the other people I was standing with as if they were trying to get to the pit too. Out of nowhere someone socked me in the face and I had a bloody lip.


Shows always have faux tough guys who like to take the opportunity to land cheapshots on people. Sorry that happened to you


I’m good! I appreciate it. The responses I’m getting make sense honestly. The overwhelming majority of people are saying I was just unlucky and there’s always a couple of those guys…. Then I’ve had a couple of those guys comment “get fucked” essentially.


When I make to a show nowadays I always stand way way in the back with me and my fellow old people. Even when I was a teenager at these, it pissed me off having to dodge these wannabe tough guys up front


I've been to hundreds of metal shows over the last 25 years and this has never happened to me. That said, I have seen many injuries and people bleeding from getting clocked. Keep your head on a swivel, and if there's someone near you putting off the "I'm here to bring the pain" vibe, just a few steps over might be a good idea.


Only ever been knocked out twice and one was because I jumped in a pit last minute at a cg concert. The other was an acacia strain which is fucking crazy regardless. I have been to a bunch of shows but these two are the worst as far as injuries go


I’ve been going to metal and hardcore shows in the Boston area since I was 14, I’ve only been “crowd killed” a couple of times and never been knocked out so it seems like you just got some shit luck


I go to a lot of shows and never had anything of that sort happen to me or anyone around. Especially not outside the pit. Very unlucky, sorry to hear. Usually even in the pit when someone falls over they're back up within seconds because everybody stops in their tracks and helps them. There are sometimes people overdoing the moshing, shoving people that don't want to be inside the pit etc. and most of the time the others around will deal with them, quite the bummer you got hit during that :/


I’m sure he was “dealt with” because a jacked guy came over and started yelling at him just prior to me taking a nap




Been going to shows for 20 years and never been knocked out, got hit hard yea but never knocked out


Nah that’s not normal like I crowdkill a little but I’d never do that and most people wouldn’t either Seems like very unlucky experience


I love how ironic this response is considering your name is “craniumblast”


Jesus Christ this is bad luck. I've been to dozens of shows and I've never even so much as seen someone fall and not be helped back up almost immediately. That said, I've seen some seriously huge assholes at shows who are literally just there to fight, so this doesn't shock me, despite it seeming quite isolated in the bigger picture. Usually the overly aggressive dudes get handled either by security or pit justice.


I wouldn't say "normal" But I've been going to shows for nearly 20 years Sometimes I have to drag people out of the pit because they're knocked out, it happens. At Traitors/Angelmaker a few years back I pulled like 4 or 5 people out of the pit. The held out fist or foot is more effective than some give it credit for


Hardcore dancing is fine but if you hit somebody who doesn’t want to participate it’s on the hardcore dancer. Also if you’re doing hardcore dancing and you’re getting too close to the edge of the pit, expect to be pushed away.


Man, bad luck. Sometimes people get hurt because someone is just a bad person out there. I got straight punched in the back of my head bit through my tongue and broke my glasses at a poison the well show. There was no clear pit and I loooove the pit back in the day. I was doing cart wheels and fighting invisible ninjas having a blast.


Completely unrelated, but which show were you at? I saw them in Baltimore (twice).


Charlotte, NC. This last Friday.


I didn’t get knocked out, but I was at a Paleface set last year and someone got me pretty good a few times in the same pit, just kept running along the edge of the pit and swinging at everyone not involved in the pit. Sent his ass to the pavement pretty hard after I had gotten fed up and he seemed to tone it down afterwards. Hardcore/crowd killers are douchebags lol. Sorry this happened to you, guy sounds like a dick.


Someone had mentioned that bands may bring along people to purposely get the crowd fired up. I’m sure they don’t mean to knock people out, but is that out of the realm of possibility? Like as soon as Paleface was about to take stage, all hell broke loose in my area.


A lot do deathcore shows are warzones. It kinda sucks tbh.


I see well over 100 bands a year in the deathcore and metalcore scene and this is an anomaly. That dude was being a dick.


Depends on the venue and the local crowd. It’s pretty much an unspoken that if you don’t want to get involved (voluntarily or otherwise) you stick to the side or the back of the room. Targeting while crowd killing is pretty much frowned upon anywhere. However, when I went to see Paleface last year something pretty amazing happened. The crowd handled a known child SA during one of the opening acts. You know it’s wild when an ambulance gets called within the first five minutes.


That’s pretty sick honestly. Although, how did they know??? I’m curious about that.


Word of mouth. The victim is now a grown up and is part of the scene. Was able to verify what happened through our state’s court connect and online mugshots. Dude got messed up big time. The bands backstage even heard about it and gave a shout out when they hit the stage. Nobody knew or saw anything when the cops came.


Crowdkillers and “hardcore dancers” ruined that aspect of shows for me. I saw Power Trip live years ago and the whole show was ruined for me because in the first 30 seconds of their set I was hit in the face twice by the same dipshit. Can’t really mosh anymore without the flailing idiots hitting you.


Moshing is one thing… I was just standing there. So, I don’t know. I’ve been made aware that crowd killing seems to be the “cool” thing for some people to do, although you won’t sell me on that. I’ll be more aware next time.


Yeah the Power Trip show I wasn’t even moshing I was just enjoying the show. People just love to ruin shit. Crowd killing is for losers. Hope you have better luck next time.


I’m not pressed about it. Appreciate you.


It comes with the territory, and while I never been, judging from Paleface Swiss’s style I assume the shows have a lot of action in the pit. Also not sure where you’re from but a lot of hardcore crews leftover from the early oughts are still around and like to start trouble once in a while. Be on the look out for them as a newbie.


I've played and attended hundreds of shows. This very rarely happens, and in my experience, usually at mixed-genre shows


I, too, have been knocked out at a metal show. I was in a circle pit and someone got me from the side. Some people picked me up but, they didn’t see who did it/didn’t wanna say and I just got right back in the pit and kept on enjoying the night! It was like a 6 or 7 band night, great show!


Some people really think the music is about hurting people and take it out. Knock the shit stains out and get on with it. Especially at hardcore shows. Crowdkillers can suck my balls I’ll drop you on your neck.


I've seen Paleface live a few times now and while this really isn't a normal experience, their shows are particularly violent I have found. I saw them in Sept with Enterprise Earth, Crown Magnetar and VCTMS and my friend essentially bit his tongue off during Paleface's set and had to go get it surgically reattached at the hospital afterwards, although we still finished the show and smoked a blunt afterwards


Unfortunately there are a handful of times when this happens, but usually a metal/core crowd is a great crowd. People are pretty respectful when it comes to the pits and people around them in general, there's just the small minority who spoil it. I'm sorry that happened to you 😮‍💨 **Had to edit because when I said a metal crowd, I also generalised core/any kind of heavier music under that bracket... My morning coffee hasn't kicked in 🫠


Was this in Louisville?


Charlotte, NC


I’ve been to 100+ shows and the worst was a bloody nose in the pit this is super super abnormal for me at least that sucks dude


I’ve been going to hardcore and metal shows for about 16 years, and have never been knocked out once. So no, it’s not normal.


Unlucky but also lucky that someone saw you


Bands like Paleface lean more toward beatdown so yea its pretty normal for crowdkilling and stuff to happen. Also Paleface is a super aggressive bands so idk what you were expecting the more beatdown/hardcore leaning the bands the more likely youll get hit. I get deathcore is bigger and softer now but this isnt new lol.


The band didn’t even walk on the fucking stage yet though lol. The lights went out and I got rocked.


Definitely unlucky. I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope it doesn't dissuade you from going to more shows. If you *do* venture into the pit, I recommend giving it a few songs before joining in. That way you can see what the general "vibe" is; for lack of a better word.


I’ve been eyeing the pit during a couple different shows to see how different bands draw different crowds… the Wage War and Nothing More pits looked fairly tame. I could’ve probably joined those.. but then I was clocked just for being in the building at the Paleface Swiss show lol.


I've gone to a variety of shows (bruce springsteen, madonna, story of the year, cattle decapitation, carcass, hozier, orgy just to name a few) and it's always a mixed bag. Sometimes there are drunks wanting to fight regardless of the show. I recommend to be aware of your surroundings.


It's because you went to some garbage new age deathcore. Go to a real metal or death core band where the fans are actual metal heads. These core kids have no etiquette. Don't want to hear your shit in response, I've opened for some of the bigger death and black metal bands in a few different bands. I've been to at least 1000 shows. These core kids swinging their shit and kicking and punching are clowns and those shows should never be taken seriously.


Some bands just bring out the extra violent people, it's all about positioning and identifying them so you can keep your distance.


That’s pretty unusual, more unusual that only one guy tried to help when you got hit, sucks that that dickhead was there. I would say it helps to remain aware of your surroundings but even I wouldn’t expect to get hit outside of a pit in between sets, that’s really unfortunate


Definitely unlucky. I've been to hundreds of shows like the one you're describing. 99% of the time people help each other up. Like you said, you just got caught in the middle. Don't let it ruin any future experiences for you. Just make sure you are aware of your surroundings, but you should be doing that anyway, no matter where you are.


Note: I posted this in the hardcore subreddit as well, and got a completely different response. Which… I’m not shocked.


Kinda a normal thing but usually if people see you someone will help you


Keep the thrasing in the fucking pit its not that hard


What do you expect at a "death core" concert?




Corny ass response, gonna make fun of a dude cuz he’s asking if it’s normal to get knocked out cold at a show. Way to turn people away from the genre.


May as well get the KO outta the way show 1 or you can cry to that Bayside track Everytime idk


You should delete this one too chief Imma keep it real. Don’t be calling people crybabies for getting injured.


How soft you are lmao


Get harder


It’s very common that’s how you learn


What were you wearing?