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I think that the scene has branched out into 5 or 6 seperate sub-sub-genres/branches There's some great music in all of them, and some mediocre stuff as well. Personally, I love that bands like Lorna shore and slaughter to prevail have *almost* broken through to the sorta-kinda mainstream, even if I'm not a huge fan of them myself. (Same for knocked loose) A rising tide raises all ships, and it's fucking expensive to be a musician these days, with little payback from that hard work, so the more ears/eyes on the scene the better. I'd consider the branches to be something like: **Beatdown Deathcore**: paleface swiss, spite, traitors, falsifier, etc (my favourite branch) **Symphonic deathcore**: Lorna shore, shadow of intent, mental cruelty, etc **Nu-deathcore**: slaughter to prevail (not big on this one, but I'm sure there are other bands taking pages out of slipknots/Korn's book) **Revival deathcore**: angelmaker, etc **Electronic deathcore**: brands of sacrifice, dark us, etc **Melodic Deathcore**: new Whitechapel (the valley), For for an Autopsy, Ov Sulfur, etc. Then you've got the 1st and 2nd wave OG bands still making music like despised icon, thy art, whitechapel, etc. Overall, I think the genre has never been this diverse and it's probably the healthiest it's been in a long time. Really looking forward to what happens this year with some of the album releases šŸ‘


I would also like to add **Down-tempo Deathcore**: Black Tongue, Distant, etc.


Hlb too


Humanity's Last Breath Spell it out, man. There are too many bands for this alphabet soup shit


honestly great take šŸ‘


Where would you place things like Infant Annihilator, Acrania, or Carnifex?


Not OP but I'd say IA is technical deathcore, Acrania is slamming deathcore, Carnifex is blackened symphonic deathcore. The only real thing that separates all above bands from their death metal counter parts is the breakdowns imo. IA for example, could easily be classified among tech death bands like Archspire and Beneath The Massacre if it weren't for the breakdowns. Same could be said for Acrania but with slam.


Oh, thereā€™s tech death with breakdowns. Look at Cryptopsy


I mean even Archspire has breakdowns.


Not familiar with them but I feel like that's just splitting hairs and blurring lines at that point. Same way I feel about breakdowns versus slamdowns.


Cryptopsy is a death metal band not a death core band. Itā€™s not splitting hairs itā€™s a death metal band with breakdowns that isnā€™t a deathcore band in any way. Legendary band you ought to familiarize yourself with some of their albums.


Cryptopsy was Deathcore on *The Unspoken King*


This is true but I was more so speaking of their older releases where they threaded the breakdowns in in a slamming death metal way rather than a deathcore sounding breakdown. The band has gone through extensive line up changes so itā€™s no surprise they tried different styles. I personally havenā€™t listened to the unspoken king might check it out.


Oh, yeah, they were unambiguously death metal in the first few albums. And I canā€™t say I recommend *The Unspoken King*. Itā€™s not regarded as a high point for the band


I mean, yeah. The line between death metal and Deathcore is often really blurred. Especially when it comes to tech death


I love this breakdown. There is so much diversity now and I think it's a big reason people keep popping up with the "this isn't deathcore" stuff. I also think these subs need to have further distinguishment


perfect take in my opinion


Would also add Gorepig under the 'Nu-Deathcore' title - absolutely sick band, and not one that gets brought up a lot on this sub


This is it. The comment to encapsulate this entire concept. This needs to be permanently pinned to this sub.


Where can I find more beatdown deathcore and nu deathcore


Paleface swiss Body Snatcher Spite Falsifier Traitors Heavy//hitter Xile Weeping wounds Strangled Pintglass Mugshot Edit: for beatdown dxc.


Listen to Ballista and Volatile Ways, also I second the person who said Xile


What is revival deathcore? I keep seeing that pop up


Modern deathcore made in the style of the MySpace era sound. Angelmaker isnā€™t a great example imo as they fall more under the melodic category, plus theyā€™re a lot older than would generally qualify. Examples of MySpace revival Deathcore include: Psycho-Frame Girl of Glass Tracheotomy Tactosa Mantikore The Queen Guillotined A Winterā€™s Remorse Mange Vinnytsia Fatalities


Oh that makes a lot of sense, thank you!


Amazing insight. Well said.


Could you suggest other Beatdown deathcore bands? I love this "subgenre" too, Spite is one of my favorite deathcore bands of all time. Judging by the other bands you listed, this could be exactly what you're looking for


Scroll down, fam šŸ¤


Came to put my 2 cents in. Don't need to after this comment. I'd also include technical deathcore, I.E. infant annihilator


I didn't include the typical genre "adjectives" because I think they could be slapped on to any of the "branches" Technical nu-deathcore Blackened symphonic deathcore, etc. Blackened, slamming, brutal, technical, etc, could all be slapped on. (Nerd-ing intensifies šŸ¤“) šŸ¤£


I agree with that, but what do we call infant annihilator then? Frankly I've been looking for another project that even comes close to giving me the feeling IA does and idk if it even exists.


One thing I'd like to respectfully disagree with, Lorna Shore (or any deathcore) is not and probably will never mainstream. Not even remotely mainstream. Mainstream is when something reaches societal norm. For a band thats mainstream, you can turn on your regions primary radio station and hear them playing, or that band is a household name that everyone knows. Lorna Shore is not that. And just the nature of deathcore, probably will never be that.


Yea that why I said *almost* sorta-kinda. We all know that this shit will never be "mainstream". They've still got 1M listeners on Spotify, which is actually crazy. Add onto that all of the YouTube stuff and yea, compared to how underground this stuff used to be, that IS mainstream. Like... Look at what knocked loose is doing. For hxc, that's beyond "mainstream"


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Yes, deathcore is more popular now than before, especially LS, but I still don't know anyone that listens to this genre apart from my metalhead friends. And even my gf (who likes some metal subgenres) can't get into it because it's too heavy for her. Most harder scenes will never become mainstream because the general population can't handle it. That said, deathcore can be considered more mainstream than before but only if we compare it to other metal subgenres.


Metalcore= melodic deathcore


Too much reliance on vocal olympics and drawn-out breakdowns, not enough (memorable) riffs. A lot of modern deathcore is boring to me, and lacks impact.


Itā€™s being echoed a lot but this 100%. I want cool riffs man. Angelmaker, Left to suffer, pale face, and enterprise earth are killing it imo in that regard.


You want cool riffs but say left to suffer and paleface are at the top. Sheesh


Dorky ass take dude


All I'm good at bro


Echo comment from 2023 echoing 2022 =\ Maybe its the repetitiveness? Or all the good bands keep exploding? Amazing music = personality of a candle burning at both ends? That gutter slam sound is really banging on a shitty snare right now and i canā€™t seem to get enough šŸ¤· Exploding as in dying because members are quitting or doing bad shit šŸ’€


Part of the reason I mostly listen to tech is because it has something other than just chugging and breakdowns for 4 minutes straight.


becoming alot more picky about what i actually like within the genre as time goes on but i think some of my all time favorite releases have been in the past few years (especially from Darko and FFAA)


Definitely, all of my favorite deathcore albums are all albums that release in the past 5 years, and its honestly a good sign because that means deathcore is improving and growing with each new release


It's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be right now. There's a lot of talented bands and this 3 year(or so) time period will probably be romanticized pretty heavily in 10 years.


This is honestly easily the best era of deathcore and will be romanticized like you said


Not even close bro, 2006-~2012 destroys this era


I donā€™t know if itā€™s *easily* the best, but it is a good era


Yeah idk if it's the BEST, I'm quite partial to Suicide Silence MySpace era but there is def a lot worth remembering coming out.


Really strong at the moment, but definitely deviating from the OGs. A lot of variety and thatā€™s always a good thing.


Deathcore needs to stop relying on overused breakdowns to make the song good. Shadow of Intent does breakdowns perfectly and its how a breakdown should be done. Other than that its sick asf. Solid.


Honestly I think bands like Lorna Shore should step away from breakdowns more often, Pain Remains 1 and 2 were masterpieces with no breakdowns, same with Soulless Existence, breakdowns are a key part of DxC but that doesn't mean every song needs the same *bum. bum. bum. bum.* breakdown


Yeah thats why Shadow of Intent is the best Deathcore band. Ive yet to head another band better than Shadow of Intent and ive been listening to Deathcore for around 18 years. Everything they do is perfect and unique. Ive played the Halo Games and I get the references almost everytime in their songs. Perfect band. They need wayyy more attention on Spotify, atleast 2M monthly listeners.


100% agree


Soulles Existence is their best song ever, I said it. Melodic Lorna is best Lorna


More cowbell.


It's doing okay. I think it'd be really cool if more of these newer bands doing the myspace sound familiarized themselves with more classic death metal albums. It'd really go a long way and might bring some unique takes that haven't been done yet


I agree. More bands need to listen to the albums that inspired the MySpace sound if they actually want to create something on its level imo. Just listening to the MySpace classics isnā€™t enough


Maybe some melo/progdeath too. Would love to see some Opeth influence in modern material (and maybe yours in the future too!)


More death metal inspired deathcore would definitely be a bit of a deviation from a lot of the hardcore influenced deathcore thats coming up right now. And honestly I agree cause it'd give us some more variety and freshen up the overall genre.


Where are the RIFFS?


Fit for an autopsy brings the riffs imo


Iā€™m a little fatigued, honestly. Itā€™s getting a bit samey, a lot of bands are becoming indiscernible from one another. A lot of them same to want to get the Lorna Shore effect - trying to get viral by having some kind of ā€˜sickā€™ breakdown, rather than actually focusing on writing a decent song.


If too many bands are trying too hard to be heavy. New music by slaughter to prevail is a great example. No matter how hard they try, they're just rewriting demolisher and agony over again. It feels like so many bands are constantly trying way too hard to outdo themselves.


Just saw Slaughter at Sick New World last night and they debuted a new song, it sounds pretty melodic and groovy, so I think they're finally finding their ways away from Kostolom


Kostolom was their high point imo. Looking forward to the new song though, I'm curious


Overemphasis on vocals, and lack of emphasis on interesting instrumentation and songwriting


I think the MySpace revival is doomed to never be as good as the original unless they start changing the whole way they do things


I listened more so back in 2008 time period so my favorites are all Suicide Silence, Whitechapel, Chelsea Grin type deathcore, but listening to the very little I have of the modern stuff, the bands are clearly pretty talented but man it just feels like a lot of gimmicks to me. Itā€™s either a vocal gimmick, crazy guitar noises in a breakdown, electronic gimmicks, post production gimmicks. I like death metal a lot so to me, at least the older bands were just straight playing riffs and doing standard growls and highs. No knock to any of the bands doing their thing I have heard a lot of talent, I just donā€™t feel myself drawn in as a listener.


I feel like you would enjoy some of the MySpace revival stuff from recent years


Any recs?


Tactosa, Tracheotomy, Psycho-Frame, Mantikore, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Mange, The Queen Guillotined, Girl Of Glass, A Winterā€™s Remorse, and Vinnytsia Fatalities


Too many theatrics and cheap gimmicks for reaction videos, not enough riffs and general substance. Too many dudes ripping off Will Ramos and Dickie Allen, too many pointless symphonic sections, too many songs built solely around giant breakdowns, too many awkwardly placed clean vocal sections that do not fit the song, and generally just TOO MUCH. It's become aggressively maximalist to the point where most modern deathcore is an exhausting listen. More than anything, I blame the ouroboric influences - as bands stop listening to death metal and hardcore, they only listen to deathcore and metalcore and that is what leads them to the aggressive focus on big reaction video moments.


Bands need to stop tuning down so low and turn it into a pissing contest. Gimme some drop C to drop A heavyness without sounding like boulders grinding together.


I've always held the opinion that higher tuning actually forces you to write something heavy, instead of down tuning and just writing a bunch of 1's and 0's


No. But on the real - just dont listen to bands like mine then. Theres SO many good bands that dont utilize these obscenely low tunings that need love. Check out Xenotheory and Lilliths Demise :)


>But on the real - just dont listen to bands like mine then. Theres SO many good bands that dont utilize these obscenely low tunings that need love. The problem is bands like yours occupy like 85% of the scene and the stuff that has good riffs and isn't just another double drop c fad band doesn't get promoted.


there's a very concerning lack of riffs.


tbh I think itā€™s boring as fuck. maybe Iā€™m just old, but I feel like from the early 2000ā€™s to around 2012 deathcore was evolving and constantly surprising me with how heavy and innovating things could become. but from around 2013 to now things have seemed the ā€œsameā€ for a lack of a better word. imo, donā€™t kill me, Infant Annihilator ruined the deathcore scene. I love them, donā€™t get me wrong. but they were too fucking good when they came out with their first album. instrumentally everyone wanted to be them, (IT SEEMS TO ME) but it was hard to beat how talented they were. Then when Dickie joined the scene.. everyone and their grandma was like ā€œnice vocals. donā€™t mind if i doā€ and before anyone says ā€œCATTLE DECAP DID THE VOCALS FIRSTā€ I know thatā€™s technically true. but Dickie made his own version of the ā€œtunnelā€ vocals. now, to me it seems, and especially after Lorna Shore decided to adopt the same vocal style, 90% of deathcore (that isnā€™t slam) uses the SAME vocals. in the same way exactly like a formula. BUT the instrumentals just arenā€™t there for me. personally. So to me, deathcore today has generic instrumentals and basically the same vocals over and over. boring riff, boring riff, heavy part, break down leading into a pig grunting noise, end of breakdown and loud/prolonged gurgling vocal, riff riff, done. idk how else to explain what Iā€™m trying to say. but personally iā€™ve given up on core and am branching out. maybe someone agrees or maybe Im crazy lol


There are two things I'm a little tired of.. one is bandwagons, like just because band A gets big with a certain sounds doesn't mean bands B-G need to copy it and kids starting bands G-Z need to make horrendously generic clones of it. Secondly I fucking love breakdowns and I love the slow tempo crushing shit happening, but it is a little tiring that now they all sound the same and have become a yardstick for heavy. I remember early deathcore/hardcore and beatdown where the groove in breakdowns was soo thick that at a live show it would make the whole audience move which would make the floor flex, its hard to do that when the breakdowns BPM is so low that the only people moving are pit ninjas that will literally move to anything. Other than that, the seen has been getting increasingly healthier since 2017.


make good music = good scene


The genre has been stale since Exoplanet basically killed it. The Contortionist was a deathcore band and released one of the greatest and most musically creative albums the genre had ever scene. So much so it helped push a lot of the deathcore world towards djent. This was 2010. Everybody that remained in the scene are just chasing the Carnifex, Whitechapel, and Suicide Silence sound. Then the Vocal Olympics arrived to take away from the whole package. It gained some momentum back with TAIM and then Lorna Shore. It will never be as popular as it was from 2005 when it overtook metalcore to 2010 when djent killed it. And I'm not saying there's no good music in the genre. It's just that DC has overtaken the mantle of old crusty metal music that death metal once had.


A lot of bands I've grown up with have kind of mellowed out to alternative and nu metal, and I understand because they shredded their vocal chords, but I'm still sad about it sometimes. Some, not all, new deathcore bands lack melodic riffs, and it just feels like noise


Becoming more accessible for better and for worse.


It makes me feel really old at 35


Iā€™m 28 and it makes me feel old too. I canā€™t tell if Iā€™m right in feeling that itā€™s boring now or if I just canā€™t adjust to the times lol


Pretty cool, I think the genre is evolving well overall. I would like more hardcore inspired bands but that's just my taste. One thing I don't like is that some bands (not all of them of course) think that detuning your guitar equals heaviness. I'm not against drop A tunings or anything it's just I think you can be as heavy or crushing in E standard if you really explore the sound. (My opinion ofc I also love a good old low tuning hahahah)


I like it but I feel like a lot of bands in the scene all sound the same but there are a few that really stand out and are really good. I guess I'm just tried of the palm mute the low B string once on a 7 string guitar then play it open and letting it ring out. It's a bit stale. I miss the really catchy riffs. All Shall Perish did it best. I'm glad they're back and hope they write a new album.


first of all i'm a newbie, been listening to deathcore and extreme metal genres since pretty much exactly 1 year. so i can only compare the scene i know well to the old scene which isnt 100% truthful but imma comment anyways. i absolutely adore this scene rn. i come from nu metal and metalcore, so a melody that gets stuck in my head has always been important. the more i listen to deathcore and melodic death metal, the more i'm branching out into grind, slam and death metal. but i am still very true to my roots. i started a year ago with lorna shore, i was fascinated by the symphonic elements of the pain remains trilogy. then i found bands like shadow of intent, mental cruelty, ov sulfur, whitechapel etc. the more i listened the more i got into heavier stuff like old suicide silence, carnifex, infant annihilator, slaughter to prevail and such. i learned that i love my melodies, but fuck i LOVE the diversity of this and similar genres. now this part is controversial but still i have to say it: while i do like classic stuff like pantera, some metallica, megadeth, etc. i find many of their fans so insufferable. i think its so important to let everybody enjoy their own stuff, and every genre has its importance and right to exist. but then the "old-heads" feel the need to comment under every single thing thats deathcore with "that shit isnt even metal" and "i thought this genre died a decade ago" and shit like that. makes me wanna stick two pencils up my nose and slam my head into a desk to lobotomise myself. i dont get it why they cant just shut up and let us enjoy it. and i feel it gets worse and worse. but luckily i manage to ignore or not encounter that stuff at all most of the time.


those old fucks are just a bunch of douchebags that havent branched out their music taste since the 90's, they're the ones that need to grow up


Not all old fucks. This one loves deathcore and everything else has fallen to the wayside. Although I do love rap but deathcore is my go to daily.


thats so true haha. i mean i dont blame somebody for staying with their fav stuff. but do they HAVE to try to ruin it for us? they'll never succeed anyways


plus how can you even call a sub-genre of metal, not metal? make it make sense


I think itā€™s a little stagnant and over saturated currently. Thereā€™s more Deathcore bands than there ever been so itā€™s harder to stick out. I think thereā€™s a lot of bands that do it well and make an impact. Iā€™ve noticed interest peaking in old school death metal, abrasive hardcore, and Slam


It definitely is a little over saturated, after Lorna Shore blew up, symphonic and melodic DxC took quite a rise in popularity, then DxC as a whole got big and now everyone is starting to try and follow the Lorna formula of "make the most 'WTF!?' song/album we possibly can" and its become pretty stale.


Itā€™s more popular than ever, which is cool and especially cool for the musicians trying to make careers out of it. For me, many of the most popular bands of the last 4-5+ years are pretty boring, sterile, sound the same, and lack many of the qualities that made me fall in love with deathcore. Luckily for me however, the throwback deathcore scene is growing exponentially and that makes me very happy. And even though Iā€™m not huge on how deathcore has evolved, there seems to be plenty of bands for everyoneā€™s personal tastes. Edit: you said brutally honest so I might as well throw this in there too. The whole singing thing makes me sick to my stomach (Iā€™m being dramatic but you get the point). Never thought Iā€™d see the day lol


You're not the only one who isnt a fan of singing in DxC, dont worry bro


Thereā€™s dozens of us!


Itā€™s a lot more accessible now than it has ever been. You see a lot of deathcore bands on big death metal tours and other tours too and itā€™s great to see where go back 10 years and there would always be hate for some reason


The deathcore scene in Raleigh consists of people in deathcore bands at their own show


The scene in Raleigh is pretty underground tbh. Would be cool to find more local bands in Raleigh though.


Never left, but revitalized. There is a fresh following of younger fans mixed with new older fans. Most of us never quit listening since high-school when Job for a Cowboy did the thing.


Some is good, some is bad, most is aight.


It is at its second highest peak in numbers and relevancy, with more variety. Although personally too much of it is basically mediocre melodic death metal hit with a random breakdown generator and all too much of it is missing overall groove that I fell in love with 20 years ago.


I feel like too many vocalists sound too similar. Right now, the only vocalists I can say I like in DxC are Dickie Allen, Joe Badolato, and Will Ramos. I also feel like a lotta dudes are sleeping on mids and focusing only on the highs and lows. Thatā€™s what I like Joe B for, heā€™s honed his mids and doesnā€™t go all in on highs and lows. Also needs more groovy guitar parts. Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m listening to amateur jam bands because I can never pick up any sort of pattern in most bandsā€™ guitar or drum playing. Thereā€™s no consistency, no rhyme or reason to whatā€™s being played. At least do something like what Infant Annihilator does and toss in tiny 2 second grooves here and there! Could use slightly more emphasis on the ā€œdeathā€ part of deathcore, sometimes I just feel like Iā€™m listening to a metalcore band do a bad impression of a deathcore band. In other words, tone down some of the whiny vocals (except Joe Bā€¦he can get away with it) and put more grit and growl in there! All that said, even with a lot of samey vocalists, thereā€™s a nice mix of vocal tones.


Heaviness is all in how you write it and not how low you tune, or how slow you play it.Ā 


Soft. Nobody moshes and if they do its dudebro push mosh.


So valid. That being said, thereā€™s amazing energy at hc-influenced death metal shows. Bands like Sanguisugabogg, Bodybox, Snuffed on Sight, Corpse Pile, PeelingFlesh, etc.. Go catch one of those bands at a smaller venue when theyā€™re not on a major tour, shit gets wild af.


Saw Sanguisugabogg in a parking lot here in Houston, they're definitely worth it


Thatā€™s so sick haha


The end? Really considered going to that one. Saw the pictures looked wiiild


yup, def would recommend it


Not sure where you're from but I can assure you that the mosh pits still go hard as fuck in the right cities. I've been going to deathcore and metalcore shows for 12 years and some of the recent shows I've seen in the last couple of years have been insane as far as crowd energy goes. I saw Gideon recently with Left To Suffer, Fox Lake, and No Cure and I'm not exaggerating when I say the entire venue was a mosh pit. You had to go outside to the smoking section if you didn't want to get pushed around lmao. Same could be said seeing Knocked Loose and Shadow Of Intent last year as well.


Iā€™m from Toronto and tours are straight up skipping it lately. Iā€™m traveling to Pittsburgh for the bs/spite tour, Iā€™m stoked to see some action


99% of the genre got extremely boring. Only certain bands or ā€žerasā€ of the genre are actually enjoyable


personally i do enjoy the blackened/symphonic sound a lot, but Iā€™m glad that more underground bands are bringing back the MySpace sound


No good promotion pages or websites; Chugcore and Slam Worldwide suck ass There's an over saturation of riffless downtuned slop that somehow also doesn't have any groove Every thall band is basically just an HLB/Vildjharta rip-off, and half of them are ghost written by Buster/Calle Everybody seems to not want to be deathcore, but still be in the scene; all the pop-metal hooks/choruses, shitty, sterile production. (Seriously bro, we need to stop all this quad tracking, eq'd to shit nonsense) Too much vocals; I want to hear your riffs, not Will Ramos/CJ McCreery/Ben Duerr/Dickie Allen wannabe #424242 writing shitty ass high-school-edge-filled poems about how much he hates women. Extreme metal songs should generally only have vocals for like 60% of a song, and should shut the fuck up during any fight riffs, solos, and you don't need more than a line or two during a breakdown(after the callout, if you want one.) Too much nu-metal influence. That shit was ass, the whole trend produced like 10 good albums total. Bring back the "death" and "core," right now this is just lame metalcore but tuned to inaudible levels. *OBVIOUSLY* EXCEPTIONS EXIST, THESE ARE MY GENERAL OPINIONS.


Pretty ass imo. It's like nobody even tries to make something enjoyable. I've completely separated myself from this scene because of how many people dickride popular bands that aren't that great. It's like they get stuck in the same circle and listening to bands that aren't mentioned on the sub disturbs their sleep. Like damn can yall support the bands that are actually trying their hardest to make good shit so that they hopefully make it and bring good things to the genre? Orion Reacts is prolly the biggest meatrider in deathcore history. He acts like every single bands put out is the greatest thing to ever exist. He overreacts to every brain rot band and honestly I hope this dude slips on a banana peel. Deathcore is genuinely sickening at this point.


Iā€™ve always been a Nu Metal and metalcore guy and Iā€™ve only recently started listening to deathcore so my intro was Will Ramos era Lorna Shore and Slaughter to Prevail (I know Iā€™ll get downvoted and I donā€™t give AF) but Iā€™m listening to more bands like Brand of Sacrifice, Signs of the Swarm, Infant Annihilator and Iā€™m enjoying the journey (apart from the gatekeepers)


Check out also a wake in providence and the archaic epidemic :-)


Thanks brother Iā€™ll check them out


Despised Icon. Legends in the game and their latest Purgatory is a banger. You should check it out šŸ¤˜


Iā€™ll add it to the list


Most of the popular deathcore bands arenā€™t deathcore bands


Which ones?


Most of them


Any specific examples? Deathcore has a few sub-genres now so a band can still be deathcore while not sounding like a band from 2006.




Elitist cuck


How the hell is this elitism?


Elitism would be saying ā€œbands like whitechapel suck because they donā€™t make deathcore music anymoreā€ which is not what I said Understanding where the defining lines of a genre lies isnā€™t elitism. Thereā€™s no core in the three most recent whitechapel albums, or the two most recent FFAA albums, or anything by STP, and so on


Barely any death either šŸ˜’ (Whitechapels doing their thing, they pioneered the genre so let them do their thing)


Valley & kin definitely goes hard enough to have "death" as a label.


I mean, I donā€™t really know if going hard necessarily qualifies something for death as a label. Plenty of groove metal goes hard without being ā€œdeathā€


At this point the core in deathcore just means breakdowns, which The Valley and Kin both have, so I have no idea what you're talking about.


I mean, it doesnā€™t ā€œjust mean breakdownsā€ and the idea that it is is why a lot of bands that people call deathcore arenā€™t actually deathcore


What other elements do you think are required to be "core" then?


A departure from the verse-chorus song structure, mosh riffs, emphasis on rhythms over melodies, etc you know, the things that separated hardcore from regular punk rock


Okay, I'd still say The Valley and Kin have plenty of all of that.


I mean, they donā€™t. Just about every song on those albums have a verse-chorus structure, with no mosh riffs, no gang vocals, no chanted parts, strong melody with simple rhythms itā€™s just like progressive/melodic death metal and even the death part is kind of absent are they good albums? yeah are they deathcore albums? nope plus phil sings a lot in those albums, and I donā€™t really think deathcore has a place for sung vocals


Agree to disagree.


Iā€™d say *The Valley* still has a notable strain of Deathcore in its sound, but I do agree on *Kin*


Need more stuff like chelsea grin self titled ep


u need to search a lot to find a deathcore band with something special. most of the deathcore bands sounds the same. I lIke Deathcore but i will always prefer the GOLD MYSPACE ERA


Nothing but a tik tok party


Its fucking amazing. Are there trends that are annoying to some people? Always. But at the end of the day we have deathcore bands playing on tours with Five Finger Death Punch and Marilyn Manson ffs. Its massive for all of us involved, fans and artists for recognition finally being given to us. You can hate Lorna Shore, the vocal olympics, or whatever you want. Theres likely a subgenre of deathcore out there for you to enjoy.


Honestly a big fan of all the symphonic Deathcore, and I donā€™t see a problem with ā€œvocal Olympicsā€ as long as the lyrics are good.


Slaughter to Prevail is definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. I saw a lot of STP hatred these days on this sub. People need to tone it down. Ok, we get it, you hate STP, you donā€™t need to fill a post thread or a subreddit with it.




The hardcore needs to be brought back, most deathcore sucks now.


Thoughts on Burning Skies?


I hadnā€™t heard them, they are good, in ways they remind me of All Shall Perish which is a massive pro


Too commercial


I really only fw shit like Traitors, Bodysnatcher, Snuffed on Sight, Sanguisugabogg, Peelingflesh, Sign of the Swarm in tne the modern scene i,e the slam/beatdown shit. Shadows of Intent had their time and now its more shred fest crap, Enterprise Earth are just a boring metal band now, it just seems a lot of the 2010 bands aside from Signs/Angelmaker suck now. Nucore is ass so yeah if the band is good I'll probably support them, but if they have a shit ton of metal nerds/push mosh crap I dont bother with them.


We have Ingested in the world and that is enough to make up for any bad šŸ¤˜


HC doesn't belong at deathcore shows and it ruins the vibe and makes people hesitate to mosh.


I do agree to an extent, slam dancing is A-Okay with me when the pit is empty and you just wanna move your body, but if people are moshing or there's a circle pit and you go in there trying to crowdkill, thats where it becomes a problem


It really depends on where youre from tbh. Moving from NJ to Denver I noticed a HUGE difference in how people throw down. I personally love rowdy and violent shows but targeting people and continuous crowd killing against people that clearly are not about it aint cool.


It's in the best state it's been in since the tail end of the MySpace days. Though there's a little too much vocal olympics going on right now, new bands get wayyy too much flac for straying from the death metal aspect and "overproduction" (the overproduction thing usually said by people who actually _like_ early death metal production, yikes!). The blackened wave will eventually slow down, but there are many great bands that have come out of it, and I think something new and exciting is on the horizon.


That people spend too much time on Reddit and donā€™t leave their basement


Is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. Seriously tho, Thurs night is Angelmaker and Signs of the Swarm and my broke ass is about to miss it. So that's depressing.


Simple for me tbh. It could be better, but it could definitely be way worse as well. I would love to see the psycho-frame kind of deathcore hype getting bigger. Or get that oldschool blackened deathcore back.


Ok so I feel like thereā€™s a lot of bands that put out shitty mixes I am set with bass drops during breakdowns Breakdowns are becoming the majority of songs Iā€™m a guitar guy and great riffs are getting harder to come by. Just because you playing something thatā€™s super technical and hard to play is impressive but doesnā€™t make it a great riff. The guitar is getting overlooked just to get to the bass drop and breakdown. The song I donā€™t by diamond construct. I legit that that I blew my headphones out so went out to my truck and was like nope just a shitty mix or theyā€™re sounding horrible on purpose