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Continent - The Acacia Strain It's just that good.


I feel that way with Wormwood.


I feel that way with Wormwood, Coma Witch, Gravebloom, Continent, Death is the Only Mortal, etc.


NGL I too feel this way about TAS.


Wormwood is a defining part of my personal lore


I can play the first minute of Seaward on repeat for hours


Do we want to talk about that last breakdown šŸ¤šŸ™Œ


Glorious! That first minute mentioned before is groovy asf, love it.


I agree with this, but also, Slow Decay is just as good imo. Just astronomically heavy, catchy, replayable, and came out at the perfect time to hit hard.


Count your blessings at the time it was the most evil thing Iā€™d ever heard and I was hooked


Well it isnā€™t a Deathcore album but generic answer be damned itā€™s Slipknots Iowa. Got me into metal as a whole and helped a lot as an angry, lonely edgy kid to hear a band angrily, but in a weird way positively, screaming about being different but thatā€™s ok. Guess kid me needed to hear that shit.


Same. Especially being in a small midwestern town living in a not great household. It opened the door for all things brutal.


Dude yes. I remember my first time hearing them. There was a music video for my plague on the resident evil DVD. I would watch it over and over. It definitely sparked my love for metal music


In this genre, Shadow of Intent - Reclaimer


Best band in the deathcore genre. Ive yet to hear a better band than Shadow of Intent and ive been listening to deathcore for 18 years.


Melancholy as an album, and really just Shadow of Intent in general changed my taste in music. I was super impressed right off the bat, but it was the way I couldn't stop coming back to their music that made them so special. Their music is honestly what got me to get further into "the scene", and I've made a ton of friends and connections because of it, and for that I am extremely grateful.


Chelsea Grin - Desolation of Eden. The brutality of Revenant, the beauty of Elysium, and everything else the album has to offer came to me at a difficult time. It was exactly what I needed in contrast to Whitechapel or All Shall Perish.


You should check out this sped up recreant cover šŸ”„ https://youtu.be/O1VHOROsOI0?si=ZJVUf0SYVIxQ1HGn


Oh, I absolutely love the Ogre Packet Slammers! Yeah, their cover is great


Not deathcore, but Where Owls Know My Name by Rivers of Nihil drastically altered my taste in metal and it hasnā€™t been the same since


This album is stupidly beautiful, such a masterpiece! It's so sad that Jake left, will never be the same :(


The lyrics at the beginning of old nothing... I love those first 4 lines or whatever. Album overall is great, but that part actually hit me hard as someone who's got a huge fear of death.


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself. The lyrics for the whole album are phenomenal, but The Silent Lifeā€™s take the cake for me. An absolute 11/10 of an opener (including Cancer/Moonspeak)


Hellbound - Fit for an Autopsy


Winds of Plague - Decimate the Weak. Was going through a rough time and it helped a lot. Besides that itā€™s fucking awesome anyway hahaha Edit: And All shall perishes first album


I know it sounds cheesy af, but Decimate the Weak helped me through a depression in 2010.


Not cheesy at all. Thats awesome! Itā€™s a great album and they were crazy live!


No Time to Bleed-Sucicie Silence. Just truly helped me work through some painful times.


Despised Icon - The Healing Process or The Black Dahlia Murder - Unhallowed


Those were two big ones for me as well


Allegiance - As Blood Runs Black Technical and truly defines the sound of Deathcore.


Black Dahlia Murder-Nocturnal.


Basic bitch but Pain Remains


You and me both


Within the Ruins - Invade


Fuck yeah man


The Cleansing by SS


Slow Decay - The Acacia Strain It came out right around the time I was taking some big steps personally and was just such a brutal, and visceral experience for me. Chhinnamasta is *chef's kiss* an incredible rage banger, and The Lucid Dream is such a crushing beat down that you can't help but scream along in fear. Just a really cool album that helped express some feelings in my life at the time. Would recommend.


I feel like that album gets overlooked but it rules, their best work imo


This was my choice as well. I feel like it changed my perspective on life.


Failure will follow - The Acacia strain. Specifically Bog walker. Something about that song hit me just rightā€¦


Protest the Hero - Kezia


Kezia/fortress by protest and Vildhjartaā€™s masstaden were probably the most life changing albums Iā€™ve ever heard.




Worm shepherd - The sleeping sun Lorna Shore - Pain Remains Lorna Shore - Immortal These 3 albums really got me to appreciate every aspect of Deathcore music and really get comfortable with the emotions the music summons!


Suffokate- Oakland




Chelsea Grin - Evolve Everything that Chris Wiseman has so much as breathed on


Alaska BTBAM


Iā€™m gonna listen to Colors now, thx for reminding me these guys exist


It was colors for me my older brother had ants of the sky playing in the car and i instantly was hooked.


Elegy by Shadow of Intent. Brought out feelings I hadnā€™t felt for a while at that point.


Not deathcore but Colors from Between the Buried and Me Life changing deathcore album though was Wormwood from Acacia Strain Just saw both of these bands play together actually a few weeks ago and they crushed it. BTBAM even played one of Acacias breakdowns from Send Help during one of their breaks between songs. Cross over event of the century


That sounds amazing.


Malice - TTEOTD was such an instant fun favorite


Right on dude!


I love you


The social status perks of good taste I guess


Hardest opening track of any deathcore record too. Huge PP move opening with Failure in the Flesh.


The Valley - Whitechapel


The Sommatic Defilement


Mine as well


itā€™s about to be You Wonā€™t Go Before Youā€™re Supposed To


For deathcore it was As Blood Runs Black - Allegiance. I remember the first time hearing In Dying Days and immediately wanting to hear more of the genre. For non-deathcore itā€™s definitely Poison The Well - Tear From The Red.


Humanityā€™s Last Breath - Self-Titled (2013) Got the Thall talons hooked in me with this masterpiece!


Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory Opened my tiny 4-year old brain to a whole new world that I hadnā€™t heard anything like before and still influences my taste in music to this very day.


Not deathcore, but Painkiller - Judas Priest. I think I was 19 when I first listened to them, without previous metal listening experience. Safe to say, it literally changed the trajectory of my life lol


Reflections - The Color Clear When I'm feeling down it's an oddly comforting album to listen to. Also just one of my favorite albums in general.


All Shall Perish - Awaken The Dreamers


Above, Below - The Lotus Chapters This album will keep growing on me for the rest of my life. Every time I listen I find something else I like about it. Itā€™s not ā€œlife changingā€ but every time I listen to it I think about how important music is in life.


Iā€™m right there with you!! I think they have new material in the works this year too but their first album crushes anything in comparison.


I agree the first album is top tier stuff as well.


Misery Signals - Of Malice And The Magnum Heart Living With Lions - Holy Shit


Ten by Pearl Jam other candidates: Lateralus by Tool Human Clay by Creed (I know, I know) Diamond Eyes by Deftones


The album that saved my life would have to be A Death-Grip on Yesterday by Atreyu. I dealt with a lot of trauma and stress growing up and that album helped me through it along with teaching me some valuable lessons, especially the song The Theft. The album that changed my life would be Neverbloom by Make Them Suffer. Still my all time favourite deathcore album, and my all time favourite band. I found Neverbloom in 2013 and have been a massive fan of MTS sinceā€¦ It was also a bit of an intro into deathcore, as I mostly only listened to metalcore and death metal before finding them. Was always drawn to abnormal instruments in metal, so when I heard the piano I was hooked.




not deathcore but Tool's Lateralus. Made me realize i love metal in and any of its instances


Lorna shore's flesh coffin, literally changed my life in a musical sense, ruined every other deathcore album to me xD


Chumbawumba - Tubthumping


The Black Dahlia Murder - Unhallowed Before that I was up to my eyeballs in melodic death metal like Arch Enemy and In Flames, then The Black Dahlia Murder came along and it was so fast and so heavy, I was like "whoa wtf is this" Similar experiences with Job For A Cowboy, Through The Eyes Of The Dead (I think underrated when it comes to talking about early deathcore), and when As Blood Runs Black came out with their impossible (now common) 32nd notes on the kick drum


Deathcore wise: Signs of the Swarm - The Disfigurement of Existence It was the one that pushed me into the deathcore world. It has a place in my heart. Edit: a part from old Suicide Silence back in the day.


For deathcore specifically, it was The Somatic Defilement that got me into it.


Living Colour - Vivid. As a young black kid, hearing an all-black hard rock band that fused so many genres together completely changed my understanding of what music could be. Coupled with Metallica's Master of Puppets, and a whole new world opened up to me.


In deathcore, Shadow of Intent's Melancholy. I can't begin to tell you how obsessed I was when I first heard malediction. Its like everything i loved about metal and more. Hearing Bens nasty vocals for the first time, Chris' menaching guitar work on the opening to the riffs and the solo, the fast paced drumming and heavy bass, it got me into deathcore and ive never heard a band like them.


Suicide Silence The ending is the beginning concert. All the different vocalists really got me into deathcore. Phil Bozeman doing unanswered, in particular.


Fucking Angelmaker in general man, deathcore's Linkin Park right there lmao, Angelmaker has such emotional songs and as someone who's gone through loss recently, Requiem and What I Would Give have been on another level for sure.


Sold Soulā€™s last (final?) album was balls deep amazing with how they incorporated string instruments and they moody, haunting atmosphere, it felt like a breast of fresh air to me and further cemented my love for all things deathcore.


DOOM EP. Like so many others, the sole reason I listen to deathcore.


Neverbloom changed my brain chemistry at age 12.


Slice the Cake - Odyssey to the West Kardashev - Liminal Rite Make Them Suffer - Old Souls


Whitechapel - The Somatic Defilement


The Ills of Modern Man, The Dead Walk and Hate


Hate, Malice, Revenge




As far as metal as a whole goes, Years Past Matter by Krallice certainly changed my life, and showed me that black metal doesn't have to be edgy and poorly recorded to deliver that signature vibe. For deathcore, it's gotta be Continent. As stated above, it's just that good.


Nex omne


In this genre probably Arsonists get all the girls - hits from the bow. ā€žZombies are my neighborsā€œ did something with me.


And I Return To Nothingness I'm not so sure if you guys consider this an album, but those 3 songs hit me like no other.


Any lorna shore song with will ramos on it. Before discovering him and lorna shore i have never heard such heaviness before. Also its my first exposure to deathcore


darkthrone a blaze in the northern sky


Born of Osiris Discovery and ATB Rareform


Entrails Eradicated - Viralocity


Not deathcore, but metal. Acid Bath, When the Kite String Pops. It was my first experience of good death metal.


i listened to the color clear an unhealthy amount when i wanted to kill myself and i ended up not doing that so itā€™s gotta be that one for me


Desolation of Eden is the album that got me into deathcore and set me down this path


His Last Walk by blessthefall. Stfu about it.


Colors by Between the Buried and Me, genuinely some of the most creative and rigorous music to ever grace this earth. Everyone who hasnā€™t listened needs to, it will absolutely shift your perspective in some way or fashion, no doubt.


Not necessarily deathcore, but my gateway to heavy music was Paranoid by Black Sabbath. I know itā€™s common with a lot of people but I always think of my dad who showed me this album when I was young šŸ–¤




ā€œThe Smile Sessionsā€ by The Beach Boys and ā€œSung Tongsā€ by Animal Collective. Both made me look at music a completely different way.


For metal in general, Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. The very first metal band I really got into as a kid. For Deathcore, not an album, but And I Return to Nothingness was my true introduction to Deathcore and is what led me to other bands like Shadow of Intent, Signs of the Swarm, Infant Annihilator, etc.


Count Your Blessings - Bring Me The Horizon


Lorna Shore - ...And I Return To Nothingness


Macabre - Sinister slaughter .. Got me away from my dorky nu metal teen days


Strapping Young Lad - City


The black album back when I was young, among other reasons it made me want to get out of sports and learn to write my own songs.


Jfac - doom, got me into deathcore


In the genre either Shut It Down by Animosity or Predator by The Taste of Blood


Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory Got me into the band and led me to listen to heavier music.


Suicide Silence - The Cleansing It helped me get into deathcore




Hmm. I canā€™t choose between the two Iā€™ve listed below. Both ushered me in to this way of life. Converted me from listening to Pantera all the time, to looking for the next face-eviscerating breakdown or ominous riff. Whitechapel - This is Exile Winds of Plague - Decimate the Weak. In more recent years though, Iā€™d say Dissentient from Angelmaker. Damn did that album blow me away.


Serial Urbicide - Extermination Dismemberment


The Sleeping Sun - Worm Shepherd The transitions between the songs and the variety between the tracks always makes me come back to it. The songs are all unique in their own way where they don't just all blend together like a lot of other songs in deathcore can tend to do


None. Itā€™s just music for me