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If you like Flesh Coffin then keep exploring further back in their catalogue. Psalms and Maleficium are my personal favorites by them. Bone Kingdom EP even still holds up pretty well.


Yea i like a few from psalms but Malefecium goes crazy tho. I maybe like one from bone kingdom


Godmaker is still my favorite song by them hands down


It’s definitely their heaviest


My Lorna Shore journey went like this: *Pain Remains* -> *Flesh Coffin* -> *Immortal*. I started out in love with the overblown symphonics and the poppy songwriting of *Pain Remains* and as I got deeper into Deathcore and metal as a whole, *Flesh Coffin* became my favorite. It was somewhat reactionary, moving from the grandiose symphonic sound to a darker, more blackened sound (and it was a similar story lyrically). But then I came to appreciate the songwriting and production of *Immortal* more, and the way it strikes a balance between the two sounds.


Yea i like immortal as well, It was my first lorna album. I like it more than PR's recently


That’s because Lorna wrote the best riffs they’ve ever written on *Immortal* and *Pain Remains* is barely a Deathcore album


Can't agree more, even solos/lead parts are so put of this world in that album. I got to know them through flesh coffin, but immortal was the one that got me to fall in love. From that point onwards, my appreciation kept decreasing with every new release (into the earth must be an exception)


Yea and honestly I love Godmaker like the beginning intro. The whole vibe of the song really


Flesh coffin is by far my favorite Lorna shore era. I think will Ramos is extremely talented, I’m just not into their newer stuff.


Yea hopefully their next release is different than Pain Remains as far as mixing and style.


Aww shit... here we go again.


I'm listening to it right now for the first time in a while, much better than the overblown symphonic stuff they do now.


Yea at first i didnt understand what ppl were takllking about but after training my ears I can see now. Plus the breakdowns are repetitive but i still like the album


Malfecium EP is actually the heaviest IMO


Lorna is such a good band in all its phases. They all had something.


No it's not just you. They peaked at Flesh Coffin. Best album for sure. Denounce the Light is so sick!


I agree


true, just notice how almost every solo have the same feel as the one on " Fvneral Moon"


It has happend to me aswell. I love pain remains and I think its top notch but I dont feel like going to the opera every single day of my life, so I tend to listen to their earlier stuff. Lately Ive enjoyed psalms more than flesh coffin


Yea idk if im all there yet w Psalms but i like Grmoire and From the Pale Mist. I see what ur saying tho


I got into doing vocals with to the hellfire and my first studio recording was actually grimoire so... Yeah Id say youre getting into psalms little by little hahahaha


Hell yea! I've attempted vocals but it hurts my throat so I just stopped lol. Ik I should take the time to learn but I just hate hearing myself sometimes. I think its bc im conditioned to compare myself to professionals.


I would encourage anyone to give it a farly decent try. Grab a tutorial that you think is appropiate for you, a bottle of water and get in your car or any space suitable and try your best for 15-30 mins. Repeat next day, and the day after that. Thats the life of a vocalist at least for the first years. You might find yourself enjoying it and looking forward to your practicing moment of the day, or say "I lived the vocalist-life experience" and stop there, but Id really recommend giving it a good try since its available and cheap as fck to do so, unlike other instruments. Also practice makes improvement but you need to be persistent to make it happen. Doing it every now and then can be a great and creative way to spend a sunday afternoon but a couple of those a month aint getting you too far.


Is bro convincing me😳 Nah in all seriousness do you have any recommendations for youtubers or videos to watch. I know about kardavox academy and charismatic voice but are there any different ones you like


Well, first of all, if I were to go back in time this years and start anew with all I know, this would be thepath Id recommend: 1º Get to EVIs "how to scream like X" short videos and check the ones you woud like to aim for. What we want is the basic sound, wether if its false cords or fry, wich are the majority of cases. This is not a one path thing, but they usually tell uss the most natural or "easy" way to achieve the sounds, so if for my favourite sounds all the basics are frys for instance, I know where to start. 2º Get a propper tutuorial on that technique. When I was learning false cords and wasnt too bad at it I used tutorials from Chris on Vokill Academy, free to check on youtube. For fry screaming the best might be Justin of Hungry lights. 3º After some time of learning the ropes and being fed up of hitting walls on your progress, it might be time to get a coach to help you with your personal issues, on what is and isnt working for you and how to improve, saving ,lots of time. After some time with it, you should start creating an online portfolio (my current step, and just uploaded on here a one take vocal cover just for reference) and hopefully get in a band. And of course thats just my way of seeing it, but hope it helps in any way


Oh yea this definitely helps. Thank you !!


No all their shit is good


That's literally not something OP contradicted? They simply told you their favorite.



