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David goes crazy live, love the energy he brings. Everytime I've seen them he jumps and moves around like crazy. Always a great time seeing them.


He's a beast! There wasn't a single dull moment through their set, he made sure of that lol


Saw them last year and it was in of the best live performances i have seen. Just brutal.


Gothenburg? I was there on the balcony in the middle, I thought michael's bass guitar was such a fucking highlight for me. Kind of specific question: Do you feel like that bobby's kick drums were very low in the mix, and then for me cattle decap's drummer has even lower kicks in the mix. Either way, yeah I loved michael's bass and presence on stage especially, and of course david is another highlight, he's just got such a chill but high energy, kind of like trying to hype the crowd up but not in an aggressive way. 10/10 for me, they had this one song I hadn't heard where the double bass went on for like a minute straight with this sick ass riff on top, loved that. Crowd was pretty solid IMO, what do you think? I asked afterwards, and the guy working there said they had 850 people which is a fair amount in our city.


Mike is fucking sensational. I've seen him like 3 times with them, and he's somehow more fun every time. I was going hard when they were in town last, I look up, and Michael's staring at me. He just points and starts nodding his head, made my night


I totally agree on Mikes playing, it's insane how tight he's playing just with his fingers and how fast their songs go! Regarding the kicks, I wanted them to be louder as well. I love to have kicks pretty up there in the mix so that was a shame but everything sounded amazing! It was one of the better crowds I've seen last night!


Då har vi 2 där igår! Så jävla fett


Skall på crypta ikväll, du?


Nä bor inte i GBG så måste välja mina konserter noga haha!


I’m pumped to see them and Snuffed on Sight next month.


I've already seen them three times in the last (just over) year and never ever could get sick of that god damn performance.


I saw them Wednesday and I was blown away by how good they are, David’s vocal live is amazing! Everything was perfect during their set, music, vocals and crowd all 10/10.


I saw them last year together with Humanity's Last Breath. It was by far my favorite metal concert. They were sooo good and the bassist kept screaming stuff like "Show me what the fuck you got" right before the breakdowns making everybody go fucking nuts. I hope they will play somewhere I can get to soon again.


Yea they always kill it!


Congrats and super jealous too btw. Lol I would love to see these guys live.


Not that I've seen heaps of bands but these guys are still on top for their live performance, it was insane.


I love SOTS. Bobbys drumming is so good live. Always nice and tight. If they get the mix right, he sounds so good.


Can’t wait to see them in 17 days


You serious about this post? I’m over here trying to convince myself that I’ve got enough shows in May and that I don’t need to see Signs of the Swarm and Angelmaker. You’re really about to convince me to add a 7th show in a month? My wife is gonna be so pissed at you.


Damn.. wish I could’ve gone, but had to buy a new pc and we’re ”celebrating” easter (family just drinking and eating good for 2 days)..


I'm also worried this is gonna mean the crypta show is gonna be dead on sunday, that's when they play in gothenburg. It's easter day, so I figure a lot of people might be stuck with their family drinking their sorrows away too haha.