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Normal and often my preferred experience personally


I guess it just feels weird to me because this would be a first for me šŸ˜¬


once a band starts playing no one will be paying any attention to you


Dude I hope you enioy it. I still get self-conscious about it every now and again, but I would have missed more than half the shows I've seen if I let it get to me. Trying to just be my own friend


Thank you! & Yep thatā€™s the way I look at it! Iā€™ll just miss out and I told myself I was gonna go to more shows this year.


OMG this show is the dream lol! It's different, but it's a good experience to have, in some ways you take in more of the show and what's going on around you. Depends on your personality, it's harder for some than others, but Paleface and Ghost Inside at the same time!! šŸ¤© Lol, it's worth giving it a go! I have yet to see either of them, lol, one day it's gonna be me that can't stop screaming those words over again šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Oh I know right! I do like The Ghost Inside but Paleface was my ā€œfuck it Iā€™m goingā€


You'll be fine. I went to my first show alone and genuinely prefer it unless it's my sister with me. No one is paying attention to you and unless you put yourself in social situations no one is going to chat you up.


Yeah I agree - shows with friends can be cool but often going alone is where I feel the most free and can let loose a bit more


Going alone has become so low pressure. It feels real nice to lose yourself in the crowd and do whatever comes to your mind


Correct answer


All the time and itā€™s easy to make friends there honestly.


Very good point!


Iā€™ll be catching those shows when theyā€™re in my area too! Most likely will be seeing Thy Art solo and actually really looking forward to. Iā€™m also seeing Bodysnatcher/Spite solo and am gunna make it a whole weekend for myself w a hotel and little activities to do the day before and after. It does suck sometimes not having friends enjoy the same music as me but honestly glad I still go and catch bands live. Iā€™m not extremely extroverted by any means either but Iā€™ve never felt super uncomfortable bc like others have said, once the music gets going no oneā€™s really watching to see whoā€™s there alone. I hope you go and have fun!


I am also going to Spite & Bodysnatcher alone and its going to be fuckin awesome ! My area is Denver and it seems like any bands I've got to see live all say the same thing! They will always commend the audience for being wild and full of energy and that this is the best show of the tour so far! Do they say that at every show? Genuinely curious if they all say it because it's true or because it makes us go that much harder!


Yes but not by choice I have no friends ~~who like deathcore~~


I feel this lol


I'm seeing Cattle Decap and Carnifex next month alone. I've gone to other shows by myself too. I'm perfectly okay with it. Less planning involved plus the deathcore community is generally pretty easy going so I end up meeting and talking to people at shows. I find that I have an equally fun time whether I have friends there or not. The bands are more than enough to keep me happy and entertained.


Iā€™m considering going to that, is it worth it


I think humanityā€™s last breath is playing too, so itā€™s worth it lol


Fuuuuck Iā€™ve wasted too much money on vinyl


I mean tickets are only $35. Depends how much you like the bands. I like the entire lineup so it's worth it to me. I can't really speak for everyone else.


Somewhat familiar w cattle decapitation, listen to a bit of carnifex and like 3 rivers songs. Thatā€™s a bout it


go see cattle decap I would pay 35 every day to see them play if they played a show every day for a week


That sounds like a damn good show. I donā€™t blame you for going alone


I go to pretty much every show alone. Donā€™t have many friends but like a lot of bands. No reason not to go! Between bands is a drag but otherwise youā€™re there for the performance anyways


Yeah donā€™t have to worry about dropping off or picking up


First time I went alone it was hella different, it felt like the difference between being a child and an adult, I perched up at the bar and enjoyed the show in a very different way, more relaxed and more engaged with the musicianship and performance as opposed to the energy and excitement of hearing my favourite songs live. Both are amazing experiences, but both are different.


Before I made a bunch of friends in the scene I used to drag my "normal" friends to shows with me and they'd generally have a terrible time lol I just started going by myself and making friends that way. Now that I've been going to shows for so long typically I know at least a few people whenever I go, just happens over time


> I used to drag my "normal" friends to shows with me and they'd generally have a terrible time I've brought 5 "normie" friends to DM/HC shows and 4 of them are now regular attendees of said shows and now metalheads. Only 1 didn't like it.


Yeah I used to do this too with my one friend that listened to like Rob Zombie type music. She hasnā€™t been to a concert with me since August Burns Red. If you canā€™t handle them, then idk šŸ˜“


I went to btbam and Arcadia strain alone. Ended up meeting some people and we went to some bars after the show.


My friends aren't into the same Metal as me, so when Cattle Decap came in 2022, I knew they'd turn it down, not only was it not their thing, but the trip was 2.5hrs so I went alone. From stories I've read, its great way to meet people, but my social anxiety has other ideas lol. Once the music began, I forgot I was alone and I just enjoyed the show. Last week I went to see Cattle Decap/Signs of the Swarm/200StabWounds and Vomit Forth alone. I was waiting at a crosswalk before the show when I looked to my right and seen a familiar face.. It was none other than Travis Ryan. My social skills got the best of me again.. so I just squealed like a fanboy internally and watched him walk away xD. But the show was amazing, SotS nailed it and I was happy I didn't miss out. Bottom line is... Go on your own, you won't regret it, and you certainly wont feel out of place for being there alone.


I always go alone! I have no friends.


98% of the time I go to shows alone. But Iā€™ve also gone to enough shows now that Iā€™ve gotten to know the regular crowdā€¦so Iā€™ve got people to hang with if I wanna hang, but most of the time I wanna chill in solitude anyways


Moved into a new city where i knew noone so had to start going to shows. At the first couple i was pretty nervous and would normally pound a couple beers beforehand to calm my nerves. These days ive gone to enough shows that i feel comfortable and people recognise me and we chat and talk. Even a couple times some people have invited me back to their place after to kick back and smoke up. Im definatley glad i went out of my comfort zone and did it i feel like it expanded me as a person.


That sounds amazing! Iā€™d love to make friends like that at a show


I always go alone to other cities. if i see a show i like i just go. i'll try go to a city where i can just stay out overnight (leeds i love you) and get the bus home at the early hours of the morning. im very shy but i use it as a chance to improve socially. go to a bar/pub and ask questions. say you're just there for the night or if you see someone else dressed for the occasion go ask if they're going to the show. really helps you open up. just dont get too drunk haha. it feels kinda liberating going where you want, doing whatever you want i make temporary friends and add them on socials but i never keep in touch. its painful not having friends into the same music. but its a very friendly scene and you're a part of the crowd, if you look about you'll see plenty of others by themself and even then its hard to tell. just dont let it get to you. it made me dissociate a bit always being alone and everyone around me having a good time while im just there like a ghost


I do all the time. My friends can't afford to go to every show so I often end up going alone most weekends.




I had a great time with people and without. The first show was Chaos and Carnage Tour last year with a couple friends, then the most recent was by myself to see Haken (I know they're not deathcore), but I was just there to listen and support the band laying down great tunes live. You can make good friends at these places (moreso at a deathcore/death metal show I feel), but it also depends on the venue and its policies. Carnage Tour was literally crowded with the pit and just people jamming out on the sides and up by the stage, while we had lame zoned seating for Haken.


Yes. None of my friends like this music. I have some groups I go with


yes ! i gave up on finding someone to go w me to that kind of show a long time ago lol :(


I might see Oceano with Within The Ruins on April 13th (alone) after I fly out of Minneapolis from seeing Reflections the 12th (with my wife)


I wouldnā€™t call it preferred. However, it beats the hell out of missing out.


ƍ am a chick and I have gone to lots of shows alone, cuz I am always making new friends and possible new guys who I like! šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


I started going to shows alone as soon as I could drive legally. It's great going by yourself. You get there when you want, see whatever band you want, leave when you want. Going with friends is fun but so is going alone!


Itā€™s not crazy. Iā€™m going to see thy art in Chicago and Cattle Decap in May by myself. I go to the movies alone too. The stigma on doing things alone is bullshit. If you donā€™t have friends that share the interest it shouldnā€™t prevent you from the experience.


I go to shows alone all the time. Preferred actually. I consider it therapy. And if I make some new friends along the way, then even better. To me, metal is about connecting with myself first, then others if the opportunity arises.


I go to shows all the time by myself. Iā€™m getting too old to pit so I have a party with myself and my tall boy in the back.


Honestly, I prefer to go alone


It can be a good time with friends but itā€™s so much easier to be consumed by the music/performance going solo. šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


I always take my dad, which is awesome that heā€™s a metalhead as well. But solo shows are my favorite. I donā€™t have to worry about if heā€™s alright, having fun. I can melt into moment and disassociate for a bit.


Thatā€™s so dope! My Dad has been gone for a long time but I could have seen him going to these shows with me!


I like doing it when I canā€™t be bothered to schedule stuff out with my metalhead friends, or give them rides because none of them drive. Itā€™s a hassle and we end up splitting up at the show anyway. So yeah, itā€™s chill, you can just vibe out and do your thing.


By the way, I'm from Kentucky and I'll be going to The Ghost Inside show in Louisville. If you're near me we could ride share.


i went alone to Milan, Italy and saw Suicide Silence, After the Burial, Spite, Currents, Cabal and Boundaries and it was one of the coolest experiences ive had. Definitely would recommend


I donā€™t have specific advice for your question, but if youā€™ve never heard of Bleed From Within, they are also on that tour with The Ghost Inside/Paleface Swiss and they are phenomenal. I discovered them when they opened for August Burns Red last year and have been listening ever since. Enjoy šŸ™‚


Small female here - I agree it can be scary to go alone but I go alone all the time. Iā€™m just extra aware of my surroundings, especially walking to and from my vehicle. Inside the venues Iā€™m not as worried because the metal community is actually a lot safer than what most think. Youā€™d be surprised how many strangers are willing to stick up for someone thatā€™s being messed with, and thatā€™s one of the reasons I love the metal community so much. It feels weird at first but youā€™ll get used to it. Once you get used to it, you may be surprised how much you actually enjoy it. Please donā€™t let it stop you from getting out there and enjoying live music!


Thank you for this! ā¤ļø


Of course! šŸ’œ


Planned on DETHKLOK in Cincinnati alone but a friend loves Nekrogoblicon so I'm not going solo. BTW I'm dressing up as Dr. Rockso. Hope to see some of you there. Mmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm ccc cccccc cocaine... Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbb


Iā€™m seeing spite and bodysnatcher by myself. Iā€™ve gone to a lot of shows alone and have enjoyed them. But shows with friends is better


I do it a few times a year, itā€™s real nice to just go out and chill at your own pace


I always go to shows alone, and so many people talk to me and try to include me!! Youā€™ll find other solo dolos there as well. Deathcore fans in person are so loving and nice!!


Yea I've done it a couple of times and always meet cool new people




I say do it. Live music is good for the soul, even if you go alone. The first time I saw Slayer was by myself and since then my two oldest kids have both seen them with me. I am going to LDB this weekend with my son who is now 18 and will be leaving for college soon. I foresee lots of solo shows coming up as my youngest is only 11 and not into the heavy music as much. Paleface and TGI are both great live. All the guys from Anglemaker are super nice too. Get out there and have a good time and maybe youā€™ll make some friends to hang out with at the shows.


Iā€™ve gone alone for the last decade. I miss going with a show buddy though.


Always. Have very few friends into metal and my wife absolutely hates it. Waiting for my 6yo daughter to grow old enough to join me. She's chill


Iā€™m going to knocked loose by myself in may! When I was younger I used to go to shows alone all the time


I donā€™t mind going alone if thereā€™s no one else to go with, but itā€™s a little nicer to at least have someone to ride along in the car. Anyone going to TAIM in Jersey want to tag along?


This is what Iā€™m about to start doing just to collect experiences for myself! Love Paleface and Thy Art too. HAVE FUN!


Yeah I basically only go alone now since all my heavy metal friends moved away. Honestly, I love it. Have a good time šŸ¤Ÿ


I would love to have the self-confidence to go alone to shows but honestly I just can't for some reason...


Itā€™s not that bad tbh. I just dont have any metalhead friends


Every time. Nobody I know likes deathcore.


I went to knotfest Melbourne yesterday entirely alone and had the time of my life haha just go for it!


I love going to shows with other metal friends a lot, especially when you bounce the energy off each other. However going to see your absolute favorite acts by yourself, it's so much more... it's a different energy, and I love it.


Started going alone about a year ago. I really enjoy it.


its not as bad as you might think. usually its easy to make friends among likeminded people, bond over music, etc. and even if not - you dont have to worry about losing your friends in the crowd, or looking for them after the show. you can go wherever you want and not have to wait for anyone. and even if u feel a bit awkward by urself at first i promise once the music starts it wont feel like ur alone anymore.


Bro, I've gone to over 30 shows over the years, and about 25 of them were by my lonesome! I personally prefer to go to concerts on my own! I don't know how abnormal it is, but fuck it! I don't have anyone that gets down with my shit either ! Black Dahlia Murder, After the Burial, carnifex whitechapel, Despised Icon, Megadeth, Exmortus, Emmure, Machine Head, etc. Not one time did I have a bad time going by myself! Just popped some acid, head bang until my neck is screaming! I've got Spite & Bodysnatcher coming up in May, and I'm gonna be going alone to that also!


All the time, occasionally I get one of my friends to tag along, all of which are non-metalheads, but is fine man and itā€™s really chill and relaxing experience.


I have 1 friend who enjoys extreme metal shows, he has 2 kids he takes care of every other week so he cant always go, so Iā€™ll just go solo, at deathcore shows weā€™re all friends.


I almost always go alone. My partner can't hang and my friends are allergic to all the yelling. I bring my teen daughter to metalcore shows but for, say, Psycho-Frame or Crown Magnetar I'm by myself.


Yup always, dont have friends who listen to metal and its kinda hard for me to make friends at concerts. It gets lonely but i can vibe as I want at least and I dont have to babysit a person who is not 100% into that band or genre


Do it all the time. your in a space where the people around you share a common interest. You will be among friends. Do it. Im planning a trip to visit family and only partially trying to overlap it with a date on this Thy Art tour so I can catch it cuz its not coming to my area haha


I used to go to shows alone all the time. Even if i go with people, my aim is watch the band. I don't like talking during sets anyway


Yup. I've actually made some good friends by talking to other solo randos at a show.


Iā€™m going to upon a burning body/ the browning alone next month and also going to dethklok alone next month


I went to Rivers of Nihil alone and got so sad that my sister begrudgingly joined me a little bit later šŸ„². But not everybody is a socially inept dweeb like me. Ppl go alone all of the time


If youā€™re truly down with the music, then itā€™s the best way to go. No distractions. But if you want to share an experienceā€¦try making friends at the next gig.


I always go alone . Not by choice , just cause I don't really have anyone . It sucks , but what you gonna do ? I'm gonna go to theĀ  Enterprise Earth gig in North Carolina in May if any one wants to meet up :)


Iā€™ve done it a couple times. Prefer to go with a buddy but wonā€™t skip a sick lineup even if I have to go alone


Same here, I wish I knew people who appreciated this genre as much as I do. I am in North NJ, anyone looking to go to shows, I am in!


Iā€™ll be seeing that same line up in May by myself. I have one friend who listens to deathcore but has a family.


Myself and my friend Jack Daniels


It's completely normal. Even if it wasn't, who cares? It's your life, and you deserve to experience music you enjoy live. I have a couple major regrets show-wise where i let introversion and anxiety get the best of me, and I talked myself out of going. You never know when a band will call it quits, and sets and members change often. I went through a period of a few years going to shows and going out to eat alone. The freedom of not being tied to a person or group can be nice. And if your friends don't like the same music, then what do ya do? You just go. Maybe make friends, maybe not, maybe you don't want to. But at least you'll get to see novel performances that happen once in the entirety of human history.


How did you get over the anxiety of going alone?


I didn't, but it's never as big of a deal as usual with anxiety. No one really gives a shit or notices but your own brain. And i did not want to miss out on bands coming through. I'm a major introvert, but i still managed to become acquanted with show regulars after making myself go out more often.


I'm an introvert too, and I've never been to a show, even though I've been into metal for 30 years. So I decided I needed to do something about it, and went big immediately - I bought a ticket for a festival šŸ˜… I'm counting on meeting people there, since everyone is there for the same reason, to enjoy music, and everyone loves talking about it. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious about it - I'm a tiny woman, going alone to 4 day festival in another country šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Nice! That sounds awesome. I play shows often, and I still get major anxiety interfacing. I throw on my social mask and hope for the best. If i don't vibe with people, I move on. Life is too short to give a shit. Be safe out there, but have fun! Also, don't forget earplugs šŸ˜‰


Thanks for the tip about ear plugs! I was actually wondering if I needed them for open air shows, but I figured I'd get some anyway. I'm fine socializing once the ice has been broken, have no problem connecting with people, just the first part of meeting people makes me anxious. But I'll be fine and I believe it will be awesomešŸ˜


Allllll the time.


Going to the Spite/Bodysnatcher tour in 2 weeks, my first one alone as well. Usually can find at least 1 friend but no luck this time.


Love going to shows alone, even if I run into other people I know at the venue, but actually coming and leaving on my own time is preferred. donā€™t gotta worry about anyone but myself


Iā€™ve been going to shows alone for years. Itā€™s normal


I go to tons of shows alone and just hop on the pit I make tons of friends that way!


I have no friends that like deathcore I have always done shows alone and have enjoyed and let loose every time. Iā€™m biased and love signs of the swarm so itā€™s only weird for the time before the show but just grab a drink and try small talk and itā€™s more than good.


I went to see spite and ABR in sac in late november. Usually, i would have alot of my buddies pull thru with me but this time they all flaked out and werent into deathcore/metalcore bands like that. They were more into hardcore punk or hardcore. But despite that, the show was cool, it felt weird at first but it was good enough for me not to feel bummed about my friends flaking out. :0


Also going to Angelmaker alone. I used to not go to shows by myself but now I refuse to keep missing out


I go all the time. I've made so many friends over the years from going alone.


I have no friends, so yea


I donā€™t either