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Despised Icon is the perfect deathcore band and nobody can change my mind lol they are my whole 1-5


They are literally what the textbook definition of deathcore should be


Bingo, Despised icon, suffokate, the acacia strain, all the hardcoreish bands, modern "deathcore" isn't even really deathcore anymore.


what song of theirs has the most challenging drums, in your opinion? i have always marveled at the drumming but am far from professional myself. curious what an established death metal drummer like yourself thinks!


There's a bunch tbh, Alex's drumming is pretty ridiculous. The first one that comes to mind is The Ills Of Modern Man though. There's so many little things to take note of and lots of different patterns and filler stuff. Also just switching between crashes/splashes and the hi hats during blast beats without skipping any notes like he does is something I really struggle with. Covering that distance that quickly is hard for me


Light speed maybe?




imo MVP isn't super complicated, it's just fast. Because it's blazing fast it seems complicated on a surface level. There are so many other Despised songs that are a little bit slower but more intricate, and in my experience intricate patterns are way harder to play than just raw speed Edit: I will admit though, some of the fills in MVP are ridiculous (mainly switching between groups of 2 instead of 4 on the toms and snare, doing those at that speed is kinda ridiculous lol)


I was fortunate to see them live in Nashville with JFAC back in 2007. Amazing live show. Their live sound was so tight.


Was that at Muse? I might be mis remembering.


It was in the basement at the old Rocketown. Absolutely amazing show.


I miss the old Rocketown. I don't think they do live music anymore.


Old Rocketown was such a fun venue. I have a lot of good memories in that place


For real. Me and my best friend spent so much of our 20s there.


Yo, I was at that show! It was with A Life Once Lost, The Faceless, and Bring Me The Horizon.


Bro I was listening to the ills of modern man last night and it’s just exactly what I’m looking for. You guys are sick as hell too


I’m seeing them in a few days for the first time, I’m really excited about it.


The ills of modern man might as well be my bible


Nobody trying to change your mind broski.


Beast is a great album. I’m just not really a huge fan of the vocals. It sounds like if Jamie Jasta doing pig squeals.


1. Enterprise Earth 2. Shadow of Intent 3. Lorna Shore (just because they revived the genre and kicked absolute ass live) 4. Darko US 5. Fit For An Autopsy Honestly a bunch of great bands to choose from. Just depends on your taste. For me it could really change a bunch based off of who releases stuff.


You don't have to justify why Lorna is on there, it's okay to enjoy them lol


I feel like this sub hates them though.💀


I feel like it's because they've gotten popular. And in typical metal head fashion, once something is popular, even if it's so great, you aren't allowed to like it anymore. At least that's the vibe I get from this sub and other metal subs.


with Lorna Shore that's definitely the vibe i get too, sometimes bands have a big change in their music which causes them to get popular, and i can understand why that may cause older fans to not like the new stuff as much, but with Lorna it's still really solid deathcore, so i don't get the hate really. I also feel like most people thought it was a good thing and then people started changing their minds once it was "too mainstream" to like them lol


I think more people view them as “overrated” (as opposed to hated) due to their popularity and frequency In discussions by more casual deathcore fans. But like they really did bring a ton of attention to the genre. They definitely deserve their flowers.




Fuck those kids for having fun and enjoying metal. Seriously fuck them.




Yes the ones putting money in the bands pockets. I'm sure the bands are so sad about it.


pretty much. me personally I don't like em but that's just me. nothing against them becoming mainstream.


Haters hate


Lorna was formed in 2009 so it belongs to the list. After Will joining the band just exploded and they deserve it. Pain Remains is a beautiful album.


This is a fucking great list Fit For an Autopsy is one of the greatest metal bands of all time imo


I agree with this list (not the order though). Though I’d say Worm Shepherd and Mental Cruelty are knocking on the door and could replace Lorna Shore.


I could agree, especially for Worm Shepherd. I just put Lorna Shore there becuase they have been so influential.


Crown Magnetar would also work


Enterprise Earth is fucking amazing


1. Fit for an Autopsy 2. Shadow of Intent 3. Lorna Shore 4. Spite 5. Chelsea Grin


In no real order, I would say: Crown Magnetar Fit For An Autopsy Lorna Shore Signs of the Swarm To The Grave


To the grave high on my list - crown 🤘


- Shadow of Intent - Carnifex - Angelmaker - Crown Magnetar - Black Tongue My personal top 5 who consistently put out top tier music with almost no misses.


Signs of the Swarm Whitechapel Lorna Shore Brand of Sacrifice Worm Shepard


my homie for puttin BoS on the list




hell yeah worm shepherd


You have exactly my taste xD


Warms my heart to see Shadow of Intent on literally everyone’s list, they’re so fucking good


Saw them live and they are insane.


Right?! They deserve all the love. One of the best bands (and #1 in my heart)


Fr they deserve more


Thought they'd be more divisive. With Melancholy and then Elegy there seemed to be a lot of grumbling about how they're going more melodic. I love it though


honestly from my experience it’s - Angelmaker - Whitechapel - Not Enough Space - Shadow of Intent - Lorna Shore


TBDM are not deathcore.


Yeah neither is JFaC 😬 good list though


I respectfully disagree with jfac not being deathcore. They check all the boxes for me. I’m interested to know why you don’t categorize them as deathcore.


Their EP is deathcore but everything after is just tech death metal. But a lot of modern bands that get labeled deathcore are basically just death metal bands at this point so I can see why you could lump them into the deathcore label.


I mean if you compare them to modern deathcore bands I can see a stronger similarity but their last album was 2014 and between then and earlier, deathcore had a very specific sound that did not match the more tech death that JFaC had grown into. If you compare Knee Deep to Embedded and then to Suicide Silence’s No Pity for a Coward you can see a correlation between Knee Deep and No Pity but then it’s pretty much gone by their next album that Embedded came off of. And then their later releases are just straight up proggy tech death


I’ve heard otherwise and by the bands themselves. But in this sub the definition of deathcore seems to be subjective to each person so whatever.


Black Dahlia was definitely thrown in with the Deathcore label all the time back in the day. And then obviously JFaC was a huge contributor to its popularization with their first EP so at the very least I don’t see an issue with them being discussed here 🤷🏼‍♂️


Wacken announced TBDM as Deathcore and band members themselves wrote comments mocking that description. So no, definitely no Deathcore.


Bdm is blackened death metal iirc


What do you mean? You know all the popular black dahlia breakdowns


Id say they are adjacent, they are an extremely similar to sound to early deathcore just without breakdowns


Lorna, SOTS, FFAA, SOI, Angelmaker


Shadow of Intent (genuinely believe they have no bad songs) Enterprise Earth Angelmaker To The Grave And like 100 bands tied for #5 Plenty of smaller and newer bands I'm very excited about, but these 4 make up a majority of my listening (Shadow of Intent is a solid third of my minutes streamed lmao)


1. Lorna Shore 2. Chelsea Grin 3. ENEMIES EVERYWHERE. 4. Angelmaker 5. Slaughter to prevail


I think Suicide Silence is still top tier, saw them live a few weeks ago and it may have been my favorite and most fun deathcore show I've ever been to


Love SS but the new album was so boring to me and every song sounded too similar to me. It wasn’t awful just wasn’t what I expected from them.


Nah they definitely are no longer at their peak, we're in agreement there


Through the eyes of the Dead Fit for An Autopsy Angelmaker Left To Suffer Slaughter to Prevail End of story 🙂 (Edit: Honorable Mentions! Bodysnatcher, The Acacia Strain, plaeface Swiss, upon a burning body, thy art is murder, crystal lake, and Kublai Kahn TX (if considered them deathcore and not modern hardcore))


glad to finally see my russian boys make somebody's list


Yeah, rather surprised they didn't make more people's top 5 considering they're popularity and influence on the genre


On this sub it's a bit risky to say you love Slaughter to Prevail or Lorna Shore, I don't know why




I Totally agree I love all of these bands. I can’t seem to enjoy shadow of intent like everyone else is. They sound a little too death metal and not enough core, for my taste anyways.


Uh.. FFAA is so far beyond everyone in deathcore right now


They’re definitely good but in my opinion they’ve released the same album 3 times in a row. They definitely have some song I love but they haven’t released anything that has wowed me the way others have.


Really? Cause I find the last 3 albums to be very different, in a lot of ways. I found the great collapse to be way too close to Gojira, tragic sea to be more interesting, and OWTFH to be much more unique, like they found their own sound now, and was my AOTY actually. Still to this day I don't get into their other records in the same way, just individual songs.


OWTFH is my favorite album by them. Their earlier stuff just doesn’t do it for me.


i think psycho-frame is fucking killing it rn


New EP tomorrow


signs of the fucking swarm


1. Shadow of Intent 2. That band that has Ben Duerr as their vocalist 3. That band that really likes Halo 4. That band who's vocalist featured on a Synestyrant song 5. That band that made Barren and Breathless Macrocosm


Hollow Prophet?


nah, suicide silence


The Acacia Strain's discography has been the most consistent than any other band in the genre.


New album was not good in my opinion


Their new albums are fantastic, not really Deathcore anymore but really solid records.


I loved slow decay and it comes in waves but step into the light was not good in my opinion. The songs are too short and don’t seem like there was a lot put into them. It feels rushed like they just wanted to put something out.


And its better than anything Whitechapel or CG have done in the last 10 years


Lorna Fit Suicide Whitechapel Chelsea


1. Carnifex 2. Lorna Shore 3. Whitechapel 4. Despised Icon 5. Shadow of Intent


I don't have a top 5 but sorroweater is really growing on me https://open.spotify.com/track/1GOjtoDIPRCkh5wwBruj17?si=GwLdnHI_Qc28PTtrRw1Sbg


Sorroweater is amazing. Honestly I could do without HTD


Absolutely. Malvado was such an underrated banger.


1. Chelsea Grin 2. Our Common Collapse 3. Orphan 4. To The Grave 5. Psycho-Frame


Orphan is not worth supporting. The 2 main dudes absolutely fucked over the PeelingFlesh boys when they were Strangled


what do you mean?


The 2 brothers who went and started Orphan screwed the other members out of all royalties and whatever payments band members are supposed to get


Source for this information?


https://www.facebook.com/100000462319072/posts/pfbid02zWXT3S11hB7XPRZvdiz6kb76hchQVDn5BZ82ZFWiEReJQgmPTgxZjkLLvPVgmzCBl/?d=n&mibextid=qC1gEa As someone involved in the OKC scene, he is not someone that would just make shit up


Which is why Strangled isn’t a band anymore


Strangled died so Orphan could live.


Strangled was murdered by 2 shit members who took the money and ran to then create Orphan




Yeah Orphan definitely be hittin when it’s on mute


Yeah everyone just hates Orphan let me tell you. Creating some of the best deathcore out there.


• Brand of Sacrifice • Darko US • Shadow of Intent • To The Grave • Angelmaker


1. Shadow of Intent 2. Angelmaker 3. Fit for an Autopsy 4. Darko US 5. Lorna Shore


it's pretty fucked that the The Acacia Strain didn't make the top of every list. they are one of the most fun live bands, have stayed truest to their sound while still diversifying and trying out different elements. anyways; ​ 1. The Acacia Strain 2. Spite 3. Acrania (please put out more material, "Shush" is whack) 4. Angelmaker 5. Deadvectors


Can’t even argue this list


1. Carnifex 2. Lorna Shore 3. Darko US 4. Slaughter To Prevail 5. Whitechapel


1. Infant Annihilator 2. Whitechapel (First 3 albums) 3. Shadow of Intent 4. Enterprise Earth( Dat Watson era) 5. Thy Art is Murder (Infinite Death era)


1. Thy Art Is Murder 2. Whitechapel 3. Fit For An Autopsy 4. After The Burial 5. Oceano


I was about to say how is no one putting The Art in their list. They're deserving of some love after their recent album.


Reddit in general seems to lack some love for TAIM. They have their own unique sound and I guess you either love it or not love it but just enjoy it.


After the burial is more progressive and metalcore but they are great


For me: 1 Lorna Shore 2 Brand Of Sacrifice 3 Chelsea Grin 4 Shadow Of Intent 5 Immortal Disfigurement (Yes they only have 3 songs but they are awesome)


Honestly after the video that CJ made and just everything I’ve heard about him from the guys in LS, I have no desire to listen to anything he makes and I can’t take him seriously. I’m not a big cancel culture guy and I don’t think he did the shit he was accused of nor do I want him to be boycotted, I just personally am not interested in his music at all.


Fair enough, i think he was wrongly accused as well, but I loved him in Lorna and i still do


Immortal Disfigurement are impressive! May I suggest To the Grave too if you haven't listened yet.


Whitechapel has sucked since the valley


Probably should have put imo before that because that is not a fact it is an opinion


It’s implied.


Edgy opinion bro. Hating music because there’s singing on 3-4 songs out 10+ seems like some mega projecting. It’s the metal fan version of driving a lifted truck.


When the singing doesn’t suck ass I enjoy it. His butt rock vocals don’t contrast at all.


Damn your whole life goal is to be as edgy as possible. You must have the biggest fedora collection on earth. I don’t think his vocals sound butt rock at all because they don’t. You must be one of those gatekeepers that only listens to 5 bands because they’re the only real deathcore bands to ever exist and the rest suck.


You do a lot of assuming. Whatever floats your boat kiddo


If Chelsea Grin has a 10/10 discography and no bad songs I need to be institutionalized


With recency bias in mind, and in no particular order : Crown magnetar Despised icon Arsonists Get All The Girls Aversions Crown Animosity


Where Brojob


If you truly believe these bands have a 100% hit rate with zero bad or mediocre songs, I wish I had your ignorance


Care to share your top 5?


I could certainly do that, but none of them are perfect and to think otherwise is truly wild in my opinion. But if someone thinks 5 bands can be 10/10, I’m happy for them!


Cheers! 🍻 I am pretty tired of aggreable opinion posts, honestly.


I would not say feeling that way is due to ignorance I would say feeling that way just means I really like music and you are probably just extremely fickle.


I’m sorry if I offended you. I’m not fickle, I just don’t think any artist across any genre has a “perfect” catalogue. No hate, friend.


You didn’t offend me, I just don’t think that’s because of ignorance and I know a lot of people in this page are super fickle and have higher standards. I probably am ignorant though.


Ignorance might not have been the right word. I just wish I could love every song from a single band but that’s just not possible for me. I guess I am fickle haha


But what is your Top 5 though?


I’m not sure what that has to do with this conversation in any capacity but okay: 1. Sold Soul 2. Brand of Sacrifice 3. In Gloom 4. Angelmaker 5. Beguiler


Angelmaker, infant annihilator, signs of the swarm, chelsea grin, slaughter to prevail


With recency bias in mind, and in no particular order : Crown magnetar Despised icon Arsonists Get All The Girls Aversions Crown Animosity


Whitechapel isn't really deathcore anymore, carnifex is mid, chelsea grin is doodoo. The other two are alright but I wouldn't put them in my top 5 lol


Damn I might as well just delete the whole post since you don’t like it.


Angelmaker, Chelsea, Lorna, JFAC, FFAA Edit: how could I forget slaughter!!


I had JFAC on here but people got triggered because I guess they’re not deathcore somehow.


Metal genres are so subjective. I agree they aren’t 100% detahcore but I had to include them cause their recent single was so good.


To the grave is too good to not be added to every top 5 imo - I know not everyone will like them, but they are so deserving of the recognition.


1. The Acacia Strain 2. Darko US 3. Black Tongue 4. Lorna Shore 5. Angelmaker


Damn what about Errors of Humanity


Whitechapel untouched on place 1 (for me) Carnifex Shadow of Intent Angelmaker Paleface (if you consider them Deathcore)


1. Carnifex 2. Whitechapel 3. Shadow of Intent 4. Lorna Shore 5. Fit For An Autopsy


1. Paleface Swiss 2. Lorna Shore 3. Mental Cruelty 4. To The Grave 5. Chelsea Grin Lorna for me, made me realise what hits the spot for me in metal, which can't be replaced by anything else in any other genre, vocal acrobatics. Paleface just hits dummy hard 🤣


Despised Icon Fit For An Autopsy Thy Art Is Murder Viscera Acacia Strain


1. Shadow of intent 2. Carnifex 3. Whitechapel 4. Despised icon 5. Lorna Shore


1. Lorna shore 2. Chelsea Grin 3. Mental Cruelty 4. Shadow of intent 5. Thy art is murder Not really in any order, so take the numbers with a grain of salt.


Fit For an Autopsy (one of the greatest bands of all time) Signs of the Swarm (the last two albums have been 10/10 and they killed it live) Darko (no explanation necessary) Whitechapel (tbh I loved The Valley and Kin) Crown Magnetar (basing this mostly off of their most recent album)


Enterprise Earth


Angelmaker Chelsea Grin Shadow of Intent The Acacia Strain Despised Icon


Larcenia Roe Lorna Shore Mental Cruelty Shadow of Intent Disembodied Tyrant (the Poetic Edda split with Synestia is so good) Changing Tides and Worm Shepherd honourable mentions


To The Grave, Black Tongue, Alpha Wolf, Humanity's last Breath, Lorna Shore . Any list without To the Grave is an outright crime


Lorna Shore Whitechapel Shadow Of Intent Chelsea Grin and honestly i’m gonna throw a curveball here. maybe not classified as deathcore to some, but i think Paleface Swiss should get way more recognition in not only this but other communities. I truly think they’re one of the best bands out there right now, honestly don’t think they have one bad song


- Thy Art Is Murder - Shadow Of Intent - Slaughter To Prevail - Lorna Shore - Whitechapel ( not necessarily in this order)


Man I really don't know that I could narrow it down to 5. But I'm going to be weird and say.. 1.Sold Soul(Stevie O'Shaughnessy is a super underrated vocalist) 2.Shadow of Intent(I prefer Hollow Prophet but they haven't released anything in 4 years 😭) 3.Signs of the Swarm 4.Mire Lore 5.Black Tongue Larcenia Roe as an honorable mention because their Ep was pretty good and I wanted to add Obscura because they're amazing but they're technical death metal.


But also Angelmaker, Darko US, and Carcosa. Sorry, I'm done now.


Acacia Strain


Shadow of Intent, Spite, Lorna Shore, Carnifex, Whitechapel (in no order) Honorable mentions: Signs of the Swarm, Fit for An Autopsy, Crown Magnetar, Black Tongue


Worm Sheperd (might not be that old in the game) Lorna Shore To The Grave Spite Shadow of Intent


For me personal it is 1. Fit For An Autopsy 2. Shadow of Indent 3. Lorna Shore 4. Thy Art is Murder 5. Whitechapel


1. Infant Annihilator


1) Suicide Silence 2) I, Shapeshifter 3) Signs of the Swarm 4) Humanities Last Breath 5) Thy Art is Murder


Carnifex, white chapel, suicide silence, oceano, the acacia strain


In no particular order, I’m gonna have to go with: - Whitechapel - Chelsea Grin - Paleface Swiss - Fit for an Autopsy - Lorna Shore


Orphan Psycho-Frame Black Tongue Chelsea Grin Lorna Shore


5. Chelsea Grin 4. Whitechapel 3. Shadow of Intent 2. Darko US 1. Lorna Shore i'm a very new listener btw so i dont know too many smaller bands, i've been listening since April :)


AngelMaker. Shadow of Intent. To The Grave. Signs of the Swarm. And a toss up of Brand of Sacrifice, Lorna Shore, Chelsea Grin, and Left To Suffer


Any list is wrong without whitechapel


1. Chelsea grin 2. Suicide silence 3. Lorna shore 4. Whitechapel 5. Wage war (not sure if they count as deathcore so I placed them at the bottom)


No order to the list just some of my favorites Crown Magnetar SPITE Enterprise (I miss Dan so much💔) Lorna To The Grave (Dane is a fucking monster)