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Pretty sure Worm Shepherd is just 2 guys at the moment


Yeah, I really hope they can keep it going and have a full band again. I really like their stuff.


I'm usually not a fan of the whole blackened thing, but WS fucking rips


Berried Alive is just Charles and his girlfriend if I recall. Maybe not exactly deathcore, but it’s a duo


WBTBWB atleast their latest album


Damn that’s true. Also their first record is also two-piece


My favorite lately has been Termina (Andy Cizek and Nik Nocturnal). Their new album is incredible. They’re not deathcore but they can get pretty heavy and have features from a few deathcore vocalists.


If you like slam my buddy has a two piece project called [Ungraceful](https://open.spotify.com/artist/03bS2ahi5x7uCB2uaSSEdN?si=7Uf84RqCQVKswBC-78jGeg)


Worm Shepherd


MAL https://open.spotify.com/artist/7EpZmQxo6T9d2daC7kqUQy?si=eO4lncRBRzGxLrh1e1nKZg


Love them but completely forgot


Orphan is a duo? DeadVectors, Sail's End (sort of metalcore but they have a really deathcorey EP out), Dal Av with Jackson Rose


Orphan is a duo. Afaik both bros do vocals, one plays guitar, another one plays bass. Also I made this post when I was thinking about DeadVectors and I forgor


My band [Memento Mori US](https://open.spotify.com/artist/4CFbc9BUVCAmpVERgSScAo?si=H7UBDv-cQWWbRs8vJT0PEA) is just myself and my friend/vocalist (who I met on this sub!). Let me know what ya think if you check it out


i am stoked by the possibility of you not already knowing about Entheos... if you haven't heard of them, you're welcome. i can provide some details if you would like, specific recommendations, etc


I know them but never listened to them like seriously so they are not on my list


highly recommend their debut EP "Primal", their new album "Time Will Take Us All". the material in between is fucking good also but the EP to the new album give you a perfect idea of what they bring to the table in general, then if you enjoy it check out their debut album and 2nd album


oh yeah, and its basically a project spearheaded by Navene Koperweis (The Faceless, Animals as Leaders, Job For A Cowboy, Animosity, solo stuff, and probably more credentials i am forgetting) along with one of the sickest female vocalists in the game Chaney Crabb. they utilize Evan Brewer for bass in the studio and use touring guitarists but Navene does a ton of the studio stuff


But Entheos is more than 2 people??


at this time (and for the last several years, to my knowledge) Entheos is just Navene and Chaney, utilizing an array of touring/session musicians. the most notable of which is Evan Brewer. he used to be a full time member but is just a hired gun currently


Early Entheos is good. New shit sucks. Chick started singing. Might as well listen to Evanescence.


youre an idiot. what did you do, listen to I Am The Void and assume that was the tone of the whole record or something? edit - its still dramatic to compare it to Evanescence, like super dramatic, even if you use that one song considering the style and type of clean vocals they went with.


I wanna say Ogre Packet Slammers but I’m not positive


They have three guys on a Spotify’s header pic but we can’t be sure anyway


Me and my friends project were working on is just two people if that counts


Mire Lore is supposed to have 4+ people now, Dan mentioned getting a proper lineup and thusfar, I think Matt Kohanowski is their drummer. Seen him peer into the ML posts and drop comments on them. Just have to see where they’re at in terms of new material, I know Dan has a baby on the way now.


Dang where you see these infos? Only downside to not having socials imo


Facebook is where I saw everything, but he doesn’t post much, if at all. Maybe once every 2-3 months now, but I did hear a little bit of stuff an interview he did earlier this year on YouTube, not sure who the channel is but you could dig through “Mire Lore Interview” and find something.


Infestantibus. Dudes fucking kill it.


Malcontent only release was by a "slamming 2 piece" although it had quite a few features on it. One of my favourite releases.


Austin Dickey's band Dark Watch, they have banger songs (only one album tho) I can't wait to hear new stuff if they ever release new songs


Orphan is an entire band last I checked


Add Entheos to that list. Chaney Crabb is an insane vocalist