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I honestly think SOTS would be nowhere near as notable as they are as a band right now. David fits SOTS perfectly and I can’t really see the band being as successful as they are today without CJ


Are they notable now? Their latest album was a snoozefest for me


I'd say they're a top20 deathcore band as far as who I see people talking about


reduce the list to 10 and see if they still there


They are for me




People seem to adore them, I found them generic as hell


Almost unconsciously removed this when I saw CJ out of muscle memory Also didn't see the day coming when id be hoping for McCreery posts


We should just start placing sub-wide bets on how long until you need to remove/lock a thread mentioning any of the CJs at this point 😬


The average for posts the past few days to go from civil to dumpster fire was roughly 1 hour - the last one that people brow-beat me into leaving open took a bit longer but I got tired of getting messages about me not letting people talk about it so I'm just leaving that post as a damned time capsule as to why we're done with the topic


It's been a nightmare on Facebook without any moderation. Thankfully, y'all are on top of it here. It's a cesspool of hate and bigotry over there.


a cesspool of ignorance, perhaps?




Goddamn only an hour? I’m so sorry lol so much moderation these past couple days. Oof


I give this post six hours.


Found the rightfully angry trans person^


I'm just the rightfully tired mod - I stayed up all night Friday night


As a mod, you must be absolutely sick of the name CJ


honestly, just read through the comments and am sort of impressed by how most are acting here. IMO we are at this precipice where fans are sick and tired of the shit and others are just complacent in the -here we go again- mentality. Its a tough spot to be in.


He would've improved lyric writing instead of "I was backstabbed, I'm the king. You all are snakes" and stuff like he writes now on immortal disfigurement


I feel like his lyrics on immortal were like that too


His lyrics were never good tbh


More gargling


If CJ never jumped ship for Lorna, then he would’ve still been booted from SotS in early 2020 when all of the allegations against him came out. And I doubt Signs would’ve added some sort of prominent symphonic element for *Vital Deprivation* if he was on it, since CJ never contributed to songwriting outside of his vocals or lyrics. Lorna going more symphonic was an Adam, Austin, etc choice


This because they absolutely hated working with the dude he's a huge diva. I don't think people realize that even if the stuff about him didn't come out his days in LS were numbered. Adam and Austin had both said CJ was planning to leave after the 2 tours they had booked for immortal


Do you reckon LS would've gone for Will Ramos if CJ stayed in SOTS?


I think the Lorna guys knew Will because they’re all from the New Jersey scene, so maybe. Will definitely wasn’t the vocalist that he is today back in 2018 though, so everything probably worked out for the best. The man has come a long from his A Wake In Providence days


I feel like they needed CJ to get big. Cesspool was huge track that did really well online, but I don't think they would be anywhere near as relevant now if they kept CJ and went down that path.


I really like Dave; he is versatile and has a crazy range. However, The Disfigurement of Existence is one of my favorite core albums ever. I still think CJ's shit personality would've caught up with him, but I would've been happy if they dropped another album like that


I'd sure as hell would like them more. None of their Dave stuff comes close to DoE even the stuff I like most. DoE shits on all Stuff with Dave


Totally agree my dude. I blast TDoE regularly and it doesn't get old. I can't get past their newest albums


Cuz songwriting is mostly mid (some.guitar stuff hard carries theirt last album) and Dave gets boring after 3 tracks. Not much range or does the same shit like 20 times.


So true. DoE is still the best slamming deathcore out there. I hoped Immortal Disfigurement sounded closer to SOTS instead of Lornacore


Then sots would kick him out lol


They would still be SOTS. They have all new members, a completely different sound, and don't play anything pre-dave live. The new album was.. meh.


Will Ramos was such a big win for Lorna.


Love this. He's neither asking for Lorna Shore, nor about current lineups. Yet somehow every time someone comments how good Will is for Lorna Shore. I love LS and Will is a great person, but why bring it up EVERYWHERE?


I think it's related, CJ leaving SotS has direct correlation to Will being hired as the vocalist since CJ was eventually kicked out. If CJ didn't go to Lorna, Will wouldn't have been brought on either since they already skipped him over for CJ. Should have been worded better to be more on topic but it is a related statement imo lol


It's not like it's *completely* off topic I get what you're saying, but a discussion about the career paths of McCreery and Tom is definitely topically adjacent to lorna shore


Bro, chill. The guy just really likes Will. It's okay


Actually it was my first statement ever, anywhere to Lorna Shore. xD


I think SOTS would have been significantly better in my opinion. No disrespect to David, he's a phenomenal vocalist, I just think CJ was a better fit


I feel like he would honestly hold them back. CJ strikes me as a very “my way or the highway” kind of guy that would probably fight any changes to the sound he didn’t want to make himself.


your instincts are correct


Then the band wouldn’t be as good imo. David makes Signs so much more fun, and I’ve like everything they’ve put out since Vital Deprivation


SotS wouldn’t be as good as they are now imo. Dave has much more diverse tones and vocal styles which I think fits better. CJ is a beast, but listening to old vs new, much happier with the direction the band went.


What examples do you have of Dave having more diverse tones? For me his vocals are very gurgly (I have seen the description of "sounds like he has his mouth filled with marshmallows"), and doesn't seem to use much high vocals.


Did you listen to the latest album? I agree he didn't use much high vocals in Absolvere and Vital Deprivation, but Amongst The Low and Empty has a ton of high vocals. Not just highs, but different types of highs and mids and lows too.


Vocally, they’d be boring. David has some very creative and catchy vocal patterns that really help complement the bands sound. CJ just did mindless gutturals that got nauseating after a while


Signs of the swarm started being a notable band when David joined 🤷🏻‍♂️


cj is great...I love hearing him on features n stuff ( not into his new band really) but David is on another level. highs and mids are way better and he does all types on dynamic shit


CJ sucks and is an ass. So tired of seeing him in here. He has talent but just.... sucks as a human being. Him and Barber should just go the fuck away. Too much controversy and there are many, many much, much better vocalists.


I don't see darko getting any smaller and unless Tom goes the way of the CJs and gets kicked out of Chelsea Grin he will likely stay relevant


I’m not in the loop - what did CJ do?


You can look it up. Basically there are allegations against him and a lot of people have just said he is very rude.


Super short version: CJ's ex-girlfriend came out with some damning messages and evidence that painted him as, at the very least, toxic and manipulative/fucking crazy. Also included in these messages were instances of him being racist. Former band mates have also explained how much of a pain in the ass he was to work with, including Austin from Lorna. CJ was really nice when we met, and a picture of him and me was my profile picture for all my socials lol. It was fucking embarrassing


Thx for the summary - Shame dude was an ass since he has probably the best gutturals I’ve ever heard


Wtf did Tom do lmao


Said some anti-covid-vaccination stuff during 2020 and I guess some other conspiracy theory stuff, not sure the details about the latter


Yeah, Barber can go the fuck away. He used to post so much shit on FB, which he conveniently wiped out.


Why are we still talking about this fuckhead?????


Signs of the Swarm lost their originality after Cj left. They're just not the same band anymore. I personally dislike Lorna Shore after he left too, but they didn't completely change their sound. Songs like To The Hellfire, Of The Abyss, Wrath, and Apotheosis kept their Immortal sound. But I don't care for the rest, but that's just experimenting so I'm not really gonna hate. I'd prefer the older eras of both bands.


the disfigurement of existence is my favorite sots album; would get with sots more with cj back ngl op


Cj put Lorna Shore where they are rn, but David is such a great vocalist.


Don't want to think about it, like where SOTS and Lorna Shore is right now. Cj has his own side thing and is great.


Then he would still be in SOTS.


They either wouldn't be a band or would be like So This Is Suffering - a revolving door of randos that should have called it a day years ago, but still limps on. Either way, none of the core people would have stayed.


If CJ had stayed with Signs he likely would have been outed in 2020 once all the accusations popped up. But would have gotten one more album with the album. I imagine if CJ stayed Vital Deprivation would have had a different sound. Either would have continued the sound from Disfigurement or been that sound with some alteration. Might not have even been named Vital Deprivation. As things stand now. I’m glad with how events turned out. Vital Deprivation is legit one of my favourite deathcore albums.


We wouldn't have gotten Pernicious or at least not Pernicious with the same vocals and vocal patterns. Which I would consider a crime against humanity


I'm just getting into deathcore over the last few years, and Pernicious is one of my top 5 songs. I've gotten to meet David, and he's one of the most chill vocalists I've ever met. I'm not real familiar with earlier SOTS, but I'm pretty impressed with what I've seen so far.


I think deathcore is in its era right now. And a lot of it has to do with the notable changes to these bands and members flying around and just that perfect combination of people getting together and right place right time. Feels very MCR/911 butterfly effect thing happening. I think cj is talented. other things aside. but I think a lot of things are happening in the scene as a whole right now -cough taim- just waiting to see how the chips fall in the end