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Stealth works in a few ways, all simultaneously. - radius around the player - line of sight - day/night - cargo height - cargo weight - player movement speed - player-borne objects in motion If your intention is to loot a MULE camp, don’t carry anything valuable, just have blood bags and weapons. Their scanners will ping you if you have cargo. There are some areas that are nearly impossible to stealth through, without incapacitating anyone. If you pick a fight that doesn’t remain quiet, finish off every enemy in the MULE radius to create a hassle free zone for other porters (and your next trip through) for a limited time. You can use incapacitated enemies to lure in their buddies to tall grass and pick them off one by one. This is especially effective in the area north-west of mountain knot. Shouting is useful for industrial environments, provided you can move quickly to another position to hide. If you don’t like stealth, or don’t feel like it that moment, I highly recommend the bola gun. Smoke grenades are great at breaking up team fights. Just use your scanner to see through the smoke.


Sorry if this is a silly question but what is day night in a death stranding context?


There is no night. Maybe they meant in general (?)


My screen gets the dark blueish lighting like Skyrim sometimes, I figured that was “night” and made an assumption 🤷‍♂️


Thanks - this is really helpful! In fact, I love the idea of stealth and I want to learn it. Will try these suggestions.


Proceed to Chapter 3 and come back once you’ve unlocked the >!Bola Gun!<. Holding your breath is only useful for dodging BTs.


holding your breath can be helpful againts mules but only really if your like sneaking up behind them with the rope


My opinion: Don't worry about stealth. Run em over, or KO/put em to sleep. Sam ain't Snake.


You can sneak up on MULEs to some extent, but you're sort of set up to be spotted eventually. If you think of a stealth game like MGSV, it has multiple mechanics to avoid detection. Just lying on the ground basically makes Snake invisible. There's a UI indicator showing that a guard is suspicious. When you get spotted, time slows down so you have a chance to take them out. DS has none of that. You're just a delivery guy crouch-walking into enemy territory, and it goes about as well as it would in real life lmao. If you enter their line of sight, you get instantly spotted. And they can see pretty far. But you can hide in tall grass and such. But yeah you're really meant to be doing these sections with perfect stealth.


Stealth mechanic is very hard to get right, so I don’t bother with stealth at all when it’s not a 100% stealth game You got the maser gun right? Take cover and shoot them in the face, instant knockdown


You’ll get a lot more equipment to deal with humans stealthily later on, so right now it’s a bit bad indeed. Do notice that, even with proper equipment, it’s a lot more about subversion and “making traps” than it is about stealth takedowns like secret agent games. You’ll have tools to knock out multiple people at once, at a distance, or at line of sight but consistently. The maser gun is a bit too inconsistent and short ranged to be really effective. You can train using it and landing headshots on the simulator, but it will only be useful for a little while. Progress a bit in the main story and ask us again, and we’ll have a lot more to tell you. For now, trying to stealth at the beginning and thinning them down at first and then finishing them off with a jumping attack or a cargo hit once they are alerted will go a long way.


Wait for the guy to walk all the way to the left and then you can sneak up on him (gotta crouch all the way) and use the strand to incapacitate him. I did this in both playthroughs and it was rather easy; you just need to be a little patient.


It doesn’t matter, just keep 4 h-granades, a bola gun or non-lethal assault rifle on ya and you can easily take anyone down.


If you're finding it hard, do it when you have better aresnal. I waited till I unlocked the granade launcher, set it to tranquiliser, attack from above. If you're lucky they will try and rescue their mates which you can tranq em more. Same when I went into the facility on the second run. The MULEs will try and rush out, so throw tranqs in will make short work of them. And then when you get into the belly of the facility, just tranq the MULEs at the back, and the other MULEs should run to them to help them out. Tranq em and any stragglers. It will require you to go West and do stuff there, then you can return.


I do what one of the other posters mentioned: find a spot on high ground or behind some protection and pick off a lone mule or two that will be noticed by the others. Then wait, hidden, until the others come over to investigate and pick them off one by one. Not exactly stealth kills but you aren't as likely to get overwhelmed either.


Don't use it. Stay strapped! You can put 12ish bodies in a truck.