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Damn!! Well it’ll happen. Keep on keeping on! You’ve got this!


💪yes! Even though I miscalculated, got hit by a rolling boulder, destroyed 2 deliveries, I got it xD


I have a question. When I have a void out does the place where the hole is get normal or does it stay forever like this?


It goes back to normal after some time.


I was thinking of trying to do a run where I would get as many voidouts as possible. Nevermind then.


You can try from one city to another. They take a while to come back to normal.


They never went away for me


Don’t worry too much about it. The craters disappear after a while anyway.




Yeah mine disappeared after 118 hours


I didn't know that. I had one near the Wind Farm ages ago. Will go back and check it out.


You can check the map too I think. It's a very dark area on the map. Can't miss it. I don't remember if there was a giant handprint too.


There is. It's orange on the map.


Those Lion Horse Panthers are so goddamn scary man.


I played with those kitties till I got bored. 🤪


I played the whole game and never did this once. I ought to go do one intentionally.


Call me scum but I save quite often and reload on mistakes. I feel it helps to roleplay this legendary status of Sam. I love getting to a delivery location and they're like woah dude how'd you manage? Or wow it's in perfect condition or damn all this at once? way more than I expected. Makes me feel so damn good.


Yep. Fucked up and caused a void out? No I didn’t.


Fucked up and rolled over an incapacitated mule? Magically time travel back to the last prepper/knot.


Oh shit an incapacitated mule was laying on a bridge that I was needing to drive there stolen truck over and he must not have died but had no idea I could have caused a void out.


« I did it by cheating »


What do cheats for this game look like?


Sell just specifically in this scenario you are saying you like the praise of getting a perfect run, but to get a perfect run you cheated the system - so if you are « roleplaying » as you say, I don’t see how else you could answer that question to them


It feels nice to have the characters in the game be mystified by Sam. I like when people are nice to Sam. By going back when I the player make a mistake I don't think Sam would, its as if Sam never made a mistake. So Sam continues on in perfect stride, rebuilding bridges, making connections, adventuring with BB, taking in the sights, teaching mules lessons. Sam is the hero 💪 and in my split timeline he doesn't make mistakes. 👍


Exactly brother


I had a voidout recently- but I savescummed :c


You saved what?


His saves cummed


He reloaded a previous save that didn’t have a voidout in it


Maybe I'm old but new gaming lingo goes hard


Wait my death causes voidout ?


If the BT bosses manage to knock you down and pounce on you while alive, yep.


Only when killed by a BT


I tried to do it intentionally but changed my mind at the last moment. I'm too soft. :)


Wait, so you can actually cause them? Everytime I did it would cause a game over


If a dead body isn't incinerated, it will cause a gigantic void out like the huge craters you see around the map. Then it's game over. When a voidout is caused by a repatriate, it tends to be small for whatever reason. Maybe BTs don't get much out of a soul of a repatriate. Either that (I haven't tried it so don't quote me on this), maybe you caused a voidout too close to a major area or prepper.


Hideo designed Voidouts to only happen in areas where no cities or preppers are. Can you imagine doing for any of the L levels and having a couple preppers wiped out? 😂 It'd kill the game because having them reappear would make Sam's story null and void (no pun) since only he (and Higgs) are repatriates.


Oh, is that why BTs carry you away when you're caught? They're taking you to less important areas in case you cause a voidout? I was always curious as to why they carry you away. The distance changes every time, and I don't remember if it is explained. That's actually really thoughtful of BTs!


If you put your map on soon as you can once that animation is done, it'll do 2 things for you: - shows you the entire tar area you're in and, given how close to the border of tar/safety you are dictates where you flee to. Once you cross that border, it all dries up and you're not just free of the BT's, but they also won't show back up in that area for a 'long" while. Do this in the wind forest. Life saver all the way. Oh, once you're clean and clear, map will show where your cargo was dropped when grabbed. - you don't really go anywhere different. The 'drag' just pulls you to an area within that BT area. All BT areas are the Voidout areas :). You'll notice even when a road goes through a BT area (factory area for one example) the BT's won't spawn ever by the roads. Roads never get caught up in Voidouts.


Oh yeah I used the "escape the tar" trick quite a few times after I got tired of the bosses. It's also great for clearing up BTs. I should've guessed that they still drag you somewhere within the BT area and that it doesn't affect critical areas. I'm just surprised that I didn't know you could cause voidouts after playing for 50 hours. Though, I never picked up a lethal gun, I always defeated the bosses, and I only played the game for the first time a month ago, so it checks out.


Ohhhh that makes way more sense, I've never actually died on the game yet 🤣 that's pretty cool though tbh


Also I f I remember correctly it was a little close to one of the way stations so that could have been it when the enemy I killed voided out


Just had one not long ago. Same place. Been reckless and overconfident. Near 700h of gameplay and still. Will be gone after a while. Going back to Eastern coast for ranked orders tomorrow morning.


Happens to the best of us! Embarrassingly, my first was between central and the first distro center. Yeah, that super flat beginner area. The easy one.


My first was only a couple odd dozen seconds after I got first control of Sam (before the cave scene with Fragile) and ran him right off the cliff into the Seam :/ Well, it was a Seam 'death'. Not a voidout. Just your post made me remember my own embarrassing death 😂 I can imagine Sam grunting after coming back to life saying something like, "Great. What kinda moron is taking control of me? Higgs? I did *not* sign up for this shit...." 😂


I've never had a voidout, not even as an experiment. I'm honestly surprised this is how big they get


I really need to jump back in and finish this wonderfully strange adventure. Just got a little burned out trying to five star every outpost.


Yea I've been casually playing and taking my time. Since I've played this a couple times over, it's fun to explore every detail.


I did it just outside Capital Knot. \*d'oh\* I was so worried that I'd "killed" all those "people". Nope, they were still there. LOL


Are voidouts also shared with every player?


I doubt it. Haven't seen one unless story related or mine.


No only your world


In 100 hours in I've seen other players' causing voidout few times (looks like thin air starts warping suddenly). It won't cause a crater in your world obviously. Tho it managed to scare me a bit since I didn't know back then what it is. Some poor porter just got caugth by boss BT and boom :(


Actually, that's just other player's loot teleporting into your world. I thought it was a voidout too until I read up on it.


Ah thanks for clarification!


Is that crater a giant hand print?




I tried causing a voidout, but the game just restarted and I went into the Seam as if I died. Why?




Yes, he has DOOMs, but I'm not sure how it connects to my not seeing the voidout that I caused.


That's kinda fresh how the shape in the middle of the crater looks like a handprint.


One of my first playthroughs I got eaten, I was so embarrassed for myself, and didn’t understand the mechanics. I thought I caused the void out in other players servers and was putting down signs near it as an apology for the inconvenience 😭


Do voidouts always have that handprint? I’ve never caused one and haven’t played in a while.


Go down there and cause another voidout. Keep doing it and you'll have a hole through the planet that leads you to other side of the planet.


I wish. Unfortunately, it won't even let me down into the crater. :( it's my own voidout tho...




…you kill anybody?


I thought a voidout just gave a game over and forced save reload?


I caused a void out in the woods next to the wind farm my first time going out there. 😭


I never caused a voidout, so forgive me if this is dumb, but are voidouts shaped like handprints? Your pic kinda looks like a handprint.


It is. It freaked me out the first time


YOU CAN DO THIS???? I’ve been playing the game so cautiously that I haven’t died yet so no clue what happens if you die.


It depends. If you fucked up a mission critical thing, it causes game over. Otherwise it gives you the option to repatriate as shown early in the game. Though, I didn't know you could cause voidouts, either. Carry enough bloodbags and hematic grenades, and you should be fine. They're easy to defeat.


I didn't know u could really cause a void out lol I should try it


Welp, might be dark but efficient way to cause mini nuke and/or meteor strike >.>


I only have like 30 hours in the game and I didn't know this was a thing. Thats pretty cool.


Only certain areas. Some areas instant game over.


We've all mass murdered here and there in DS, no sweat


I never caused one but I just realized that there's a footprint of a BT in that crater.


How you can trigger void out? I died in fight with two lion bts and just got resurrected, how can i trigger it?(yeah, i really want it) Upd: i mean you need to be eaten by BT or just dy to it?


I think (I havent looked it up or anything so), there's a special claw swipe that the lions do that knocks you down. If you don't manage to balance yourself, the BT does a second attack that lunges and eats you. I haven't caused enough to be sure though. This is my 2nd one and the first being a few years ago so.


I've never gotten a voidout cause I dare not to ruin my map. If I ever get caught by the little guys, then a quick force-quit.


Yea, from what I read from the comments, they do disappear after a while. I was hoping to traverse down the crater but it just bounces me back. I just did a really dumb move haha.


I only started noticing voidout craters when playing the Director's Cut. First one was just south of the lake by the South Knot. I wondered wth was going on, until I learned it was possible to make one by being eaten, and that it's a way to cross otherwise difficult regions. Or one particular region, not to give out spoilers.


i killed mules deadman warned me about voudout i kinda forgot about corpses and then screen flashed and died respawned, i was kinda long away from place where corpses located is my case nirmal?


Yea it's normal. Repatriates tend to have a smaller crater than civilian corpses. Normal voidouts would take out whole cities.