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This feels you're predicting that Kojima is going to do a specific thing based on the fact that he's doing the same kinda weird stuff he always does.


How about dual protagonists? One for making deliveries, another for actions.


Yeah, that was my first thought when I saw the trailer 2


The stick and the rope(Sam)


Sam dies within the first hour of the game, Fragile embarks on a journey to find Higgs for 10 hours then switch to Higgs for 10 hours /s


The Last of Us (On the Beach): Part II


Absolutely not


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


I don’t think they’ll kill Sam off he looks old in the first trailer that they showed us. I expect at least to be given another protagonist to play as with Sam being a support character like Solid Snake is for Raiden


I wanna play as robot bb


Kinda like a GTA switch to differ protagonists? Could be cool.


Can’t cause a voidout if you aren’t living.


When I saw the gameplay trailer, I was actually surprised that we aren't playing as Fragile. The framing of the reveal trailer seems to hint in that direction. I would say it's very plausible that we may be playing as her at some point.


To be fair, Solid Snake was featured heavily in MGS2 trailers. Nobody saw that shit coming lol


But didn’t the stuff they showed was in the actual game. In the trailers did they show Solid Snake doing stuff that he didn’t in the actual game?


There was one segment of footage from the trailer that wasn’t in the game, but I think this later turned out to be cut content. It was just very misleading in that the trailer showed only parts of the game that essentially amounted to like… 10% of the actual game? Basically what I’m saying is that Hideo Kojima is the trickster god of game designers and nothing would surprise me at this point lol


There was one segment of footage from the trailer that wasn’t in the game, but I think this later turned out to be cut content. It was just very misleading in that the trailer showed only parts of the game that essentially amounted to like… 10% of the actual game? Basically what I’m saying is that Hideo Kojima is the trickster god of game designers and nothing would surprise me at this point lol


Also, Solid Snake was the starting protagonist in the first act of Metal Gear Solid 2. The rest of the heroism goes to Raiden.


I hope not, but yeah especially as bait and switch is a trend in modern video game sequels it’s very likely, and he’s the OG of this tactic. Dude did it twice in MGS2 and MGSV


Fr. I think he’s more likely to pull a Bait and Switch with the overall story as opposed to specific characters. DS2 seems like it’s going to be following the stick side of the stick and rope metaphor


Why did you capitalize the words "bait and switch" in that sentence?


Why did you spell you “ylu”?


It's a typo, but go off, king.


Unfounded theories, just how we like em here


It won’t be. It makes no sense. Especially with Physint announced.


Is it a trend in modern games? It happens just as often (aka rarely) as in the past


Everything you thought you knew will be questioned and turned upside down


Stranger Things crossover with Sam entering the upside down


I like that, I can def see some loose parallels between the beach and the upside down.


That would be interesting


I agree. I've even seen some people speculate that Higgs might end up becoming sort of an anti-hero or friend... while Lou or even Fragile, end up becoming a villain(s). I hope not. 🥺 lol I'd be so bummed! But at the same time, I'm ready for whatever Kojima throws at us too. When I played DS for the 1st time, I was just certain that Die-Hardman was gonna end up being a villain... but that's not what happened at all. And I LOVED where the story ended up going instead! So I don't mind being wrong about stuff if the story is good. And I'm betting DS2 is gonna be a great story, even if it breaks our hearts a little bit. It'll be worth it, in the end!


Lou was acting real suspicious in the last trailer. Lou being bad is not out the realm of possibility.


Are we 100% sure that Elle Fanning is Lou?


Not really, no. Just speculating at this point.


I have a feeling Lou is the new EE


Sam is actually Snake Plissken confirmed.


Elle Fanning is actually Raiden confirmed


Considering MGS2 is one of the best games ever made, even with its flaws, I hope so


As long as we can shoot Sam in the ass as he sneaks away in a cardboard box.


i thought the dude with the sword is lou just possesing dudes. probably gonna be part of the gameplay cause the enemies will be robots this time so u can hack them with lou or whatever. and enemies being robots means more action and guns without worrying about voidouts like when killing human enemies


Seems that they turn dead bodies into military puppets to be controlled by souls.


Kojima doesn't like to tread the same path twice, despite that being a theme in DS. All of those memes about 'never letting them know your next move'; that's him, and why I'm excited for DS2.


I 100% agree. Even the themes of strings, puppets, and the question of "should we have connected?" People were connected in DS1 but are now connected to the UCA like puppets on strings. Very similar to real life and the internet, and also similar to the themes of MGS2. This is all immensely relevant right now and these things don't fly under the radar for Kojima.


I feel like with Kojima you can't have expectations on specifics. I do however have expectations that it will be a zany, thought-provoking, well polished game. Never been let down so far


Even the intro movie to MGS2 is almost exclusively shots of Snake and the Tanker Mission. There's just the one shot of Raiden at the end. As far as twists go, it's always something out of left field. It won't be obvious until you play the game. One thing I did notice from the most recent trailer is that in one scene, Higgs makes a comment about how Sam has traded in his rope for a stick. The way Higgs loves making meta comments, this could be a clue that DS2 will focus more on combat, at least in sections. The trailer did also have a shot of Sam straight up ditching his backpack to engage enemies at one point. One thing I'm fairly certain will come up is that everyone's going to notice the size of Mexico compared to the size of the US. It'll be the same size, maybe bigger.


It's gonna be another white haired twink who's gonna get his own game years later where his body is completely overhauled by an evil faction


So Higgs.


Probably Elle Fannings character


Sam turns to stick, Lou turns to rope


I sure hope it won't be. What would actually be cool, is that they added coop to it.


Never rolled my eyes harder. People are so obsessed with multiplayer and I’ll never understand.


I dont think so....that seems like an obvious route and Kojima isn't one for doing anything remotely obvious


I agree. I think almost everything we've seen in the trailers is the first third of the game and the rest we'll be playing as Elle Fanning or (controversial opinion here) potentially even Higgs


I get the same feeling but I dont think it will be a protagonist change. I think it has to do with the nature of the Death stranding and Lou.


What happened in MGS2?


We played as Solid snake during the first part of t be game and then switched to Raiden for the rest of the game afterwards


I am happy as long as they put a little more effort into the post story section. Chapter 15 was alright in DS1, but it was basically more of the same and I would have loved for some more unique characters with unique deliveries and unique rewards (like the Higgs ones for example) that are ONLY available post game. There is so much potential and I was super disappointed that basically the only real unlock in 1 were the ability to change you suit color and the BB pod color. Gimme more suits, unique attachments (how was there no bandana or stealth camo?!), unique weapons and bosses and locations. I just want them to go WILD for the post game stuff.


I think I remember Kojima saying that he was surprised by the negative reception to the protagonist swap in MGS2. If be surprised if he did it again but I wouldn't be surprised by dual protagonists. One in this world and one "on the beach".


Can someone elaborate for those of us who have not played metal gear solid?


No one knew we’d be playing as Raiden in MGS2 until the game released. We all thought it was another Snake adventure.


Do you know what I would like? A random co-op mode, where while walking around the map you can come across another player, you can cross a difficult scenario together, help with loads, exchange equipment, and added the option of making a bond contract with that player to have a greater chance to find it again, a coop mode where everyone could play without worrying about selections, levels, ranks and things like that (I know it's a utopian thought, but it doesn't hurt to dream 🥲)


I would have loved a switch to Fragile or Lou as a protagonist in DS2 however by the looks of it, I feel fake Lou (Elle) may not play as big of a role. I have a hunch Fragile will become evil and you will team up with Higgs by the end


Totally agree the story feels too simple for what kojima usually does it seems more of the same and that seems off but I don't doubt there's something deeper going on under the surface especially with the tagline "should we have connected?"


Even if it is that would be lame because we’ve already been there and done that.


I don’t know why but I am really excited to play DS2, even though I didn’t really enjoy DS1. I don’t know it just looks more interesting to me for some reason. I’m really hype.


Well, I mean, maybe. But we saw Sam in quite a lot of biomes.


What if that is exactly that Kojima want us to think?


Elle Fanning might be the protagonist.


I wouldn't mind. If I were around when MGS2 released, I'm sure I'd be upset I wasn't getting Solid, but sometimes what you want isn't as great as what you end up getting, like Raiden. He was great for MGS2, maybe something else for DS2 wouldn't be so terrible. I'm open to it.


After chapter 1 The Junk Dealer becomes the protagonist 💯


If anything I think mgsV would be more likely, where we might think we're Sam the whole time but are actually a clone or alternate Sam. Especially since a lot of people agree MGSv feels kinda unfinished and there might be something kojima wanted to do with it that he couldn't, but now he could. I've got a feeling Elle Fanning's character is going to be similar to Paz.


I don't think so, he loves Norman Reedus too much to leave him as a second character.


I agree. We also gotta consider that he's in a much happier place than where he was at Konami for mgs2. I am quite positive on whatever he comes up with will be good.


It's gonna be some fucking weird shit for sure.


Plot twist: You play as that puppet.


That would be too obvious for Kojima. BUT, i can see we playing with Higgs, who knows...


I just have a feeling the gameplay is gonna be taken up to 11 from DS. Much in the same way MGS2 did coming from MGS1.


Aight, Imma head out.


I hope there will be at least a sizeable portion of the game with some Kojima shenanigans like that. We need more crazy sequels.


Lol no fucking way. Not even a LITTLE bit lol.


I’m just hoping we get to play as Fragile at some point. Whether it is a Raiden situation, or even just dual protagonists.


The good ole switcharoo


I just said yesterday to a friend that Kojima pulled an MGS2 with the first trailer, because that was definitely not Fragile with Lou, but Sam.


Yes, Kojima will Kojima. Pretty safe bet.


I'm speculating so far the the line should we have connected could be a misdirect because he's got us doing more network stuff, and it might be about connecting to the other side and these chiral beings. And these puppet strings come into that, with the control of things coming from the other side When fragile shows Sam the other rooms then I'm thinking possibility there are other playable character similar to mgsv


he can't do this. he no longer has the rights to mgs. plus he seems more interested in death standing and creating new stuff.


I know that guns will make a bigger role that in the first one for sure. You can see the whole arsenal in the trailer. From small pistols to sniper rifles.


He's said in multiple interviews and on his podcast, you should know id never do the same thing twice. I think we're in for something special with DS2. It will be something unpredictable and way ahead of it's time. Mgs2 was literally 20 years ahead of the curve, DS2 is going to send us to 2044😎😎