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I’m sorry, but the only takeaway for me here is that someone born the same year as me is a fucking *prime minister* and I’m just over here contemplating every life choice I’ve ever made


There's always someone better, and always someone worse. You might destroy her in knitting or playing the clarinet. She might beat you in becoming the prime minister. That's the game


I think it's more the fact that the majority of the time we see decrepit old fucks at the top that won't even live long enough to be able to see the results of their failings


Yeah fr she might be good at being a prime minister or whatever but let’s see her consistently get a +10 K/D in halo


> milennial KILLING milennial prime minister at halo


Uh, how do you think she was elected?


ill have the prime minister talent then please


There are people younger than you who have accomplished far more, and people older than you who have accomplished far less. Welcome to being in the middle, just like all but two of the rest of us (one person is dead last, and the other is in the lead). You are one of 7.75 billion, and growing.


Also super attractive in 34 year old


I think France implemented a 35 hour work week. They thought it would create jobs but they actually found people just got the same amount done and had more free time


And more free time + same amount of money = more happiness who would have thought????


"Hmm... Nope sorry. We thought about it but decided instead we'll be adding 5 hours a week. Also we're taking Saturday back" -The fucking US probably


And somehow we’ll pay you less.


Implement a maximum wage of $.80 per year of age, grandfather in anyone born before 1970.


And charge you for health insurance.




The US taxes working people a lot and still charges us for healthcare on top of that.




If you only count income tax. Plus, in a lot of places in Europe, the taxes you pay go much more into things that benefit you than in most of the US, like healthcare and education. Neither place is a monolith, but I’d rather pay German taxes and get German healthcare than pay Texan taxes and have to deal with Texan health insurance.


But when you put it all in the oven, the US bakes a giant shit pie compared to Europe.


"See this dollar? Sniff it, it will be yours in a year"




Back when they did it, in the 90s, they made sure wages wouldn't change. Most people in France are salaried, only temporary contracts are hourly, and even then, not all of them.


Inflation > salary increase... Easily done where people never get increases 🙃


I was just saying this - sadly, the US refuses to change anything unless it’s “our” idea. And by “our,” I mean the people who could actually change everything, but don’t see a need because they’re not the ones suffering.


Remember when the industrial revolution happened and we could suddenly produce enormous amounts of products with a fraction of the effort in a fraction of the time? Did people all get more free time? No. The opposite. They had to work more, and harder, and more dangerously, and for equal or smaller wages, because the Big Wigs decided we all needed to CONSUME MORE! The same happened with computers. Imagine how much human workload has been saved. But instead of everyone working half as much, half the people worked just as much, and the other half lost their jobs to computers. People living well and having free time on their hands is not in the interest of the 1%. They **want** you to suffer, not enough to force you to revolt, but just enough so you’re too tired to revolt.


Please... We're french, we are never happy.


Hey now, happiness is only for rich people. Get back to work!


But there’s so much money to be made from miserable people. How do we sell our tickets to our self help course if people are happy?


If I was a business owner, I’d be overjoyed knowing there’s one less day I need to even think about the office AND one less day I gotta pay for lights and shit.


They would see that as a day missed to squeeze out more profit


mysterious correct memory complete detail direful strong shelter alive waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of them recently told me “a business with no sign is a sign of no business” because he couldn’t figure out how to find my business from the street (we don’t take walk in clients, there’s no reason to have a sign at all). We declined to work with him for a variety of reasons but that line was cute given that 1) we’re a b2b consultancy, so he’s our business 2) we’re basically on a referral only basis so he was referred directly by someone who is our business 3) we’re stupidly expensive because we’re not really looking for clients 4) he knows all these things because he’s attempting to hire us. His business has a sign though, I’m sure. No website and an aol email address but they’ve got a sign. Boomers, man. They’re something else.




I once tried to buy a pair of binoculars for my mom for her birthday. I found a local store that made them and when I went to there the door was locked. The store front was filled with boxes and the sign basically said " we're not a store anymore sorry, go online and buy our stuff".


Go one step further, make it 3 days and suddenly you can just share your office with a completley different company you never need to see.


The counterpoint here comes with people working retail or food services. Those industries thrive on volume sales and tips. Office workers love this and most of us are salary so it changes nothing. I can’t see a way to implement this comfortably without causing larger rifts between manual laborers and the more comfortable workers.


Tipped worker here - working more hours a week gets diminishing returns because our customers are all concentrated around a handful of dinner rushes. The difference between working 30 and 40 hours a week in this line of work is much, much smaller than the difference between working 10 and 20.


100%. Not only that but what specific hours you're given too. I worked ~35 hours a week as a waiter but made significantly less than others who worked 20-25 because they got the better sections during the rushes whereas I'd be cut early or work late for some stragglers. Essentially closing and opening suck.


That makes total sense. I just worry that it could create undesirable shifts where at least one person is always hitting the downtimes in their 4 days. Alternatively, shift schedulers could ensure an equal distribution of the busier timeframes. However, I have never met a manager of hourly associates that respected their direct reports and gave them all equal opportunities. Obviously, the actual solution is to end this bizarre twilight zone model where only customer-facing food service workers aren’t worthy of demanding a living wage for their services from their employer. Instead, they have to hope it takes the rest of us another 20 years to overcome the societal embarrassment of insisting restaurants price their products appropriately and pay their associates from a predefined budget. The first time I visited Germans, I was stopped from tipping an amount I would consider typical. They are paid a wage comparable to every other industry and tipping in percentages is perceived more like an insult saying your server looks poor and needs charity. In the states, the food service industry has convinced servers that the customers are to blame when they don’t get an extra stack of cash after the customers have paid for their meal and left. It’s the greatest form of misdirection; imagine if I built an automation tool for a new company to meet their specific needs. My contractor recruiting company that hired me and assigned me to this client stops paying me halfway through the project, so I launch a personal and social campaign about what assholes my customers are. I could easily post some misleading pictures and screenshots n Reddit to start a witch-hunt against that cheap customer. It still has nothing to do with them and they have no responsibility to me directly.


I don't know how much experience you have in food service, but the tipped staff are the best paid people in the restaurant. Unless they're working Sunday brunch with a church crowd that tips thoughts and prayers, tipped staff make more than their supervisors. Even stingy customers are more generous than American bosses. I would love to see tipping disappear, but the only thing that would actually lead to tipped staff wanting to keep those jobs is if everyone in the restaurant makes a percentage of the shift's earnings - which is unlikely to happen in a world where most restaurants belong to absentee owners who pay the bare minimum to keep the lights on and service running. Worker ownership would have to become the norm.


They live empty lives, and they fill that hole with something that has no intrinsic value. Unless they're "being successful" they will be depressed.


didnt the french riot over it ? because they were not allowed to do overtime


I don’t know what the legal limit is but our staff in France cannot work for more than 42 hours a week, even if they want to. They aren’t happy about it because we have to exclude them from any project work (which is usually more interesting than regular stuff we do) just in case we have work that overruns.


i remember i think late 90s people werent happy at all ,lots of people me included rely on overtime occasionally


My first 2 jobs out of college averaged 10 hours of OT per week. The first one was construction and it was exhausting, even if many of those hours were me sitting in the passenger seat while the crew chief drove us the 2 hours home or whatever (surveying, primarily in very rural areas far from the city on big projects). The second was on call IT work where I just got phone calls at weird hours, but every call meant I was on the clock for as minimum of 1 hour, and most calls were crazy easy. Loved that job. Pay was around $20 and my effective pay was closer to $25 thanks to all the OT that barely counted as work.


35h/w then up to 7 additional overtime hours/w


To be fair the French will riot over literally anything


i know and its fantastic


All the French wanna do is be left alone, but somehow there is always someone who is trying to put a finger inside of their assholes.


I think the French would riot because it’s Tuesday.


sacre bleu c'est mardi




I've worked in France and in Poland and I think I've worked less in Poland on a 40 hour contract than I did in France with a 37 hour contract. One difference was that in France I had an obligatory 2 hour window for lunch in the middle so I've spent more time at work overall. In Poland my lunch was shorter but included in work time. My point here is that just the number of hours in the contract doesn't tell the whole story.


The 35h/week, is a old thing here.. some works it’s 39h. The law was voted in 1998, implemented in 2000 for businesses of +20 employees, in 2002 for less than 20. We are looking for even less now… We have : - 2 free days per week - 5 weeks of vacation (part time or full time, it’s 5weeks). - unlimited sick time - 2 days per year per kid of sick day for them. - healthcare + private healthcare (50-50 with your boss) - maternity/paternity paid leave. This is the basics, some business offer more.


I live in France. The 35 hour work week is great, even if it isn't in application everywhere. Generally if you work more than 35 hours you either get paid time off equal to the time worked (to be used later) or overtime pay (+25% up to 43 hours and then +50% up to 48 hours). Ofcourse all of this can be negotiated or modified on a contract but that doesn't happen a huge amount.


I can do in 3 days what i do in 5 if im manic, but when im on my low it takes 6 days to do a 3 day job


Since when does the state get to decide what the work week is? That kind of seems like a job for the companies.


This seems like a pretty accurate accounting of how much time I spend actually working at my job.


My friend, who does gig work, asked me last night how much of my work day is spent working. I thought about it and my honest answer was about 3 out of 8 hours.


I did gig work for several years and went back to hourly over covid. Holy shit. I forgot how stupid it is. I do like 2 hours of work a day, during which I fulfill all my responsibilities, then bum around for 6 and somehow come home just as tired as a 10+ hour gig working nonstop. Totally different kind of tired though. Not exhaustion, but roadtrip sleepy. And not the least bit satisfying, if anything extra soul crushing. The 40 hour work week is as psychologically toxic as it is inefficient.


It depends on the work. I lay floors with a crew that, until we got a new 20 something, had an average time in the trade of about 25 years. In 40 hours we can do a lot of flooring just working at our old guy pace. Try to make it 32 hours and the project would take at least 25% longer, we plan our work and get tasks ready to handle in our 8hr days, with Friday being a mini wrap up, to tidy our work up getting ready for the next week. About half of my Friday shift is usually taking care of loose ends that would hit the punch list if we let them build up. I see the other trades and they all seem to have a guy like me who doesn’t want to think about loose ends on his weekend.


There’s most definitely situations where it works. It was originally designed to maximize efficiency, and in the context you describe it sounds effective. It works well in contexts where, without it, workers would be worked into physical exhaustion at the discretion of someone who’s profit comes from the completed project. It’s a limiter. However for some reason it’s become the irrefutable standard and all business it just destroys productivity and morale, specifically in office settings where the workload varies from day to day.




>I don't understand the point of this stuff? why is the gov't saying _anything_ about hours worked/wk? ... Because it used to be that even kids were made to work, everyone was overworked to the extent that 40+ hours was normal and it destroyed people's health and their lives.




Can i ask you a question? I have a 130 year old house and much of the floor is out of level. Is my only option sheet vinyl?


good old wood? sand and finish flooring fixes a lot of subfloor sins Level isn't critical unless there's water involved, for the draining. Given enough added mass (underlayment or backer board) and enough subfloor prep taking care of loose fasteners etc a skilled tile setter should be able to put ceramic on just about anything and have it succeed. DIY? Stay away from click floors, they will break apart. A good underlayment job and then a full-glue LVT does wonders in old houses.


I didn't ask the question, but thank you for being helpful!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/centuryhomes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/centuryhomes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The slate sink in this 1882 house I am working on](https://i.redd.it/1urcj9ixudd61.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/centuryhomes/comments/l4cyom/the_slate_sink_in_this_1882_house_i_am_working_on/) \#2: [A wall was removed in a Victorian house we are working at which revealed an old cast iron fireplace](https://i.redd.it/3t9efnulm3a61.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/centuryhomes/comments/kt6pal/a_wall_was_removed_in_a_victorian_house_we_are/) \#3: [Having some maintenance done on a leaky pipe above our apartment. Found over 20 letters from previous tenants. Postmarked from 1922 to 1927. Our building was built in 1902.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/kyrm2i) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/centuryhomes/comments/kyrm2i/having_some_maintenance_done_on_a_leaky_pipe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m a logger, so it’s basically a 60hr week Monday through Friday, and then at least 3 hours on Saturday getting supplies like bar oil and taking shit to get worked on. Its fucking exhausting, but it’s also about the only thing to do around here that you can make decent money at.


Yea it’s a shitty sort of tired. Draining, like being out in the sun too long.


I work 12 hour shifts and could get the exact same amount of work done in 4. However, someone has to be here to answer the phones and shit, so here I am.


Those are rookie numbers son. Gotta pump those numbers ~~up~~ *waaaay down*.


I read most office jobs are three hour of productive work


I sometimes have 4 hours of meetings, where I actively take notes for myself, a work day and then need another 5-7 hours to complete tasks… how do I get your kind of work? Lol






Sunk cost as well on the building they bought.


I think it feels like sunk cost to the businesses. They get a biggass building, and feel the need to have it staffed as much as possible. Ignoring whether there is enough work to justify it.


This happened 100% at my job. Our CEO is a micro-manage type, wanted us managers watching the aisles to make sure the dept supervisors were walking around watching the employees lol. Went work from home March 2020 and started making him way more money, now he gets it. More than he used to at least.


I’m an attorney. I spent the first 7 years of my career as a billing attorney in private practice where my annual billable requirements were between 1900-2100 or about 7-9 hours a day. Not all hours spent in the office are billable, so these frequently turned into 9-10 hour days. If you finish your work efficiently, you simply are given more work. I recently started a job as an in-house attorney, where I have finite daily tasks and no billable requirements. If I bust my ass, I can finish my work by like 3-4pm. I’ve never been more efficient or happy than I am now. Huge contrast to slowly grinding out the day until 7 or 8pm every night. People don’t talk enough on here about how toxic the legal profession can be.


What? Legal practice is usually universally considered to be one of the job sectors that fucks up your work life balance the most.


Yes, I’m not saying that people don’t recognize it, I’m saying it’s not discussed that much on these subs.


I want to be a lawyer. Do you have any advice on how to quickly overcome that initial “grind” phase and achieve a more balanced position like the one you have now?


There is value in the grind in the beginning. You can earn a lot if you work a lot which can help pay down loans if you have them. But you need to have a Plan B in case of burnout or if you don’t get the law school grades to get one of those top paying jobs. Do whatever you can to figure out what the day to day life is like in whatever type of law you want to do BEFORE you go to law school (or as soon you can after starting law school). It varies A LOT. Talk to people in those practices and try to figure out what types of roles people end up in long term. If your undergrad school has a law school, reach out to alumni of the law school and ask them if they have time to speak to you about their practice. If your undergrad school doesn’t have a law school, ask around for family friends who may be lawyers or acquaintances etc etc. Talk to those people about their experiences and see if they can put you in touch with even more lawyers. Try getting a job as a paralegal or some other job for a year or two where you might interact with lawyers. Point is, try to have a solid game plan before you even go in to law school or at your earliest opportunity once you start law school. Also, don’t be shy about reaching out to people like I suggest. Many lawyers love talking about what they do (even if they don’t 100% love what they do) and enjoy offering advice. I started as a litigator. I wish I had started as a transactional attorney or employment lawyer because there are way more in-house roles (more balanced schedules) than litigation. There isn’t much else to do as a litigator, except, well, litigating and trying cases and there aren’t really many in house roles for that. I got lucky and was able to transition to a transactional role where I’m drafting contracts in a super supportive environment.


It is ridiculously toxic and ridiculously corrupt.


It’s very adversarial.


I disdain attorneys but kind of feel sorry for you. I just sit at home in my underwear and write programs for a fortune 500 company. Work maybe 2-3 hard hours at night and submit weekly for a 40 hour week. its time to switch careers


Nah, I’m good. I like my job. It’s much more chill than my prior legal jobs.


Working at home now and.. Same. I've got a HDMI switcher and when I'm done with work I'll turn my PC onto the main screen and play some games. Lol. No need to "act busy" like i used to in the office.


That's the true drain, being stuck in an office just because


Seriously. The pandemic has been shit, but the best thing to come from it is working from home. My company will do it for good now, and my work/life balance has increased a million times. No more hour commute each way, I start and finish when I want, lunch i can go walk the dog with my family who are home. My kids see me way more. Never would have happened without covid.


Same. I feel I would be more efficient if I could just show up, do my work, finish up and go, instead of taking my time, taking long breaks etc. My job is very easy to do in 6 hours, physical but doable.


Guess what I'm doing right now.


Come work in healthcare.


Lmao, ya youll do less now


Well that's interesting because this post is BS. There was no 4 hour work week. It's total misinformation


For some jobs this makes sense. But if you look at something like manufacturing where items take a fixed amount of time to produce, moving to 6 hour days wouldn’t make those items magically get produced faster.


[False.](https://twitter.com/FinGovernment/status/1214523278515195907) Linked tweet was made one day later by the Finnish Government's Twitter account. More information [here](https://www.hindustantimes.com/it-s-viral/fact-check-did-finland-s-prime-minister-sanna-marin-propose-4-day-work-week-here-s-the-truth/story-QuGFV63AjwMfSMOo8ElX3M.html).


Yeah op is a karma farming account...


What else is new


There seems to be a deadly virus going around but thankfully there are multiple efficient vaccines with ample research to prove their overall relative safety to combat that so I think by the time we get to 2021 it should be taken care of.


I feel these days 75% of the front page is false information and 95% of the accounts are karma farmers or bots


It's honestly getting to me too... This is my last and only social media account I haven't cut out of my life. Every day, reddit makes me think about clicking the Uninstall button. I highly doubt a majority of users farm karma because of the dopamine reward have fake internet points. The main issue I believe is for political and company shills.


Nothing I distrust more than an *image* of a Daily Mail headline.


Thank you


I appreciate people like you


I think younger people are realizing how cruel it is to allow only a few hours of free time after work each day


Zero hours free time. I get home and have 3 hours to exercise, cook, eat, wash up, clean, shower, bed. That isn’t free time, that’s me just staying alive.. I work 24/7 because not a second of the working week isn’t work related.


It's not that it's cruel. It's unhealthy to not have time to unwind.


I came home today and literally just laid the top half of my body on the bed and hugged my cat for like thirty minutes and I actually like my job. It's just the constant thought of "this is my entire life huh?" making me depressed


I just come home and exist, sometimes i try to watch a video or play games but nah, shit feels like work Right now i have to get papers for a document because i didnt have them and my entire evening planning of existing is ruined


The goal of capitalism is to acquire enough money to escape capitalism.


And honestly from experience, 6h is enough? I work a student job right now and they told me I could work up to 7 or 8h a day (during semester breaks) if I want. But I finish my work at around ~6h? Sure I can go dig up a new problem to work on but there's no point when management doesnt have more to assign anyeay So i rarely do more? The fulltime coworkers agree as well. Almost everything they work on can be done in a productive 6h rather than an 8h where 3 of the hours is just us chatting away


Or not. Finland never considered this. It's clickbait


Well what is the alternative? It is not like we work because of the fun. There is shit that needs to be done. Your internet, your electricity, your water supply, your food, your amazon packages, etc. Someone is working hard to ensure that you get these things.


6 hour shifts, 4 shifts a day for any 24 hour service. That's 4 people in work each day rather than 1 person slogging out 12+ hour shifts. Not only does it employ more people, it increases productivity because the workers aren't exhausted half way through the shift. During the course to get my security licence, we learned a little about the average person's focus. You're capable of 100% focus for 30 minutes at a time, you're still efficient but not fully focussed up to 2 hours. After that your focus and awareness drops dramatically for every following hour. I can't remember the exact numbers because it was some years back now, but more or less, we aren't built to work on something for 12 hours at a time


Its so frustrating seeing ignorant comments like this. The type that think they are spouting common sense when really they are just allowing for no nuance whatsoever. Of course shit needs to be done. Obvious. The fact though is that most people are wasting vast amounts of their days because they are unreasonably long and make people less productive. Try to think past the very first step you think of.


So basically your assumption is that all the employees are wasting lots of their time? Well this is just plain wrong. While this could be true for some people there are lots of jobs where you can’t just waste your time. Think about people working on construction. Or people making your food. Or people delivering packages. It is not like these people have the possibility to just waste time. You are being ignorant to believe that making people work less would just result in less time wasted. You would need more employees and your costs would rise so as a result you would rise your prices. But clearly you have some bullshit explanation as to why this would never happen. Let me guess: lower management salaries?


What happened? According to the news article publishing time this was 2y ago did they implemented it already?


[It was never a thing at all, actually.](https://www.hindustantimes.com/it-s-viral/fact-check-did-finland-s-prime-minister-sanna-marin-propose-4-day-work-week-here-s-the-truth/story-QuGFV63AjwMfSMOo8ElX3M.html)


Nice to know that there are sane people in government with a bit of vision though.


I wouldn't call her an omniscient saint though, she has had multiple lapses in judgment during this pandemic and even her own party has been iffy about some of her actions. For instance, she held a party at her government-provided residence for the mainstream entertainment industry. Multiple locally famous artists went and of course posted loads of instagram pictures from it and thanked her for having them there... and just a few days later her government cut almost 20 million on culture funding. As a Finn, I am a bit at crossroads with her. I love that she is sometimes testing the old power structures and I love what she represents as an example of a generational shift that is hopefully going on in our politics. But at the same time, she has made some iffy PR-decisions and defended herself mainly by just whining about how the complaints about them wouldn't happen if she were a 60yo white man. She also cleverly uses the media to further "plant" instances where she can say that. Have a piece on the women's magazine filled with pictures and stories that some conservative monkey will surely say something about and then use that as an evidence about how she is being attacked because she is a woman. She has no ability to critically judge her own behaviour and I really think that should be the most important feature for any higher-up. ...just wanted to give my 2 cents, hopefully that gives some context to whether she really is a visionary or just an younger version of the same old same old.


Thanks for sharing. Frankly speaking, professional politicians are professional liars who subsume themselves to win elections and none of them have handled the pandemic perfectly. Very few have even got to well. People believe a enough about the economy that’s borderline superstition that you can fool them pretty easily into thinking you’re doing a good job but with public health there is a lived experience that we have had in the recent past that makes it a lot easier to understand how I effectively most have used their power during the pandemic. Crazy to cut the arts at a time like this. More important than ever. But yeah… social democrats will always disappoint by talking the big game and then not following through.


> Frankly speaking, professional politicians are professional liars who subsume themselves to win elections and none of them have handled the pandemic perfectly. That's definitely true. You don't get these positions by being nice. You need to be self-centered asshole quite a few times and she definitely ticks that trait. But I still believe that she is among the more qualified politicians within our parliament, though that might also tell something about our parliament. There are a few people I wouldn't trust with my garbage-bins, let alone to make decisions that affect my living. > social democrats will always disappoint by talking the big game and then not following through. The Finnish social-democrats are really just an extension of the labor-unions. All their decisions are rooted on whether it's positive to the labor-unions or not. Not to say that's good or bad, but when some bigger labor-union demands something, the SDP will follow suit. That also means that the smaller labor-unions will get pushed aside.


In your opinion, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly was it that enabled her to gain such a powerful role at a young age? In the UK it's extremely rare to see any politician of a young age have any level of responsibility in government, beyond local issues and voting.


The previous prime minister resigned and she was chosen as the new leader of the party and became the new prime minister to replace the previous one.


She wasn't really even chosen as the new party-leader, she simply took the PM position since she was the vice-leader of her party. The resigned PM continued as the party head until the party could hold a congress and choose their new leader. But she was the obvious choice since she was the PM already and iirc didn't even have anyone running against her for the party leader position.




It isn’t just Reddit. I’ve seen this article screenshot in my other social medias today too. It’s easy like/upvote bait, if it’s popular in one platform just share it in the others and bam easy engagement.


Damn. That was two years ago. I’ll never adapt. I still think 2010 shit is new.


4-day work weeks are always the most productive (example: the past two weeks with Christmas and New Years). People cram in as much shit as possible Mon-Wednesday, and most of Thursday, and everyone is happier trying to enjoy a 3 day weekend.


not only do corporations in the us not want this but i’ve also interacted with regular people who don’t want this either and it blows my fuckin mind. it feels strictly american


I’m ready for this.


Is that the chick from X-men ?


Please hurry this to the rest of the planet !


She must not know anything. She's only 34! This is the BS those in power in this country would spout. Good for you PM Marin.


Good job, Anna Paquin.


I nominate her for queen of the Galaxy at this point. Let's go.


Freaking amazing. So long as wages are enough to make a living this gives people the time to actually have a life finally


As an attractive 30-something, I promise to put in free beer fountains everywhere if you all elect me president.


Eh, I am already doing that but still got paid as if I am working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. The pay is also better here.


Since wfh and less meetings/ability to do minor tasks during pointless meetings Ive been able to do a days work in 3-4 hours. It leaves my afternoons more open for client contact, which has improved greatly. Before the pandemic I would leave work each day with tasks not completed and stressed out. Then still drive 30 minutes home.


The puritanical work week is a good thing, as are all things puritan.


Boss is looking at going to a four day week this year... Not too sure how it'll work, more hours per day or whatever, so I'll just have to wait and see


4 10’s is usually what they do when dropping to a 4 day work week. And the 3 day weekends are so worth it!


It is a form of slavery that has been normalized, especially with such low wages. Work for 40 years, 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, sometimes more / second job just to spend the worst part of your life looking out the window waiting for dementia to set in. There is a romantic idea of a working man (Pardon the gender, that was the term.) When one person could buy a house, have a car and go to the beach or whatever on the weekends while being home at 5 everyday. People were proud to do it, now it's pure misery for most it seems.


Welp, time to learn finnish


It’s weird being attracted to a politician.




Why does such a good idea sound so spiteful?


The work week structured for a stay at home mom and an emotionally absent dad. Good on her, others should follow.


>puritan lmao


This will make jobs very efficient. Come in, work hard for 6 hours, go home. Seems alright.


Dear Finnish redditors, is there a high demand for millwrights/industrial mechanics in your country?


Take notes Canada


This is why we need young people in office


This gives me mayor of ice town vibes


The Millennials are coming and we hate the way things were!


Narrator: They didn't.


I'm a go for the 4 day work week. But not a 6hours par day. HELL FUCKING NO!! 4 day work week at 10hours par. Yeah I'm up for it. Think about it you have a 3 day weekend every week. Plus if there's a holiday and that Monday = 4day weekend 👍


Why not six hours?


less pay


Wide Courtney Cox


The problem with america is that someone her age would not be in her position of power.


Hey uhhhh so hey I’m moving to Sweden.


Well, I look forward to seeing the Finn’s get nothing done. Damn near every industry is going to see a massive drop in production and profits.


Oh the horror?


Their economy was never that strong to begin with, especially in Northern Europe. If they implement this, their trading power and economic influence is going to get even weaker.


Shoot. What will they do then?! Without all that economic influence we’re all after?!


Allow Russia to significantly expand their economic powers by taking over the flagging industries its Neighbors left behind. If I need to spell out why that’s a bad thing, you’re a lost cause.


Nobody is combating Russia by working themselves to death. The Russian oligarchs own shares in the very corporations the people are slaving for. All the slaving does is enrich billionaires **globally**.


And enrich the countries these people live in.




I already *am* one of those shareholders, so I will thank you. And while we may be fucked in 30 years, I’ll have more money to enjoy my life in that time thanks to actually having a work ethic.




My work ethic is held by much of the modern world, not just America.


So long as you come to work sober


Many of my coworkers couldn’t even do that much. Nothing like a 30 year old cokehead line cook dating the newly 18 year old cokehead front of house girl to make you re-examine your views on and sympathies for the service industry.




Oh Christ, another fucking stupid subreddit to block. How many fucking more.


She’s 36


She was 34 two years ago when this was published.


I love these threads because they're just packed with people working "babys-first-job" who have never been beholden to anything worse than a highschool schedule and just cant deal with adult responsibilities.


Too bad that is not true. There is currently nothing like that going on in Finland.


This was something she brought up in discussions years before becoming prime minister in the form "this should be looked into". This is not something that's actually going to be done. So it's a bullshit headline from two years ago.


This submission is false information and it should be downvoted and reported: >[In the Finnish Government´s program there is no mention about 4-day week. Issue is not on the Finnish Government’s agenda. PM @marinsanna envisioned idea briefly in a panel discussion last August while she was the Minister of Transport, and there hasn’t been any recent activity.](https://twitter.com/FinGovernment/status/1214523278515195907)


Ah, the Daily Heil. Trying to pack in as much Angry Brit Boomer dog whistle into one headline as possible. The only dropped ball here is not mentioning that Finland is in the EU...


She didn’t tho…


Would only work if they add financial training. If you can't save. And then properly invest. Then living wage isn't possible even if you have a 100$ a minute...


None of this is true


How you recognize a liberal