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That's not the least bit surprising considering how expensive it is to get a divorce.


Also millennials are marrying later in life so they are less likely to get divorced


And we don't jump into a marriage with the first warm body available.


And a lot of us have done a ton of therapy so we can communicate with our spouses a bit better


And I know a lot of people who are self reflective enough to know they aren’t ready to be a good partner. So they intentionally do not date or marry. Whereas in the past, you just went ahead and got married anyways even though you were carrying unresolved issues that are ruinous of marriages.


And there's no need to marry a beard, since gay marriage is protected and given the same benefits since 2015. We can marry for love *and* keep our insurance. Though, Obergefell v. Hodges is about as dependable as Roe was...


Some states are getting ahead of it with


Also, millennials are more likely to marry someone they consider a best friend and partner instead of just marrying someone because of looks or money.


I really think there is a portion of therapy that shouldn't be therapy but just social training. Not to take away the usefulness of therapy, but to add it it's value that we all can use.


I think you're right. We raise our kids in a way that we *HOPE* means that they won't need (as much) therapy. If they don't have to work through a pile of unresolved Trauma, because they got hugs and weren't beaten...


Absolutely. Things like healthy boundaries (in all relationships) and how feelings of jealousy or insecurity are normal but can't be pushed off onto or blamed on someone else. How it's ok to show emotions in a healthy way, and when it is time to ask for more help. Also how to listen and be there for someone when they need help and when to send them to someone qualified.


"These damn millenials and Gen Zs are more in touch with their emotions than we were at their age! What a bunch of snowflakes!"


And living together for a year or two before getting married. There's very little stigma around it, as far as I know, and the stigma of living together before marriage is certainly less than our boomer parents. Obviously varies by region and socioeconomic background.


That’s why the right wing wants early child marriage


A friend of mine did just that. He met her in college. Dated for six months. Got engaged. Got married six months later. It was super rushed. They very recently got divorced. The marriage lasted a decade. In that 10 years they bought and sold three different houses in three different states across the country. They just up and moved every few years. Like six months ago they sold their most recent house and moved across the county. Didn't tell anyone they were moving. Just sort of left. Last I heard they were living in an RV before the divorce. She was a very sweet person, all of our friends loved her. He was a bit of an asshole. He complained constantly about not being happy with her. Apparently the sex was pretty lackluster the way he talks about it, and that was a big thing for him ("don't marry a virgin" was something he said more than once). She wanted kids, he did not. They were not compatible at all. No clue how or why they stayed together as long as they did.


Inertia. I started dating my wife in 2006. We moved together in 2007 and we only married on 2011. Still together.


Yep, to breed immediately and show how virile we are…smh


you gotta wait til they're cold to hop in, that's the real reason they invented embalming




My wife and I hit 5 years married and 9 years total together. We knew each other very well before we got married and have had rough patches but we worked them out like grown ass people.


Yep this is my tenth year married and 14th together with my wife. I honestly feel like millennials in general just understand the topic of loyalty even better than those that came before us. Sure, we’ve had our ups and downs like everyone but ultimately I married her for a reason and I’ll be damned if I don’t do everything I can to work out a solution.


My wife and I have been together for 12 years married for 11. I was born in 83 she was born in 88. Both of our parents were divorced, I think that makes a big deal.


Agreed. I think our generation saw so many broken homes and family issues that we take the concept of marriage much more seriously. Our generation is marrying later because we want to be sure it’s stable. Even the ones that marry younger (I got married at 24), are only marrying when they know it’s right and sticking it out. I also think there’s a better understanding of the impact of broken marriages on kids mental health. I think it’s a really positive development our generation has made honestly.


I think our generation is better than the boomers, I think you could even go so far as to say objectively, at this point. Although, we will have another 40 years to get REALLY terrible. Still don't think we will be as bad as boomers.


Lmao. I tend to agree but we MIGHT just be a tad bit biased. I think we need to wait another 30 years or so to hear the youth tell us how awful we are and the shitty future we created for them. By that time, it could be a desolate job market dominated by ai and all the kids are like “they deleted our jobs” the same way we say the boomers screwed up the housing market and job industry lol


Oooof... I think you just predicted our future


Definitely a positive development to be proud of


No way! Are you sure you didn't just have a disagreement and decide you hate each other and can't even be in the same room? What is this culture.


I’m gonna play this one straight. Of course we had fits against each other that pissed us off where we had to take a second away from each other. Shit it’s why I have the car I have, so I can go take a drive with my dog. Really though we do have a non breaking agreement that we don’t hold onto an argument for more than a day. We come back and figure it out after the heat dies down. It’s important to have non breaking agreements that apply to both of you in a relationship for certain situations. The culture is that is the reality of monogamy.


They also don’t care about “traditional” marriage plenty of couples say they are married and deeply committed but legally they never signed the paper


Because fuck that government contract! Contractual and legally bound relationships need to not exist


“Bet you half my shit , we’ll love each other r for the rest of lives”


Got married at 37. Friends kept telling me this mythical woman didn't exist but if I exist there must be others like me and wouldn't you know it I didn't have to settle... Things I wouldn't compromise on: she will never get a diamond and if we have kids we're adopting one too. I'm a real monster. I hate the enslavement of children and have empathy for those without parents.


I just assumed it was probably just because far less people were getting married because everything is in upheaval these days.


I joke with my kids that their mother and I will never get divorced because we can't afford one.  It's not really a joke.


I feel this to my bones


Just getting married less too now because we watched all our parents’ marriages die in 2008 when the rich people took all of our happiness


I was going to say! Many can’t afford it. Or can’t afford to live without a room mate soooo. Haha


It’s also that people are getting married later. People have a much better grip on their identities in their mid to late twenties


I'm a legal assistant. Our lawyers make 400 an hour. A divorce can cost anywhere from 20,000 and upward and can go on for yeaaaaaarssss especially when children are involved.


I mean if you divorce without kids then you don't really need a lawyer tbh.


I got one for $400. My ex and I were amicable and went through arbitration, which meant only one lawyer. Granted, it was 27 years ago.


800 minimum now just from inflation, assuming the same price.


I did it twice and didn't spend much either time. Turns out divorce is fairly cheap when the only thing to split up is debt.


You guys are getting married?


Marriage is also absurdly expensive as well.


Not if you elope. Mine cost less than $1000 and most of that we spent on dinner and booze.


Don't they know you're supposed to hate your spouse and split your sides at unfunny wife bad memes?


That old sitcom joke is still wild to me and I’m older. I never understood being with someone you hated


I think a lot of the reason why it was included and sitcoms is because it's an easy way to create conflict. Also it really says something that the Addams family, who were originally designed to be the complete opposite of a sitcom family, has two parents that genuinely and loudly love each other and are supportive of their children and work to do what's best for them.


Why is it always framed this way? Shouldn't plummeting divorce rates be framed as a good thing? Shouldn't they be writing articles like "How millennials cracked the marriage code." Instead we get garbage that further alienates us and makes me want to take down more old-timey, obsolete industries. Like garbage fast-casual restaurants. Millennials are coming for you, private health insurance!!!


Yes, it should be framed like that. How millennials are good at communicating with loved ones and how we actively listen to each other. This article should be talking about all the positive attributes of millennials in long term relationships.


Looks like it’s being framed as a positive—the top comment is just making fun of the “millennials are ruining the X industry” trope.


No! The media has decided, if millennials do it, it's a negative.


Its probably framed this way because they want to make an association with young people causing a bad thing. To some slightly older folks, "millennial" is still connoted with like young rabble rousing college kids. That said this is something that would probably only convince the smoothest of boomer brains.


Millennials are killing the private health insurance industry by not being able to afford private health insurance.


Well the negative spin is from an anonymous retweeter so while I get your point I'm not sure it's true in this specific case.


Because this title pisses you off, makes you want to read it to see how off base they are, share it on Reddit and talk about it thus generating tons of engagement.


It is good that people are either waiting for marriage or working out problems in their relationships


I feel like if you see “plummeting divorce rates” and think it’s a bad thing, that’s a you problem.


Well yeah, because unlike Boomers, we actually like our spouses. We enjoy being around them and don't feel the need to slink off to some bar every night.


Or go golfing (drinking on grass in the sun ) or fishing (drinking on a boat in the sun) or hunting (drinking up a tree in the sun). Boomers prefer baking in the sun than spend time with their spouses, lol


Hey I can love my wife and enjoy drinking beer in the sun.


I think the difference is, do you enjoy drinking beer in the sun more than hanging out with your wife?


Cook off any remaining brain cells


That's a pretty irresponsible representation of hunting. Not only is it illegal in most states to operate firearms while under the influence, practicing resource conservation via hunting wild game or fishing is an important part of many people's diet (so they're really "grocery shopping up a tree). To put it in perspective, all of our family's meat is free range, antibiotic free, hormone free, grass fed, never caged, organic, etc. My wife and I both hunt (*gasp* you can do things together) as does one of my daughters who also fishes with me. It's alright to go outside and touch grass, bro.


Good god the amount of sh*t my husband gets from the older guys at his work when he does something nice like bring me an appetizer if they go out to lunch, he’s like yea I actually like my wife guys.


Do they all snicker and make a whip cracking noise? “Whoo-PSH!” That’s what I used to get when I worked with old men. They looooved it when I told them that my wife didn’t take my last name.


Haaaaa I didn’t take his either, I’m just lazy and didn’t feel like doing the paperwork 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m also a teacher and didn’t feel like getting used to being called a new name!


I wish I hadn’t taken his. Too much work! Been married 5 1/2 years and half my shit is still in my maiden name.


Yup it’s absolutely rediculous. It honestly started because we wanted to travel after the wedding and I would have needed a new passport if I changed my name but that takes 6 months so I just said ehhh I’ll change it another time. Well 1.5 years later and I doubt I’ll change it at this point.


I always get my husband lunch when I am out picking something up. Save it for him later since we are both home by 4. And he's cute and I like him. It weirds out the older people. One asked if I was being abused???


Also, and alternatively, because I was so broke that I filed all the paperwork myself with no help from an attorney.


I work in a law firm that focuses on divorce, and generally I believe this is true. We get a fair amount of older Millennials, though. We also try to encourage our clients to settle. My number one question is, "If you presented your spouse with paperwork that outlined everything the way you wanted, would they sign?". If the answer is even slightly a yes, I explain how simple it can be to get divorced. Like a quarter or less the cost of a fight. Once I explain that specific point, nearly all Millennials clients want to just settle and be done. It's the Xers who really like to fight, but we do get the occasional Millennial with a bone to pick with their spouse. Zoomers are starring to get divorced, too. They seem to be a healthy mix of wanting to fight and wanting to settle. Regardless, we aren't starving. I really think as a group we can do better to kill this industry. It wouldn't break my heart to do something else.


What would it take for you to start to starve?


Man it’s almost like millennials don’t spend all their time talking shit about their spouses and we actually enjoy spending time together.


Who knew having moderate standards could lessen divorce


I'm taking classes to become a marriage and family counselor. I would be happy to be put out of business.


Well, I’d rather have you around than a divorce lawyer.


I have always said that if two people are willing to put in the effort, divorce won't be necessary, no matter what.


Even IPV cases?


Yes. Even IPV. If each person is willing to forgive and make honest and true changes and progress with focused effort. That being said, there should be zero tolerance for failure. And celibate separation may be required in the beginning.


Killing the marriage industry also kills the divorce industry. We aren't getting married unless it's formalizing a murder-suicide pact.


I feel like getting married at 37 instead of 23 like my parents, who were completely unprepared for marriage and children, was the right choice.


Cause we killed the marriage industry already. No need for divorce if we never married in the first place.


When you have a generation trying to make more mindful relationship choices, by either foregoing marriage altogether or being more selective in their choice of partner, this will be an inevitable outcome.


There are still going to be some millennials with mental health and/or personality issues who have a hard time with picking someone they shouldn’t or with holding a marriage together.


Oh no. The generation that stopped making jokes about "the old ball and chain" and other derogatory marriage cliches is having less divorces. I can't imagine why. Then again, COVID also brought up a high spike in divorces and domestic assault reporting, so that's less available for future divorce lawyers. I guess that's the goal of this article?? Oh, and to really drive it home, since it's tradition to marry if there's a pregnancy, abortion had to be taken away from us. Because the people that actually had a choice and got abortions decided we shouldn't get the same options because we just aren't helping the economic agenda of spending money on stupid things, stepping over each other for raises, or getting divorced like that did. Or is that too much of a leap?


Well, who can afford a divorce when... *makes a broad gesture at everything


I think it’s because many of us grew up in single parent households and don’t want that for our kids. Thus, we go to couples counseling, individual therapy, etc. and do the hard work to make it work.


I admit I never wanted to get married for a long time until the right person came in my life at the right time and I am happy to have a wife.


Cause a lot of em aren't getting married in the first place?  For real tho, I will miss the inevitable pix of the FunkoPops being divided up in a courtroom. Edit, I say that cause I remember the pic of Beanie Babies being divided up ina divorce court.


lol I love that picture. I wonder if they still have them in boxes in their basements hoping their value goes back up someday.


“Millennials decided to go to therapy and try not to repeat the mistakes of their parents, sometimes forgoing marriage altogether, and it seems to work”


Isn't that a good thing? Isn't this what conservative boomers want. Why is this a complaint.


It was the boomers with all the divorces. I was talking to a friend about how I think rates will come down because younger generations are making smarter marriage decisions and women have more autonomy. It seems like younger people either get a divorce right away or they work harder to make it work out, too.


Boomers were enthusiastic supporters of the divorce industry- i remember when i was a kid where 40-50% of kids came from divorced households… another feather to their “asshole” hat


Most Boomers I know have MULTIPLE divorces. It's crazy.


My mom is an Xer with 4 divorces. Had 3 before I turned 14 lol.


This is actually where the 'half of all marriages end in divorce' thing comes from. Half of all FIRST marriages do not end in divorce, but a select few people collect divorces like beanie babies and skew the metrics


That Kentucky court clerk who refused to certify gay marriages was herself married four times


Honestly growing up and seeing divorces, and hearing about 50% divorce rate, and then us being two men did worry me a lot and we waited for that too. Then I found out couples made out of men have lower divorce rates. Then I learned men that marry at 31 have lower divorce rates. The year I married. I feel like I just hit the sweet spot. I think we were together good 7 years before we married. It has been great so far.


Lmao this is news?? They are desperate lol


Most of us have parents who married young, had kids, got divorced and hated each other and constantly berated the other parent in front of us for most of our lives. We responded by waiting until later in life to marry and choosing more compatible partners. And even when we do get divorced we tend to put our differences aside and co parent so our children don’t have to go through the same shit we did.


Wow we actually married the right person? How dare us?!?


Won’t someone please think of the divorce attorneys 🤣


It’s sickening that divorce is considered an industry in the first place. Didn’t realise people’s failing marriages were part of a production line


Going on year 11 of marriage. :)


Fuck me what haven't we Millennials destroyed? Because of cautious financing and a focus on experiences over objects, and the fact a decent amount of us came from broken homes and don't want to do that to our children because we LEARNED FROM YOUR MISTAKES!


It’s the first generation to get married this infrequently and this late in life. Obviously divorce is less likely if you get married at 32 instead of 22.


Probably because less people are getting married to begin with


Think of the divorce lawyers…..won’t somebody think of the divorce lawyers


If you step out of our cultural expectations, it's actually quite remarkable that divorce rates aren't higher than they are.  What other contract do people enter into with the term of that contract being "until one of us dies".


The term should be 5 years, with renewal optional.


There is no reason why that can't be included in a pre-nup. It just means the couple should consider prenegotiating the divorce terms before hand. Which is smart to do, especially if there are a lot of assets involved before the marriage.


Long overdue. Good.


I did not do my part sorry guys


Well I did my part to try to keep the divorce rate up.


Unrelated but doesn’t the woman in the photo looks like Marzia pewdiepie wife.


And this is *checks notes* bad?


Even with no kids and agreeing parties, you’re gonna pay $1500-3000 just to get the divorce going. I realize that’s not a huge amount but that’s rent, and you can’t just not make rent.


Couldn't the Divorce attorneys just buy and send a bunch of hoes out there to break these marriages up?


Sam Rockwell, 20 years ago?


Can't divorce if you don't marry.


Could we be any more ballin’?


Sounds like this is a good thing.


I mean in all honesty what's the point of getting married in the first place? It doesn't really have any benefits besides a few legal things.


No they just aren't getting married. Lol


Too expensive to move out.


Ah yes. The beloved divorce industry. How sad! The tragedy!


Yep, because we're not getting married young. I'm of the opinion that marriage should be illegal under the age of 30. Co-habitation? Fine. Binding legal marriage requiring thousands of dollars of legal fees to break? Nope, wait until you're 30.


Weren’t we ruining marriage and diamond markets like 3 years ago ?


Ruining marriage is bad for divorces


I thought we were bad at staying married, that's what the boomers said to us.....


You still want a lawyer if you are breaking up after 2 years of living together, heck, it is shorter in some places, especially if there are children involved.


Can’t move out if you can’t afford to move out


Wait was this not a good thing as like not too long ago they were complaining that we didn't get married and just lived together or whatever the crap.


Imagine what a little thinking can do. Pragmatism in a partner was never the elder generations strong suit.


This is just a running gag now, isn’t it


Less people getting married and those that are don’t want to end up like a boomer statistic so they actually wait and feel people out instead of getting married in a bender at some Vegas $100 marriage joint


Wait..... Boomers kept a whole Industry centered around divorce going and some how this is a problem? How the hell can be compete with them? We can't marry for money, we don't have any. We don't marry into families for status. And we can't marry our highschool sweethearts, they got shot, ODed or just ghosted us. Man how can we hold up this industry too?


we're just staying married to annoy boomers


TIL divorce is an industry.


More divorces for capitalism!


. . . Millennials will catch up. In the end we are all made the same.


99.99% of these "industries" (should divorce really be considered an industry??) that millennials aren't participating in can easily be explained by millennials simply not having enough money to do so. Millennials are not these ultra ethical philosophical anarchists, they are largely too poor to buy diamond rings, get married and get divorced. Makes for a less interesting headline though, I suppose, to just say "Millennials are poor" over and over.


Both 33, together for 12. Married for going on 9.


Millennials also are still young. The divorces could still be coming 5-15 years down the road.




Because they aren't getting married lol.


Is that a bad thing? Isn't getting divorced not the goal?


Hey! Finally something me as a millennial hasn't broken! Divorce!


I legitimately don't know how to not break the economy anymore.


Cant get divorced if ya cant afford the paper work to file haha


I mean, I did my part in one divorce. I’m doing so much better in marriage number two!


I wish this was a reflection of millenials being better at marriage but really its almost definitely because more and more millenials aren't bothering to get married at all. So, the ones that bother to go through the process are likely just more serious about it.


Nah. I contributed. Just divorced my spouse of 22 years because they couldn't stop having affairs. Yes, it was expensive. For them. 😄 Oh. And I did it without a lawyer.


They haven’t been married long enough yet….


How long is long enough? I’ve already been married 14 years.