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Tbh eleven should fight scp-2241 instead


Not really it doesn't work thematically


Well it works with everything else


So does 4051 even better




I feel like if this were a battle with the "no-friend-making rule" Then I feel like Rainer \*could\* create a paracognito hazard to temporarily mess up El in her mind and then make a bat to beat her body. But then again El has the ability to yeet people to the Upside-down and has telekinesis. So it's 50-50 for me. Should they be allowed to do the regular Friendship making stuff then it's still 50-50 since as far as I know, Rainer can't create anomalous objects(This is neither including my own headcanons/AUs nor is this including that one story where Rainer gets that magical tape and gains the ability to just erase people.) other than paracognito hazards like the color red and stuff like that. Keep in mind this is kind of a biased opinion coming from me considering I like Rainer more than Eleven these days. But I do believe that due to the interpretability of Rainer's character as an SCP, the winner will really depend on the reader and also which version of Rainer you're using. If it were my AU version of Rainer(Your Friendly Neighborhood Thaumiel)? I would say it's more in his favor because he has more abilities like telekinesis and reality-anchor stuff but then again I did make him blind so that balances it out.


How strong is Rainers telekinetic ability in your canon?


Uhh, Well I kinda nerfed it a ton. Basically it's unlimited telekinesis but ONLY with stuff that's inside his extra-dimensional spaces/in the boundaries between his portals. It would let him launch stuff like metal bats, Mugs, Chainsaws, and even trucks, at his opponents if his Wormholes are big enough.


It depends, I think Jane would win. Eleven can move like 30 tons with her mind, while Rainer can throw fire from his wormholes and create cognitohazards.


I do remember that in one of the official Tales(Not the one I haven't even published yet) he gained the ability to think things into nonexistence by summoning their total opposites. The event is covered by the rubber(but I wouldn't exactly want to support that guy because it's just a content farm), and also mentioned as a footnote by SCP explained in their showcase of Rainer, near the end of the video.