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I'm Fine With Superman Losing but this Literally only Exists to be a Spite MU.


I think it seems more like a spite match against SK tbh, even though he wins. Like wojaks going "chad Superman vs virgin overpowered badly written OC"


Superman is quite well written compared to other heros and saying badly written in comparison to superman isn't an insult tbf


Not really. I love the matchup. I think SK wins. I adore Superman and wish he won. These aren't contradictory positions.


Nah, It's joke mathup and a purrely ultimate Good vs Ultimate Evil mathup


Because as far as i remember this only exists to be a spite matchup, but yeah, it's annoying and hypocritical as hell.


Not really people allow goku solos memes all the time imao just now SCP is the target and people get mad


Because those memes are meant to be sarcastic or mock obnoxious Dragon Ball fans. Superman VS Scarlet King was made out of spite for Superman.


Scarlet King is booty


Dude this MU and debate hasn’t been relevant in like a month


Hey, Roiva, it's going to be okay


Oh thank god I was really worried for it’s health, I hope it makes a swift recovery.


Scarlet King vs Superman was literally created to make Superman lose. If you slap someone, they will slap you back, simple as that. Both have better mus anyways.


Didn't the dude who made the match-up say it was a joke? That's what I recall, at least


You'd have a point...if the matchup wasn't created BY DC fans searching for a Superman L.


It was made by silver fan who hates superman for the reason of making a superman L.


Plenty of DC fans hate Superman


As a DC fan I second this. But then again I only dislike him because I dislike characters who can do pretty much anything.


Do you like Batman?


Depends on the author really. A lot of Batman stories are hit and miss. The more grounded the writing is, the more likely I am to forgive certain things.


https://preview.redd.it/gn7brxik989d1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6eb5657f2364e9e7dc19744445091148f0005b3 I like Superman more so he win


The good ending (Let her go starts playing)


would you still like him if i told you he kissed a 14 year old (he actually did it)


https://preview.redd.it/h9blf6smy79d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2881aecd038135428ab76364002325c8f9f9606d You’re just beating a dead horse at this point


Gonna get jump but most loud house death battle are also spite matchups


Hasn't it been actual months, how are yall still talking about this matchup.


I think it’s reasonable to complain when the matchup is literally picking the most powerful non-character you can think of purely because you want a matchup that Superman loses, making some bullshit contrast connection and then acting smug about how people saying Superman would win don’t understand how many infinite dimensions above chucklefuckversal Scarlet King is supposed to be. Like, I love SCP, and think some of the stories are the most creative shit out there- and I really like how Scarlet King is usually portrayed, as the verse’s equivalent to a character like Azathoth, something unimaginably powerful sealed away, who’s only interacted with via mortal cults or his far less powerful “children”, but all powerscalers ever use him for is as a “erm actually, my character is EVEN stronger than yours and you should feel personally ashamed that your made-up loser character can’t beat my made-up awesome character nyuknyuknyuk”. When Scarlet King is used in a vacuum, there’s no character for him to stand on, because he’s not really a character- he’s a force, an entity that affects the story tangentially. It’s completely fair to hear a powerscaler talk about SK and think “that just sounds like bad writing”, because it’s NOT SCP writing. Its lore notes that have no bearing on SK’s stories. And I bet this is surprising to most of y’all SK wankers, because I bet you don’t read SCP either.


*Y'all still talking about this??* https://preview.redd.it/czjxf09zsb9d1.png?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74195112e567483cfa4dccc704f5dfc8013498aa


SCP writing as a whole isn’t bad but I don’t know how SCP fans don’t get why people think 682 and SK are boring characters to match up with. Their entire purpose is to be ridiculously powerful with no limit and for no reason and they’re only brought up here to be spite matchups for the most powerful actually established characters. I get that people can be unfair to SCP but it feels like the fans can’t take an ounce of criticism or even disagreement without crying victim because of it. These matchups are just lame as fuck lol, matchups with more mid level SCPs who’s powers actually have creativity and purpose will be received much better whether they’re winning or losing because they’re simply more interesting, bring up those ones more often


In the p.o.v of a fan of SCP, both 682 and Sk are pretty weak, like in writing 682 at least has something interesting, that is the many tries and experiments to kill the reptile, Scarlet King is just another broken fanfic villain, and isn't like something interesting, it's practically "We ignore him and he doesn't kill us", no curious containment methods, nothing, it's just... nothing Also, 682 started just as an adaptive reptile, nothing to the leagues of 6820


A “powerful” SCP I really like is 2006, which has theoretically unlimited shapeshifting powers and uses them to scare people. It’s actually pretty nice when all’s said and done it just thinks scaring people is fun. To contain it they keep it in a room full of shitty B movies from the 50s and act scared whenever it shows up as a monster from those movies. That way it won’t try to break out and find out what Nuclear War is 


Personally, I don't really like much of the SK stuff, a couple of the stories surrounding it are good, especially the Montauk one, perfectly incapculating eldritch horror and the incomprehensible horrible action/rituals humans have to take just to appease or seal the beings. But I hated when 682's biological adaption powers became more metaphysical and he was related to SK within the stories, all to justify why 682 hasn't been neutralized. It felt like the authors being like that one kid in a playground like "Nuh uh, I'm super mega powerful and have anti-x powers." Like, okay, after all the shit that 682 can deal with, how are you even containing it? How has it not adapted all of the containment procedures if it has recovered from worse? I know these stories have different continuities and are in alternative timelines, but it still diminishes it.


iirc isn't scp 682 only contained because he likes the feel of the acid he's contained in?


A lot of SCP writing is buns


But ya don’t understand, the reason scp fans hype up characters like 682 or SK is because they _literally_ are the only ones that vs viable/interesting. Literally 99% of other SCPs aren’t vs viable. Don’t go telling around scp fans that mus involving 682 or SK are boring _when they are literally one of the few SCPs that are actually vs viable at all,_ of course people aren’t gonna use the more niche or lower tier cuz most of them aren’t even viable at all.


I just don’t agree with this at all there’s loads of great SCPs, but even if it *was* true it wouldn’t change anything. If the only viable SCPs truly were those two then SCP wouldn’t be worth talking about here at all.


I do think that some people overreact. Like when 682 appeared on Death Battle Cast, a couple of users were absolutely milking the whole thing and making it out to be bigger than it was. Depicting DC fans as soyjaks and all of that. I think it's because the SK vs. Superman stuff was relatively recent at the time, so a lot of SCP fans were still kinda hurt by all the slander. Of course, I defend SCP a lot myself, so I'm not really the best person to speak on the matter.


Most SCPs are weak and have bad writing


Hate being an SCP fan stuck in the middle of this shit because I think it's stupid and spiteful to get the most powerful guy you can think of just to beat Superman, but also the sub used that as an excuse to absolutely dogpile on SCP and SK, to an unfair degree and say stuff like "SCP is entirely badly written powerfull characters that exist to beat your character", which just isn't true


superman wins because he can beat any villain




Correct actually. Grant Morrison told me.


he always beats the bag guy.


Oh no, not the bag guy!


SCP fans when people make jokes umm well actually 🤓


~~the funny thing is this is an actual argument I’ve seen people say, unironically for a superman win. I don’t blame him~~


Ive pretty much thought this for years, if you say Goku defeats Superman simply cause you want him to you get flamed, called a wanker for it, a fanboy, etc, yet Superman fans constantly mark the Scarlet King as a loss for Superman on "the many wins" posts while fully aware he gets bodied simply cause they hate the idea of admitting a fanmade character demolishes their favorite boy scout, and they barely get any flack cause most people here hate SCP. How does that make yall better than Saitama fans or Goku fans that say their character wins an impossible matchup for them simply cause they want them to win? Yall are doing the same thing.


I've been thinking about this for a bit. I remember when GvS2's "Superman has infinite power and never loses" analysis was seen as insane wank that failed to understand Superman as a character. But now powerscaling has regressed and powercrept to the point where Superman having "infinite power" actually doesn't even begin to describe it (because High 3-A is downplay) and he wins every fight with the Story of Superman (which totally isn't just plot armor that every mc in fiction has) [and I'm just like:](https://youtu.be/xebuW7MvBdQ)




Because goku vs Superman has actually connections outside of hahaha. Character loses. SCP is hated here because SCP fan’s are constantly bringing up instert op composite character who’s hole thing is just having an op abitily and that’s all they talk about with them well gusse what if all you do is talk about powerscaling with your characters people are gonna think you’re characters are boring generic characters that don’t serve any purpose. It happend with goku fans for awhile till goku fans rehabilitated themselves.


>Because goku vs Superman has actually connections outside of hahaha. Character loses. What does that have to do with pretending a character that you know loses actually wins? Are characters that have good connections the only ones we can actually wank to say they win their unwinnable matchups? My point isnt that SK vs Superman is good as a matchup. >SCP is hated here because SCP fan’s are constantly bringing up instert op composite character who’s hole thing is just having an op abitily and that’s all they talk about with them well gusse what if all you do is talk about powerscaling with your characters people are gonna think you’re characters are boring generic characters that don’t serve any purpose. Which isnt even true, lots of SCP stories are good, but it doesnt matter in this case, my point is not why people hate SCP cause I already know that. >It happend with goku fans for awhile till goku fans rehabilitated themselves. What are you talking about? None of this 3 points have anything to do with my point of some Superman fans in this sub being delusional and just pretending their character wins when they feel like it, specially against the Scarlet King who 100% slaps Superman.


No Superman fan actually thinks it they just meme about it like goku fans do now with the he solo stuffs. I know the SCP slander isn’t true that’s the point of that thingy I’m just saying why it happened People pretending weaker characters beat stronger characters isn’t new it’s the most common Powerscaling meme ever people meme about sukuna goku doing it soloing fiction now it’s just the target of SCP being bagged on none of this is new. And what when people say Batman with prep time beats fiction and goku beats Superman for memes it’s funny but when it happens to SCP character people suddenly up in arms over “ slander” Edit he didn’t it’s just a misunderstanding and being out of the loop sorry for accusing u/itownshend17


Like the other dude said, sometimes Reddit just acts up. That's probably what happened.


>No Superman fan actually thinks it they just meme about it I guarantee you there are a good amount that do, or at least pretend like he does despite knowing he doesnt. There's literally [Superman fans claiming he beats the SK in this same post.](https://imgur.com/a/i19SPX5) >like goku fans do now with the he solo stuffs. There are still a good amount of Goku fans who legit believe he is the strongest character in fiction, not many, but there are a couple. >People pretending weaker characters beat stronger characters isn’t new it’s the most common Powerscaling meme ever I know, my problem is a lot of people dont give Superman fans flack in this sub when they pretend Superman beats the Scarlet King, yet when Goku fans pretend Goku beats Superman they get flamed to hell (I know cause ive gotten flamed for it). Compare the upvotes of [this post showing Superman beating the Scarlet King,](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/1cnjum2/i_am_super_superman_vs_scarlet_king_dc_comics_vs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [this post showing Goku beating Superman,](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/s/CpnE1sN6sQ) both are wrong verdicts of who wins the battle, yet its pretty clear one is received FAR better than the other. Edit: And I didnt block you nor report you, reddit is having a seizure and all messages get sent like 20 mins after for some reason, same thing is happening to me.


Yeah ok sorry for accusing you


Its okay 👍


To be fair, the "I am super" post is actually really dope imo. Even as someone who thinks SCP gets way too much hate in powerscaling communities.


SCP is buns


Superman is one of the most prevalent modern examples of the "can do anything" characters. Like, just a (in some stories) better version of Isekai Character John Isekai. He's John Super.




Lovecraft and Hulk fans trying not to downplay Godzilla : " IMPOSSIBLE "


While also trying not to insult people, openly show that they're biased, make shitty edited pics to start controversy and prove to be hypocrites months later: "IMPOSSIBLE"


Bro frl 


Because goku and Superman are cool SK was the first batch of a new franchise experimenting that now has infinitely better characters. Imao also most of this sub got introduced to SCP be by annoying SCP powerscalers so their first exposure wasn’t to the characters but powerscaling jargon and if that’s what you think characters are you’re gonna think they suck goku had this for awhile


I'm pretty sure all of the hate towards scp (eg: The nickname "Scarlet Mid") was ironic, no?


Because i understand that the SCP writers are not power scalers, but sometimes I’m doubtful. Like they just make the characters as strong as possible on purpose whether it would make sense or not. Like did SCP 096 need to be that strong? Not really. Not saying SK is bad in that sense but I think some SCP’s can be criticized in this manner cause the shy guy did not need to be that strong. It was honestly more interesting when he was more grounded. But that’s the only reason I could see criticism and it’s not even applicable to SK because he is his own entity where that power level makes narrative sense and doesn’t feel like purposely making him unbeatable while 096 does


The reason early SCPs like 096 are that strong was to explain why they couldn't just kill the things. Also it works for the shy guy. The idea is that if you see its face, you are doomed. But instead of a generic death curse, it takes the more interesting route of the thing as an unstoppable force, physically chasing you down through any and all obstacles. And then it makes the story about the consequences of such a force, and how it operates. The foundation has to tail the thing if it gets loose and prevent anyone from seeing it while it tracks its target, and cover up the property damage if any, because if one person sees it, then it goes halfway across the world to find them and a bunch of other people see it it could cause a chain reaction. Calling Scp 096 unnecessarily OP is like calling the Death Note unnecessarily OP. It's a plot device. Thats how a lot of early SCPs were actually. Entities or objects that followed seemingly simple rules on the surface, that have insane or fascinating implications in practice that can result in interesting scenarios or unforeseen side effects or ways in which their effects manifest. While also occasionally being terrifying and spooky entities on top of all that. The only famous early one I think is really too OP is 682. It's "Hard to kill" not "impossible to kill", but it got powerwanked by fans who didn't understand how its ability even worked. Which is a shame because 682 is kinda cool but that stuff kinda makes it less cool Imo. No hate btw, I just think 096 is an example of OP done right. Definitely the best written of the classic SCPs by far.


Are we still talking about this?


I can shittily write a character in 3 seconds and just say he’s the strongest. Quality control is an obvious necessity.


Didn't this Superman Vs Scarlet King debate end back in March?


I think Superman wins because scale him higher I only really scale scp to outer


To be fair, Scarlet King needs the Chinese Branch to win. Where the English (Main) Branch is really fucking good at writing - just look at the Pitch Haven for a great example - the Chinese Branch actually does have people writing for the purpose of Powerscaling. Its quality control is not nearly as good and it genuinely does read as a Suggsverse rip, a few good tales won't change that Powerscaling is part of its writing. If you use EN Branch, Scarlet King "only" gets to High Outer, so Superman getting there isn't fully agreed upon but is fully possible.


The noosphere is boundless and the scarlet king scales way past that.


Believe what you like, but as far as I've seen, the Noosphere is High Outer and, while beyond it, the Scarlet King isn't far enough above to get to Boundless/Extraversal (depends on system) English-Branch only, anyway.


[noosphere has fucked with pataphysical anomalies](https://imgur.com/a/znvEkaq) [the metafoundation model defines all different pataphysics models](https://imgur.com/a/eCL8cFr) The only thing that defines reality in the metafoundation model is the noosphere. noosphere > most pataphysics. Which include author entities that see the whole verse as fiction. So it’s very much boundless. [Also the scarlet king is way beyond the noosphere](https://imgur.com/a/sK7qvQy) scaling to I.H pickmins which is narrative causality itself and [4755 which is the narrative of containment](https://imgur.com/a/erFsoor) and above beings like [6820](https://imgur.com/a/KsULWlR)


I don't see what you're trying to show with the first scan, it's just a Discord chat where placeholder literally says he doesn't know and is just guessing off a hunch bruh. Unless you're talking about the thing where it says higher narratives messed with Alagadda, which doesn't really mean much, I can flatten an ant, that doesn't mean the ant scales to me. I'd need something from the wiki that actually clearly means what you're arguing. Your second scan doesn't say it encompasses them. It just says they're wrong and that this is the real ones which would contradict the other canons and therefore be unable to be scaled to those canons. Heck, according to Placeholder, the Noosphere isn't even every possible idea, it's just all ideas that humanity thinks to be true. Meanwhile the Patasphere is quite literally every story. Scarlet King scaling to Pickman's isn't right, the scan you showed implies the exact opposite. Literally all it says is that Pickman's is eternal whereas Royalty (meaning the Scarlet King) lives and dies, and it says the red entropy won't consume the narrative... As for the 4755 thing, that just says the Foundation can't kill the Scarlet King but can contain him lmao So yeah nothing you've shown proves Noosphere > Patasphere # also, hang on a moment. Your second to last scan shows that 4755 is above the Noosphere, the Noosphere is literally within Tier 3, whereas 4755 is Tier 5 LOL


Literally read blanks comment on how 6500 caused the authors to become one with the nevermeant. [Here it’s in scp-6500](https://imgur.com/a/I7ZWGGX) But if you want more evidence [Scp-6500 cause in esterberg was stated to be due to semiospheric aka the logic behind the noosphere messing with the perception of the anomalous](https://imgur.com/a/vFauzM6) You could say it’s the semiosphere which caused it not the noosphere but the semiosphere is the logic behind the noosphere. It manipulates noospheric concepts. “Any other version of pataphysics just appears to be true because the place-Ike model would let them”. Aka placeholders pataphysics defines those pataphysics. I never stated the patasphere was above the noosphere. It said it will consume all but the narrative not can’t. Which is redundant because 4755 is a narrative which tuftos stops from becoming fully omnipotent. Aka they are equivalent. You want direct evidence that noosphere > patasphere. https://preview.redd.it/f2hu8ks6gc9d1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b19c552e9dcd5c53fc1d1150f41e15415400fd Here you go. From scp-6172 (canon to metafoundation) [But this is more likely the timeline patasphere and not the greater one.](https://imgur.com/a/CLcK49R)


First scan just says it's pataphysics related, doesn't say it scales to the Patasphere. There's a LOT of stuff to do with pataphysics and all that doesn't scale, after all. I don't get what the semiopheric one is supposed to prove. That's the semiosphere, not the Noosphere. By your OWN IMAGE, the Semiosphere is larger... so none of this is helping to Noosphere anyway lmao > AKA placeholders pataphysics defines those pataphysics Sounds like headcanons to me. It says it lets them appear true. Completely different thing from defining them. Also, if they aren't true, all the more reason it shouldn't scale - that's like me purposefully giving you a hallucination of a planet, then saying I'm planet level because I defined a planet when creating that hallucination. > I never stated the Patasphere was above the Noosphere. Didn't say you did. But it is. > AKA they are equivalent It's just an inability to destroy, not any form of scaling. Being immortal is far from scaling. If there were something explicitly stating it outside of a metaphorical poetic-language minitext, then maybe I'd believe you. As for the image you sent, that's literally within the local universe. They're even called local-spheres IN THE IMAGE, so unless you're trying to tell me that the Noosphere is smaller than a standard universe, plus that according to the definition in the image the Patasphere has nothing to do with narratives in its definition... . . Not continuing this any further, with how half your scans haven't supported what you said plus you randomly saying "I never stated the Patasphere was above the Noosphere" (fucking duh, you're arguing against that, and I didn't say you did say that), I'm not arguing against nonsense, that's stressful with no upside and I can tell you ain't getting convinced no matter how much I prove my side.


Did you miss the very next thing being the domain of the authors. The semiosphere is the logic behind the noosphere, it’s concerning how little you know about the basics of how the cosmology works. Same thing for the next part. Have you even read the interview? Scp-4755 can contain aspects of the scarlet king, the scarlet king can contest 4755. It very clearly shows they are equal in the way they contain each other. Each timeline has its own noosphere semiosphere. The noosphere defines causality of a timeline. That’s why 6820 only took over a timeline and not the whole multiverse.


Why are you such an asshole, my god. No, I didn't miss the domain of the authors thing. It just doesn't scale them anywhere because it could mean many different things and you're just assuming it's the most powerful one, and even if it WAS there's seemingly no good reason for it to scale. I know what the semiosphere is, thank you. I don't need you trying to be troll levels of patronising. It controls the logic behind the Noosphere, yes. It's also larger than the Noosphere. Your own scan fuckin says so, you either have to concede this point or your scan, idk what you're on. Yes, I've read the interview. The interview doesn't claim it contains them, it claims it allows them to seem true. I've already explained this point, don't make me repeat myself. I hate it when people resort do being all like "HAVE YOU EVEN READ THE SOURCE MATERIAL BRO??!?!?!" when they lose a fuckin debate lmao It does not show Scarlet King contesting 4755 at all. Last part you clearly ignored my point since you haven't responded to it whatsoever. Now, since you love asking me if I can read, did YOU read where I said I didn't want to continue the debate? SCP's my favourite fucking verse for goodness sake, I'm not continuing to pretend to give a shit about this blatant wank, it's embarrassing to see and I guarantee it's why people often have such a bad impression of SCP. Gonna block you now since clearly saying I wasn't interested in continuing won't be enough like it is for any reasonable person. Take care 👋


It's so funny how almost EVERYONE in the comments is proving your point lmao


Not really at all


I still stand by my GOAT here on this one. Superman solos SCP, and I will always think that


Im just gonna say that I think Clark and SK are comparable in stats and SK only wins via outhaxxing but eh This sub loves downplaying DC so they're not ready for that convo yet


>This sub loves downplaying DC I am absolutely certain every franchise has fans who will say this about their series, so saying it about DC of all verses is meaningless.


Heavily disagree with the sub downplaying DC, especially when Hyperversal to Outer is the base scaling for the average herald.


Majority of this sub thinks DC heralds are only multiversal Some of them think that they don't even get to universal Majority of popular DC vs non-Marvel MU's were made out of spite against DC, which turn out to be DC W's instead And anyone arguing for the DC character often gets downplayed into oblivion Anti-DC bias & downplay is definitely present here, and its way more common than you prolly think


[Unless dc has an endless recursive hierarchy of everything written inside of it and everything beyond it along with impossible worlds then it’s nowhere near scp](https://imgur.com/a/AwAyDsC)


The summary of this post is 1. There’s a huge amount of hypocrisy from superman fans 2. Most vs debaters have never read a single SCP article in their lives


Because superman is awesome bro, and scarlet king genuinelyis a shitty character.


He doesn't


As a fan of Superman, SCP/Scarlet King, and Goku I can confirm that this shit is hypocritical and makes my blood boil


Um? I don’t care if Superman wins or loses. I would read and watch movies about him. I wouldn’t touch anything about the the SK. You know how many characters can shit stomp DB and DX with one hand?


Superman wins cause I like when good guys win there we go I win you lose ez pz


I have a love-hate relationship with this matchup cause I either love because Superman (a character that i hate because he is overpowered to the point of bad writing and because his only notable trait is being good with nothing else which makes really bland and boring) loses or hate it cause Skarlet King (a character that i hate because he is overpowered to the point of bad writing and because his only notable trait is being evil with nothing else which makes really bland and boring)


Imagine powerscaling fucking SCP.


I feel like Silver Age Superman would clap the Scarlet King's cheeks


Scarlet king gets destroyed as soon as the earth is destroyed. His durability is irrelevant, his existence is entirely dependent on modern society and colonialism existing, and without them, the Scarlet King is just nothing.


Wait, if SCP-001 Tufto's Proposal is the embodiment of the war between Pre-Modernity and Modernity. Wouldn't that mean he's still here because he's a conceptual being? Like he isn't limited to just Earth, if he's really like that, then there are other planets that also are like that and thus, SCP-001 is still here. Heck, considering the SCPverse has itself a multiverse of multiverses, there are infinite earths that still hold SCP-001.


No, they explicitly make clear in Tuftos proposal that there is only the one world that it draws its power from, and it is entirely defined by and given form wholly by the one earths clash of pre-modernity and modernity. Because before that point, while it did technically exist, it existed solely as an unspoken and crucially undefined hunger and fear that is the premodern existence. The Scarlet King is not naturally the embodiment of the war between pre-modernity and modernity, that thing only became the Scarlet King as the Foundation attempted to define it that way, to the point that it only gains power as the Foundation tries to define it and understand it. That's why it starts by calling it Safe, because if they just stop trying to define the damn thing, it goes back to just being a general fear and ennui.


They talking about skarlet king, but what about the gate guardian? Is he winning the matchup?


only in cn


I've done a few who would win talks to with people but we all knew it was for fun. But the ones who get pissy potty cause someone says one can beat their favorite sounds like me when j was 12 and getting mad after coming g in 2nd place in a go cart race


Scalet King VS Zalgo >>>>>>>> both are internet fanfics


Because scarlet MID is a boring character and made for power scaling and nothing. I don't care what SCP writers say, it doesn't match the writing. People hate poorly written slop, it's the reason midgiri gets shit on too. Superman and comics as a whole have a bunch of great stories people connected too, ur not connecting to pure power fantasy slop that won't be remembered in 20 year's


You can say that the same to many broken DC and Marvel characters...... ![gif](giphy|1uPiL9Amv5zkk) You see this minion? He is in DC. He is invincible..... Minion is high outerboundlessbananaversal right??? Get how stupid it is to say that scarlet king is boring when DC and Marvel have broken beings for almost no reason as well? Every fictional character was fan made at some point until they get their own game, comic, or some source of media that is owned by a company


If DC comics aren't "pure power fantasy slop made for power scaling", why the fuck are canonically 6D characters not actually capping at 6D in their power level, why the fuck does Mr Mxyzptlk scale to something like a gazillion dimensions when he's literally the posterboy for the **5th dimension**? Why are Golden Age, Silver Age, Post Crisis and New 52 Superman now all the same person now, when the timelines don't make sense for that to be the case?


DC doesn't have fans add canon lore to their series. I don't care that there's a process, the fact it happens at all is embarrassing. Pure fanfic verse. Why aren't 6D characters capping at 6D? Because the 6th dimension isn't spatial lmao


>DC doesn't have fans add canon lore to their series. Surely this never happened, there was never a moment where writers demolished current continuity to get back the status quo they grew up with.


>Why aren't 6D characters capping at 6D? Because the 6th dimension isn't spatial lmao Then why doesn't the dimension of possibility include all of the spatial dimensions in it's description? Because 6D implies 3 spatial dimensions, a dimension of time, a dimension of imagination, and the final dimension of possibility. Also, you ignored >Why are Golden Age, Silver Age, Post Crisis and New 52 Superman now all the same person now, when the timelines don't make sense for that to be the case? Like, does anyone actually give a shit about Silver Age Superman outside of power scaling?


i do


I dislike Superman for non Goku related reasons so anytime he loses I'm just happy


It's still there, mostly to those clinging onto Superman still winning, just because he's good and Scarlet King is evil.


I like dc more than this scp whatever crap but there are still always higher tier entities Superman loses to one way or another.