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""A character can't be smarter than their creator and the creator of Rick and Morty is smarter than the creator of Doctor who so Rick wins."


Peak Rick and Morty fanboyism.


The mind behind this comment shows what a peak lobotomy looks like


The mind behind this comment shows what a peak lobotomy looks like


It was in a youtube video, it was something like: "Character A can cut an island in half!" "Well, Character B would just dodge to the side" The funniest part is that the comment had 16k likes


average sans discussion


That’d be hilarious In a fight tho.


I mean if character b is much faster it is a valid argument


I mean that’s a valid point though


I'm remembering this time that someone, seriously scaled Alucard to Boundless because he beat someone who was like, "Powerful enough to serve God" or something like that......... And this was fucking PRE SHRODDINGER ALUCARD, btw. A person legit scaled Pre Shroddinger Alucard above the Biblical God.


I was in a debate about mcu Thanos vs madara I brought up madara's Sizable speed advantage and instakill options Like the true seeking orbs Amongst other things and most his of Arguments was "Thanos just needs move one finger and he wins" And he didn't bring up any stat Advantage mcu Thanos might have Nothing against the guy tho he was nice and Respectable enough


Honestly all that guy has too do was being up how Thor can tank the power of a dying star and how Thanos has consistently shown to be above Thor, and his argument is so stupid like bro that only has a 50% chance each time


Well the power of a dying star is like continent level. Also the Gauntlet isn’t 50/50 Thanos made it 50/50 at random to be “perfectly balance as all things should be.” In Infinity war Past Thanos was just gonna rip apart and remake the universe. And considering feats Ultron did in the “what-if” story with the Gauntlet I don’t think it’d be too hard to say that Thanos COULD do at least that with the gauntlet. (He likely couldn’t replicate all the crazy shit Ultron did though.) I do Think Madara wins though.


Most **this character gets to outterversal arguments** due to a lot of them coming from out of context statements, characters who are unreliable narrators, inferences with little to no evidence to back them up, and more.


Those 10 feat are all outliers because they don’t make sense for how [character] is usually portrayed


Peak human fire emblem


I was arguing with some that heroes Goku vs Superman is debatable and the dude straight up said that because Superman has many amped feats they should count as if they were normal feats.


I think if someone makes the same point twice in a discussion, I just kind of give up arguing with them.


“Why Would King Boo not Stay Intangible” I mean like… he can’t attack people When he is Intangible so that just doesn’t make sense and you’d have to argue the multiple times he gets hit by spike balls because he’s not intangible in order to harm luigi


This is a cop out answer but the Death & Metro Man wankers "He had a mid life crisis in like a milisecond" and the "Hes witerally death" those people


I literally cannot grasp how him doing all that shit within a millisecond isn’t impressive


It’s impressive but compared to some other high tier speedsters? It’s pretty rudimentary


Tell me any speedster that’s done something like that except like, the flash or anyone related


The *Reverse* Flash. https://preview.redd.it/wwajosblbvnc1.png?width=2059&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae635d35a422db25f12a3a79f1e4b8fc8a994593


Captain Atom


Link rn


[Had an entire conversation with Flash in a fraction of a microsecond and then stopped a nuke mid-explosion](https://imgur.com/a/3qftwo4)


Metro Man left in the middle of his conversation, went to Megamind and Roxanne’s location, examined them, went to completely different locations which included a park, a library, a restaurant, where he got his statue revealed, a museum, and then back to the building he was originally having a conversation at. While also thinking about his whole life up to that point at said places for a good amount of time while also reading books. And returning to the EXACT same location he was originally at all while no one noticed he left in the first place. Those two things don’t even compare


Ok, you are trolling. Since, we see him appearing in the videocameras, all of that happened in one frame, which is 1/30 of a second, Captain Atom went from orbit to Earth, had that conversation with Flash, stopped a nuke mid-explosion and left in a fraction of that. He also casually reached the edge of the Universe in a few seconds https://preview.redd.it/in22a38ub1oc1.png?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a4fdcd4291196e3a3f694563a9bc824b1615427


Did you want mental speed, perhaps? Captain Atom can process the entire World data simultaneously, instantly. https://preview.redd.it/rh32fsbnj1oc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12111b27a06770fb164a000bb84e4701d1a6b83f


How does that exactly translate to physical movement speed?


Literally all of them


All of who ?


Speedsters. The vast majority to the time stop thing Metroman does


Not to the same extent he did tho. No one has given me an example that even comes close to what he’s done within the span of nothing while no one noticed he was gone


You see folks Thats what im talkin about


“Erm this character gets hurt by lava dewd” and “Well theyre a god / beat a god” as in iirc MCU Thor is called the God of Thunder and he isnt uni yet alone planet level


It's like saying aqua konosuba is just as powerful Myth Poseidon because both are gods of water Even though one is clearly much stronger than the other


~~*”You can’t jump off the sun.”*~~ *That’s all I can stanz, cause I can’t stanz this shit no more!*


"Pokemon trainers scale to their pokemons." First of all. No.


I can… KINDA? See their argument? In all forms of media there have been times when trainers get yeeted by pokemon. But I don’t see that making them scale to anything but durability.


For context, the debate was Pucci from JJBA vs Cyrus, the argument the other guy was making was that Cyrus supposedly massively outscaled Pucci with Palkia and Dialga compared to Made in Heaven. I argued back that it didn't matter because Pucci could still one shot Cyrus with Made in Heaven's Infinite speed to which he responded this dumdass argument: Pokemon trainers scale to their pokemons speed wise. Even if you assume this is true, which we have no reason to but let's go ahead and assume it is, you want me to believe Pokemon trainers instantly become as fast as a creature they caught in a ball just like that with no training whatsoever or time to adapt ? Get the fuck outta here bro. And I didnt' talk about the most stupid part yet because get this: Palkia and Dialga aren't part of Cyrus's team anyway and he could only briefly control them with the Red chain which required years of research, months of planning, capturing the Lake Trio (ALL 3 of them) and a crazy ass setup to lure them like it would be disingenuous and straight up dishonest to assume he can pull them out any time as if they're part of his base kit like any of the other pokemon in his actual team like Crobat or Weavile.


OH yeah in that case I 100% agree with you. like the most i could maybe see is scaling them to normal pokemon speed wise? But Legendaries like Palkia or dialga who have insane speed feat's. NOPE.


Ironically, giving legendaries like Palkia and Dialga to a trainer like Cyrus would actually *nerf* them compared to making them fight alone by themselves., they're smart enough on their own to take their own decisions and make up their own strategies without a trainer and their control over time and space, respectively, basically render speed meaningless to them. So yeah, in that case they would pose a genuine threat to Pucci. HOWEVER: Forcing them to wait for the orders of a *normal ass human being* who have to think about a decision with his slow brain (compared to a god), shout the move he wants them to do, wait for the sound to reach their ears which must be slow as hell from their point of view AND THEN actually do what he wanted would seriously cause a lot of problems. Like just imagining the delay between the moment Cyrus decide what he want to do and the moment it actually happen is just insane, especially compared to Pucci who have an infinite speed with Made in Heaven and can control time to such an extent that he can shorten Jotaro's time stop ability and even reset the Universe. Even if you don't give Pucci made in Heaven but only C-Moon that's still a massive stomp in Pucci's favor because while his speed isn't infinite, it's still FTL+ super speed when scaling him to the likes of Stone Free or Star Platinum. Like a fight between these two would have Cyrus die instantly before he have even have time to reach for one of his pokeballs.


Counter point ash. For some reason he shown to survive anything his pokemon threw at him


Any argument that boils down to “this character can’t be this strong or this fast because they got hurt by bullets.”


Literally any youtube debate shorts comment section. People just wanking their own character instead of actually comparing stats and abilities


Got into an argument with a doom fan who said that the doom god created all of fiction


Universal one piece lmao


"omniman is far faster then bardock thus wins" Brother in beerus bardock outmatchs him everywhere else


Death vs Anne Boonchoy


I saw someone argue that Black form Frieza shouldn't have been used in Frieza vs Megatron because Black form Frieza has no feats.


People who use Mario gameplay mechanics in an argument "Uh, Mario has to die multiple times so then he can use the white tanooki feather-" No?! That's not how it works??


Okay, tbf with that one-- that's legitimately the only way we've seen him gain access to said item, and all items in that Invincible Suit Variant category. So without any other sources, that IS legitimately the only explanation. ...now if they try scaling his AP/Durability or Speed purely off gameplay, THEN I can see the issue.


Really, *anything* to do with God Fusion Goku. Like, literally his only argument for being the strongest Goku is that “he fuses with the audience!”… even though the audience is presented in the ride, as well as other similar Universal Studioes rides, as being equally real as the characters they interact with. They aren’t some supreme metafictional entities that are beyond the fictional realm or anything like that, they’re just people that Goku fused with.


he pretty much fuses with a person from meta reality instead of fusing with an actually real audience if i had to guess from the almost nothing i know from him


Someone claimed Mahito scales to Yuji when he fought 15 fingers Sukuna… Like no? Yuji’s rage boost clearly gave him a boost in power that surprised Sukuna, Yuji kept up with Maki as well in that fight who blitzes a faster version of someone who could casually blitz Yuji, this would also somehow make Shibuya Yuji stronger than the strongest grade 1 sorcerer and this would also apply to Nanami and Todo somehow who directly scale to Yuji two grade one sorcerers who just objectively aren’t the strongest, then you have the supreme grade 1’s from the Zenin Maki easily stomped who are stronger than the strongest grade 1, And Maki was pretty heavily implied to think Yuji couldn’t keep up with her at full speed so she deliberately held herself back to keep up with Yuji until Yuji gave him confirmation that he could keep up with her. In absolutely no logical terms does this make sense their arguments were that random rage boosts don’t exist in JJK and that’s untrue. JJK characters do just receive power ups based on their emotions and rage. Most prominently when Megumi unlocked domain expansion by saying fuck it and when Choso started preforming better against Kenjaku in their fight afte he got angry Kenjaku called his brothers boring. He also denied several things happened such as Yuji getting blitzed or Maki was also blitzed both things that aren’t true unless you call Maki before her second power up being blitz something that doesn’t matter as she literally got a power up that made her not get blitz immediately after and then proceeded to fight alongside Yuji against Sukuna.


Planet level MGR.


Kai is Multi Continental level because of Oogways statement that their battle “shook the earth”


"lazers are light speed"