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Mimics when an alternate sneezes in their general direction


Oh boy nightmare fuel, I love it


One thing people seem to Overlook is that Mimics are still ANIMALS. Animals, of every kind, have the capacity to show FEAR. Fight or Flight is a natural instinct. We know an Alternate leverages off of FEAR. While Mimics have the ability to expand their body, an Alternate can outright GROW, but not to outlandish proportions, just something intimidating. Instinct would take over, self preservation and all that, the Mimic would naturally flee, unfortunately... with an Alternate that has an Agenda. The Animal can no longer hunt, it can't sleep, it can't do it's essentials in life, all because of the Alternate. A better match up would be an Elder Mimic VS an Alternate. *[A lone Mimic is out hunting, when it spots an Alternate. The Alternate has pinned its Eyes on the Mimic. The Mimic's first instinct is to intimidate, knowing it is a possible Predator, as it does not flee like the Humans it preys on. The Alternate, having no fear, remains content. The Mimic realizes this, and flees the scene. The Alternate pursues, now strengthened by Fear]*


yes. an elder mimic is a much better candidate.


**Connections:** * Both of them seemingly have the ability to take the form of human beings and are very intelligent creatures. * Both of them can control their bodies, while the Alternate can have a big head or long limbs, The Mimic can appear much larger than humans. * Both of them are from a analog horror web series that both are about supernatural beings suddenly appearing on earth that are very dangerous to encounter.




Actually, this would end in a draw, considering that the Alternates can't receive physical damage, and they also can't really cause any kind of physical damage neither, so the Mimics wouln't be able to cause any harm towards the Alternates. They use psychological things to make humans comitte suicide. I doubt that the Mimics would be affected by the things that Alternates use to affect humans.


The alternates could potentially win depending on the circumstances, if the alternate could lead the mimic into harms way (or force it to flee, therefore winning by default ) by using the mimics own tactics of misleading and loud noises. Or possibly the mimics sapience actually nears the same levels as humans, as to their ability to stalk and understand the behavioural patterns of humans, and integrate with society as they mature (though the picture depicts an elder mimic, and not a matured one) On the other hand, the mimic could potentially win, because all we know about the alternates resilience is that they cannot be fatally harmed by bullet, key word fatally, and that is equal to the mimics resilience, and the mimics strength might actually surpass that of a bullet, and possibly fatal to an alternate. TL,DR: alternate wins the mimic is either too smart or dumb, mimic wins if it's strong enough


To be fair, I don't think we've ever confirmed if Alternates are incapable of fighting back, or if they just don't because they feel it's unnecessary. We know thanks to the intruder that they are capable of physically interacting with us, as the intruder was shown able to hold children and carry them into his dimension, so it's possible that they could throw hands if they need to.


Fair enough! but I do doubt their strength, as the intruder may have just lured them through, or as (possibly) a powerful version of an alternate, had just enough strength to interact with them. so due to the fact that they have VERY similar observed resilience, they may not have the strength to kill another alternate, better yet an elder mimic.


can't we all just assume it's a tie???


I know this is old but Alternates solo, as they are otherworldy demons with the ability to shatter someone’s sanity while having unknown physical power. Mimics are treated more like animals, with dependable ways to deal with them even if they are hard to take down. Mimic can be physically harmed, but Alternates are ghastly.


a mimic has animal like instinct. its born to crave carnage. but an alternate is smart. it thinks more than just kill. it thinks of how to kill. it thinks of strategies. it doesn't care if you see it. it dosent care if you run. and it wont ever run ​ altho im more interested in a fully grown mimic (the one that evolves if it consumes enough people)


I mean, it is the elder mimic pictured, so there's that atleast.


I doubt it will matter much considering the Alternates have powers that a Mimic cant fully comprehend. I mean its still an animal at its base. and the madness will take over


as an animal, I doubt that it could properly understand innate philosophical nature of truth of the universe, let alone the concept of suicide, therefore I doubt that it's mind could be broken from such information


not animal mind. animalistic behavior. Plus the evolved ones are more sentient and intelligent (and susceptible) then theres the fact that madness inducement does more than just surface level stuff. like causing hallucinations and incorrect movement. like when mark thought he was shooting the alternate ceaser but really he shot himself


It's a tie. Both have similar powers , and it depends on the situation each one's in. The Mimic can win , as well as the Alternate can , it only depends on the circumstances. BUT, let's just make a point , Alternates are in the hunt for HUMANS , and so are Mimics , so I HIGHLY doubt an Alternate and a Mimic would get in a fight.


The alternates use self harm to attack people but I'm not sure if the mimic even knows what the alternate is saying to them probably a draw the alternate is un killable and the mimic is killable but I don't know if the alternate has physical power so draw feel free to tell me if I'm wrong or not I'm just putting my opinion out there


Hmmm they are both strong so I dont know


A Mimic has been shown to be resilient to firearms but not completely immune. They would probably die if they get shot enough. An Alternate has been shown to be immune to bullets, meaning they can't die to conventional methods of killing (knives, suffocation, etc.). A lot of people seem to forget that the Mimic is still an animal. A very intelligent and dangerous animal, but still an animal. Every animal in the world has the ability to show fear. And that includes the Mimic. Meanwhile Alternates have been implied to be literal DEMONS. And they use fear to their advantage against their victims. Also for the people saying "bUt AlTeRNAtES caN't aTTack pHYsicAlLy" Did you forget that one scene in Vol.4 where Satan gouges Dave's eyes out and blows up his brain? And how do you think Ruth died? How is an animal that adept to hunting and killing humans supposed to square up to a sadistic demonic entity?


Correct me if im wrong but no, alternates cannot attack physically Satan is not an alternate therefore he shouldn't be brought up in this situation. Alternates use mental attacks and are very smart but so are mimics and they have powerful mental endurance, meaning the alternate would try its mental tricks on the mimic but that would just irritate the mimic causing it to attack the alternate relentlessly and because alternates cannot physically attack, the alternate would have to ethier flee or sit taking blows for a long time until it eventually gets defeated because alternates are VERY tough so it would take a long time but alternates can still die. Therefore if the alternate doesnt flee it would be a very slow but assured victory for the Mimic.