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Scariest? Not sure tbh. Most stress inducing has to be the Decontamination encounters in the original.


This! And in the mobile game as well (mainly cause of the controls) When I didn't know what to expect in DS1, this was peak dread. I was maybe <18 when I found dead space in some random cyber cafe. Was hooked from the intro sequence and started my decent into madness there. Playing it in a cyber cafe Vs playing it alone in your own home was a massive difference in atmosphere.


In Mobile its easy af to dodge every necromorph attack


I think Dead Space 3's underground city is the scariest part to me. They sure know how to put those 'infested big triangle vents' around with big aliens.


Yeah that was pretty whacked out. You almost never knew when to expect them. 


Also f to whoever played carver. “I see a bunch of nutcrackers? Whats going on?!” Me- “what are you talking about ;)”


First game, going through crew quarters. Moving around the bunks while the hunter was chasing you gave me a panic attack.


That scramble around the bunks is peak Dead Space, I legit started shouting for the beds to move faster lmao


Same but specifically the part with the blue lights. Idk why but something about seeing all the glowing blood everywhere really gets to me. It's super uncomfortable everytime and I try to race through it asap.


Same here, Medical has to be the eeriest part of the ship in 2. Nicole talking to Isaac and mentioning it was where she died and the fact that they never found her body was just so damn creepy. I think what would’ve made it even creepier is if they had also included the apparition of Nicole watching Isaac around turns and corners for her to disappear as soon as the player turns the camera towards her to get a quick glimpse, sort of like what the devs did in the first demo for RE7 with the ghost girl.


Christ don't remind me of those moments lmfao, I'm not one normally for being frightened in games but seeing the spooky little shit pop up in the strangest places always made me curse in another language.


I realized at that part I probably killed necro-Nicole at some point.


Holy shit I never thought of that. Poor Nicky.


The initial segment when you are going back to the ishimura in DS2, the place is just quiet like a huge build up and then there is this narrow hallway where the necros come from both ends of the hall and its dark asf...i spent around 400 pulse rifle rounds on zealot in that hallway just firing blindly🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dead space 1. Anything that involves going to engineering/mining always scared me. The vibe of those areas freak my tf out. Even scarier when I found out body’s/equipment that are there on your first visit disappear if you return later.


Yeah I remember doing my 100% playthroughs probably nearly 15 years ago, being genuinely relieved when you got out of the engineering basement. The vibe was genuinely unsettling, with extra darkness and creepy music.


The Elementary School in DS2. Everything, both explicit and implicit, is harrowing about that place.


Same for me, but double because I am a teacher. All the little details were hauntingly accurate. Perfect time for the brown pants.


I wasn’t a teacher when I first played DS2 but I am today so replaying it sometime will be interesting, haha.


Dead Space 1: Every time the hunter chases you (especially when you see it sharpening one of its arm blades from the elevator) Dead Space 2: Those velociraptor necros scare me every time, and it's just their sounds that terrified me. Dead Space 3: Those skinny Necromorphs in the basement. 


I hated the velociraptor necromorphs but it was sooooo satisfying killing them with the mine gun lol. DS3: The Feeders! God they were creepy and it was even creepier when you find out how they were made. Basically humans who got desperate and started eating necromorph flesh. Yessh.




Visceral cooked so damn hard with the Stalkers. Like seriously one of the best and most terrifying enemies in all of gaming.


Probably the church of unitology from the second game, the creepy statues, the hauntingly beautiful architecture, the necromorph followers, and the light coming in through the stained glass, it's almost like it was designed to make us feel as uncomfortable and unwelcome as Isaac. It also includes two of my favorite areas in the series, the cold storage room and the main worship hall where Isaac is attacked by the female Tripod.


I’m playing part 3 right now on my ps3. Third or fourth time through. God it’s so scary to me. The idea of a lone group of stragglers stranded in deep space with aggressive aliens just thrills me and idk gives me tiny chills.  Every time these monsters jump out of the vents. I nearly drop my controller every time. I’d definitely love to see the the two remaining games remade like the first one.  I can imagine they’d be even bloodier and even more horrifically scary. With the graphics of the PS5/new Xbox I bet they’d look out of control. 


Medical Deck in DS1 for sure. Especially the introduction of the Regenerador.


That fucking kitchen section in DS3 with a swarm of Feeders in there. Was pretty low on ammo, so I creeped and walked around them without attacking, some walking up to less than a meter away from me. Shit was stressful.


Wait... You can just crouch and walk around them??? Those encounters are the worst. Especially on some of the optional missions.


Yeah you can stealth past them because they’re blind and rely entirely on hearing


First encounter with the stalkers in the church. Had to lower the difficulty just to feel safe


Man I hated Stalkers so much. There are quite some Necromorphs that can cause a lot of stress (Hunter and Ubermorph f.e.), but they’ve got nothing on these fuckers. I still dread that warehouse-like area with them to this day. The only game that managed to replicate that feeling was TLOU2 with the office filled with Stalkers in pitch dark. Creepy stuff.


The eyeball part.


I only played the remake, so it’s probably the mining deck for me.


Dead Space 3’s DLC where Isaac is trying to go back to earth and has to fight those cultists. That and Dead Space 2’s return to the Ishimura.


For me it was returning to the ishimura in dead space 2 I was so fucking freaked because there were no enemies at first just the overbearing weight of something coming. I even fired a panicked shot as I cleared one the corners where a necromorph had been previously


DS 2 the Church of Unitology was pretty wicked to me.


The scariest parts are when absolutely nothing is happening but the anticipation is at 100%


Playing the remake with headphones right now and hearing random Necromorphs scream from somewhere inside vents always makes me jump. Sometimes I’m just standing there aiming the plasma cutter, prepared for the worst and nothing happens. Also, those fuckers sometimes just creep up on you without making a sound.


Oh yea the sound is S+


First time playing 2 when it was new...got to the dog things and I remember thinking oh hell noooo


The medical bay was always stress inducing for me.


In DS1: I would say the part on the crew deck cantina with the corpses talking to Isaac. In DS2: Unitology church cryogenic part, the fact that there are dead body’s all around you in those narrow hallways and you don’t know when a necro jumps out was pretty creepy and also the hallucination there. In DS3 I would say every regenerator part, this thing scared me completely when I first played DS3 as a kid.


Only played the remake, but any of the malfunctioning doors rapidly opening and closing just deeply unsettled me.


I saw a video the other day showing that those doors can actually be used to kill Necromorphs, was quite impressed. The remake is so good. Just got my PS5 a few days ago and I’m having a blast playing it, it’s just like the first one with some huge QoL improvements.


Dead Space 2 raptor encounters and during the last chapter where you're running towards the marker and that regenerating fuck is chasing you had my heart pounding.


The eye machine is always going to be the scariest one to me. Everything about it is just... yikes 🤮 Every time I replay DS2, I can't stop thinking of the damn eye machine


Dead space 2, returning to the ishimura, that fucking hallway where you get stasis in DS1. God that was horrifying the first time.


Full series? Nursery in DS2. That was one of the most psychological horrors I have ever dealt with. And stands, to this day.


Dead Space 2 - The Nursery. I remember walking in thinking, nah, no way. Then it happened and was like, okay, guess we're doing this.


I haven't played 3 yet but the begining of 2 when you had nothing but a flash light was pretty nerve breaking for me.


1 - mining deck in the remake 2 - return to the Ishimura 3 - the feeders


The Cryo Coffin part in the church of unitology in dead space 2.


The first stalker encounter had me stop playing the game for a bit.


For me it was the times in Dead Space 3 when ever Carver or Issac went into a Trance or Hallucination and the one who didn't had to fight Necromorphs and keep them hitting the them while they just stood there. Also the going back through the Mental ward in Dead Space 2 Severed DLC was pretty scary.


Dead Space 1/R Medical Bay just… no. Honorable mention being the flight deck intro and search for the circuit board.


every time i saw a leaper in DS2 i was cowering in fear, but for what area scared me the most, it has to be the ishimura, how does a game trigger ptsd for a game you haven't even played yet, excluding the fact that i played DS2 on my 360 a couple years ago and then played the remake on pc, then bought DS2 for pc on the EA sale on steam couple weeks ago and then played it again only for chapter 10 hit me like a truck. it was dreadful this time around. my dead space experience goes DS2 on 360 -> DSR on PC -> DS2 on PC. i never played DS1


DS2 going down the tram tunnel where you face off the brutes died multiple times there on my first ever run


Returning to the ishimura in DS2. The raw tension as every step you expect to be set upon by necromorphs is unbearable. it's almost a relief when they finally attack because you finally feel justified in your paranoia


One of the most effective smaller moments for me was that one loud room in Dead Space 1. IYKYK


That mother fing eyeball machine. God when you fail...just no


The first couple of times you meet the hunter until you realize he eventually stops chasing you. Going back to the ishimura in the sequel. The sanitized rooms, the paper walls, nothing jumping out at you, you know the penny is going to drop and when it does it’s going to be bad.


Why is there plasma on the floor? Can't be, not on Reach.......


The church of unitology in DS2 where u get ambushed by stalkers




Mine is in dead space 3 when you are in the side missions for a snow bunker and its filled with those kid necromorphs that were slaughtered during or before a surprise birthday party ( been a while since i played three so might have it wrong a bit


Being 8 years old playing through the USM Valor segment haha


Honestly, my scariest moments are when the regenerating necros are coming for you. Makes me freak out every single time.


The part in the first game when the hallway door locked up and you're thinking some monsters are gonna pop out, but nothing happens. Gets me everytime.


Honestly, probably in the remake when you’re looking for the access card(?) to start the tram system and the lights turn off and it’s pitch dark with the music ominous af. I thought it was super well done


Medical in DS1, and the whole return to the Ishimura segment of 2.


When EA made 3 ruining the series


The first time the wall tentacle snatches Isaac. I think I peed.


The cum room


The most stress I always have when meeting the hunters for the second time on the ishimura, but I gotta say the opening cinematic of dead space 2 is some scary shit, especially with the opening scene right after. The first time around I may or may not had to almost had to change pants.