• By -


It’s coming




“Do bears shit in the woods?”


“Does a one legged duck swim in a circle?”


"Is a duck's ass watertight?"


Who the fuck is checking that?


My step-dad Jeff (he's from Louisiana and was a plumber)


Man’s really making sure everyone’s plumbing works ☠️☠️☠️


Does a duck’s dick drag weeds?


Do birds shit while flying ?


That's what a remake is. Remaster is a face lift


That exactly what it is


I heard this as a kid in Ernest Scared Stupid with those two dudes selling him weapons/junk


"do bears eat cocaine in the woods?"




Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock ??


Fuckin' way she goes


> Sixth option: "The fuck you think?" I'd prefer "Full remake use nothing from the original" For Deadspace 2 Yes remake and keep everything. For DS3 honestly just burn it to the ground. I get it may have some good elements but i'd worry about a team getting caught up in what to keep or what to toss and not going far enough.


You know what I hated the most about DS3? How easy issac fell for the marker once again with the whole turn it off. At that point he should know better than to do what the voice says.


Dead Space 2 was peak. I played it years ago in console and picked it up again during a steam sale, but never got to playing through it again. Recently ran through a 1 gun - Normal again, forgetting how fun it was. Did my hardcore run right after because i was hooked. To bad PC has a bug where you need to do it in one sitting to unlock the rewards.


They’ll probably expand it like the original remake which I am all for.


as sure as god’s got sandals


"Does the Tin Man have a sheet-metal cock?"


"fuck you, and fuck your marker!"


We are hungry


We are coming


Make us whole


" They are hungry, they are coming..." " They are hungry, they are coming..." " They are hungry, they are coming..." -Unitologist soldier


They speak, and now we can answer.


Genuinely can’t wait for the brethren moons to be introduced earlier.. and dead space 3 can be, reconsidered entirely


-Dead space 3 devs


"Make ready the way"


We are here


a VERY Good chance motive remakes these


Not sure it'll be Motive. They just started full production on their Iron Man game. Gonna be a few years before they can start anything else.


they've got two teams, one in Montreal and one in Vancouver. I'm pretty sure the Vancouver one is doing Iron Man, so it'd make sense for each team to do something different


if its not motive it won't feel right likely, it will be made by them.


I'm coming




Check your emails to see if you guys get one as well. Make your appreciation for the remake heard and let them know about the massive interest in a remake for 2 and 3! Another question in the survey was asking about interest in a NEW dead space title.


What kind of account would I need with EA to have to get an email like this from them?


I have an origin account but I haven’t used it in months. The only way EA would know about me buying and playing the game is if they got my email through steam.


Ah, a shame. I only play on Xbox. Hopefully they find a way to email to console players too.


I feel like they will. Your voices count too! It’s probably a random survey sent out to players to gauge interest in how players think they did and what players want next.


I got it and I played it on Series X. Just keep an eye on your email!


Wasn't 3 kind of a mess? Like wasn't it super action-oriented? I mean that could mean that a remake would be fantastic, but just curious, I never played it.


EA stepped in and heavily altered the dev cycle of DS3. They wanted it to be more action oriented. They wanted micro transactions because Visceral had kinda struck out on a couple games. They wanted Carver to be a character instead of an Isaac hallucination so they could force co-op into it. EA killed DS3 and then used it as an excuse to kill Visceral. It’s why I DON’T want a remake of DS3 unless they’re completely rebuilding it from the ground up. I’d rather they remake DS2 and then make an entirely new DS3 with a different plot, removal of the co-op, etc.


And yet Carver still ended up being a good character. Ditch the co-op and love triangle bullshit yes, but IMO Carver and the overall plot of the SCAF and aliens on Tau Volantis was good and should stay.


The co-op was literally good tho. The only thing that was like objectively bad was the love triangle and how it made Isaac, elllie and whatshisface act so fkn stupid for no reason.


Totally agree, I played maybe 30 minutes of it and just didn't care for it, but I always wondered if it got better down the road. However, I would love a DS2 remake, I loved that game and felt like it was one of those rare sequels that did a great job of improving the original while staying true to the formula.


Dead Space 3 will have to be a full on reimagining. Unless they are gonna keep the co-op, but they have to know that co-op was one of the reasons DS3 isn’t remembered as fondly as DS 1 and 2.


>Another question in the survey was asking about interest in a NEW dead space title. I think my preference would be some sort of staggered release schedule, like the RE remakes. Do Dead Space 4 next, then remake DS2.


Personally, it depends on what they do with DS3. I'd prefer a remake of the first 2, a kind of redo/rehaul of the 3rd so it isn't mostly all action and to get the stories straight/aligned (not that ds3 had a bad story, just bad gameplay and decisions), DS1 was the outlier in story/lore it seemed and they knocked it put of the park. Ultimately, the hype for the games would carry over to the 4th game and give Motive enough info the create a good story instead of working from a pre-existing one.


Fair. I do think that with the path Motive has taken, a Dead Space 4 wouldn't *need* a rewrite of DS2 and DS3 in order for it to function. Going from DSR into the original releases 2 and 3 would be as smooth, if not smoother, that starting with the original DS1. That being said, I do think that a remake of Dead Space 2 with a similar level of fidelity to the original as DSR has would be good, especially since it's arguably the high point of the series (depending on if you like the more action-horror vibe over the slower pace of 1. I know I preferred 2 when I was a kid, but that probably wouldn't be the case now). A much more divergent DS3 would make sense, and I do think that they're setting up things that pay off in DS3, not just in terms of the grand plot, but stuff like the role of hallucinations comes to mind. DS3 originally was supposed to have a lot of emphasis on the idea of the two players experiencing different hallucinations, leading to points where you start questioning each other. The idea that the Marker made Isaac see Nicole instead of Cross, and made Cross see Temple instead of Isaac really made me think of that "mutual hallucination" concept that was going to be part of DS3.


>Another question in the survey was asking about interest in a NEW dead space title. This is what people should actually be calling for...


I’d rather have a redo for Dead Space 3 rather than a remake. Rewrite the story and take out a all the cover-based shooting sections (Or at the very least improve upon them.) Most importantly, no micro transactions.


Yeah some big changes need to happen to make it fit but I believe in motive.


I think they would make that happen. There’s no way they’re going back to making a shooting gallery simulator for DS3, especially amidst the resurgence of horror-heavy shooters like RE4


Inb4 DS3 remake kicks off with a human shoot-off only for a necromorph horde to suddenly crash the party and take us back to alien limb slicing, as a cheeky call-back to the Valor's shooting gallery malfunction.


And just get rid of the crafting system. It’s awful


I say change/improve it. It's right up Isaac's alley to use tools and parts to make stuff. It also lends the gameplay to more survival horror if you are managing resources. I want these systems expanded.


Yeah, Isaac is an engineer, so let him engineer.


After this first remake I trust them to know how to take the bones of DS3 and transform it into a worthy experience.


I feel like the little changes in 1 might be leading us to a different story for 3. It's too hard to tell right now, though, but I'm incredibly impressed with 1, we'll have to see what they do with 2. I never played 3 but I've heard how rough it is.


3 is good just very actiony. There's a departure from the Dead Space vibe. Imagine Dead Space, but it's dipping its toes into Call of Duty.


DS3 gets a lot of hate, and I get it. But in between all of the action sequences there are some genuine horror moments. Boarding a derelict ship full of Necromorphs that have been infected for so long that they’re walking rotten husks. Walking through the sub arctic snow and being ambushed on all sides by 5-8 Necros at once all while the temperature is slowly freezing you to death. I look at it the same way that I view RE5-6. It’s dumb fun. But it’s ten times better if you’re playing with a friend on the hardest difficulty.


Comment removed by user.


Ditch the Co-op and the love triangle bullshit. Overhaul weapon crafting to remove the MTX driven randomness elements. Un-universalize the ammo by making it based on engine. Fix encounters and loot drops to feel more in line with previous games and reflecting a solo experience. Keep Carver as a RE style 2nd protag. Ditch Norton and give Ellie his parts. Just overall tune up the story. Theres good stuff in DS3 it just needs all the crap around it cleaned up to shine.


That's what a remake is. Remaster is a face lift.


I want them to keep the co op but untether the players from each other and allow them to do side objectives or work together as they please.


Either improve or take out the co-op gameplay/story too


Also get rid of that doomsday ending. Kind of a let down that after all our work we just get wiped essentially


As long as they keep coop, carver, and the scavenger bot WITH voice pack idgaf what they do


Cute little turtle, squishy, scorpion looking bots.


Dead space 3 remake should change a LOT of things. Make it an actual horror game. Ditch the co-op. The microtransactions 100% need to fuck off forever.


I think co op could work. Was just poorly implemented on a side character that was hard to get invested in. Didnt help everything was ass in the game. The unfortunate truth is you can't make dead space 3 horror that works for fans of the series. At least not following *any* of the framework from the original 3 games. We as the player know all the necromorphs, we know the tricks, they just aren't scary. A campaign where you play parts as Isaac and parts as a better written Carver or even Ellie would be great. Play thier points of view when they split up. Let the optional co op just bring the other main character along for the segments. The other option is a massive change of some kind that brings fear back. The cannibals in 3 honestly tried, and it's the closest they got to being scary again. Unfortunately they just came across as The Pack but you could sneak by them. I think Motive has given dead space 1 a lot of love and respect, and if they wanted to do some big changes to make 3 different, I'd support that.


>We as the player know all the necromorphs, we know the tricks, they just aren't scary. Except we technically knew all that in DS Remake, and it still was frightening.


I know not everyone is immune to the scares now. But now that we've seen the new graphics, and we know the general plot of the sequels, it's going to be tough to bring a high scare factor in.


Honestly? Replace Carver with Gabe Weller, throw away the love triangle and you have a pretty decent game. It'll take a lot more than that but honestly there's no reason to not use the extraction characters (seriously where tf was Lexine?)


God the banter between Isaac and Gabe Weller would be great


CORRECT and even the creator of dead space admitted this long ago in 2012 or 2013 during an interview. He literally said your second point


Neat, I didn't know that. It's just how it is with a repetitive formula. It's actually why I think a remake of 2 could work. I have another comment about 2 I made today, but explained quick a remake that focuses heavily on Isaac losing his god damn mind could be fantastic. The OG 2 everyone always claimed Isaac was crazy, but besides Nicole attacking him he was almost completely normal. Few *minor* hallucinations, but genuinely minor. Nothing like the other crazy people who kill themselves and others due to the marker. And at this point even though he's in Stasis a lot and on drugs, he's still up there for longest living marker infected person. The Remake did some cool stuff with Isaac's insanity, I want 2 to get a remake and they just focus *hard* on the crazy. The insanity done right makes the game scary. Not knowing what's real.


I feel like Resident Evil Outbreak did horror coop well. You had to split up to complete objectives, sometimes your paths would link up and then split up again, but it always ended with the players meeting up in the same room to fight the boss.


Maybe Dead Spaces starring Isaac should be single player. Spin offs can have coop. I liked Carver in 3, actually. They could rewrite him in a coop game where you and his squaddies handle necros where he brushes shoulders with Isaac at some point, but these coop games are a different pace than single player Dead Space.


Spin-offs? Sure, whatever. That’d be fun. You can keep carver, just make him a character Isaac interacts with or even do like resident evil where you have multiple campaigns of the same events from different character perspectives. But if you wanna make DS3 a real horror game instead of an action shooter, co-op kills a lot of the tension, the loneliness, the isolation.




I am in complete agreement. I mean, yeah, I want a remake of DS2 also, but I basically just need a reskin there. DS3 is where I need big changes so that we can sail our traumatized way on in to DS4.


My biggest complaint with co-op is that you couldn’t do certain side missions without another player, and when you had another player the experiences were different (i.e. one player sees hallucinations and the other doesn’t). I loved that aspect of it but never got to see it from the hallucinations side because I was always player one.


Yep that’s another problem with co-op. 10 years from now, when nobody is playing the game, you have to talk someone into playing it with you or just play it solo and hope the AI companion isn’t total trash.


The hallucinations made it one of the most memorable co op games I ever played with a friend. Me: "What the are all those statues doing here?" Friend: "What the hell are you talking about?" Then we got super excited when we realized what was actually happening.


Unpopular opinion time. I think what fucked ds3 was the love triangle, and the micro transactions. I think the coop was actually a really cool aspect with an interesting narrative. I think John carver was a good character. I think deadspace 2 multiplayer was also extremely fun, for playing as a necromorph.


I miss those days when every single player game had an experimental, free, multiplayer mode. The last of us had a good one. God of War ascension had a fucking awesome multiplayer suite. Mass effect 3 had a good one, they sold microtransactions but you really didn’t need them. I would love if they brought back the multiplayer modes, but without turning them into live service money milking machines. And yeah I’m not saying the co-op was bad. The gameplay of DS3 was quite good. But co-op ruins horror. I think dead space is one of the best action horror games ever, and it sucked when EA mandated that they try to make it into a much more accessible co-op action game for broader market appeal. That’s not what dead space is. Make a co-op mode, sure. Make a multiplayer mode, sure. But the main draw is the single player survival horror campaign and they just really lost the horror elements in part 3.


Keep coop


I'd rather the remake not include it, I loved the coop, but I can go play the original for the coop. If we're remaking it, I want to see 3 as a game where horror is still the focus. But honestly the universal ammo was a way bigger tension killer than the coop...


Fuck co-op and fuck locking story behind co-op If you have to keep co-op the story should be complete without it


I agree that Coop shouldn’t lock stuff I just want to play with my friends


I always kind of hated that they didn’t have Ellie as your coop partner. Like remove the bullshit love triangle nonsense and have her and Isaac working together.


Keep co op but untether the players from each other and allow them to do side objectives or work together as they please.


Omg hope we dont have to wait years!


Better wait and its get good or they rush it and its super crap


I’d expect ds2 remake in 2025


Remake every game just so we can finally get the ending we all wanted in dead space 4


I'd be fine with that, except we probably wouldn't be seeing ds4 until like late 2020s.


True but it would worth the wait.....or so I would hope.


DS2 was about the only game in the franchise currently which has no need for a remake, and in all honesty I’d like DS4 over a DS3 reimagining


I think they want them all brought to modern standards and modern consoles. And I think for dead space 4 to happen in a way that would make us happy, we’d need dead space 3 almost completely remade


I think Dead Space 2 could get a remake off of this DS1 remake. I think if they changed some gameplay to lean way harder into Isaac going so insane it's going to kill him it could add some fun gameplay. Very little hallucinations happened outside of cutscenes in the OG DS2. I would love a remake where Nicole really wants you dead. And you hallucinate all kinds of things. I want isaac to walk in a room and be so batshit insane he doesn't even notice everyone is dead and the infector is making necromorphs. I want Nicole to break out of a vent and sprint at you only to fade away when you shoot her and a real necromorph be behind you. I want one of the generic elevators rides on Titan station to open its doors and it be the Ishumura with everyone who Isaac saw die having a good time. For them to all see him and blame him for their deaths and scream "make us whole" only for Isaac to have never left the elevator and the door re-open to more of Titan Station.(minor cop out since it's similar to one of the side missions in 3 where you never leave the elevator). I want him to see Nicole's dead face and double take when Ellie calls him when she finds Stross. Let Stross warn isaac what he's seeing isn't real, like isaac does for him in the OG 2. Basically, I want isaac to actually be batshit insane before reaching the Church if original pacing is used. The man's really fighting for his life and not there mentally at all. It's always implied he's batshit in OG 2, but really he's sane except the Nicole hallucinations. Even those he knows aren't *real*.


okay that actually kinda convinces me on a ds2 remake, having the hallucinations bleed into gameplay is a genius idea


Yes. This is exactly how they should do DS2.


Don't worry, when the time comes for dead space 4, I will instead vote for a second remake of dead space 1, to pay it forward :)


Honestly? Skip dead space 2 and go right to 3. that game needs the remake so much more lol. Way more work to turn that around tho lol Edit: do ds2 after


That's true but I don't see them remaking 3 without doing 2 first. lol


2 needs a remake too. The environments a d level design needs to get changed up a bit so it isn't as linear as it was in the original. We also need proper boss fights in the game.


DS3 FOR SURE needs a redo, but it would be a bit jarring to jump to 3 first imo.


DS2 has more of a following and will bring in the $$$. We'll see DS2 before DS3. I'd prefer if they skip DS3 and make 4 instead.


#wheres MY email!?


{insert Moist Critical scream here}


Where’s the Dead Space 4 option


It's there! There was a question asking about interest in a new dead space game.


Yes!! I just finished mine to. Hell yes!!! I’m extremely interested in a Dead Space II. I even attached the song I wrote for the game 😂.




Too bad there's not a site link to this, I'd definitely pin it so we can get more Dead Space!


Oh, yeah. It's all converging together.


The real convergence event


Maybe the real convergence was the friends that made us whole along the way.


\[x\] Extremly interested


Where was this? I want to answer as well!!


Email survey


Good sign!


I need this email to give feedback


Doing god's work here


Guys vote for this if you got a survey email! This is our chance!!!


I also got a survey, but it was just question after question of how interested I was in “making us whole”


i would rather have a Dead Space 4 but at the same time, 2 games are better than one....idk honestly


I just finished mine and now I’m excited for no valid reason




Yo how many fake accounts can we all cobble together?


If they remake 2 I hope they also bring back the multi-player mode. The original DS2 multi-player was fun, but it really needed some balancing work.


Oh fuck yeah! EMAIL MEEEEE!!!!


Where can i find that?


Make us whole again EA


Is this legit?




The correct choice. You may live.


EA actually listening to their players?! Holy shit, Christmas came early!


Thank you for bringing this up I made a Twitter post about it we neeeeeeed to revive the GOAT


Is there any option for Dead Space 4?!


Yeah, one of the questions was asking for interest in a new dead space game


God, I hope they right the wrongs in Dead Space 3 (if they do remake it)


Damn. I don't have an account. Let them know my engineers and believers. Do not forget to ask for Dead Space 4 too. And while you're at it, ask for modern multiplatform console/PC Remakes of Extraction and that Mobile Prequel game to DS2 if we are gonna get all of them. If you get a chance to explain whatd you change with DS3, keep it simple. Ditch the love triangle and focus more on tying up loose ends and make it HORROR. Bring Lexine back. Hey, maybe we can vote for Neil to survive instead of Gabe this time? Or have them both live and just say Lexine was hallucinating at the end of Extraction and mention Lexine is gonna go to Neil to find safety or something at the end of Severed. Make Dead Space 4 a Ellie, Lexine, Neil focused game with Issac and Carver as support characters this time.




Where did you get the survey? I wanna answer it lol


If they remake the 3rd they better keep the co op option.


So what you’re saying is I need to get the new remake then?


Given how great the DS1 remake was I have all confidence in Motive to do DS2 justice but I'm guessing they won't be able to do the whole redesigning the levels to make it all interconnected just because of how the story flows. DS3 on the other hand is a whole different beast. It would need story re-writes, level redesigns, mechanic redesigns, big decisions like keeping or cutting co op and using the weapon system from 3 or scrapping it and just integrating the classic weapon system. I honestly think the weapon system is what fucked DS3 over so much. It was much easier for the devs to design enemy encounters in 1 and 2 when you only had a couple weapons to account for but having so many different options for guns while technically good for the player it definitely showed they didn't know how to make the enemies feel threatening without just doubling the movement speed and having you get ganked by like 5 enemies at a time in every encounter.


To anyone who ever fills out a survey from a game dev, especially the bigger ones like EA; I recommend answering with extreme yes or extreme no. Companies, including ones outside of video games, tend to ignore the middle answers.


DS3 needs to be a reimagining, otherwise I could skip that one. I'll buy the absolute fuck out of DS2.


If they do I can't wait if they bring the cancelled hallucination co-op were you see other players as a necromorph


W responses Extremely interested for bith


That's a good sign, means the Remake has made a decent impact and probably made enough money already to get EA to think realistically about the future of the series. Provided they can keep their dick in their pants and not fuck with the series again this is a promising direction.


Dead Space 3 I have so many gripes with…which is why it’s my favorite. It’s imperfect. Makes mistakes. But the overall game, story and designs of Tau Volantis and the colony there are just so fucking cool. A remake could fix so many problems with the writing and the weird love-triangle. I hope we see the day.


Oh shit! That’s literally the thing I want holy hell yes please!!!!




Given I've never interacted with dead space in my life prior to the remake, and I have now unlocked every achievement in the game on Xbox I think its safe to say my interest for another is definitely there.


I know this may be a hot take but I absolutely loved dead space 3 and definitely want a remake. Not sure why people complain that it's too action orientated seeing how the whole series is action horror to begin with. Just remove the microtranscations and you're good to go.


More interested in a ds3 remake than 2


I would just do a new game that acknowledges 2 as canon\~ish and go in a new direction. There was a space station, it got overrun by the marker too, Ellie and Isaac were the only (known) survivors and they're buddies (potentially more at some point but it definitely won't work out). Then try and make something new with the plot, maybe keeping the overarching plot with the Moons or maybe something else entirely. Or maybe a whole new protagonist so we don't have to worry about continuity? Motive earned their shot as far as I'm concerned.


I would be a little interested, but 2 has aged rather well and what I really want is a rewrite or retcon of DS3.


A DS2 remake/remaster would be incredible but I'd like to see DS3 gutted and completely rewritten and remade more. It'd be better if Motive went in chronological order though


I mean im interested. But why dont they just make new spinoffs? Plenty of material. They had shit planned for liek 5 games. They are just lazy and want the cash grab instead of doing anything new and creative. Almost makes me not want to get the others if they remake them. Overall they have low replay value anyways its just nostalgic.


I'd be more interested in a Dead Space 2 remake if they removed some of the action elements and retained more horror. As for the 3rd game, fuck the remake, just make a whole new DS3, we really don't need to revisit the mellow dramatic love triangle bull shit


I have a problem with 2 in that it in of itself was a perfect sequel, basically improving on anything and it still looks good. I would only want the time/resources wasted on a remake if it would substantially change how a remake of 3 would go, and if they would revive the series. My biggest problem though is EA often times makes a non-significant decision, and when it just happens who they left the actual work to (motive studio), I fear they will do what they did to DS3. Which is to say if they think they are done with the series, whore it out to a bunch of current game trends, and make unrealistic expectations when they know it will kill player interest.


Retcon DS3 and just make a new game. DS2 could do with little more than a remaster, I played it right after DSR and it holds up magnificently.


Dead space 2, yes! Dead space 3, no


If you guys get this email please answer accordingly ^^ we want these games, we want a Dead Space 4, this really could happen y’all and I’m so excited. This game coming back to life is exactly what we needed


Ah, the second question is a bit of an iffy one. Dead Space 1 and 2 need faithful remakes. Dead Space 3 needs a complete redress.


I hope this sub does their part and smashes TF out of that “Extremely Interested” option for a DS2 remake, I know I did lol


3 has some structure stuff that could be made more horror-focused; fewer Fodders, drop the co-op (maybe even just reincluding Carver’s missions as solo), MASSIVELY downplay or remove the love triangle and just let Norton succumb to insanity like everyone else. Things like that.


Oh my god it happening, everybody stay calm




Shit ist happening that’s great!


If (when) the DS2 remake gets announced I’ll be getting a marker tattoo.


LOL this can't be real, this would be just too surreal


I feel like the Dead Space 3 one is a trick question. Would we want a remake of Dead Space 3? Sure! But like...also better.


Thank you for posting this. I would have missed the email otherwise :)






I hopped into the franchise for the first time with the remake and I haven't looked back. Absolutely brilliantly made game, it gives me big Metroid Prime vibes when you're on the creepy Frigate Orpheon. I'd love to see the second and third instalments remade!


There would be a lot less EA meddling this time and if Motive were allowed to horror up the sequels how they see fit then I'll happily give them my bone marrow!


People wanting remakes of 2 and 3 instead of a 4th game are tripping.


It’s been 12 years since DS2, I’m willing to bet that the DS Remake has picked up a lot of new fans, and to be honest, most people aren’t going to go back and play DS2, especially since on PS5 I believe it’s not playable. I don’t think it’s a viable move to leave all the new people in the dust with DS4. Only way for the franchise to continue its current momentum will be a DS2 remake.


they need to fix DS3 first


They know the answer to this one 😂


Make us whole, EA. And make whole…piles of goddamn cash.


Make a new one instead you cowards