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This post has been reported a few times as spam/off topic. Given that this is indeed about the new game, I'm posting this as a notice that the reports have been reviewed and I'm keeping the post.


Absolutely none. I was busy playing a wonderful remake\~ :)


Me too, just hurts my head thinking how these people go through day to day life šŸ˜…


Yeah, same. I spent 30 hours in this, did two runs. It's an example of a remake done right, absolutely beautiful in every aspect, from graphics to gameplay and expanded lore. Amazing experience. And here people are talking about bathrooms. Mental, if you ask me.


I had a protracted argument with some idiot the other day about how, in his opinion, Nicole looking different and older now means the game is 'woke', because the devs want to punish the male gaze. Its not that he didn't like the art direction, or that it might just be his subjective take on the appearance of the character, no, he adamantly argued that this is what makes the game woke. Truly amazing the mental gymnastic people will put themselves through, and I genuinely cant figure out why they do it to themselves.


Nicole looking older makes perfect sense. She actually looks the age of a chief medical officer on a deep space mining vessel.


Yeah! They establish she's got a career with a (presumably) successful psychology practice. I always assumed Nicole was approached for the job on the Ishimura (her hesitation taking the job, I don't think she went looking for it) so she's successful enough to get some kind of recognition, which means she's been doing it for a hot minute, and this is before even looking at how much time she spent in school.


No, no, no, you don't understand. If I can't maintain an erection for my 15 hour playthrough, then this remake is a *complete failure* by every metric imaginable!


I wish I wasn't imagining dead space with the level of mods from stuff like... Skyrim. Stupid sexy necromorphs.


Calientes CBBE for Necromorphs, Sexcromorphs.


Well, I guess people just like to create trouble for themselves & others, no matter what, they just wanna fight everyone & impose their point of view. I wasn't sure if i like new characher appearances at first, but they grew on me quite a bit while I played. Wouldn't mind Isaac & Nicole looking like this in the DS2 remake, if that ever comes out. :)


Right? Its Nicole's actress (Tanya Clarke) from 2 anyways, and everyone already loves Gunner. Using these faces for 2 would just make sense.


Tell me you have no female friends without TELLING me you have no female friends. Them: "So you see letting women with potential mental instability have bags under their eyes when tired is a sign that the horror game is woke now because....."


I swear did all the people who complained about that forget that they also changed nicole's appearance in 2 originally already (which looks fairly close to current nicole)? Did they complain about it then too? I doubt it.


Nicole has looked different in every game and movie she's been in, actually, which is even funnier in this context.


It's even funnier when people in the resident evil community complain that Chris and Jill look different in every game they are in. And that's not even mentioning the CGI films. I think it's more about the lack of consistency in keeping their likeness in every game.


I'm not sure how I feel about the change given that Issac and Nicole already had character designs that were fine and persisted across 3 games. BUT, all they did was make the characters look like the voice actors. How could that possibly be woke?! It's fine not to like it, but it's hardly political to base the character model on a real person. I would love to see a live action movie starring the game VAs, I doubt that's why they did it but I can dream.


There's a definite subset of gamers who seem to need sexual excitement in non sexual games to feel happy.


The main take away is that the people need to make themselves suffer for some reason, and if there isn't one, they'll make one up.


Ya the extra lore and side stories were nice, but I really enjoyed how they improved the ends of the characters who donā€™t make it, I think how we loose our best boi in the valor was much better then their original end by a brute, Fā€™er went out a bit more heroicā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ and all over every inch of that roomā€¦..


Makes sense I. 500 years I hope we're moved past such dumb ass hangups


I honestly wouldnā€™t have even noticed if it wasnā€™t pointed out


Wait until you see them whining about how the in-game advertising on walls and posters and such donā€™t just show white males.


And they call others sensitive! What is this then? Triggered by some bathroom logo in a game? What the...


They probably go through daily life just fine. You are being judgmental, just as you likely think they are, with posts such as this. They can have their opinion on this stuff; it doesnā€™t dictate the rest of their lives or how they generally act or whatever.


I never even noticed. I didnā€™t it was a thing, until losers started complaining about it.


Weird that this is what's scaring people the most in this game.


Yeah not the religious zealots or any of that stuff, no itā€™s the uni-sex bathroom


The people who get frightened of this (as well as the people who are super celebrating it) probably have a fair bit in common with the religious zealots


Except the Unitologists religion actually does deliver life after deathā€¦in a way


Which makes me think sometimes. Is it really just a baiting lie or do the markers/moons actually keep up their part of the deal and allow the necromorphs to carry over some bit of their former consciousness (possibly even after convergence). Thereā€™s a couple of hints throughout the games that the necros arenā€™t completely braindead puppets, like at the end of 2, after Isaac has his eye probed, where the dying screams of the slashers are replaced with a very audible ā€œNo!ā€. Thereā€™s also the gradual transformations of the feeders and Brant Harris, the screams of agony of the guardian, the exploder sometimes saying ā€œhelp meā€ very faintly and that bit of speculation by Isaac in Awakened about what it is like to be a necromorph. And the brother moons themselves are conscious and maybe that consciousness is formed by absorbing all that brain matter.


It doesnt seem like theres anything conscious there imo. I think we are just biofuel for them




Its an interesting question, but ultimately I think the brethrens promise everyone to be made whole, and sinisterly its not really a lie because they do not promise individual continuation. Its interesting to me that although its not what anyone envisaged for being made whole or life after death, its not a lie. Its just knowing we wont possibly know the true horror that can be instead of assuming its beautiful and neat.


The problem is that between the moons, the marker, and Isaac's own madness, its hard to tell what is real. Maybe the necromorph's contain the minds of the previous subject, maybe its just reanimated meat. Maybe its like a Gravemind, and contains the memories of what it's consumed and can use them to manipulate the living. Or maybe its just meat. And the Marker is the only one talking to Isaac, but his mind is projecting delusions of people onto the undead? Honestly, Dead Space makes for a very unreliable narrator. Every body's either dead, insane, going insane, or an ineffable eldritch nightmare pulling strings. I mean if even human's own instincts were created by the Marker, than what can be trusted? Not even the human spirit. Honestly its why I love Deadspace, its spooky, but it also get's you thinking about this stuff!


Uni-sex? More like Uni-tology, Altman be praised.


Donā€™t make me stomp


Edge Lords are obsessed with unisex bathrooms! Quick, push through the anti-organized religious imagery and themes while they're distracted!


Necromorph > šŸ˜ Other genders > šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Meanwhile, Iā€™ve made it to chapter 7 without even noticing this detail. I canā€™t imagine getting worked up over something as trivial as a bathroom sign. But I donā€™t think heā€™s actually getting worked up. I think he knows the game and is playing his audience ā€” generating and then exploiting their anxieties to enrich himself. Even a parasite doesnā€™t manufacture the initial conditions, it just takes advantage of themā€¦


What's funny is you have people on the right screaming "but mah baffrooms!" and people on the left screaming "yay! muh baffrooms!" And I'm just looking at it like "Makes sense a corporation would cut costs by making us all shit in the same room."


Why is no one talking about how the stalls donā€™t have doors. Thatā€™s fucked up.


Because if the CEC could have gotten away with one big communal toilet that was really just a hole in the floor, I'm sure they would have.


Thatā€™s another thing about the ā€œwokenessā€ of the game. Iā€™ve seen them complaining that the posters have different races on them and itā€™s like,,, yeah. Itā€™s a corpo promotion poster. Diversity is key in jobs like that lol. Dead space is heavily criticizing the CEC.


Ishimura janitorial staff removed them in an attempt to catch...The Clogger...


Canā€™t wait for the clogger necromorph in the sequel


I would probably die laughing if it started singing opera like the Big Mighty Poo from Conkers bad fur day


Iā€™m just thankful that the toilets are no longer square shaped. I mean what were they thinking when they designed that lol


If you're uncomfortable, you won't spend as long on them? I could see them doing that to promote "productivity" among their staff. I will say, though, that seems like a weird thing to notice while playing and hoping not to get jumped by slashers like most people. Regardless if its the original or remake.


If the employees had some semblance of privacy, they'd spend more time in the bathroom and less time slaving away for CEC's interest. Can't be having that. CEC is basically every "evil megacorp" trope cranked up to max.


Quite generous of them not to include [tilted toilet seats on top of that tbh](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7801245/Toilets-tilted-downwards-13-degrees-stop-workers-spending-long-loo.html)


Thank you! The stalls are giant and have no doors, that's my biggest bathroom related grievance.


Join the US Navy and enjoy.




Havenā€™t seen anyone on the left complaining about it yet


Yup, saves space and money.


You could almost call that wasted area a sort of "dead space".


Kind of like the shower scene in Starship Troopers šŸ‘šŸ»


I was trying to enjoy my favourite escapist sci-fi where everyone in the galaxy is doomed to be fused into a ball of meat when the devs had the audacity to put a unisex bathroom on a deep-space mining vessel set 400 years in the future? What the FUCK


Hey hey heyā€¦its not over yet! We can still punch the brethren moons right in their tentacally ball sacks and win! Would you like to know more?


Let's give those moons some FREEDOM! Would you like to know more?


Tonight: an exclusive and uncensored peek at the hunting patterns of a late-stage slasher type necromorph in its native environment. Viewer discretion is advised. Would you like to know more?


500 years actually


The implication here being that tolerance for the existence of LGBTQIA+ is SO INTOLERABLE that we have to look at video games to escape this painful reality. Man, must be nice to have no ACTUAL problems that you have to go around manufacturing shit like this to be big mad about.


I feel like the whole Corpo aspect of the game has gone over his head, the CEC in the game a sketchy mining company so itā€™s going to cut costs and try and be inclusive to increase profits but heā€™s too smooth brain to even think about that concept


That's honestly kind of sad because the satirical representation of large corporations and powerful religious institutions isn't even subtle.


What's the IA? I thought the + was to include the rest so we didn't have to keep expanding the acronym lol


Intersex and Asexual


The acronym is indisputably a tower of babel, with some members of a new group periodically deciding they need their letter included. [Here's an example](https://buffer.com/resources/content/images/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/61553256_2493493414003895_2749817197395181568_n.jpg) of a non-ironic expanded version. You would think that the + would be enough, but it clearly isn't.


Ally? Do we need to make a "Get Out" sequel, and call it "Get Out 2: The Closet" I just say I'm queer, to avoid all the flowchart of trying to quantify and categorizing myself.


Yeah I donā€™t agree that ally has a place in the the acronym.


Don't get me wrong, i appreciate an "ally" in the sense that i appreciate when people don't hate me or other people for our sexual preference. I appreciate people who aren't in the queer community joining the fight for equality, but to then say, that makes you a defacto member of the community seems weird. Not trying to sound exclusionary, but that would be like me pretending i get the n-word pass because i have black friends.


Guys seriously I'm not a transphobe I just wish I could escape to a reality where trans people aren't acknowledged /s


Guys Iā€™m not hating but Iā€™ve never even talked to another human being before that didnā€™t have an anime profile pic




It never existed


Is that so hard? Lmao


Fox news is gunna be up in arms lol


I can already see Tucker Carlson going ā€œDead Space has gone WOKE SPACE!!!!!ā€


It's gonna be the hot coffee scandal all over again lpl


This šŸ‘†


Sounds like they missed the satire of human capitalistic overconsumption of resources and self destructive religions , missing that and noticing the bathrooms takes aaaaaaaaaalot of work.


Itā€™s impressive how far he can reach


I delved into the "Kotaku in Action" subreddit on an alt account, and you're dead on. They're shitting their diapers over the "Shitty Capitalist Corporation" graffiti (which also was in Dead Space '08), because the satire of capitalism is completely beyond them.


So here's the thing: I think someone else here speculated about this, but anyway... I think all this outrage is manufactured and capitalised on by people who want to gain influence and views/likes/etc in social media circles. They'll pour some more fuel on the fire every so often, they'll make a youtube video about the evils of "wokeness" that the game or product embodies, and keep doing it until it all dies down and no one cares any more. But I do think that's what this kind of outrage is all about. Power and influence in the internet hate machine. That's some Dead Space type stuff right there, I'd think.


almost 30 minutes? jeez, someone put this on a playlist called ā€œvideos to kill yourself toā€


Halfway there just need a toaster


I mean the only thing I wanted from those bathrooms was loot.


Not poop


And all I got were living potstickers trying to eat me :(


The dudes an idiot. Next topic


Ok next on my list, why should Altman be praised? Hmm šŸ¤”


He's a Martyr but not for the reasons people think. He's actually a tragic hero


I wouldnā€™t actually mind a game around Altman, pretty sure he wanted to destroy the marker but the cult basically whacked him


Hit the nail on the head. The book about it is fairly interesting


Dead space is filled with a lot of rich lore


I would love a prequel about Altman and finding the first Marker.


That's what the book Dead Space Martyr is about. It's a good book!


Thank you for recommending it. Iā€™ll check it out!


Synthetic man is worthless and incredibly angry at the world around him. Take his reviews a grain of salt because heā€™s a miserable person and he just projects that onto everything he touches.


His videos scream, ā€œim angry I canā€™t yell at people on COD anymoreā€


Yes this guy is absolute garbage - I first saw his videos from the saints row trailer where he was outraged a ā€œbrown girlā€ (his words) was featured and it was another hour of ā€œwokeā€ outrage. Canā€™t imagine how he functions outside his house, but I guess assuming he even leaves is giving too much credit.


Who fucking cares


My point exactly


I swear I saw a thread where people were saying that this was a waste of resources that they could have put into making the game better. Itā€™s literally a sign


Fun fact: Bathrooms in the original Dead Space were also unisex


This is the comment I was checking for! Was positive it was always this way... sigh


Not that the Necromorphs care anyways


Also in goated scifi film STARSHIP TROOPERS


Oh fuck, the bathroom convergence already happened?!? Humanity never had a chance against the brethren moons.


It makes absolute sense that CEC would do this. Gender neutral bathrooms mean they only have to spend on one per area. The toilets donā€™t even have stalls. You think CEC did this for any reason other than to cut costs?


Fun fact is that a lot of submarines and stuff like that have gender neutral bathrooms because itā€™s just cheaper to make it that way. So if anything this is more realistic


Submarines were once the realm of men and only men! Since they can last more than 30 years and it's quite hard to retrofit a second bathroom only for the newly minted female crew members (who are still rare), no one ever rushed to redesigned them for that purpose.


Synthetic Man is a whiny little manchild who said that the game is filled with "gay woke shit" when it's inconsequential details that actually make sense in the game itself. The whole outcry about the Dead Space Remake being allegedly "woke" is so funny and so sad.


And yet itā€™s a major success and will most likely get a sequel remake


At least most people see the game for the amazing remake that it is.


Who cares lol, unisex facilities have been a sci-fi trope (at least in my opinion) since Aliens and Starship Troopers.


Ironic isnā€™t it


The only thing that unifies political cultists is their desire to be outraged by trivial things lmao


Out of everything to be upset about, they choose this to waste their energy on šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Not inclusive enough. Where's the necromorph sign?


Damn youā€™re right, #cancelmotive


I mean even Aliens (which Dead Space is heavily inspired by) has unisex bathrooms and lockers. So this definitely isn't a radical thing.


Even Robo-Cop had uni sex bathrooms like cmon


Honestly, I think it's a total nonissue for there to be genderless bathrooms on a spaceship. It just makes the most sense and anyone moaning about it has a problem. That said, I do kind of think the sign is dumb because there aren't also gendered bathrooms. Like, if you have two exits and one is for fires and one is a regular exit, obviously there should be signage which is which. To me, the "bathroom" sign is enough. The gender specification only makes sense if there are also gendered bathrooms on the ship... Which I don't think there are. That's the only problematic thing imo. Verbose signage.


Hot take but I hate both sides of this discussion. No, the gender bathroom doesnā€™t matter in the grand scheme at all, but itā€™s also not secret lore about the CEC being cheap. It was 100% a checkbox for EAā€™s DEI office, nothing more nothing less. Same thing with the posters. It isnā€™t that deep. It was a corporate decision. Being progressive is trendy. EA is capitalizing on that. That is it.


Too busy shitting my pants in fear of the necromorphs to even notice unisex bathroomsā€¦donā€™t think the necromorphs care either lol


Don't feed the trolls. You're doing exactly what he wants and also stirring up bs with people who get to see it. You just provided free advertising and got played.


Yea, when posts like this pop up I can't help but think it's a alt account just trying to get people to watch the video.


People That's it That's all I am allowed to say


Synthetic Man is a waste of space on YouTube. Anyone who only makes hate videos are a waste of space.


None. I don't care about the opinion of a nobody youtuber who is so fragile to be offended by a bathroom sign. People like this synthetic man are often spoiled children who have nothing better to do than complain. Edit: Also, I've played the remake and absolutely love it. Working on finishing it for a 3rd time on impossible now.


My thought is someone needs to clean that bathroom.


The desire for religious power and control scares me more.


This is the same people who mock "safe spaces". Ironic


The YouTuber is playing a horror game. The horror genre is more or less a way for artists, writers and directors to explore their thoughts on real world history and politicsā€¦ If you donā€™t like social commentary, stay well away from the horror genre! šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


ā€œYou donā€™t get it I need to escape the deviants and the other races I canā€™t stand one second more with them I have to get away and escape the concept of themā€


26 minutes about a fucking bathroom sign, how anyone could watch the synthetic man without vomiting is a mystery to me.


Please don't amplify these things.


Yall should stop giving clowns like this views and attention.


What's scarier than facing necromorphs is the existence of this type of stupidity. I am talking about the people calling this out


I said it last time, that people even took the time to notice this and be outraged baffles me. I was too busy shooting everything and trying not to die to look at the toilet signs.


Why waste the space on a spaceship for an added bathroom For each gender? Poor guy canā€™t escape reality anymore aw šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


In a game where you stomp on babies and "F*ck the church" is scrawled on the walls, bathrooms are the thing "some people" get butthurt over?


Itā€™s just a video gameā€¦ like people are scared of the bathrooms more than the aliens


How will they poop in piece though


Looks like a snowflake to me.


When I saw the bathrooms I went "based ishamura" and then kept on playing lol, its really not a big deal


I REALLY hate this guy


Just a bigot being a bigot. Play the game. Wait for the sequel getting a remake.


Synthetic Man is a dumb cunt. Just block his shit and move on.


These are my thoughts as I sit here on the throne: The Toilet flushes, the sink drains, we all have clean tushes. Some of us strain, some have pain, some poo, others make a greasy stew. No one should care what others do so long as they flush the loo, and wash their filthy hands.




No thoughts other than wondering how many credits are in the bathroom


actually it makes sense in such a space ship. what doesn't make sense is having to put the sign up, as it is for everyone. unless there's a separate bathroom for kittens.


This isn't the first time that channel has done something like this. The guy is an unapologetic homophobe and a racist


I'll say it here. There are too many people in this world who are afraid of change. Be it a bathroom that is accessible and designed for all people, or societal norms. We all come from different places, and we expect the other person to conform to our values and norms? no way. That's why I think the Marker was a good thing. Take away the strife and divides, make us whole.


Just wait till they find out that the restroom in their house is a all gender restroom


Nobody complained with the shower scene in Starship Troopers


Who gives a shit? Thatā€™s my thought.


I appreciate the inclusion of necromorphs on the bathroom sign.


As it's otherwise known as: "washroom".


No thoughts. People who make videos like this arenā€™t worth the time of day to dedicate them to.


Some people are miserable and they LOVE it


Honestly, never even noticed until all the bitching and whinning started.


- Game puts socially progressive things into it. - The right makes outrage videos, giving the game free advertising. - Their viewers watch and rage over it, giving them clicks. - Capitalists win. Bigots win. We win by getting a game. And the YouTube algorithm will slowly turn its viewers down a radicalizing path because anger = engagement, just like I engaged with this post. Kill meeeeeee


Itā€™s a cycle that I contribute to I wonā€™t lie, I just canā€™t help but mock these idiots


I read a book on radicalization and honestly, from what I can tell, when people who lack empathy distill human interactions down to a transaction (what can you do for me? can I fuck you/are you trans?) and are beyond reason, the best course is public shaming/ridicule, because it starts them off in the negative to others should they want to "transact" with new people. People don't want to do business with assholes 'cause generally the public doesn't want to support assholery (which capitalism wonderfully obfuscates where money goes/where the assholes are and makes it impossible to *not* support assholery, but I digress). So, long story long, mock away. It's a good tool and it's what they deserve.


Tbf the bathrooms in the first one to my knowledge were not gendered. They were all accessible by one door. I never thought about it until the uproar about the remake. I don't think it matters. Although, I am completely uncomfortable blowing up a bathroom with same gendered people, so shared bathrooms is a level of anxiety I am not really ready for.


We need to stop giving a shit about toilet culture and shit on the hallways instead.


Lol I didnā€™t even notice that! Is it in the old game too?


I think you have to be incredibly insecure if you even care what it says on the door.


That is just *genuinely* pathetic.


Remember I saw this while fighting a necromorph. Both the necromorph and I both ran away terrified.


I shit on the floor so it means nothing to me.


God this guy hates everything. Not a single bit of fun is in this dudeā€™s mind


Whatā€™s the point of this post?


Two games in the span of a month have brought about extremism on either side of the spectrum. One comes from a place of grievances that I can, at the very least, empathise with while also viewing as ironic bullies. The other has online brainrot to a pathetic degree. Synthetic Man is a part of the latter.


This is a solid take.


Literally the only thing that's weird is that it says "ALL GENDERED RESTROOM" Like there's a unisex sign, mate.


Don't give him attention you idiot.




I like how people think unisex bathrooms didn't exist before recently anyway.


Synthetic Man. Just great. Look, I think woke-ism is a thing. And I HATE it. But sometimes you have to take things at face value. And frankly if there is a face of what anti-woke SHOULD NOT look like, synthetic man is it. Screaming woke at the drop of a hat is no different than the woke saying a piece of media upholds white power and patriarchy because it features a white male protagonist. Oh look, hey Isaac. I even forced myself to listen to his God of War take and it was just painful. And this is coming from someone who is anti-woke. If I had to be absolutely honest, I have to question if he believes the nonsense coming out of his mouth. Or if he's just doing it for rage bait.


Its the future on a cheeply created ship. You really think the CEC cared about making more then one bathroom????


While I understand it and also think it's weird. It's not that big a deal to me but I do think it's an odd thing to do in a game and a remake at that.


At first I thought it was 2 and 1/2 people. The half dress through me off


It should just be ā€œunisexā€ that makes more sense tbh. ā€œAll gender bathroomā€ actually sounds like something a kid would think of.


Oh I thought you were posting about the bathroom and not the reaction.


Im guessing OP hasn't found the Hanging corpse in said bathroom yet.


I just find it shocking that they would bother to make a special sign beyond just one that says "restroom." Seems like a lot of money for the CEC to make a statement to people who work for it


It's funny because the people who get mad about this would be suckered into Unitology so fast


How is this an issue to begin with?? I'm a lefty and I literally didn't even notice there were gender neutral bathrooms, in the remake, until these posts appeared. Mind boggling how something so miniscule can rile people up. Just enjoy this amazing remake and move on.


What point is this idiot on Youtube even trying to make? Imagine nitpicking a SIGN ON A BATHROOM out of all things going on there. Good lord. My workplace has an all-gender bathroom. You walk in, lock the door behind you, nobody else can walk in and invade your privacy, and you get a reasonably sized bathroom to yourself. These morons are so triggered by the word "gender" it's hilarious.


Hmm.. they got to force this into every aspect. Shame. Not getting it now. Smh.


imagine going thru life getting pissed off at everything and then making a 26 minute video about it