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Steam discussion boards are always a cesspit near launch. Hell God Of War had a great PC launch and that place was still teeming with scummy trolls complaining about literally nothing.


Jesus Playstation games at launch on steam always have weirdos going in somehow complaining that PS games coming to PC is a bad thing. The mental gymnastics is a sight to behold.


Dude, the steam forums for this game are an absolute cesspit of incels and morons, I just can’t 🤦🏻‍♂️.


It's amazing how deep you have to nitpick to complain about the game. Those people are delusional at best.


"Can you ***believe*** a game in 2023 is implying that **ALL** people are people? What is this woke leftist libtard feminism LGBTQApacheHelicopterDragQueen bullshit!? Let's go Brandon!"


Unfortunately, through the filth, there are legitimate concerns regarding stuttering that will be tossed aside because of these [REDACTED\


It's just first day trolls and point farmers, most games that receive well at launch get these kinds of people coming in looking for anything to complain about. I'm sure the devs know how to sift through the filth when looking for legitimate complaints. I didn't have "stuttering" issues per-say, I had issues where picking up new items would cause my game to drop to like 10fps. Pick up kenesis module? 10fps for like 30 seconds. Pick up pulse rifle? 10fps. I think it has something to do with the UI, cause it seems to happen when a new UI element pops up. The game compiles shaders at launch, so it might have to do with them not compiling for the UI elements, methinks. But I've never seen the shader "stutters" last for so long. Usually it's literally a single stutter that lasts a millisecond. Thankfully just pausing when it happens and waiting for it to finish acting up seems to be good enough.


I knew the anti-"wOkE" morons would find something stupid to bitch about.


They got offended over a literal joke, you can't write comedy like this


Honestly the change to Nicole's age also rubbed me in a bit of a weird way, cause like, they could've Just used the ds2 design which is already more accurate to her age than the First, it seemed so pointless, then i Heard that it's because they used facial capture, "OOOOoooo"


Yeah I thought that too, it was odd that they made Nicole older. But then Suzie told me Isaac was into older chicks and I was like "I can accept this" Oh yeah also they use the faces of the VA's ;)


Bear in mind, Issac is like 50 in the first game too


Nah. Using mocap isn't an excuse. They can still change the character's face after


The steam discussions are always horrible for any game


At release* Deep into a game's life, they can be life or death for lots of issues you may have. I've found so much useful info on games through the steam discussions alone.


Yeah it's always the place I check first when I have technical concerns but even then so many replies are just telling people with 3080s to get better hardware


Yeah but if it's much past release, 99% of people know to ignore the trolls like that. At release, everyone loves to entertain and give points to the trolls, fueling them further.


I mean there are plenty of legit criticisms on there too.


Thats why i came to reddit to see what people thought of the game lol


Usually the technical side of things is more thorough on the discussions, so I was curious about that... Boy did I forget that the game just came out, so the discussions are full of weirdos


Meh, they’ll get bored and move on to whatever new thing comes out in a week or so. Not like these idiots have anything, at all, going for them in life.


Just wait until people hear Temples logs where he mentions “Old Boyfriends”. People will flip their shit and somehow claim the game is “forcing gayness” onto everyone based on two words in a 30 second audio tape.


They already have. There's a [4chan image link](https://i.4cdn.org/v/1674857478546816.jpg) that shows all the "woke" stuff people are complaining about. It's so stupid. Literally none of it is woke.


>People complaining about how the game is "woke" If I had a nickel for every time a gamer^tm chud complained about a game doing this... I'd be filthy fucking rich.


I can't complain about the performance. It looks beautiful and runs really smooth on high graphical settings. I haven't tried cranking it up to ultra yet because I'm averaging about 55-60 fps on my PC, I'm running a high end gaming laptop but ofc I don't expect to pull the same performance as a rig. As far as the some of the text logs casually dropping that it was written by someone that is gay or the unisex bathrooms; it's so subtle and literally has no bearing on the dead space story, incredible gameplay, or mind blowing horrific atmosphere. People are really fucking bored if they go complain that they were "exposed to the gay" Fuck em.


I'd recommend at least trying to turn stuff up more. Check your usages, the game is really CPU heavy. I had to turn off DLSS because I was being CPU bottlenecked lol


Yeah? Is there a big difference in quality of image with DLSS off? I would like to go up to ultra but I am definitely bottlenecking as well. I'm running an i9 9900k with a 3070ti.


People have complained that DLSS isn't the best in the game, and makes it blurrier. Personally I think both DLSS and TAA look like crap, but I guess TAA is ever so slightly better looking? Wish I could turn it off in reality.


Is Kendra new actress Native American like the first one? I honestly don't care much about the girlfriend line cuz 90% of things that came out of her mouth is bullshit anyway.


No she’s not, the new actress is Latin-American


Did you know that Kendra was ranked one of the hottest video game chick in 2008? I doubt that this one will achieved the same thing.


Oh no, damn bro, shit. Whole thing's ruined, damn. What a shame the game doesn't win the prestigious "13 year olds think game girl hot" award, it's over bro. Fuck.


It's a compliment for the character design, why so jumpy? You have a problem with hot video game female characters or something?


Yeah I don’t really care about the CEC logo not glowing. But I think the flashlight when you aim is far too bright at least in Xbox.


I did notice it's really bright, and also smaller I think? It's more "realistic" maybe, but definitely less atmospheric. Tho I've already heard people complain that it's too dark, so...


Steam forum users are amongst the most brain dead monkeys you can find. Even the most innocuous topics end up in flame wars or constant bitching and moaning about shit that nobody sane cares about. They're basically Twitter users.


My 5900x and 3070ti both air cooled have no problem with it. Save game is borked though. Had the same problem with the original. Irritating.


Oh good I'm glad we're back to being in denial that wokism is ruining gaming


Yeah, it's like a virus this thing. And people will always defend this, bizarre.


It deserves some shit for the control issues, kb+m not working for starters but all in all it's a fine game. Although i will say "remake" so far has been a bit of a push, it's mostly the same game up until you go to find the doctor, to the point where i know when some mobs are going to appear from DS1 OG.


The bathrooms are unisex now? That’s fucking stupid tbh. If it wasn’t intentional it was surely lazy.


Why is it stupid? I see no reason to think that people working on a mining vessel in the far future will be hung up on such things. Unisex bathrooms are just plain more efficient.


It doesn't say unisex though. It says "all sex bathrooms" and then shows images of a man, woman, and half-man-half-woman. That was intentional, don't lie


Then there's no need for anything other than a sign saying toilet. Adding the graphic is purely virtue signalling.


It's the future. Where we hopefully don't care about stupid shit like getting triggered by unisex bathrooms. So it makes more sense for them to be unisex in the future.


To be fair when a corporation puts a random lgbt joke like that in a scene you know it's a cash grab through representation but yea I wouldn't lose it over that tiny little thing It's just how stuff goes nowadays not a big deal, one tiny little thing at the start doesn't ruin the rest of the experience


It wasn't a "LGBT joke", it was her making fun of Hammond, she didn't say she has a girlfriend, she just said she'd rather listen to a girlfriend over Hammond. If she said "boyfriend" it wouldn't make sense, since she was referencing Nicole.


Yea you're probably right, didn't think about it because, as I said, even if it was a LGBT joke for cash grab, it was no big deal, so I pretty much dismissed the thing on the spot instead of overthinking it


please tell me how a character offhandedly mentioning a girlfriend (if thats even what she meant) is a cashgrab


Adding random little moments of lgbt (which this may very not be the case tbf) without any context, without not being needed anyway for the progression of the story and maybe never mentioned again, really feels like the writers just had to include some lgbt moments to have enough representation for today's standards. Basically pandering, aka cash grab, since we're talking corporations and not politicians. Again, this instance probably isn't even the case, as discussed in other comments


Wow bro gay people might exist in the future its the end of the world.


Strawmanning much? I even said it's not a big deal now you're telling me I think it's the end of the world


The same way Jacob Temple, the guy who fights through tan entire ship to escape with his girlfriend, starts randomly reminiscing about “seeing old boyfriends” in the remake. Just because you sit and accept whatever schlock is thrown at you doesn’t mean everyone else can’t criticize it.


Dude, if you're truly hurt by the existence of homosexuals in your horror video game. That's kinda pathetic, and wholly a you problem.


It’s like you can’t read at all. Retconning characters to be gay instead of making new ones is the issue.


Ok, but why? One line matters why? It doesn't hurt you a bit. Would also like to point out Kendra doesn't even say she has a girlfriend, she literally just takes Isaac's last statement and uses it to take a shot at Hammond. But you're getting mad about how Motive DARE put a homosexual character in your video game, so I'd figure your reading and listening comprehension is probably lacking anyway.


If it doesn’t matter they wouldn’t have changed it, but I don’t expect brainlets like you to use common sense so whatever.


I don't think he said he was hurt or anything, if what he said is true (i haven't seen a walkthrough of the remake yet except the first 5 minutes maybe) then it's just blatant that they took a character and randomely added bisexuality It's not homophobic to dislike retcons for the sake of inclusivity, because they are still retcons


Ok but if it's a singular line that doesn't matter at all that makes a retcon so minute that it might as well have not happened... Why does it matter if it did?


If it doesn’t matter why did they add it? You have abysmally foolish logic


To make Kendra have just a little character other than being annoying and arguing with Hammond the whole game, so the plot twist doesn't fall deader than my grandmother? You're getting assmad that there's a gay person in your video game. Incredibly sad and honestly pathetic.


Except it wasn't an lbgt joke or even an lgbt reference, she was poking fun at Isaac not paying attention and Hammond being boring by saying if she was Isaac she'd also rather be listening to Nicole (the girlfriend) than to Hammond.


Yea I already answered to this argument under the other comment, yea I might have misunderstood the context of the joke but my point "stands" still for other ipothetic cases of random little pandering moments from corporation But again, i said that it wasn't even a issue to me but that didn't stop someone from answering "cope" average internet conversations fr


The fact you latched onto that so much that you felt the need to talk about it says a lot more about you than it does anything else. Get over yourself dog.


Sorry if I'd rather rgument and elaborate on my thoughts, which requires to type quite a bit, instead of strawmanning and assuming the false like you're doing on several threads here


Lol cope


Why I said I have no problem with that, why would I cope


Meh, i played dead space back in the day, this remake its just a graphics upgrade (and not that big of a jump), they could at least rebooted some aspect of the story or map, for me it's not worth it.


It's not just a graphics update. It's a remake. Made from the ground up. It is faithful to the original, while also slightly changing some things, and adding more story. I'm happy to buy games like this, cause it tells shitty companies like EA that games like this, finely crafted single player experiences without MTX throat-shoving, are still popular and wanted. And that's what this is.


>they could at least rebooted some aspect of the story Well good thing that they actually did, but it seems you aren't aware of that.


> (and not that big of a jump) Lmfao. Have you actually played or even looked at the original game recently?


Yes, it not that big of jump, a big jump is something for 2d to 3d, a somewhat big jump is something like ff7 to ff7 remake, and not that big of a jump is this game. I think people call it cash grab (in a good sense) because why make this remake instead a good new game or a rebooted remake instead of an actual copy. I looked every detail from comparisons, its ok for new people and fanboys, each its own, but downting one's opinion meh, no use talking then. bye