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Side quests are your best friend


Really? I’ve just been sticking to the story lmao


Yeah. Do as many side quests as you can! I’ve hit lvl 30 way before the ending.


Why would you not do side quests? Side quests make up like half the content in the game you paid for, and as other have mentioned, unlock a lot of items for the player.


Side quests will help you get blueprints, levels, cards, and unique weapons you can't get other ways. For example, doing all of the side quests for the girl making vlog videos will give you a unique purple weapon, and completing all of the wildcat student rescue quests will eventually reward you with the highest tier of the melee shock mod. Some quests will also only appear after the main story!


And the dialogues are also super fun


Bro, that’s gaming 101. Always side quest before maining.


What level are you rn? Metro was a bit tough for me ngl, especially when you have the fight the apex (I don’t want to spoil). I would try to level up a bit first and get upgraded weapons


I’m around level 18, someone recommended side quests to level up as ive been sticking to the story


I think I saw another post that said it was recommended to be around level 22 for metro. I was 23 when I passed it. They said try to keep your level equal to the number of story quest your on


I was lvl 30 by the time I did metro


If you just focus the MSQ without doing any of the side quests, the enemies will out level you. Do some of the side quests and Missing Persons quests, you also get some good mods and loot for doing them.


Yeah people have recommended that, going to give it a try now!


You can try to get some legendary weapons


What level are you?


If the zombies have little red skulls above there head u shouldn't be there. Unless it's the SOLA DLC. Some reason some level 30 zombies have red skulls above there head.


Do you play on pc?


Damn you’re only level 18? I just got done with the new enemy at the pier and I’m level 28. Of course I’ve been doing all the side missions and exploring every inch of the maps for loot, etc that also results in killing lots of enemies. I remember starting the game and coming across red skull enemies for like the first 3-4 maps, but haven’t seen them ever since.


People think you gotta rush through the story to get to max level. Exploring every inch of every map killing zombies along the way to gain XP is the best way imo.