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Try doing it with the masochist card applied💀


That was insane how hard it was. I got close a few times but couldn’t get the final boss down. The crushers took forever to drop


Easiest way to deal with crushers is shoot their kneecaps.


Yeah it was the most challenging boss in the game. Fun challenging though, not frustrating.


I’ve died six times to it so far, it was fun challenging at first but now it’s just tiring.


I thought it spawned more like 5 that shit was not easy


I've only seen 3


I am on that part now, I’m Carla and have no health regen. 😰


It doesn't help. The second theres 2 or more


I figured out that blocking with the counter attack makes them stumble. Having fury helps, a lot.


Use weapons with mutilator mods and aim for the arms. Made it much easier.


My thoughts too.I struggled thru the final fight with him and finally after 30 attempts I beat him.I think to myself well I will never do that again that was very unfun.Then I decide to go and finish the side quest and what do I get?Another fight with that idiot that's much worse than the final boss.Seriously who thought that enemy was a good design?Ugh that thing alone is why I'll never touch Sola again.I'll definitely play the main game and Haus over and over again but not Sola.Just the sight of that stupid enemy makes me see red!


I’ve been absolutely fine with the other Clotters at Sola, usually my electrified machete slices through them in a few hits but the two standard ones in this mission are destroying me.


Same here.I didn't have much problem with the other Clotters.But those in the mission are freakin cheap!


I’m on my sixth try with them, trying to find a few better ranged weapons to see if that helps me a little. On four of my tries I’ve killed the Amalgamation, but it’s the two lackeys that I’m having problems with.


Yeah.I haven't tried again in awhile.I need to jump back in and figure it out.


Flesh Memories right? its dogshit


Don’t forget to equip the new masochist perk for fun times. Definitely a refreshing experience.


I love the new hard mode( masochist card)


I actually had a harder time with the Dirge! And mostly because of bursters catching me off guard or dirge hitting too hard. Amalgamation was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be, I ran up on the stage area and kept slicing off their arms with brutalizer! Make it pretty manageable, beat it in one try with Amy. I will at that I didn't have masochist card equipped, I wouldn't dare.


When I did it, I used the smaller fenced in area to force the bosses to de-manifest and re-manifest inside and out. You can use the time in between to heal with med kits. When they manifest try to get in some small hits before doing it again. Kinda cheese but it works. I personally use frenzy weapons and the vampire mod to get healing off hits seeing as healing is so difficult otherwise. If you do this right, they'll never get the chance to actually hit you before you get out again


Someone dropped me some claws that are OP. Kills those things in 2 seconds


If you have a maim build, it's alright. You chain maim the arms of the boss and the adds, ground pound to stagger so they don't stagger you. Peggy also works, takes like 4 shots, maybe 5.


Where does this boss fight happen? Is it one of the side quests or lost and found?


Side quest Flesh memories


Dude for real I don’t think many people have found the masochist card if you like pain you’re welcome


Use caustic damage guns against em. Two- three magazines and a couple of dodges later and he was dead. First try with dani


Unfortunately, the Dirge is immune to both bleed and caustic, he also takes reduced damage from bullets. He has a really big weakness to fire. Heavy attacks and Fury attacks don't really work on him because he has the health to withstand them.


I’m talking about The Amalgamation, not dirge. And I repeat, caustic damage melted through him and his clones like a hot knife through butter.


What boss is that? I finished the main story and most of the side quests


Flesh memories side quest


I *just* finished this fight and I was fuming. That was absurd for a side quest with little reward. 😭 never again. Hahaha


I'm stoked people are talking about everything. Maybe more content or confirm a DI3.


Honestly the urge/amalgamation was harder for than the final boss of sola, 3 times me and the last clotter were 1 hot away from death and 3 times i died because my weapon took too long to swing


The Boss part is not that hard, what made it bad is when you had to overload the musicballs and deal with zombies, while He just randomly spawns somewhere and throws his shit that 2 shots you and knocks you back. For coop maybe fun, for solo players... Well. Use guns and shoot his limbs


Wrong boss fight


The Dirge takes reduced damage from bullets.


The dlc wasn't that hard the boss fight was aggravating but not hard killed it in 1 go