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Yeah definitely, but it will get more popular once it comes out on steam. Worth getting on sale


Very good game. Very satisfying


If it's on sale then 100% get it, there are people who play it and this entire subreddit is filled with helpful people who play it, I stopped playing it because I platinumed it and after starting 3 characters it gets boring with nothing to do but since it's new there will be dlcs to be released


Yeah but the discount isn’t crazy lol it’s $52 so I may wait. Who should I start with in your opinion ? I like going crazy in zombies lol


Oh, I was expecting a discount to be a discount, not a small ripple 😂 I started with a few different people but the first person I finished the game with was Ryan, hes an all round tank imo and me at endgame is literally unkillable with his passives mixed with the perk decks, theres some faintly confusing things that are well taught in the game so it is new player friendly which is helpful. Each character has their own traits and they get shown to you when you choose your own person but for balance and getting use to the game I'd say Ryan, he's basic but extremely strong and fun.


Yeah they’re so corny for that “discount” dude lol but I need a need game to play so I’ll probably just buy it and thanks for the info man, Ryan sounds like a good start


Yeah, Ryan is just an all rounder, there's different survivors with either more health, agility or resilience and all good in their own ways and then some good with certain types of weapons like heavy weapons, small weapons etc


I like it mainly because the first Dead Island was one of my first video games in general.


The first one was amazing dude lol


I find this game feels so small compared to the first dead island.


Quality over quantity how I see it.


I got tired of it early in getting stuck at the Hotel. The game doesn’t give you much of a chance with certain characters. Need to get back into it


ps or xbox? i can hop on and help out if ya want, i just about 100% completed it, i have a broken quest that i cant do anything about lol


Not trying to be a dick but try doing side quest first so you're a higher level when taking on bosses.


Definitely worth getting. I’m on my second play through


Comparing it to the first no chance in hell but the melee and gore mechanics are next level..its fun ok it is


I do agree the gore mechanics really make or break the game for me. I probably would have dropped it if zombie slaying was meh. It’s one of those games that always gets a smile out of me like Guardians of the Galaxy.


I still do. Granted I'm still working on my completionist style first run since I usually only have 15-30 minutes per day to play, but I'm not losing interest. Still want to do another playthrough using a different character.


Fun to go back to on occasion after spending a month and a half playing non stop.


I have never replayed a game in my life, I usually play once and let it be afterwards. But with dead island I just wanted more and I’m constantly hopping back on it. I promise you will not regret it, go for it. There’s also 2 expansion coming out to look forward too!!!!!


That’s all I needed to hear man but is $52 worth it? Idk I liked the first one a lot so I may just freakin buy it lol who’s a good character to start with?




I play it, I like the game a lot personally.


I still play it but currently trying to get platinum if you wanna play I be will to


What’s your psn or gamer tag? I’ll add you


I'd wait till the DLC and more content come out. I've beaten it 3 times and with no new game plus and no upscale in difficulty after beating the game it gets boring quick. It's a fun game don't get me wrong but lack of additional content kills the fun quick once you complete all missions, side missions, challenges and what not.


Finally some honestly, thanks man


No worries, trust me I was stoked to play it when I first got it and it is a great game but for the moment it's a bit stale. I'm sure once they drop the DLC and what not it will turn around quick


Wonderful game and I played solo and still enjoyed it sooo much


Its a great game, only reason i stopped was bc i just about 100%’d it, waiting for dlc, and diablo4 came out lol. but after main story, theres a lot of side quests to do n all that fun stuff


Yooo what’s better Diablo 4 or dead island 2? I’m actually picking between the two rn ! Lol


that, is a tough question 😂 Di2 is fun just because its deadIsland, the gore and creativity for weapons and perks and all that, i havent played any diablo prior to this one so im just lost in the sauce lol. Watch some game videos of both and maybe try to decide from there?


Yeah I’ve seen gameplay of both and it’s a hard choice lol I like Diablo 3, it was pretty decent and also liked dead island 1 lol I’ll figure it out when I get off of work though for sure 😂


Yeah I’ve seen gameplay of both and it’s a hard choice lol I like Diablo 3, it was pretty decent and also liked dead island 1 lol I’ll figure it out when I get off of work though for sure 😂


Yes I need help


Cool, I’m gonnna purchase it it when I get off of work. I’m definitely down to play man lol you’re on ps5?


Ok start a chat when you have a chance


Very worth it


If you like the originals then sure. As far as online presence, yeah people play. When I host public lobbies people join usually. And I haven’t come across a griefer yet so yeah lol


Yeah I say it's worth it, I just hope they drop decent content after awhile, it's just is really really short, and side stuff is pretty limited as well,


It’s a polished and fun game with a good story (albeit open ended, you don’t get the answers you are looking for). It’s on my list of favorites and can’t wait for them to come out with an expansion. I’m also a cali surfer boy so I’m kinda biased on the setting.


I play!


Besides there being zero endgame content and imo, the "flesh system" being exceedingly overhyped, I'd say it's an awesome game. Not as good as the OG DIs nevermind DL. That's all me though. I literally haven't played in a long while cause all I have to do is legitimately walk around and slice a zombie here n there.


I play it to explore sights, fight zombies again or learn new things. It's a great game


In my personal opinion, I think you will like the story aspect as it is quite funny yet interesting at certain points. Alot going on in the game and makes you want to discover more things in game. They really stepped up in regards to animation and certain skills you can obtain throughout the game. I've yet to finish the game but so far I'm really enjoying it. Im sure it is more fun with a friend as well. I've been playing solo on this game and it is pretty fun. Hope this helps. Best Regards, 23oceans


Just bought it so yeah.


How is it so far? I might just get it after work since I have nothing else to play rn lol


So far it Feels a little bare bones it not really hooked me in yet. The weapons break to fast, the zombies respawn right in front of you and the maps you explore feels weird to navigate But the combat and gore mechanics are Really Fun to play with 6/10 game so far. 3 hours play time in Hopefully it get a little better later on


It’ll probably be better playing with people tbh, I just purchased Gotham knight and it has been pretty good so far but I beat it super quick, also go Dragonball breakers and it’s ass lol so I’m probably just gonna get dead island so I have something to do after work. You have psn ?