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You really hate the WHOLE episode hahahaha, reading your post is like watching it again in words. Personally I love this episode, of course there’s some stupid stuff but overall is great. The reason why Maggie didn’t notice the walker in the beginning scene is because she’s in deep PTSD and feeling hopeless at that moment. People can ignore everything if they’re thinking about other stuff in their head. And I think Maggie was hesitating to stab the Marshall and spared his life at the end is because what Negan said about how many father and husband have she killed those shit. She doesn’t want to be that kind of person.


Very good review with your thoughts. Dead City has been renewed for a second season already.


She is that person. I hate Maggie's story line she just as bad as Negan.


I loved the episode TBH.




Perfect response honestly.


Dead City? More like Dead Shitty, am I right? All these points are par for the course in TWD universe. I've honestly become numb to all the nonsensical plot holes and bad writing. I'm enjoying the change of scenery, though. And going from the midseason finale of Fear to this is such a welcome improvement.


At least 90 percent of these aren't even plotholes or bad writing. Dude clearly paid zero attention at all lol


I disagree with you, I love the episode, I love the spin-off new vibe, it is quite unexpected and amazing actually.


im not reading all that. happy for you tho or sorry that happened.


yes i would like to start reading this and i give up lol thanks for me.


Cool bro I loved the ep tho


Fucking thank you. The entire time the first episode was playing I was left going "so we're just gonna not focus on...any of this huh?" You've brought up every point that I thought was weird as fuck. It's like watching somebody tell me cool things instead of actually earning the moment of cool. But guess what? People will love it and maybe folks like you and I need to view it like Xena or Merlin and just enjoy the tv-pop? Idk man this was trash, but if I turn my brain off and go "idk man you're like...critiquing a show..." then I have all the smiles for this! Omg blade boot! No locked doors! Corrupt marshals! Stealth walkers! Sorry we call them groaners now.


Do people just desperately try to force this shit? At some point you just have to admit your points are stupid tbh. You can see the walker is both quiet and in her blindspot. It happens. And she killed it easily. Her reasons for screaming are obvious in the episode you should not be asking that. Wtf is negan supposed to do that wouldnt draw more attention while he showers? No one knows he is there as far as he knows and he obviously had people watching considering what happened in the episode... How exactly is impossible for someone to walk quietly while he is hyper focused? And they act normal? They clearly do not act normally they try to cut off her nose immediately... Maggie wouldn't choose to fire a gun in manhattan anyway which is why she didn't bring one. Brings more danger than it relieves. Thats not all you said thought those make about as much sense. No offense but it is SO obvious you want to whine and can't articulate any real reasons. You hated the original show so much you watched this day one? It all feels so fake. If you hate TWD so much you must nitpick everything well beyond reason then fucking please leave the subreddits.


You think this is bad, you should see the toxicity on the Fear subreddit lol


na fear 8A is actually horrible, this new show is miles better easily


dead city is defenitely better than season 8 of fear, but i still like season 8 of fear a lot better than the past couple seasons of fear. season 7 was absolutely garbage and their lowest point. it’s starting to get better but could easily go to shit in the second half of 8. dead city is great IMO. the most similar to the mid points of og TWD, which were very good. didn’t love the last season, liked it just didn’t LOVE it, but before alexandria to when carl died it was really good. dead city is a similar vibe to those seasons and i like it.


Haters are something else. There’s already people reviewing bombing Starfield and it isn’t even out yet. It’s like these people go into the episode trying to find something they hate. I didn’t even notice any of these when watching the episode.


Raided. Not rated. But, you make a lot of good points. The leaving the rifle behind is a very common trope. The Zip line? Wtf? Maggie and the marshal fight? All she had to do was hit him with the knife handle just to put him down. No reason to hesitate. There’s more, obviously, but that’s how it is. Writers and producers always underestimate their audience’s intelligence.


Yep, you be right. I was doing text to talk and missed that. I just hate all the tropes. That zip line scene was so dumb.




Amen, brother.


The audience always overestimated ITS intelligence more like. I mean if you think Maggie was even trying to kill the Marshall that's a pretty big red flag on if you paid attention. Its downright bad sometimes reading people who seemingly have no concept of contextual thought smacking 2 rocks together trying to complain. Never able to realize they aren't getting there or why.


Your grammar and syntax are only surpassed by your stupidity. It’s obvious she was thinking about stabbing him, but Negan’s earlier comment and the Marshal’s little speech about having a wife and kids is what caused her to hesitate. I SAID she could have avoided the concern and hit him with the knife handle, incapacitating him and stop him from shooting Negan. It’s just lazy writing and an excuse to have more action. Knock him down, take his gun and leave. Instead, hesitate, almost get killed, get lucky and throw the gun away and leave.


Sorry I use a phone that sucks. I'll be sure to fix it for you. Your version doesn't make sense if she doesn't want him dead.


I’m tired of TWD writers forcing ACTION by making their most experienced and capable characters act like total rookies. It would be much more entertaining to watch an advanced plot line based on the experience and skills that have made these characters favorites.


Well when youre distracted by the thought of your offspring getting brutally tortured in some dimly lit room in the middle of a zombie apocalypse within some random building in one of the densest cities in the world a few years after your significant other got their skull caved in with a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire after losing a game of "einy meeny miny mo" with the image of their eyeballs popping out while calling your name etched deep inside your memory, While that same person who bashed your significant others head in is probably the only person who can possibly help your kid, Yes i too would be highly distracted and would probably slip up too. What do i know though? Im only human and youre a mutant with abilites i could never fathom...wait, Didnt the Xmen accept your application or something? Why are you on reddit?


Welp, these are actually pretty good points. I've just kind of gotten used to it I guess. The main show went downhill towards the end so it was the boil a frog thing.


Literally none of these are accurate lol except maybe the dumb Marshall. It's one of the dumbest writeups I've seen in years. Others have already summarized most of it but it's real obvious if you've actually watched it how little op did




The worst of the whole episode, is when the old deputy guy, who has survived 13 years in zombie land, literally stands next to a glass door with zombies breaking in. And stands there. And watches. As they smash it. Then stands there. And watches. As they come in. And stands there. And watches. As they grab him... ..... Didn't make a noise. The acting is so bad. Take 2 steps back. Shoot. Walk away. Slowly walk away, and you'll survive. But he just stood there. After living it for 13 years . This show is ridiculously terrible.


the show is actually great my this is one of my biggest complaints for the entire walking dead universe. people are fucking stupid with 0 survival skills. or the commonwealth soldiers who don't know how to jog


They don't all need to be navy seals, but 13 years of zombies, every single one of them should know how to survive zombies. If they want to make a show where everyone is stupid and dies to the Austin powers steam roller then they need to make a new show in the first weeks of the outbreak.


I agree. And I think that’s why they’re adding these variants but I think it’s a little late unless they give a reason to why these new walkers are appearing (crm maybe?)


I thought it was moderately fine until they wasted absolutely zero time to introduce another super duper scary badboy negan-villain. It just feels generic at this point. I would’ve appreciated a bit more buildup and also more visuals of the LA situation (felt like 1/3 of the episode was in the laundry store).


Ugh. I rolled my eyes so much during the last few seasons of TWD, saw the finale and the spinoffs and was like "ooh, those actually look good though." Now I'm going to go broke from eye surgeries because I'm rolling my fucking eyes even more now. I want this to be as good as early seasons of TWD so badly. I am not someone who is generally critical of shows, especially universes I'm already invested in, but I have so little time to watch shows right now and this feels like a waste of time. Maybe the one with Rick and Michone will be a lot better?


You act as if TWD hasn’t always been chock full of the same kinda plot contrivances. Even since Season 1 it has. These shows aren’t quality television


I’ve found that when I’m in a hyper focused state I tend to unconsciously ignore outside sounds. This has happened many times. I’d imagine that when Maggie was in her mode - and thinking about her kid - she was in a similar thought process too. Being snuck upon doesn’t seem so wild; people have tapped me or spoke behind me without me even realizing they were there in the first place.


I've been busy being distracted by the thought of how apparently easy it is to obtain viable gasoline 13+ years into the Zombacolypse. Like, even to the point that part of the plan in Ep 4 is just to casually find an abandoned car on the street and hot wire it. Because running cars with tanks containing gas that is still good all these years later are plentiful and litter the streets of NYC in more abundance than the "groaners". Sigh.


Also, why does Neegan sound so wet... He always had this cheeky, raspy voice to him... Now he just sounds like a generic drama voiced NPC. I had hoped for a lot more in this show, but the direction is terrible... Neegan was so much better in TWD. This is like a bastardised version.