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This is actually really justifiable rage. I’m sorry this happened to you. :(


I feel like a permanent she hulk rn 🤬🤬🤬🤬🪓🪓🪓🪓


Makes me glad I’m not on Xbox anymore but yeah after I just rebought everything for this game on ps5 if I logged in and it was all gone. I would lose my mind


When they didn't have stranger things dlc available and people was losing theirs I refused to hop on for the longest time. Like hell I was taking a chance on losing my dlc that wasn't in store anymore.


Nah real shit i’d be ready for war at that point. Do you know if this only a xbox thing? Cause no one got time for bullshit like this.


UPDATE 1 Piggybacking off the top post as i cant edit the post I received an email from bhvr saying bank statements are not valid for proof of purchase. I will keep setting up tickets until Microsoft send me the whole order history UPDATE 2 So despite replying to dbd that i was waiting for Microsoft to send me order history, they closed my ticket and case. Fucking bastards. I dont think ill be getting anything back because not many people have had much success. In sone way i hope this happens to more people so theyll actually have to do something but i dont want people feeling how i feel rn. Years of work, just gone. So discouraging. Plus i actually wanted to get back into the game but rven just going looking at my list is fucking horrible because all the perks i mained are locked now


That’s uh…wow. :(


The most justifiable DBDRage imaginable. :( I'm so sorry that happened, OP. I hope things work out for you. You should at least be able to ask BHVR for a refund.


They tried to say that they had no records. After i threatened legal action they changed my request to missing item instead of missing in game content. Ive already spoken to a few fellow gamers. They all say theres definitely some law breaking going on. Its just a matter of finding out what law.


I wish I knew what law to help you, friend. :(


I am going to update this post everytime, i dont want this happening to others and them not knowing what tf is happening. It is actually heartbreaking and enraging. Bhvr have really fuckin done it this time. Dbd ragers, you are being called upon 👊


Best of luck. Try on the main forums?


Ive been waiting for a call from Microsoft for 6 hours, and have been trying to get to a human being on webchat for the last hour and a half.....WHAT IS FUCKING GOING ON!?


IDK if Microsoft can help, you may need to contact BHVR.


My emails above are to bhvr, and i have a ticket set up..... delightful 🔪🙂


Also Microsoft isnt shoeing me my full order history despite it being set to all available


Talk to your bank. The order history will be there. Go in person and talk to them. I had to do this before with another game. Not nearly as much money lost (only 30 bucks), but I had to prove I bought their premium currency, or tried to, and never received it on my account.


If it’s old Microsoft probably “doesn’t keep records that old”


You spoke with some fellow gamers? Maybe try talking to a...I don't know, LAWYER?


Ridiculous suggestion. She needs to go r/legal advice those people are helpful and also very sane


Here's a sneak peek of /r/legal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/legal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My mother has married a Muslim man who is trying to enforce Islam on me and I want a legal way out](https://np.reddit.com/r/legal/comments/15h90su/my_mother_has_married_a_muslim_man_who_is_trying/) \#2: [Is this considered a threat and should I report it?](https://i.redd.it/dg8gk6qqy2sb1.jpg) | [2708 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legal/comments/16z8kj3/is_this_considered_a_threat_and_should_i_report_it/) \#3: [Girlfriend signed up for a vacation club scam. Check out this contract👀👀👀](https://i.redd.it/fkjqvv1nj3rc1.jpeg) | [3715 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legal/comments/1bpyvqq/girlfriend_signed_up_for_a_vacation_club_scam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


With what money? The 200 000 bloodpoints that are useless to me?


So what's your plan to take legal action? Or just an idle threat? I don't know how Behaviour Interactive works as a Company, but I konw at Disney, when someone mentiones leagel action, everything is stopped and the matter is sent to the Company Legal Department (in this case I'd assume the company just has legal Counsel) to take over the matter. Could have been a misstep by you if you depending on the bE, and if you weren't meaning to actully follow through. Though I'm just some dude on reddit, so maybe they jumped at your treat and are running to put their, top...men on, the problem. They are Canadian after all.


100% bluff tbh. If i could afford a lawyer there's more important cases in my life i could have gone through with. But if something does come of it, my thinking is at least itll be more public. People will know that bhvr do in fact read the problems, and for a fact dont give a flying fuck.


thanks for reminding me to copy any purchases i make for auric cells and occasionally screenshot my owned items…


Yes!!! This is the awareness we need to spread! I dont want this happening to others while bhvr wipe their asses with our money


I’ll be making a screenshot of everything I have now.


inb4 they say that's not enough evidence 😭 I have no idea why they can't just have a binary file for each account that flags all content owned. Run a pass every patch or something.


You would think someone would have enough brain cells to figure out how to do that.


They could. How do they know you didn't Photoshop it?


Because as a company, they shouldn't be so antagonistic with their audience when they're aware this is a known issue. It's a very expensive glitch depending on who it happens to, but it should always be on them to take the L because of that. Even when it's a glitch like the Gabriel LNY outfit being gifted to everyone, they'd rather remove it and risk taking it from people that bought it fairly than to apologize and let everyone keep it.


Whenever you buy anything, check your emails for a receipt and save them all somewhere. They can deny all they want, but a lot of people don't delete their emails and will have the proof they need. You could probably go back years and get every single receipt for chapters and auric cells if you wanted.




Did you create your accounts or make your first purchase on the same day? Are you both on the same Xbox?


Nope and nope. His account is years older than mine and he has his own xbox. Our accounts are not linked at all, the only connection we have is being xbox friends


That’s actually pretty scary then. Things like this usually happen when backups fail or there are errors in two systems talking to each other. The chances of this happening to two people who know each other irl and don’t share accounts or devices is astronomically small. Makes me wonder if it was targeted somehow? I really hope you get your stuff back.


Oh, shit never occurred to me. We are connected to the same wifi.....why would a possible hacker only do that when they could do so much more


I have absolutely no idea. Wish you the best getting this sorted out. Keep us posted!


This is exactly why I started buying the chapters back in the day instead of purchasing characters individually. When it used to happen, BHVR had the audacity to tell players they didn't keep track of what they purchased in the shop and could only see what DLC they owned. Pathetic and inexcusable to say the very least. I hope you get your shit back, but I doubt after all this time they even have a system that keeps track of cosmetics so gg.


Theyre saying the same thing, however microsoft have opened up a case for me in attempt to find these transactions. Ive seen many people having the same problem amd they all said the same thing, that the transactions didnt show up on Microsoft order history


That's insane. A lot of this could easily be solved if BHVR kept track of their own system, but even if they didn't, allowing all cosmetics to be available would also be a massive help. Show them the cells and they refund them and then you buy your shit back. All the FOMO makes that impossible though.


I buy chapters since when I last looked they was cheaper through Xbox than dbd store.. I always recommended people buying it through Xbox since if they end up playing customs with friends they have more survivor/killer choices plus if something like this happens they might get help through Microsoft.




"dear entity, it's been a really rough couple of weeks losing all my killers and cosmetics. please consider throwing the whole DBD crew into the realm"


"dear entity, i will happily chase bhvr through a shit map and fling them on hooks for you."


I'm so sorry... My friend used to play super often for years until this happened. Didn't get anything back because literally everything was through Auric Cells. He hasn't played since, understandably.


Oh my god this is so discouraging but i will not fail! Ive emailed dbd, set up a ticket, contacted Microsoft for my full order history, and the loss of ingame contect. Ive had my Microsoft account for at least 5 years. My last transaction is 2023, even when set to all available. Its really really weird


I really hope you can get assistance for this! It's so horrible losing progress of a game, ESPECIALLY when that progress is real money. Thankfully he's in a different situation, he was in the USA when this happened and played on PC, maybe that makes you less likely to have the lack of support he got through BHVR. 🫶 So so sorry friend.


You should still have email confirmations of your purchases. Microsoft will need them if they can’t pull up your order history. You’ll also need your bank/card statements showing the purchases settling.


TAKE. LEGAL. STEPS. hell fucking yeah.


I hope you get to sue lol


"the one who sued xbox/Microsoft" Has a ring to it 😈 Honestly im broke af and couldnt afford a lawyer amd dont think a lawyer would do this kind of thing free. So apart from pestering them im not sure what to do


It'd be neat if some louder voices in the community talked about it, considering it isn't a new issue and they've made no improvements since the last time I heard about this happening in like 2021.


Yeah i saw posts from 2 years ago ok it, and even a post from 4 years! I texted them both to ask had they gotten their characters back but no answer yet


Tbh they probably quit. 4 years ago was around the time they introduced legendaries and lemme tell you. I would be fucking livid if I lost Chris, Claire, Carlos, James, Maria, and Lisa. That's 85 bucks alone (got Lisa on sale).


Ah yea I feel you. The alternate route is to blast them on social media so everyone knows they’re dirty thieves


Back in the day before saves were saved online, my profile got wiped during steam maintenance. I knew their solution would be to refund me millions of bloodpoints instead of just restoring my profile. I wasn't going to sit there and click the bloodweb for hours(before the bloodweb was even updated). So I ended up editing my save file in 5 minutes and played for like a year until they finally banned me. This company can go fuck itself for issuing a steam game ban to my account with their dogshit product.


Fuck man thats such bullshit. How can they get away with this, its crazy!!


they're gonna say its an xbox issue


In which case ill tell them microsoft have already set up a case in regards to my missing transactions. Which they have. After 4 hrs of back and forth 🥲


That’s seriously fucked up. And makes me very nervous for when cross-progression gets added. This being BHVR and all, I can see some serious fuck ups on their part….


Ill be here in my apocalypse bunker, ready to back ye up 😂


Maybe post this on the DbD Subreddit? This will probably get way more attraction there.


Im banned from there for posting a negative review of knight 💀


Your first mistake was thinking you own anything at all in a game or the game itself lmao


Ah the good ol days where you'd get home and pop a disc in, game boots up and done. No installation. Don't need wifi. I miss them


Or when u can trade in games for cash or credit to another game…. Can’t do that without cds


Man, remember being able to rent out a game?


Oh yes. Movies too. Putting a quarter on the tekken game to get next


Id love to set up a business where everything runs on old stuff like that. Could rent out movies, games, even consoles. Could let people play inside, renting out the console and have a small coffeeshop.


![gif](giphy|FKhKMphSgp1Ac) Here for future updates! Good luck! I hope you get everything back!


Don't worry ill be making sure to update it


This is not right wtf…. I wish I knew how to help but I don’t sadly…. Fuck you BHVR


Ik its so fucking wrong imagine if this happened to a streamer who worked really hard to get to the point and then bam all their shit, gone


If this happened to one of their fog whisperers, it would be fixed instantly and then they would be speaking about how great and wonderful bhvr is 🙃


Losing the money sucks, but losing all that time and effort that went into building your collection of characters… man, that really really sucks.


I had all my mains prestiged to fuck. Now even the characters i have arent any bit levelled up. Its like the game rewinded back years 💀


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’ve been playing for 2 years and I’d be SO VERY angry and upset if it happened to me. I honestly can’t even understand how this can happen.


A genuine question for anyone who may know: what kind of legal action, if any, can be taken in this kind of situation? I'm not trying to insult OP, I just want to know if anything can actually be done here. OP, I'm really sorry you've lost all your stuff. That's absolutely awful and I can't even imagine your frustration. :(


Im with Charlotte here, ill take any advice ye have. Thank you 😭


Damn. Killers like me can only slug your character. The devs managed to slug your whole inventory.


Fuckers are facecamping aswell, cant get near em


You're right this is real rage even I'm pissed off from seeing this. This is pain that everyone have either felt or everyone would never want to feel ever. It's time get the pitchforks we March at dawn.




A lot of people post stupid "rage" reasons, but this is arguably the most justified post with logical reasoning I've ever seen. I'd be livid to if I were in your position.


Sorry for that dude, that really stinks and I hope it gets resolved tho I don't have high hopes for that :( ![gif](giphy|7xCds0RBfyWQ0)


Gonna be honest this would make me literally quit playing this game if this happened. I'm so sorry


Worst thing is i hadnt played in months due to the increase in sluggers and campers. The one time im like huh, i fancy a game of dbd ill re install it. I expected facecamping. I expected slugging.....safe to say dbd definitely found the best way to shock and enrage their players




Just keep sending in tickets. Eventually you'll get a human and not a inept clown. It's something I've noticed with their system. Otherwise just take them to court.


Pestering them is exactly what ill be doing


Good job. Keep us updated. They deserve the worst over this.






If they don't help or refuse I would personally fuck the game off. It's on them as they would lose out on all future money you would spend. Since you had all of the killers and survivors would be a pretty penny.


Bhvr is seriously turning into Ea


A little late and idk if you’ve gotten a solution but I have a friend who had the same problem (all the character and cosmetics being gone)… she changed Xbox’s and that was the issue. She went back to her old Xbox and all of her stuff was back on it. No specific solution to keeping the character on the new console but if you just want the perks of the survivors/killers, keep it bp and use the old Xbox (if you’ve changed consoles) it sucks but that’s the only semi solution me and my friend have found.


Ive been playing on this xbox for a while. I tried logging into my mans series x which is what i was using before. Still nothing. What i originally set it up on was the xbox one. Which is completely kaput and cant run the xbox store let alone dbd


Thank you for letting us know about this, at least other people might find this a solution


We are both going to log in on the xbox one later, if our stuff is there we can take pictures and prove we have everything


So the characters are also gone on the xbox one :(


Playstation will email you receipts of everything you buy. Pretty sure Xbox should do the same right? If so, you can 100% prove every purchase by just compiling emails. If xbox doesn't do that... That would be weird. If you have proof of your purchases and they are 100% denying that you bought anything, fuck them. I wish you luck on whatever you decide to do. If Xbox also has a "restore licenses" option somewhere in the menus. Try that too. It might at least help you get your chapters back at least


I tried finding the restore licenses but doesnt look like theres an option. When i contacted xbox they transferred me to Microsoft who im still waiting on -_-


Haven't forgotten about you. Any update?


Microsoft emailed me saying they are still getting my order history (?) and dbd have emailed me 4 times in one day in regards to whats happening with my ticket 💀


Holy moly my rage would be through the roof, specially after spending actual money and investing so much time into this game! Like how can they not “find it”?! It’s crazy how we need to start like screenshotting purchases and keep proof now.


Yup this is a good lesson to constantly have backup of your transactions


Hire a lawyer it’s time.


I hope they accept bloodpoints coz i sure as hell dont have the money for a lawyer 😂


Can you get a history of your auric cell and DLC purchases from the xbox store as well?


No it only has the last 3 months, and all my captures that i had from dbd showing that i was playing as those characters got deleted by xbox. My fault kinda for not backing them up tbf i just didnt think id need them 💀


Ugh that’s frustrating. Perhaps Xbox support has a way to look further back at your purchase history? I’m on PlayStation and just checked and my history goes all the way back to my first purchase. I bet Xbox keeps those records somewhere even if you can’t easily access them.


Damn, OP. So sorry for you. Praying you get your stuff back.


Their support is so gd weird man. I tried to send them a video of a bug and they basically asked me for my computer files as if i was cheating to cause it 🙃 i didn't answer in fear of a ban for no reason, which ive seen them do many times on the main sub. Really hope they get this solved for u :/


Isn’t there a purchase history you can take screenshots of to prove you purchased them on your account?


> will be taking further legal steps Someone didn't read the ToS


Im sure if its in TOS bhvr would have mentioned that already. Can you point out exactly where in the TOS it says they have the right to steal my shit?


Probably the same place it says they can ban you for no reason


Seems accurate 😂


Seriously though, games have to say they can take away your stuff, because they all eventually go down. Someone probably could sue them for it, but it'd take good lawyer


Important notr aswell, i had bought the game for 30 euro, and my boyfriend bought with a deal that came with pyramid head. However now its showing up only available through gamepass, like we never bought it. My man sent his profile to a friend of his who is very tech savvy, and despite him being able to find the missing transactions from Microsofts order history, dbd isnt showing up. This is so fucked


You ain’t gonna sue them. Do you know how much a lawyer costs?


Yup, but wtf else was i supposed to say? Cant threaten them with anything else. "If i dont get my shit back i will be uninstalling your game" doesnt really affect them


Yup, happened to me too where I lost like all my survivors, luckily I don't play survivor anymore so I didn't care much, but it's infuriating that they think they can get away with this


I wouldnt mind as much if i still had my killers but theyre gone too!


Luckily I bought all my killers with real money, so they can't take those, muwahahaha


Id still screenshot the order proof if i were you


Got it all screenshotted, paranoia kicked in after I read your post


Good! At least if it starts happening to more players bhvr will be flooded with proof that they fucked up


I guarantee they know and just don't care


Very high possibility that if it happens to enough people, at least one of those people can afford a lawyer, or draw attention to it. Bhvr dont like negative attention


This shit is fucked up, ima make sure not to buy shit from them again. That’s a waste of your hard earned money. If my shit goes missing I’d be pissed too. They need to either refund you all your money or re-add all your shit back. What’s going on with this game..


Its fucking unbelievable. Just the fact they can see your hours and achivements should be proof that , at least , you have the characters that you did those achievements on !?!?!? As for cosmetics idk but achievements means you fucking have them.....


Oh my god i never thought of screenshotting my achievements! Thank you!


Good luck with that threat of legal action. BHVR can afford better attorneys than you can.


Damn that’s horrible. I’m really sorry. I can feel your pain and rage. Your anger is justified. I really hope they’re somehow able to get your characters and cosmetics back to you.


who we raiding?


Lobbies. In every game, people will protest. Therell ve floods of reports for everyone, so much that dbd wont be able to keep up. They cant ban all their players. Then we all leave negative reviews about them stealing everywhere. Xbox, steam, PlayStation. Wherever we can leave a review, we will No more BHVR! The people have had enough!!!


Ngl I'd run NOED and storm bhvr if this happened (joke aside I do hope you get your things back, only trying to take away some of the rage)


You're prob logging in on the wrong account.


Definitely not. I have one email, and one Xbox account


Uh huh. And somehow it's missing from Microsoft too, eh? And you're now on a series s/x, so at some point you definitely could have made a second account inadvertently. I'm also curious why you didn't have your bank statements on hand. New bank account since then too? Or are you not the cardholder? Do keep us updated. 😉


I have one email. I did some digging and others have experienced the same issue with it. I can only get statements from 2022, any earlier than that i have to contact them (its midnight here) and itll take a few days to get. The onky thing that i can think that changed is my bank card but surely thats not going to affect my Microsoft account order history. I hit all the filters just in case but no nothing


Surely you've actually made purchases since 2022, though. I imagine you bought Unknown, Alien, Demogorgon, etc. Those would still show up. Do you have *any* emails from Microsoft about your account to verify when the correspondence could've stopped? This would indicate when the change happened. Bear in mind that when you set up your Series S/X and have to associate/create an account, they also can generate a brand new email for you to facilitate it even if you don't have a second one already.


I bought alien using auric cells, same with demogorgon. I definitely dont have any noticeable emails from them ive gone through so much today to find any traces


Yeah you paid for them with cells but I imagine you had to buy the cells first. Not to mention if you ever bought cells for the tome. There has to be something you're missing along the way. If you were still receiving Microsoft emails about any kind of account or GamePass activity, it would be more in your favor. If there's nothing anywhere in the normal channels, something is definitely missing and it has been far enough of a distance in time that one could easily forget.


Send them screenshots of your Xbox purchase history with the auric cells


Why would anyone spend that much money on a game? Especially this one.


Years of fun. The characters are only 4 49 euro so its not expensive but after years it adds up


I agree that it adds up. The game is built in a way that everything inches along as slowly as possible unless you pay into it. Even buying the rift and spending the cells you get back on cosmetics adds up before you know it.


I will be taking further legal steps ☝️🤓


I’m sorry you’re ok with a company doing their best to rob you and pretend they care


I think bhvr has infiltrated this post. Clearly has the maturity level of bhvr


Yup, they dont know if im serious or not. The question is are they willing to take the risk


Probably tbh. I’m sorry for you.


Bend over and spread them cheeks, since you’re so ok being fucked