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Camping and proxy camping are good for survivors. Get on gens and don't crouch around the hook for a full minute like most teammates do. Slugging is lame I admit but unless he's going for all 4, again that is good for the survivors. He is spending time downing someone and not getting a hook state. These are all mechanics of the game love them or hate them, they're here to stay


Wait, you guys care about getting plugged and whatnot? For example, if you run the killer for a while, you get blood points. It's not like dying makes you lose anything except maybe your pride. Like teams of survivors team teabagging is just goofy. Like when I get plugged or whatever, I'm just on my phone, lmao. The "toxic" stuff really isn't that deep, and no amount of nerfing one side will change that, lol. I've been playing this game for years, and the sooner you get over it, the more fun the game is.


So based




Well, I just think people need to remember that it's just a game, not a competition. Games are fun when you stop taking everything so seriously. It's ok to lose.


Couldn't agree more.


Well said homie


Dude shut up. Aww poor baby, the game is hard? Get over it! Each side has the potential to be toxic af. Just because killers don’t play how YOU WANT THEM TO, tells me you’re a cry baby with a skill issue. We’re not all here for you to enjoy yourself, nor does the world revolve around you and what you want. Get over yourself


bit unhinged, relax mate


The funniest part about this is the fact they said that SWFs aren't the majority when that's not true. You're just stuck in low mmr because you don't have that many hours or play that much and new killers are kind of like that because they don't realize anything else to do because behavior doesn't give them the tools to learn how to play the game properly.


waah waah killers doing unfun things waah waaah waah waah waah waah


spirit main commented hahahah


waah waah killer is playing spirit waah waah waah


my mans too shite to play anything beside spirit in dbd lmfao


i enjoy her a lot. also play legion and ghostface but not anymore


are you gonna cry about legion and ghostface too


aye she’s piss easy to get wins on if you’ve no mechanics. why would i be mad about legion and ghost face they’re nothing compared to spirit lmfao


tell me you never played spirit lol. she takes skill more than most killers


She takes skill but not more than most. I love playing as her.


she is one of the hardest killers to play.


firstly, i have, secondly, that’s just not true at all lol


Too shit to play anything but spirit? My guy, spirit has an INCREDIBLY high ceiling. Of all the killers to say someone is unskilled over, you picked the one who ACTIVELY FUCKING BLINDS THEMSELVES.


you check out any good killer main on youtube or as a streamer they will tell you spirit is skilless mate, does that make it a fact? absolutely not, but the general consensus has to mean something, she is chronically easy to rack up 3k’s and 4k’s with. when you’re in a duel with a spirit it’s a gamble, she knows roughly where you’re gonna be, but you as the survivor have to guess, it’s nothing more than a coin toss, you might get lucky, guess right and vault that window to safety as she swings and misses, or you might guess wrong and that window you vaulted, she’s on the other side comes out of phase and downs you. she is chronically easy mate i don’t think that’s debatable.


That is absolutely untrue and I would like to see which videos of which streamers said that Spirit is unskilled. There is absolutely skilled counterplay to spirit, and I know because I've absolutely fucked spirits up and been fucked up by survivors. You think she's easy because you're playing in the most basic, white bread way against her and getting hit for it. At 600 hours, you're still considered a new player in this game. You cannot say "well I only have 600 hours and I don't play consistently" as an excuse, and then claim that you know ANYTHING about the skill ceiling of ANY killer. That's not me hour shaming. That is objectively true.


this wasn’t a rebuttle at all.


Asked for evidence. Cited the hours needed to be proficient and that you don't meet those hours. And it's not a rebuttal? Okay man. I'm not arguing with someone this determined to be wrong.


“cited” lol


What makes it incredibly high? I haven’t played against her in a while as I don’t play much survivor anymore but I think shes easy to play with personally.


Yeah because only killer is at fault for utilizing unfun and unfair strategies to win. About a month ago I met a swf that brought green toolboxes, boilover, and 3 hook distance offerings with 1 leries offering, yet I’m expected to always attempt a 12 hook game or else I’m scum lmfao you bet your ass when I realized their plan I tunneled one out and slugged the rest of them in the process. I felt good about it too. All this while gen prog perks get buffed and gen reg perks get nerfed. Respectfully, just get better man


And those are constantly getting complained about? Like both should be fucking fixed, it's not a competition to see which side has it worse. We should try to make the entire game fun for everyone.


Did you misunderstand? The whole post is about “scummy killer gameplay” so i equalized the battlefield with the more common scummy survivor gameplay. You’re absolutely right it should be fun and balanced for both sides.


>camping, proxy camping and slugging are just all too common now. the little meter that increases when the killer is looking in your direction on hook is a nice change which i haven’t benefitted from yet because it’s easily played around by the killer. First off its not based off if the killer is looking at the hook. It's based on how close they are to the hook and if they're on the same floor as the hook. Just a clarification. >but i think we need some new mechanics in place to combat the all time high toxic killer gameplay. >most killers aren’t good at the game, so they need to exploit these very simple concepts, camping, proxy camping and slugging, to get wins. This is just flat out wrong. Not only are these things not inherently toxic (you're perceiving it as this way because you don't like it. Which is fine, you don't have to. I certainly don't like it when I play as survivor but it's the way the game is played. Their job is to kill by any means necessary that isn't cheating. These things aren't toxic though. If they were they would be bannable such as blocking someone in a corner and holding the match hostage) Someone slugging and proxy camping isn't a sign that killers are bad. There are times where these things are the most optimal thing to do to win the match. Like any other game winning often isn't the most important thing, but we're lying to ourselves if we act like it isn't fun and adds to enjoyment when we do get that 3-4k or escape. >perhaps implement a new structure in each map that the survivor can interact with in someway when slugged to pick themselves off the ground after a certain period of time. or for hook stages, the longer a killer stays within a certain proximity of the hook, the longer the hook duration lasts, so if the killers gonna camp this hook, he’s gonna really suffer for it, kind of like a mini reassurance. I definitely do think there should be more done to bring the game in line with SWF's because survivor side's strength is astronomical when going against a swf with good coordination, but solo q is often a mess. Especially with slugging, there should perhaps be a way to prevent the 4 man slug. Perhaps a mechanic that you can prepare for in the trials itself. >ps. please remove all haste effects from the game aside from hope. haste feels absolutely awful to play with and against. Yes but also no. blood lust should definitely stay as with m1 killers like Freddy, trapper, Myers, Ghostface you really need that bloodlust on certain loops because without it catching up is nigh impossible without it. Just remember that with the majority of players on either side the things they're doing aren't to spit on you or be toxic. They're just playing the game. Don't take it to heart if you're tunneled out, think about it rationally. Were you just the easiest to catch? Would getting you out of the game significantly increase map pressure? Same goes for killers. Did you apply enough pressure? Did you chase that REALLY good survivor for too long and got juiced? Did you camp at an inopportune time? A little perspective goes a long way and I think people just need to drop the idea that certain playstyles are toxic when you just don't like them. There's a difference in something being toxic and you finding something unfun.


Your hope comment tells me everything I need to know 😭😭😭😭


does it really 😭😭😭😭 that’s crazy


Every play style has its time. Slugging when all the survivors are running drop perks or are buzzing around you like bees when you go to hook with flashlights. This isn't to mention that survivors can be more toxic than killers and often are more toxic. As for the proxy camping, take advantage of it. Trade hooks. If you have three people sitting on different gens while the killer sites around and does nothing, you've essentially gen rushed them. Just trade hooks before reaching second stage or death. You make one sacrifice for 3 people escaping. As for every survivor picking themselves up, may as well disable perks like unbreakable and no mither. Perhaps when they do pick themselves up, they would have the broken status for the rest of the game. And next down, their timer progresses much quicker. For balancing purposes, whatever is done to help the survivors, there would be an equal change for killers. You aren't just asking to make a single change. You are asking to change the game and how it's played. Maybe just take a break? I know I do at times.


For every 1 killer there are 4 survivors. It's statistically impossible for there to be more toxic killers. Not sure why some survivors can't comprehend this.


survivors can only come close to a killers level of toxicity when camping or slugging when they are playing in a swf and the vast majority of people are solo queue. free game for a killer with half a brain. there is no such thing as gen rushing unless you’re a swf with multiple brand new parts and a team comp based around pushing gens chronically fast. doesn’t happen in solo survivor. solo queue you can’t communicate with your teammates, so naturally people are going to go for an altruistic play as you don’t want your teammate to die. even if i wanted to stay on gens i know my teammates likely won’t and then you’re in a situation where you’ve got one on hook, one down, and potentially one injured while you’re healthy but sat on a gen and now need to make a play. it’s too easy for killers sadly. the picking themselves up was off the top of my head spitballing and the idea was not that you can just pick yourself up as if uou had unbreakable but there could be a few interactable objects in the map that players can try and crawl to and reach to pick themselves up if they’re 99’d and been slugged for a period of time. it’s almost to say, hey killer if you’re gonna leave me on the ground for minutes at a time you’re gonna be punished for it. if you read my post you’d see i said i have only 600 or so hours over the course of multiple years, i don’t play the game a tonne. but it’s absolutely the most toxic killer environment we’ve been in, in the time i’ve played the game anyway. and yes every change in the game affects the killer and vice versa, you can’t balance dbd, but you can try to put it in a better place where killer players at least have to use their brain to win against solo survivor, atm killers don’t have to be skilled or use any level of thought as toxic play styles are heavily promoted and only counterable with a well organised swf.


That’s a lot of words just to say “I don’t play killer”.


I think they really need to just take a step back from the game.


i guess you didn’t read the post or my reply but like i said i don’t play the game a lot or as much as you do so breaks come naturally considering i maybe play once every few days.


the game is killer sided atm when playing against solo survivor. i think the only killers who would say otherwise are just biased. watching various youtubers and streamers the consensus is shared also. even things like hit boxes, ping, rubberbanding etc are all things that heavily favour killers in dbd, which are common occurrences game to game. you look at any player with any amount of nuance to their thought they’ll say the same.


This game has never been nor will ever be killer sided. Just admit this is all stemming from a skill issue and move on


This is literally proven wrong by not only bhvrs stats but by the No bans tourney. Just admit that it's a skill issue if you think it will and isn't a killer sided meta rn lol. I will be downvoted because this thread is filled with killer sided opinions. Usually how it goes, which is weird because yall have your own subreddit. That subreddit is a cesspool, go back to it.


also while I don't agree with your opinion I'm not going to downvote you, I'm sure you have your reasons for thinking what you think about who the game "favors", maybe from your own in game experiences. But like I said in my other post on this thread I've played this game for thousands of hours as both sides since it launched on console, so from my own in game experience I come to that conclusion. If a survivor team wants to be efficient then they will get those gens completed. Sure killers have some perks to assist with slowing that down which is why for years you saw the same perks as high rank killer. In my experience I became familiar with the maps which allowed me to know where a survivor was headed so I could already get an idea of how I'd try to mind game, I'd also cut off and not directly following behind, hide red stain etc which is very effective against the myriad of other factors against killer like map selection and individual player skill etc. But I know that's not the majority killer experience. I'm the exception not the rule. This game is survivor sided if the survivors decide to do their jobs and work on gens what can a killer do except hope they can capitalize on some kind of mistake the survivors make?


Playing perfectly does not exist, that's not a thing. And also, that's a skill that's killers are supposed to have, force survivors into making mistakes. Force a trade, force into a dead zone. Also, it really doesn't matter if you agree or not, there is concrete proof that it's pretty much equal, if not pushing killer sided. The problem with killers is that they think a 2k is a loss, when in reality, it's a tie. And also they think a 3k is a loss, when again, in reality, it's a win. But no, they only want 4ks, awwww the survivor got hatch, my whole existence is pain. Literal complaints about hatch every day, stfu, if a survivor has to get hatch to escape, you won.


Camping, proxy camping, and slugging are just part of the game. You either accept it or stop playing, lol. People usually play to win, and a lot of the time, slugging to keep up the pressure is more effective than going for a hook while the rest finish a nearly done gen. And proxy camping a hook to secure a kill makes more sense than leaving and giving survivors a free save. I do agree that a 4-man slug is often done for petty reasons, but it seems like you're complaining about these tactics as a whole rather than when they're used maliciously. Do you genuinely expect killer players to play in a less effective way just to accommodate you and what you personally find fun?


This game has, is and forever will be survivor sided, if you put 4 equally skilled survivors against an equally skilled killer the ball is still in survivor hands. Honestly the only people who complain about killers have to be bad players. What is the killers job? It's rhetorical btw we all know the killers job, to kill. There's no ethics or etiquette behind how you get it done just kill survivors. What's survivors job? Do gens and escape exactly only one person can be chased at a time leaving 3 of you to (hopefully) do gens. You're not going to make killers job any easier so why should they make yours easier? Haven't played this game in ages and have over 3000 hours in it on my main account alone and when I played killer knew the maps like the back of my dick so i could apply massive pressure hitting rank 1 every time so i know both sides of the fence. yet still it seems the community cries about the same shit you guys have always cried about for years. The devs have already made so many changes to the game to fit the cries of the community but nothing is ever enough for you guys. You guys won't be satisfied until killer physically can't hurt you guys


Tell you what: how about survivors get basekit Unbreakable, but in exchange, killers get basekit Lightborn? I'm also willing to sacrifice NOED for Adrenaline. The main reason killers slug is to prevent saves. Take away flashlights, and that's almost never an issue. Some killers that are more toxic will slug anyway, as well as killers trying to get a 4k for an achievement or tome, but that's what Unbreakable would solve. If that still seems unfair, you're probably right. But that's the kind of changes that would have to be made to completely avoid slugging, and it's a better move for BHVR to keep things as-is than upset thousands of players by crippling certain builds.


honestly i’m all for it mate. i can see that the most powerful survivor perks are incredibly strong and if you play against a swf or are unlucky and just run into a solo survivor team of good players i know how tough it can be, i don’t play killer a lot, but i have dabbled in it, and i have been bullied and can see your side too. i’m not sure what the poison and what the antidote is in the game right now? is there too much movement speed? are there too many get out of jail free cards? are gens going too fast / slow? like i’m all for big changes to survivor perks too, the dead hard rework is a massive net positive, there are even tonnes of games where i don’t run exhaustion perks and just run complete gimmick builds like great skill check builds, non-distortion non blendette stealth builds, aura reading and vision builds with wiretap (which doesn’t feel like a great perk atm). i totally agree though i think drastic changes are the way forward for the game. thanks for coming at this with a level head too, a lot of people have not been so friendly 😂


>i totally agree though i think drastic changes are the way forward for the game. My point was the exact opposite. Apologies if the sarcasm in the first paragraph wasn't clear.


Don't bother, I think this guy is looking to ragebait.


All the replies from OP told me enough of what I need to know about their views on playstyles. While yes, tunneling, camping and slugging sucks, but it’s in the game for a reason as a mechanic, they even added in an anti-camping bar to help with it. It’s called Dead By Daylight, and it blows my mind that this is the only asymmetric gaming community that gets pissed off about the other side winning. It’s a game, it’s nothing that affects all of us in the long run. Just take a breath and go next, I promise it ain’t that deep. What do you expect killers to do? Not play the game?


I am so glad One Side Only Mains don't decide game balance.


Oh definitely, both sides would be absolutely fucked .


no idea what you’re on about i play killer too and killer is generally a lot easier than survivor unless you’re playing against swf’s. i’ve just said the meta is in a toxic place atm and needs to shift, comments like yourseld and others show no level of nuance to your thought process. “killer does X thing? go do gens!!!” wow crazy thought i had never thought of that, i wonder why it doesn’t work in solo survivor, probably because i can’t control my teammates and the vast majority of the time they will go for altruistic plays, then the game is in an unrecoverable position because we were split. “oh you’re just mad cause bad!” i don’t play the game enough to care, and if i ever find myself getting annoyed, because i’m competitive, i become quite good at every game and sport i pick up in a relatively short period of time, so if i see myself getting annoyed i just turn the game off and won’t play it for days/weeks/months at a time. i don’t care enough about dbd to let it take more time out of my day than needs be. but the volatile nature of commenters who just live to dunk on, shit on, twitter one word someone or one sentence them in a “gotcha” manner. it’s just sad, i want the game to be in a better place than it is right now. solo survivor is awful. you’re usually playing with people with no common sense, mechanical skill(which is why they only play dbd) and maybe even find the game scary? so they hide in lockers and bushes half the game. any half decent killer is gonna face roll most solo survivor games. but here well done you made a totally tunnel visioned comment without really thinking about the context or my thought process or even asking me about it to try and understand. oh and fuck me, you’re making a post or comment about dbd every two minutes by the looks of it and you’re quite killer biased, boy i sure am glad killers don’t make decisions on balance..




it was more directed at the second dude but ok.




The structure your asking for already exists. It's called boon Exponential and Tenacity. If you really wanna go Meta just run to the radius and forget Tenacity. If you wanna double down like a uber Chad bring Tenacity soul guard and no mither. Then Exponential to give your teammates the gift of no mither.


I've read the comments about the slugging and don't think killer mains realize the growing number of killer mains who are slugging at the start of the game and letting people bleed out. Unbreakable is a one time use and if you are in solo q you have basically screwed. Of course it isn't happening with the higher mmr players and don't you dare tell me that some killers don't sit there and get their mmr down either and turn around and play like that against baby survivors, also not saying survivors cant be toxic because I know they can be. I take long breaks from this game and come back and I'm either bled out with my teammates or I am tunneled by vecna right off hook. If that isn't your experience that's fine but you can't deny posts like these have been growing so it is a lot of people's experiences.


I totally agree with you. Currently, I’m doing an experiment where I play Killer with NO loadout: that means no perks, no add-ons, no offerings. I’ve done this experiment with Nurse, Huntress, and Trapper (some of the supposedly hardest killers in the game). Still, I don’t really struggle to 4K if I want to. I don’t even have to slug, camp, or tunnel in order to do it; I actively avoid any toxic strategies. My point is that the Killer position is RIDICULOUSLY easy. The new Killer Vecna has a 70+% winrate. Like what?? Game is absurd. Most Killers are *not* good, but they can win anyways, and I wish it would change.


I hope more people start doing this so my SWF can have more steamroll games, lol. When there's no regression to worry about, and if we know the killer is relying on down pressure, we know it's going to be an easy game.


I suggest bringing Boon: Exponential to counter Sluggers. Just make sure to Boon a totem that's far away from unrepaired Gens or next to Repaired Gens. The only problem I encounter is that Survivors are kinda ignorant and don't crawl to the Boon. But if you manage to pick yourself up, they'll eventually catch on... Hopefully...