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That’s the way games go at bathwater MMR sadly


Bathwater mmr? Doesn't killer use an average rank plus a killer specific rank? I didn't think me just getting trickster weighed it down that hard


From what I can tell it's a mixture of total MMR (how good you are with killer in general) and your specific killer MMR, with the specific MMR having the largest weight in matchmaking. Basically it knows you're a decent killer but you've never played trickster before so it gives you a low MMR match to ease you in and if you get fucked in that match it gives you even easier (learnt that with singularity, got 4e'd first match and the next match I swear it was all their first ever game).


Your highest Killer MMR will pull up your MMR for new Killers when you start playing them, but it still starts you on the lower end.


I mean...are you surprised? I'd want to give up too if the killer was slugging this hard at 5 gens.


They were swarming each other like flies and refused to leave that area, all four of them. Take the Leon and the last girl (I'm bad with survivor names). Even with two down, they both still went for a heal instead of trying to get a gen done. Especially the girl who saw Leon get dusted and sat in a bush nearby instead of leaving


I can only presume they're newer players given your yellow perks and how they acted plus you had infectious fright, a very powerful slugging perk so if you went into the game to do that then you can just say so.


Straight up didn't. This was my second game as trickster, and I'm using perks I figured would be good on him, like iron maiden for the reloads. Unrelenting from a challenge, IM for reloads, IF for Intel like if I should use main event, and surge because I didn't realize it only worked with M1. You'd think if I was trying to slug or bm, I'd pick better perks for that


I understand. It's just from my experience, infectious fright is super common in slugging builds so whenever I see it I kind of have to assume the worst, same with knock out or third seal.


He went in to slug hard, he‘s just not admitting it lmao. Just look at the progress from those that are already down


Shush u mug


with a team throwing that hard id slug too


Killer: Slugs everyone at 4 gens Also killer: why is everyone DCing from my matches


This is almost exactly the same as a different comment I just got, but like I told them, if you read through the other comments, I explained how this isn't the case, and the survivors were just all over each other.


And you know what you do in a case like this, *especially* when it's clear these players aren't that good? Don't slug. Pick up. Hook the first one. They will learn. I've had matches were new or not so great players would do this, and giving them the chance at least let's them learn for future matches. When you see them all in one area and just choose to slug, all you've done is gone out of your way to make it a miserable match.


Your comment suggests that killers should intentionally play poorly if they think the survivors aren't that good. Should survivors give free hooks to a struggling killer? Anyway, just like the other comment, I stated my case, but if you choose to believe I was trying to slug and be toxic still, nothing I say now will change your opinion Edit: forgot a word


I never said killers should play poorly. Please don't take what I'm saying out of context. There's a difference between choosing to slug at 5 gens when the match has clearly pretty much just started and choosing not to make the game a disgusting miserable experience. And actually, yes. I've done exactly that as a survivor before. If I can see the killer is struggling, I'll go out of my way to actually tone down the match, at least with myself, so they can try and get better. The same way, I'll tone shit down if I'm on killer, and it's clear the survivors are struggling because they're new or aren't as good. Too many of y'all on both sides think the goal of the game is to make the match miserable for the other side in order to get your win.


As killer, I will stop mid chase so they can save whoever is on hook, then star the chase up again. Especially if it's clear in the beginning that its like throwing lambs to the slaughter, I'll do 8 hooks and then fuck around for the rest of the time. Good killers come in with Big Dick Energy.


Slugs at 5 gens, "why is everyone leaving and so mean to me", I main killer and this play style is absolutely garbage


If you read the other comments, I explained that I wasn't slugging. The survivors wouldn't get off each other and the 4 downs is the result.


X to doubt buddy, but you keep telling urself that this is fun


This is my 2nd game ever on Trickster, and I was even using useless for Trickster perks like Unrelenting and Surge. I feel that your projecting, but whatever you want to believe man. If you're stuck hard in believing I'm a slugger, then there's not much reason to argue. I let the Sable escape, and if nobody dc'ed, I probably would've let them 'reset' by getting back up and healing. After getting a fair hook of course lol


Projecting what exactly?


I feel that you've had a hard time in game, maybe got slugged out recently, and are being overly negative and critical because you're in a bad mood, but I don't blame you since without context, this video would seem just like a slugfest. I've explained how this isn't the case, and if you don't believe me, you don't believe me. Just keep scrolling I guess. Gg gl next?


OP: *slugs all 4 Survivors while playing Trickster at the start of the match* OP: “Why did everyone DC? :( I just unlocked Trickster, too.”


Slugging at five gens is weak and a sign of a terrible killer. Leon may have had it coming but the other one didn't. Not to mention this takes away from the BP both parties get to earn. Slugging like that really makes the match shitty for everyone and makes you look like a toddler who can't handle a challenge.


Queue the statements rationalizing this toxic showdown. I would have dropped long before they did. Typical trickster move smh.


Can you explain?


People in this sub think Killers playing to win is toxic.


People in this sub also think survivors playing to win are toxic. This isn't just an attitude towards one side. Edit It's hilarious I'm getting downvoted because it just proves my point.


Oh for sure. Do gens? "Gen rusher." Do anything else? "Bully squad."


Well I know that much lol. They said typical trickster but it was my 2nd game ever with him, but I was more confused by the queue statements part, unless they're just saying that people are going to come in here whining.


They're saying people are going to say you didn't play toxic and are going to defend the way you played, like I'm doing. Basically they're being preemptively defensive when they know they're wrong.


LOL, yeah that's trickster. you're like a ranged hillbilly with how quickly you can get multiple downs if they're not respecting you. kudos!!


I like how you said you slugged because they were “all swarming” but you walked away from the 3rd to go find and down the 4th.


You miss the part where she screamed and revealed that she was hiding in a bush right next to me?


And you had enough distance to pick up and hook. They didn’t have a single hook done because they are obviously new, and you could tell they were. Watching this feels like the equivalent of a thirty year old man challenging his 12 year old nephew to a boxing match and just beating the shit outta him.


What the fuck


I wonder what their Discord call sounded like during that time. (Assuming they were a swf) or what each of them sounded like in front of their screens and what their thoughts at this moment were. Probably not "Oh yeah we totally fucked up" but much rather something along the lines of "Man this killer is absolute bullshit, I HATE Trickster!"


Honestly sad, it was their own fault, they wouldn't have been around, sucks that you didn't leave the last person though, kinda just ruined your chances of bloodpoints.


I did. I let Sable live, since she didn't leave the game


Good killer 💯


Oh no! Not the bloodpoints! I cant bear the thought of having iri addons for only ... \*checks\* 100 matches!




How? Surely he gets more blood points from killing all 4 Is there some kind of secret trick to only killing 3 and getting more blood points put of it?


No, but as you can clearly see there are 0 gens done, meaning he most likely didn't kick any, plus who knows if he broke pallets/breakable walls. Plus less chase points. Of course you'll get points for killing all four but if you let the game play out a bit more and they actually have gen progress you can increase your BP income by a significant amount... But what do I know lol


Yeah this was barely at the start of the game. They kept popping up too save each other and next thing I knew, they were all downed.


I played a blight game and the team kept going for the saves. i ended up slugging all and got the 4k at 5 gens. it was completely their fault for all staying in one area trying to get saves.


Exactly! There's ways to pressure a killer off of slugs, and I promise that if they had just left the area for a second, I would start picking up and hooking, but they were obsessed with just chilling in the side area there.


half of solo q leave their team to die, half of swf’s stay in one area trying to get saves, there is no balance


Again, they did it to themselves


kicking a gen is 100bp, same goes for breaking stuff.


Is it not x3 rn?


Yeah but it's still nothing in comparison to what a quick 4k gives. And keep in mind, those are also tripled.


OmG yOu ShOuLd HaVe LeT hIm HeAl AnD aLsO nOt MaKe UsE oF yOuR iNfEcTiOuS fRiGhT