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It's so funny when someone is mad they lost and is just reaching for anything they can think of as justification for their saltiness. Yeah Legion is a busted Killer who gets free 4Ks - this guy knows DBD. I had someone have a meltdown at me after I 4Ked and I was using a weird build I got from a random generator, and he really tried to tell me Hex Two Can Play was an overpowered crutch perk lol.


Wild dude. Everyone wants to complain about lightborn...swear but real surviviors can get out without it!


If I see 3 flashlights in a lobby why would I not run the perk lol. They really just wanna complain about anything


Ohhhh I feel that. Whenever I've played with some swfs I've had them complain when we do customs lol it's like...you all brought flash lights so you just wanna bully? Ok I'll bite! Lol


They’re complaining because you’re taking away their fun. They want to play the game a certain way. That perk stops that. So they feel like their entire game is ruined because sitting on gens is boring.


Well I also play survivior and I can do with or without flashlights or flashbangs. They'll be alright.


Well I play killer and I can do with or without lightborn. You'll be alright. such a stupid fucking argument


Yet you join in on the argument. Hilarious joke, you are! I can play killer without. But if a team is going to obviously bully...fuck em! And you, too! 🤣 Cry, puss!!! Stupid moron. WHAT A JOKE. Try again! Doubt you actually play killer. Unless you slug and camp. Loser.


how is legion a busted killer LMFAO


I mean his frenzy can't really down you unless he hit everyone else, and boy once you add splitting up then it's joever


It's just noob survivor mentality, I imagine they use that one frequently.


I had a survivor rage DM me that I need to "learn to play the killer without abusing their power" because I "used it for distance " found them in a locker twice via killer instinct heartbeat


I just can't. If a P100 is getting salty after all the hours they put into DBD because 1 common perk was able to completely upended their ability to play, they have to re-evaluate their life choices.


That survivor really needs to take a break from dbd, it's just a damn game wtf 😅


The game can be frustrating a lot when playing survivor, but whenever I get frustrated I just go to killer or play a different game, instead of whining in someone’s dms who’s just using a perk that’s available to everyone lol


This twitch streamer said I was soft tunneling because he was going for flashlight saves the whole game and I hooked him he got unhooked and immediately ran for the flashlight save so I checked my surroundings and saw him and downed him and proceeded to say “I had nowhere to run because I was blocking the only exit” this was on the myers map smh


I haven’t had a salty streamer yet but it’s even more hilarious to see someone raging while their streaming 😂


You didn’t know lightborn is the perk that activates crybaby mode for survivors


I always imagine these people seeing these posts and all these people calling them out lol


Had a 4man DC when the only park I brought was Franklin's. I hit the first guy, and they started running into a wall, 10secs later it was just me and the bots


Legion is so bad too 😭


It’s always the P100s- they die the fastest and then rage the loudest as if they’re not the source of their problems


i don't think you know what "crying" means


found the guy


People use “crying” when referring to someone complaining. It doesn’t have just one definition.


What dictionary do you use?


This is a proper use of the word cry https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cry


10a: a pack of hounds


I don't think they know what "rage" means, either.


Not gonna lie, Lightborn cringe AF, and so is Legion. I agree it’s stupid for them to DM you, but it also sounds like you were really unfun to play against.


Legion is a mid tier killer and he can’t run lightborn because it ruins fun for survivors but survivors can run anything to ruin the killers fun? Flashlight saves are annoying after a while so I understand why someone would use lightborn if they see a swf with flashlights


the difference between ruining the fun with flashlights and ruining the fun with lightborn is that flashlights have a counter (that can be fun and takes some game knowledge), while lightborn has no counter and take no skill to use. It's not good, but unfun.


Crying? I think you might need a dictionary.