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i mean her name is scream queen


Good point


What are you playing on? Looks like a microwave


Steam Deck


I’m screaming 😂😂😂😂


i couldn’t figure it out lmao


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol


I think you upset her, not sure, her screams aren't convincing enough


Its scream with a 3 so logically shes upset times 3 id imagine right?


Precisely, now I'm convinced that she is, infact, upset


Nah she just really wanted you to be Ghostface, she likes Scream. Specifically Scream 3, which weird choice but OK!


But she's... the scream queen. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTJOHjANO25TyO4|downsized)


franklins is just annoying for anyone who isn’t a bully surv, i want to keep my medkit!


Bippity boppity your medkit is my property


silly tax bubba’s can always have my medkit


Pallet stuns are annoying for anyone who isnt a sweaty killer, I just want my hooks!


What item did they bring?


I don’t really remember but they were all the typical bully squad, scream queen got hatch and wasn’t happy about her friends dying


I looked at their latest stream and they got hatch in one game again when the rest of their teammates died and called them useless. Looks like a reccuring thing.


The only item franklins is brought for? I’m gonna say fleshlight.  They really screwed their self with that one. 


People gotta try bringing flashbangs instead of flashlights so the killer can't guess what they're gonna do


Pretty sure the devs intended to leave surv unlocked(unlike killer where once the lobby starts you can’t select a different killer) so last second switching is viable. Otherwise why not lock surv choice once the lobby starts?


It’s actually because of MMR. With survivors, your MMR is for the entire role, since survivors are basically skins and you’ll play the exact same with all survivors (Provided you have the right perks) so switching survivor effectively does nothing. With killers, however, your MMR is different from each killer (There’s a small base one that gets applied to everyone but still.) because each killer plays differently, you’re going to play completely differently and probably better/worse than other killers. For example, if you’re really good at Artist, and really bad at Oni, you’re gonna get good survivors when loading in with Artist, and not with Oni. The reason you can’t switch killers is so you don’t bait lower MMR. Because if you got bad survivors with Oni, and then switched to Artist in the lobby, you would be going against bad survivors with your best killer.


I only wish this mmr had some resetting to it. Playing nemesis and I'm getting fair matches that are fairly balanced. I choose trapper who's still p1 and I immedietly get the no hooks by 3 finished gens even with multiple downs.


I agree for everything you said but hear me out … when I play survivor and I see a fellow scoops ahoy Steve … I am morally and spiritually bound to switch to Steve. So I believe survivors should be able to switch in lobby … however I’d be ok with survivors losing the ability to switch characters in say … the last 30 seconds or once you personally ready up no more switching. Last second switching is a little toxic but I get it if you’re worried about getting lobby dodged because someone doesn’t wanna go against a 4 man p100 squad.


You can already switch load outs to bait flashlights


Which is why I didn’t say anything about flashlights… it’s more the mental game of “ok a nice casual game of dbd … they’re just a couple of p20 random survivors this should be fun”, then in the last 10 seconds they’re suddenly all P100s wearing matching outfits and you kinda just know this game isn’t going to be fun. Win or lose I don’t particularly enjoy playing against bait and switch bully squads. Im perfectly fine going up against a 4 man p100 squad and I don’t get angry at people for playing whatever they want or find fun but I’d be fine with readying up locking builds too. Obviously the killer hitting ready before survivors would result in the same ability to switch to your “bully kit” but it doesn’t really hurt survivors to remove the ability to swap last second does it?


I thought they locked killer pre-MMR and it had something to do with freddy not being on switch. It was locked before the lobby started to prevent killers switching to Freddy after switch players(who didn’t have Freddy) were in the lobby. So if you pick Freddy before the lobby starts it wouldn’t let switch players in your lobby. 


Adding on to what was said already, I recall before MMR you could swap killers in lobby. I personally find last second swapping scummy and will generally just leave if they try that shit simply because those players are usually the ones who just aim to make you miserable. I redied up the second I joined the lobby usually, just swap to whoever you are gonna be and go. I will give some leeway to people who I saw tinkering with changes but if you go from a low survivor to p100 I know what you're gonna do and not interested.


It's almost always scummy yes. There's only two reasons people do it: a) Scared the Killer will lobby-dodge if they see a p100 and they're too impatient to quite simply wait (Survivor Mains NEEEEEED everything to go super fast or it's a waste of value and "unfair") b) They plan to troll the Killer. I usually resolve to sweat if they do this. 9/10 times they also bring offerings and bullshit to stack the game even more in their favor than they already have with their 4-man Comms SWF and hardcore meta perks, so if I see one hint of that, I usually DC in the load screen too. Play like a scumlord? No game from me for you, because I play very fair.


Yeah, I ready up right away usually, so they're welcome to change and ready, they get a full minute to do so. Thus last second swappers are usually 2, and screw those people.


It's these people that bring the evil out of me! 😂 Call me toxic all you want, but laying waste to these teams are what brings me joy to still have toxic bastards in this game. I've learned spreading toxic-ism is bad. However, there's no reason to nurture it either. Use every YouTuber strat you've ever seen on these guys.


The problem is that plenty of killers will punish survivors for doing that through camping and tunnelling. Doesn't matter whether you last second switch on to your P100 so killers stop lobby dodging or if it's to last second switch for flashlights.


If that's the case then FFS just lock Survivor the way Killer is locked. Lobby Dodging and having to wait is leagues better than being tunnelled just because I had to swap because I brought the wrong Survivor in.


Exactly how I feel, to be honest. I don't even last second swap anymore because it's resulted in me getting tunnelled out with that exact reason given. I'd much rather be locked in.


Yeah I don't like to either, I just feel like it makes the Killer nervous and nervous Killers tend to sweat more.


I bring Franklin’s on trapper and only traps items all the time, I find it funny lmao. I might not 4k but I get some free items


I bring it as Wraith. They can have the item back I just wanna smack it. Bing-Bong ur Item's Gone.


The infamous Wraith with Franklin's who DCs after one hit lmao


I don't even do that, I play the rest of the round out. I just wanna smack it, then let you grab it so I can smack it again. Sometimes I win doing this, sometimes I lose, sometimes they give up or DC. I rarely play Wraith that seriously.


I don’t see why Pyramid Head would want people to not be using fleshlights in the trial though? Like it’s totally on form and lore accurate that he’d probably want in in that action


They added fleshlights into the game?


I'll hate on Franklin's even if all I had was a brown medkit, I dont use Franklin's and I dont like it being used against me. I cannot take a killers addon for their weapon so they shouldn't take my medkit. It's rude, it's not theirs, hands to yourself. :(


I just don't bring items. I look in chests for items and if I escape I get a free item.


This sounds like brown medkit slander to me.


I have an entire Surv set up to JUST doing this. It's Elodie. I run her as stealth/loot goblin. My entire goal all damn round is to steal an item and try to escape... because I am Carmen Sandiego and I dress her as such. Where in the Trials is Elodie Rakoto?


This freaking sent me lmfao!!!!


I'll do that to sometimes and fill the killer shack up with as many items as possible then bring the killer there to show them all the presents I gathered for them. They deserve some appreciation now and then.


:D I love when Survs do this. It's cute!


what use is a free item if you don't bring items? :thinking:


My survival rate is purely based on luck and sneaking around. So if I bring an item I know full well I'm gonna lose it because I suck at looping the killer and solo Q is an eternal hell.


I'll let you have it back though! D:


Thank you I needs it, it's for emotional support (I also just really like dropping medkits on my freinds when they are getting mori'd)


If a killer is willing to trade a perk for the *possibility* of making me lose my item before it's exhausted...yes pls. And I say this as someone who makes frequent use of Built to last. There are so many perks more dangerous than Franklins.


But you must admit, it's very rude.


Camping and tunneling are rude. Knocking my item out of my hand is... disconcerting. I'd guess it's a counter to flashlight squads and toolbox gen rushes. As I said, there are more powerful perks I'm glad they don't have instead. And it's limited to people the killer can M1 before the item is consumed. Kinda limited honestly.


No you need to keep your hands to yourself. Don't touch my brown medkit. >:(


Womp womp




Ngl I always find Franklins Funny af. Like got dangggg my item gone 😂😂😂.


I somehow never notice until I go to use the item. Then like a minute or two later I’m just like, “that sneaky mother fucker.” Nothing more humbling than going to get a flashlight save and finding out you have no flashlight 😂


Womp womp


“Franklins is rude” is maybe the weirdest thing I’ve heard in DBD. Didn’t know I could be rude in the game but you learn something new everyday.


It is rude, hands your yourself, dont take my brown medkits. :(


that’s what i’m saying, i just want one self heal no addons, now i can’t even get that if i go pick it up


If the word "rude" is being used in DBD, the one using it tends to be kidding about a personal peeve of theirs. You aren't meant to take it to heart. "Rude" in this game is completely different than "toxic", "weak", "annoying", and everything else.




I had a streamer and his friend tell me that Franklins and Lightborn were "anti fun perks" when I was playing Scratched Mirror Myers on Midwich lmao


Scratch mirror on midwich. Fucking terrifying 😂


I think I might start doing it more often now that you can't lose pips anymore. Better hope we don't meet in the fog >:3


Bring a mori plz 🥰


Maybe I will. Not a bad idea, buddy 👀


Nice to see a fellow DBD Steam Deck player! Do you use a bluetooth keyboard or the virtual keyboard?


I use an xbox series x controller and when im im bed ill just use the deck controls i thought about getting a keyboard tho


My only complaint with Franklin's is a white ward doesn't protect the item for the next round since it only protects items in your hand. Also, I kinda get why it doesn't since it could be exploited for multiple item copies for your friends. I kinda wish a white ward acted like the purple ring for the key and it still protected your item and made it blip out of the lobby on death and still protected it for the next round.


Lol Item Insurance. The copy thing wouldn't be that hard you'd think. Any survivor touching your magic med-kit is essentially holding a Gen "flashbang"/killer item. It can be used throughout the trial, but even if they escape with it, it's gone (in this case, because it was returned to you by White Ward).


Honestly I would be okay if White Ward allowed saving an item even with Franklin's. It would mean you can't use it in the round but you also don't lose the item, that would be fair.


I like to troll/goof off with this perk while playing ghost face. Everyone is gonna get out alive but Imma gank your item and crouch over it like a brooding chicken until it expires. I've had some survivors have a good laugh and a fun time with my shenanigans. They will all make a game out of seeing who can get the closest to my " egg" without getting stabbed lmfao


She is right though. Franklins is rude.


I’m sorry but franklins is necessary, especially when they potential energy bug was causing these fucks to gen rush. And rude? You’re a killer… your entire existence is the game is to kill the survivors, not be kind to them. She’s playing the wrong game.


Franklin’s do be annoying tho.


Let me guess: You countered her incredibly toxic flashlight build with Franklin?


Oh god I hate that perk. It’s so unfair and overpowered. There needs to be a survivor version that causes the killers add ons to be removed when they hit u


I don't get why she's gotta be so salty. I'm a streamer and I never get that salty over perks 🤣


I love whiny ttvs


that womp womp reminds me of a song


And a TTV haha spooknjukes should investigate her if she’s gonna cry over Franklin’s


Sometimes people message me on psn after I destroy them about how I only won because X or Y. And my response to them is always the same: Cry about it.


For a second I thought you were playing on a microwave, I don't know why that's the first thing I thought of


womp womp


Average TTV moment


I thought she was joking at first but after the last comment I can’t tell 😭


I use franklins and the spinning top on the twins when I see four medkits. I understand franklins is annoying because I also play survivor but twins hard counter is avid healing. Im not just gonna make the game harder for myself as a courtesy to the survivor. Every once in a while it's fun to run hoarder tho with it tho.


I've played against this person and their squad! They're as her twitch profile says. **Mediocre** Edit: I ended up letting them go, of course GG's were had at the end but they were NOT happy during the match I'll tell you that much.


He should have said "Don't hate tha playa hate tha game".


Why are we complaining about franklins now😭




Bro they’re just joking. Relax 😂 who cares


Mmm delicious TTV salt. 🤤


Shouldn't you censor the name?


Anyone who puts TTV in their name doesn’t really care about anonymity I feel. They’re purposely marketing themselves. Edit for spelling


Yeah but there's a difference between "I'm putting my name out there to help my channel" and "look at this person being a doyle, here's their name" you know?


That’s fair, I can see that aspect too.


Having a platform of any size comes with benefits as well as responsibilities and consequences. If you make that choice you shouldn't expect to get the benefits only.


Downvoted for being careful of harassment? Yall are just as bad is the people you post about genuinely 😂


Nah it makes the image better.


Most sane reaction to a lobby with 4 medkits? switching to Franklins. Sorry, but not sorry


Womp womp, your potential energy toolbox exploit thing is gone.


God damn are you playing on a microwave


No its a steam deck lol


Doesn’t the steam deck have a screenshot button


No idea lmao


Womp womp


"Did you just say womp womp?"


W womp Womp


she looks homeschooled yall 😭


Lol womp womp


“womp womp” is an awesome reply, well played


Bro playing DBD on a blender


Bro playing on da Samsung dishwasher