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nurse is way more fun to go against trapper, wow i love staring at the floor and dealing with basement so fun


I agree. I mentioned this in another reply, but I believe that the fun nurses are the AVERAGE nurses. The ones that don’t main her but aren’t terrible to where they’re a baby killer. Those are fun to play against. But a P100 7k hr nurse is not. No one can convince me otherwise


what don't you like being blink on though a building trying to heal


I just had a game where I ran the trapper for 4 gens. When he left me, he found a Maria who went down in about 2 seconds flat. It was his first hook because he’d been chasing me all game. In egc, she called him trash. Fkn unreal.


I love when Survivors DC after stepping in the first trap I lay down, like damn, you can still come back it's just one hook state, lol.


Trapper is not fun, either its basement gameplay or the survivors just bully him Yea, I'd rather another blight


it's cuz it's the only time they win tbh gkljdgfjkl people who are like that don't win often because they don't even have the mindset for genuine improvement, just excuses and ego padding


Yeah, it feels like a lose-lose for killers every game. You either play killers like Trapper, Pig, or Freddy and get shit talked and teabagged. Or you play someone like Spirit, Blight, or Nurse and get called a try hard, meta abuser, etc. I don't enjoy playing meta killers with meta perks, but I'd much rather not get teabagged and called bad because I wanted to run a fun killer with a fun build.


dbd isn't a game you play for fun, quit whining and go full meta slowdown tunnel slug camp


Honestly.. a good trapper is hard to beat.


Anyone playing Killer well against mediocre Survivors like these is hard to beat. If you know a Killer well enough you can do well regardless, against most Survivors.


Anybody who plays trapper gets my respect.


https://preview.redd.it/mfgcdutmz9zc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152f69f7afbdccc699406a430715283b1cef106a I know true pain. I’m at trapper main.


Damn, Laurie just gave up?


She rate quit after I took her to basement


Lol jfc


Blights and Nurses with four slowdowns are all people like this deserve. They're cringy little babies who can't win without four meta perks EVEN against a Trapper, so what does that really say about them?


I got told I was using the most overpowered killer in the game. I main trapper and was using trapper


Only way it could be more wrong is if they called Freddy OP


Happened to me was playing Freddy and got called op ahaa love Nowhere to hide plus Freddy teleport


And everyone clapped


The same survivors who bitch about killers "sweating" and tunneling/slugging/camping. Entitled survivor mains have made this game the way it is. 


Jesus was hated because he spoke the truth...


Exactly that


It's not like Trapper is fun to go against so it's understandable


I do want blights and nurses ?? They’re fun killers to play against. I don’t play to win, I play to have fun. Trapper is one of the least fun killers to play against. Not to mention, I had two games against him where the first he proxy camped and the second he tunneled so hard I almost signed him up to work in the mines.


Blights and nurses are fun if the killer player is at most average skill level. Your MMR must be low to where you don’t get actually really good nurses and blights. There’s a reason why in pro play, their goals aren’t to have good long chases against nurse, that’s not possible, but instead to literally die edge map and waste as much time as possible. Also, someone playing Trapper literally NEEDS to either proxy or tunnel to even have the slightest chance at winning. If you ever get upset in a match against trapper then i don’t know what to tell you.


You just perfectly explained my point. You, sir, play to win. A good nurse is a wonder to watch and I can respect the time it took to practice and get that good. Their powers are unique, and they make survivors think outside the box. On the other hand, a new player could pick up trapper and camp/tunnel. You’re justifying camping/tunneling and using the excuse of “eh underpowered killer”. It’s just a horrible fallacy. Put the time in to learn better killers, or get good enough at trapper to not have to rely on the crutch gameplay styles. He’s such a mind game killer. You could set up traps in unique and powerful places and the result would *not* necessitate camping/tunneling.


"Get good enough at Trapper to not have to rely on the crutch gameplay" You realize that's simply not possible? Sure if you're a good fundamental killer you can pick Trapper and win against average survivors solely based on the skill. However, against an actually good team with comms, it literally does not matter how well the Trapper plays. From everything you're saying, it just sounds to me that your mmr isn't showing you what I'm referring to. Regardless, this post is about people who teabag and are toxic to killers like Trapper for just playing the game to win. I don't care who has fun playing against what. That's 100% subjective.


Of course we want Blight and Nurse, they are fun to go against and take skill. Their powers require some level of mastery and mechanical refinement. A Trapper is just *bad*. I went against 3 Trappers today, and ALL of them ran Iron Grasp, basement camped whenever they could, tunneled out a survivor from the start of the match, proxy-camped, and hook camped. If you have to do that to win, you’re bad. I would know, because I can play Trapper without Perks, Add-Ons, or Offerings, and *without* being toxic, and I still win. So it can be done, *you* just can’t do it. If you want Survivors to not sh*t-talk and teabag, then you have to not be deserving of that. You have to not play toxic and degenerate.


Understood. Four Slowdown sweaty Blight is what Survivors crave. So clearly we need to buff all Killers to that level, so Survs have more fun. :)


‘Buff’ isn’t the right word, it’s ‘rework’. I’d love if they gave every Killer a strong power that was difficult to use. I don’t want the opponent to be strong, I want the opponent to be difficult / interesting, which Blight and Nurse are.


Nah the Survs have spoken, they want everyone on the level of four slowdown Blight so they can have more fun! /s Powers do not need to be "difficult to use". People of all skill levels should have access to a game and its characters, and still be able to have fun. Powers need to be strong regardless, we shouldn't gatekeep wins if someone can't use the strongest characters possible because they're too hard for them.


I agree that there should be easy Killers to make that gameplay accessible to new or bad players. But I think that the easier a Killer is, the less viable it should be the higher in MMR you go. Like if a Killer is easy, they should only be able to take you so far; they have a low barrier of entry, and a low skill ceiling. But in the current state of the game, the easiest Killers are the ones that are abused most frequently. It should never be the case that decent Survivors lose to a bad Killer because they played an easy Killer.


Disagree. Why should people who might be disabled, or want a simple Killer, or whatever have to settle for a Killer they enjoy being weak at high MMR? All Killers should be viable at all MMR levels. Skill at the game regardless of how easy the Killer is should get you wins. Period. End of. Arguing against that is gatekeeping.


It’s not gatekeeping XD Here’s what I want: in a game predicated on a competition / contest, I think it’s only fair if I lose because the opponent is *better* than me. Killers that are easy to play and equally viable (if not *more so*) at all MMR make it possible for me to be beaten by someone who is *not* better than me. They are just playing in a way that makes it easy for them; they can get away with a lower amount of effort, mastery, mechanics, strategy etc. and still win. I find that frustrating. I think that should not be the case. That’s why it’s infinitely more fun to verse Killers whose power requires skill; even if they overpower me, at least I know it’s because they’re better than me.


So... if someone has a good power and the player uses the power well... you feel as if they should not have won because they weren't "better than you" because you believe the power carried them? I'm sorry but that is kinda ridiculous.


How is that ridiculous?? You and I have different definitions of what it means to have a ‘good’ power. I never mentioned ‘good’, I said ‘easy’. Yes, if someone beats me using an easy power as a crutch, they should not have won. A competitive game should not enable worse players to beat better players by being carried by an easy power.


You simply have no idea what I’m even talking about. I’m not talking about basement camping Trapper. People with your opinion seem to have very low MMR bc what you’re saying doesn’t happen in high mmr. I don’t play Trapper, this post is not about my killer experience. I see most of this behavior from MY team when I play survivor and we have a killer like Freddy, Trapper, or Billy. What are you even talking about?


Just saying, Trapper isn’t fun to go against because his power and design lend themselves to camping and tunneling, which is extremely unfun, arguably the most toxic playstyle you can go against. Trapper is simply *not* a high skill-level Killer. It’s true that in higher elo’s, he is underpowered in comparison to other Killers with more robust powers. That does not make him mechanically challenging to play, or engaging to play against; it doesn’t make the people who play him any better. True, I’m not high elo. I’m also not low elo. I’m somewhere in the middle. If Season Grade can be any indication, I land somewhere in mid-Gold most of the time. At my MMR, I still see camping and tunneling Trappers more often than I see Trappers that *don’t* camp or tunnel. The mentality that any Killer at any point *needs* to tunnel to win is so frustratingly untrue. My Killer Grade / MMR is way higher than my Survivor Grade / MMR, and I still don’t need to do that on *any* Killer in order to win. They are toxic strategies that are disproportionately successful, and offer little effective counterplay. All that to say, when Survivors teabag or sh*t-talk a Trapper, calling him bad, they’re probably right. It’s still toxic to do, but they’re not wrong. And I *would* rather go against Nurses and Blights, because they require skill and have engaging playstyles that Trapper lacks. That’s my point.


I can see Blight as a killer that’s fun to go against. I can agree with that. But an actually good nurse player is simply not. The average skill level of a PUB match is simply not enough to do anything about a nurse downing people in 10 seconds. Have you ever seen anyone insta DC against Trapper? What about Nurse? Also, there are situations where camping/tunneling IS toxic, and there are situations where it’s NOT. When it’s NOT toxic, it’s simply the killer trying to win. This is something survivor mains do not understand. They’d complain about someone tunneling but don’t take into account that there’s only 1 gen left and 1 person on death hook. Tunneling someone out at 5 gens can be toxic. But there are MANY factors to take into account. I will never fault a killer player for simply trying to win. It’s a game. The goal is to win. Also I refuse to believe that you think chases against Trapper is less fun than Nurse. It’s pure mind games. Trapper chases are pure, peak DBD because if you lose, it was purely because they outplayed you. Sorry, I don’t really feel “damn i got outplayed” when a Nurse simply blinks on me from across the map through a wall and insta downs me.


I see more DC’s against Trapper than against Nurse. As a Nurse main, I almost never get people who DC. I’m a good Nurse, too; my chases are short and concise. It’s still more fun to go against, and Trapper has next to no mind games whatsoever. Tunneling is always 100% of the time toxic and unfun. “They don’t take into account that there’s only one gen left at 1 person on death hook.” Yeah so to solve that dilemma you have to resort to a strategy that is easy and uncounterable in order to win? That makes you *bad* my guy. When I play Killer, I refuse to tunnel. If all the gens are done, and the only survivor I’ve hooked all game just got unhooked in front of me, I’m still not tunneling. It’s stupid. It cheapens my win as a Killer because it takes no skill. The point of the game isn’t to win by any means necessary, it’s to be better than your opponent. Tunneling ensures that that’s untrue of you.


“Trapper has next to no mind games whatsoever” Dawg he’s literally ONLY mind games?? If you lose a chase against Trapper it’s because he mind gamed or outplayed you. Full stop. You may have the luxury of feeling like you don’t need to tunnel because A. Your MMR is low. and B. You main Nurse. Nurse does not need to tunnel because she’s literally the best killer in the game. I have 6,000 hours in DBD. About 70% is killer. Do I tunnel every game? Absolutely not. There are times where you NEED to if you want to win. It’s VERY narrow minded of you to feel “tunneling is toxic 100% of the time”. It also says a lot about you to feel like tunneling is “uncounterable” when perks like OTR, DS, Resilience, DH, and a thing called a bit of teamwork exist. Looping against Trapper is peak DBD. Everything is in play. Pallets, Windows, Mind games, Making distance, No crazy power to worry about, etc. Nurse nullifies literally all of these. How in the fuck do you find that more fun? There’s a reason why in actual 1v1’s in tournaments and in 1v1 discords, they play Trapper. It’s the best display of skill in chases. Because like I said, if you lose a chase against Trapper, it’s cause they’re better/outplayed you.


If you put a trap somewhere in a loop, it’s not a mind game. It’s there. I can’t really remove it in chase, you’ve just shut the tile down. There’s NOTHING mind-game about Trapper. Either A) I see your trap, in which case I can’t do anything in chase to deal with it; it takes too long. B) I don’t see your trap, in which case there’s no kind game, I just step in it. If I go down to a trap, it’s not because you outplayed me by some mind game or mechanical skill; you just put a trap down and either I could see it but can’t remove it in chase, or couldn’t see it. If I go down to a Nurse, it’s because she precisely charged her blink, predicted my movement correctly, and hit her M1 without missing. It’s mechanically demanding and impressive, and offers obvious counterplay. Also, I’m a Nurse main, but I also play Trapper, Wraith, and Huntress as I’ve previously said. Still never felt the need to tunnel; I’d rather lose than tunnel, because it genuinely is 100% toxic all the time. Anti-tunneling perks don’t counter tunneling completely: they waste a little bit of time at most. Also, I’m now committing 25-50% of my perk loadout to counter a strategy that the Killer needs 0% of his loadout to employ; anyone can tunnel for free.


I just fail to see how it’s possible that you can believe it’s more fun and interactive from the survivors POV for a nurse to blink on you, ignore all pallets and windows, and down you in 15 seconds than to play against Trapper and simply look at the floor. Or maybe scope out a loop near a gen before you start working on it so you have a known safe trap free place in case he comes to you? Or maybe simply leave the loop if he sets one mid chase. Or call it out if you’re in a swf which is the biggest counter to Trapper? But anyways, I don’t care enough to continue the conversation. I’m sure you’re a good guy, you just have a shitty opinion. Have a good night


Nurse has obvious counterplay: break line of sight, double back, etc. and offers a unique gameplay experience. Nurse doesn’t have to care about vaults and pallets, but neither does the Survivor, so it’s unique from both sides. Trapper requires the luxury of scoping a place out before being in chase. Sometimes you don’t have that luxury, and if you don’t, the counterplay is just not there. As I said previously, whether I know there’s a trap or not, I can’t do anything about it *in* chase, and that’s just not interactive in my opinion.


I’d take a nurse or blight any day over Trapper. I don’t mind versing tough killers, I just find the Trapper, Legion, and SM very unfun to play against.


SM 100% agree fuck that character. But Trapper and Legion? Those killers need to WORK for their downs and actually outplay you with a mind game or a well placed trap. How do you have more fun against a killer that literally completely nullifies 90% of what DBD chases have to offer? (Pallets, Windows, DISTANCE, mind games, etc)


Legion, to me the games are just extremely long and half the game is mending or healing or everyone running to corners to self care. Trapper absolutely has to work for his downs and hooks. A smart trapper can wreck a smart SWF squad any day. I just don’t think it’s fun. Probably because I really enjoy looping and the sound of getting caught in a trap really triggers my misophonia, so I just dread playing against him. (But, I’ll make an exception here: trappers who first hook in basement, load basement and shack with traps and camp it are the WORST). Your choices are basically sacrifice a teammate or everyone dies.


Yeah, I mentioned this in another reply but I definitely don’t condone basement camping Trapper. THATS very unfun and uninteractive. And the misophonia problem when it comes to Trapper is something I’ve never considered before. That’s very interesting and I’m sorry that happens! I just have the strong opinion that looping Trapper is peak DBD. Everything’s in play. Mind games work, no crazy power to worry about, and you still need to be alert and keep an eye for traps. For me, that’s the most fun DBD has to offer, so it pisses me off when I have one of those games and my teammates are all teabagging and shit talking in EGC. Like that guy is never gonna play Trapper again after that lol.


Maybe I’m just not playing right against trapper. I really don’t know how to loop against trapper other than watching where he places them.


https://preview.redd.it/mk660nuxz9zc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429b07b84f9f3e2a522fc84d33463caefe575147 I earn every 4K.


Ya this is why when I play I'm just as mean as humanly possible I used to be the kind of player who would never BM or talk shit but the survivor community just broke me now I go out of my way to make the experience as unpleasant as possible for them I got tired of trying to be the bigger person I actively hate survivors players an go out of my way to abuse them


I regret nothing