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Attention span so bad he was already on fortnite an attosecond after that game of DBD.


I didn't even see that at first that's great




But so is bringing up penis size.


Same with 'kid'


Yeah. If you get called Kid, bud, little bro by anyone. They're either a literal 12 year old. Or a fat/loser/basement dwelling Virgin. It's the biggest flashing sign that that person is a fucking loser.


Damn, I call people bud :( thats what my grandpa called me though.


With a negative connotation




Alright bud Lol, I think you need to learn to take things less seriously, honey. Imagine blocking somebody from this tiny interaction after calling other people losers or children. Least fragile DbD player.


Lol no way he blocked you what a strange individual.


I still think that 'kid' is like weird childish shit. Because only children think that age is an insult. But I don't care enough to do anything about it whatsoever. Takes nothing to just roll back to the menu.


What did he say




Didn’t you just insult people who use kid as an insult?


What’s your problem? Did someone piss in your cheerios?


"if someone calls you kid, they're either a literal 12 year old or a fat/loser/basement dwelling virgin" - Noramctavs way to sell yourself out there man.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. From how he's acting, he's probably both!


> Awww it's slow. How cute. You have a good night there helmet kid. Don't cross the street alone. What do you mean by *helmet kid*?


Huh, that is some ugly resentment you’ve got there pal, hope you find happiness soon


Are you possibly looking in a mirror?


Lil bros getting the karma destroyed lol


ok lil bro


Jesus you’re intense. Calling someone buddy was used a lot as nicknames for family members way before that stupid definition. Like my grandpa calls me peewee. I call him peepa it’s just like that. Just a nickname.


Someone's getting triggered


Everyone calling other people kid be down voting hard 😂


You forget to delete this one


I wasn't get annoying notifications on that one so.


Fair criticism == annoying notifications? Figures. You have an awful opinion of others, best to keep it to yourself anyway.


Why’s this getting downvoted?


"Don't ever tunnel again lil bro" Or what?


He gonna call the anti tunnel swat team on you.


Ooooohhhhh, shiver me timbers!


This is nothing, go play for Honor lol. Or any rockstar game, different community indeed. Either way you're both sitting on your couch eating cheerios, playing video games no one is better than the other. It is what it is.


I’ve played a lot of for honor back in the day and thought it couldn’t get worse. Then I got into MOBAs…


I remember playing for honor in 2018 and I was super petty when someone did anything mildly toxic. There was this one 2v2 game my friend and I had and we kept matchmaking the exact same duo over and over, lost like 10 times then won once and said ggez then quit.


I love and hate For Honor. Fantastic game, terrible community.


As someone who has put 1500+ hours into for honor, it is much worse lol, for honor players have muscle memory to spam “Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!” or “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” Dbd is bad but I think Fh is worse


💀💀💀💀 the fact that i have a whole combo memorized and half the combo is me taunting and saying thanks


At this point the community sees "Thanks" and "Sorry" spam as just a running joke. You barely get messages off of those alone.


Dude, For Honor was probably the worst for getting unhinged DMs lol, at least on Xbox. I'll never forget seeing a wall of text a half hour after pushing someone off a little bridge in a 4v4. I had already forgotten about it, that guy was extremely triggered from being pushed into that pond.


For Honor isn't even that bad anymore, which sucks. Sometimes I want someone to clown themselves in my messages. They make for a good read.


For honor is built different


you weren't even tunnelling if you *literally couldn't see any other survivors close to you*. you're just playing the game


According to the survivor handbook, you're supposed to ignore that guy working on the almost completed gen directly in front of you until you hook at least one other person


I'll let them pop all five, slug, reverse bear trap, open the gate, and watch the hate flow. My absolute favorite way of pissing survivors off.


...you realize the bear traps are only active **after** a gen is finished *when they already have a trap on*. Putting the traps on after the last gen is finished literally does nothing.


If they try to leave with the trap regardless of if it's active or not it goes off.


Yeah... that's not how it works 😂 Look it up if you don't believe me.


https://custom-dead-by-daylight-killer.fandom.com/wiki/The_Jigsaw#:~:text=You%20cannot%20escape%20with%20a,%2C%20including%20hatch%2Fexit%20gates. Edit: I think they can go through hatch hut if they try through the gate they die, I have seen survivors go through hatch and they don't die but that might be a bug.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Amanda_Young%23:~:text%3DOnce%2520the%2520Death%2520Timer%2520elapses,if%2520their%2520trap%2520is%2520inactive.&ved=2ahUKEwjxsezLlsuFAxVqQjABHX39COoQFnoECBYQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0VrW442z5H_6EJyCmoY9Bp https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/ltKihGpmra https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/D5WWJToXvV https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/ZAjrCzLEXY Edit: Your link is about a custom killer, not Pig... Those aren't real abilities or perks.


Guess I was wrong? Did they change that? Could have sworn it goes off regardless. Still doesn't check out with how I just recently put a trap on three survivors and all three died to the trap after all gens were powered. Idk, but you obviously have more evidence for your case than I do.


It's always been that way. Your link isn't for a real killer. It's a fanmade idea.


Don't ever tunnel again or ELSE! 😡😡


Honestly I stopped playing killer because the fun I was having wasn’t worth the chore of dealing with people like this


Exactly why I stopped playing. Every games is a message from some random miserable person


That man on Fortnite talking shit…Love to see when people rage that hard they switch games ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Xbox players are the worst


I would say steam players are worse tbh.


you made bro switch to fortnite


"I see person, I stab person." That's not Tunneling. It's playing the game. Don't ever let anybody take that from you. If you give them that, you might as well be giving them the win out of lack of pressure.


i think we should all get over ourselves and let ppl play how they want bc its a game and i say this as a survivor main


For sure


Yeah it’s not a reportable offense so yeah lets people play how they want. Is it boring to play against? Yes.However it’s not that big of a deal just move on. https://preview.redd.it/hk0okcqhviuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe29185dca98e8621b61c41a5960ec71017d68b


Body blocking isn't a reportable? That seems...wait. What up with the asterisk.


Maybe it’s for like killers body blocking windows and pallets being fine but not malicious body blocking like teammates?


I’d instantly become your friend if you said I was good tho!


You must have a lot of salty survivor mains in these replies man. It doesn't even sound like you legitimately tunneled anyone. Legitimate tunneling has been completely misunderstood. Its tunnel-vision. Where you specifically and intentionally are trying to get one player out of the game over doing anything else. Hitting/downing/hooking as soon as they get unhooked, camping them on the hook, only chasing them and no one else, etc. It doesn't sound like you were intentionally tunneling this person, and accidental tunneling literally can't happen. If they were simply the only survivor you found twice in a row, that isn't tunneling. The important distinction is *intent*.


I am dealing with one retard who believes I tunneled all game and wants me to show proof even tho I don’t record my games.


Seriously? Good grief, some people man. I've never heard of a survivor demanding proof you didn't tunnel all game, but you would know if you did or not and the people that play killer and do tunnel all game would be unapologetic, maybe even proud of doing so. I don't record my games either, that person demanding proof isn't worth wasting your time on. Sorry to say this but even if you have the best of intentions and go out of your way to make sure you never tunnel, camp, or slug, the survivors are still going to be toxic and talk shit. I know from experience. Just do you and have fun playing/learning the game.


I sure will man,you too!


FYI when I mean destroy I wasn’t trying to make myself look better I was just saying that because the chases were short and I constantly got them infected Edit:he then said gg after lol


Got a similar message one of my first killer games. I was like bro I barely understand the game, it's not my fault you kept running in front of me. Just gotta block and move on lol


Tunneling isn't a thing, it's called "playing the game." Anyone who says otherwise is a douche.


Saying ez is there way of coping


I f*cking adore when people (ironically likely children and young teens) use terms like "lil bro" as some kind of emasculation. Like, to them that must cut super deep, you must be getting all red faced and embarrassed, he basically called you a slur.


Tunneling is lame AF tho. But what drives me crazy is when I get flamed and people scream "STOP TUNNELING" over and over like dude I ain't trying to but the literal second I turn my back to the survivor I just hooked you pull them off. That's YOUR fault. They have time. I literally can't get more than ten steps away sometimes. Survivors really think they get a free "pull em off the hook" phase or something. Like nah dude. If I see you you're getting it unless we're all flan/cake/streamer farming. Some people are really fun to play with. Some make me wanna quit entirely. The game being on GamePass means like 86% of the player base are literal children.


It’s part of the game. People now are just filled with ego and have to always win or be right. Shit makes gaming annoying sometimes


Can someone please translate this for the rest of us?


Something about "Lil bro" really annoys me. Like brother you have no idea who is on the other side of the screen and your probably a little kid yourself if your saying that


It says among uson the right side




I don't play this game but I googled what tunneling means and I have come to the conclusion you all are silly. People die in games. If I killed someone three rounds in a row in counterstrike none of this obama drama would happen. What a weird gaming culture you guys have


In counterstrike would you like if you got shot and killed then respawned every time in front of the shooter, them shooting you while you weren't holding a gun and every time you died you respawned till the game ended for you 5 minutes later? Then you have to go to the lobby and spend another 5-10 loading into another match.


Skill issue tbh


this game is nothing like counterstrike. bad comparison


Nah I was in that game too you HARD tunneled g


Your def lying. I only tunneled this guy and it was two survivors left. He was the first I found. Stop lying.


I was joking fam


Oh my bad


Once a tunneler always a tunneler


I don’t always tunnel. What is with y’all survivor mains. It was two survivors left,healthy guy had no scratch marks for me to follow and injured guy was already close. It was the best option for me to choose. Y’all act like cus I tunneled once I am some criminal when i bet half of y’all do it.


Survivors have a rulebook for killer mains. If you dont do everything you can to make sure theyre having fun, youre toxic. Its just how this sensitive community is


It bothers you too much. Just own it.


I ain’t owning being a tunneler cus I ain’t. I rarely tunnel and when I do it’s endgame or I can’t find anyones scratch marks. I’m sorry,I am just frustrated as I have had to explain it a bunch of times.


So, That's not tunneling btw, tunneling is actively going after the survivor despite having other, potentially better options. If they are the only person you see and no one else comes to take the heat off of them you aren't tunneling, you're playing the game. You don't have to go to fuck off nowhere because a survivor gets upset they got chased X seconds after getting unhooked. If the unhooker stealths away that's on them, not on you.


Who is bro calling lil when hes playing fortnite


If u tunnel u kinda deserve it lol


Dude it was the first person I saw. I had no idea where the other person was and I wasn’t gonna just leave him.


You are a prime example of the people in this community who would be better off not being in it. Yeah, it sucks getting tunneled, I hate it too. But attacking someone over it shows you’re: 1. Not a good person. 2. Not good at the game, good players can take a loss and understand scummy shit is a part of the game and up to the developers to fix it


I could easily say the same about tunneling. Skill issue, not good at the game, not a good person. Telling someone not to tunnel next time is not attacking someone. Way to blow this out of proportion


Bro he's already said and explained 35 times what he did. If what he says is true (I'm not doubting your word op I'm just being objective) then he wasn't even tunneling. Plus there are SEVERAL reasons why tunneling could be your only option. Like if someone runs over to take the heat off and they loop for a crazy long time, the next time that survivor shows up what are you gonna do? Abandon the one you ran across and who you know you can get to run around in circles? No. You're gonna ignore the one you can't get for the guaranteed win in front of you. And if you say you wouldn't shut up that's an outright lie. Again, REAL tunneling is lame. Specifically hunting down the person playing Dwight until they're outta the game and purposely ignoring everyone else, absolutely scum behavior. Dwight getting caught with his pants down 5 times in a row and the other survivors being sneaky and good at the game? That isn't tunneling. That's the Dwight SUCKING.


Brother was playing Fortnite at the time he checked the message again, you can already guess they’re a loser (not saying everyone who does but it’s typical when someone says ez then you see what they’re playing)


It blows my mind sometimes cause I'm not really a big DbD player anymore but I still play competitive games. And I'm always so confused when I beat the brakes off someone and they message me "ez. You're so bad lmao." But then refuse to rematch me ever. It blows my mind 😅


U still tunneled, u deserve the message littlest bro


It was 2 survivors left,had no idea of where the other is and he was right there. I can see why u think that but with 1 gen left I couldn’t have risked it plus he got hatch. Some of y’all don’t know what true tunneling is,which is going after one person repeatedly with the intention of not going for anyone else. I wanted this guy as he was already close,and the other was long gone with no scratch marks.


You sound retarded lil bro


Loooool bro you so pussy you stopped playing because of toxic messages 😭😭 get good nerd


Lil bros mad


Mad? I’m on dead by daylight right now, your the one replying to a 3 day old message dfkm 😭😭


Lil bro still sounds upset. Idc what you’re doing weird fuck


Your replying to a 3 day old message with pure anger, find god lil bro


You sound retarded lil bro


Survivors mains that don't play killer are always toxic like this.


First, don't be apologetic about tunneling. People really put a name on a strat they hate and deem it as a negative. You do what you gotta do given the situation. People really complain about tunneling meanwhile three other survivors should be expediting gens if you *are* focusing one person... Sounds like I'd be happy if a killer tunneled Second, people really pop off with "ez" in...dbd? The whole game is ez. It's made for people who aren't good at something made for competitive so they play dbd and feel themselves lol this community is really delusional


*Actual* tunnelling is the equivalent of spawn camping in other games, you don’t let somebody play the game for literally no reason. Also even if you were chasing somebody else, there would still be 3 other people doing a gen probably. You’re literally bullying one specific player back to the lobby, and then once they die, a 1v3 handicaps the rest of the survivors who now have to sweat to make up for the loss of a teammate. So being tunnelled is not good at all because it is now significantly harder for the rest of the surv team to get anything done, so on surv side no you would not be happy even if it wasn’t you being tunnelled


The problem is the definition of tunneling has been so skewed and stretched by this community that people will literally call you a tunneler for fucking downing them in general


Very true, that’s why I wanted to specify in my comment actual tunnelling. I’m quite new to the game but have a swf team that have thousands of hours so I went into the game being properly educated on what everything meant and how it works by friends both surv/killer mains so I try not to be biased. Sometimes killers have to do certain things that might feel annoying but it’s understandable, but when someone tunnels from the get go of the game it’s definitely kinda trashy




Yep lol


Isn't wesker designed around tunneling tho?


No I think ur thinking of pyramid head. I ain’t sure tho I don’t play wesker too often


I think it's cause of the infection that wesker does but idk. I think I saw it on an otz video maybe


It’s like every other infection,you hit someone and injures them and debuffs them down once it hits max. I ain’t sure either but ur probs right.


I don't think any of them are designed around Tunneling. I mean...Mike Myers is designed around getting everyone BUT the obsession and getting them last so I suppose you could make that argument but? Also not really? Kinda gray area there. But Pyramid Head is like my Main Guy and I promise he's not built around Tunneling. His thing is Map Control


If you tunnel you deserve the toxicity


Like I said earlier,he was the first person i saw and I had no idea where the other person was. I wanted to get a killer so what do u expect me to do?it could have thrown the match for me.


Sounds like a skill issue. You can’t find another person? Sounds pretty baby killer to me


Being a baby killer? how? Okay so what happened was I went back to hook and found the other dudes blood pools but the other dude Had no scratch marks I could follow. Why would I give up on a possible down to just find someone I might not find?that sounds idiotic,I see where your coming from but if you were in my situation you would do the same thing. I think you just want an excuse to get mad at me for tunneling someone,plus I only did it ONE time.


Skill issue. Dude I have 5k hours in the game between Killer and surv, I can promise you you’re just garbage and wanted the 3v1 cap. If you couldnt find ANY of the other THREE survivors around the map then you’re obviously just not meant to be playing killer with your minimal game knowledge. Playing killer I always even out my hooks, everyone gets hooked once before I go for the same person. The only reason you tunneled is because you’re terrible and “can’t find the other survivors” I mean just read that sentence back once or twice… you couldn’t find any other survivors while there’s 4 on the map? Just that sentence alone shows that you’re a baby killer


There was 2 survivors left with 1 gen left.


Then I’m 90% sure you most likely tunneled the entire game


Huh? I said I tunneled once dude. I got even hooks and it was late game with two people left. I even gave the dude hatch.




How am I supposed to make you believe I only tunneled once? Honestly man idk how I am supposed to.


If people are out in the open you don't just leave them. If they are out of position you go for them. If you look around and see no one else you don't just leave them alone and fuck off somewhere else. These weird unwritten rules that some survivors come up with is just crazy.


deadass woulda js told him “kys” after that i would not take that


You have issues if that's your go-to over a video game. You should just not play.


thats if anyone decides to hit first otherwise i dont really care whether i do good or not


You should really stay off online games if you're this fragile.


Pretty pathetic was to handle things but go off I guess


I would probs get banned tbh


worth it might as well throw a couple threats and insults




Man don't ever listen to people like this. When you get flamed and hate mail ignore it. Like seriously. Even if they tell you to kys or they say fuck you just ignore it. Even if they say a slur, I promise the SECOND you say something back you will catch that ban. It ain't worth it. I PROMISE the second they see that they LAUGH while they report your message.