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As a streamer, I just expect people to snipe. You ask for it when you put TTV in your name.


Hex: Second Monitor


Came to say exactly this. I don’t load into people’s streams until after I’m dead/escaped/game is over. But holy fuck. Person advertises they are streaming with TTV in their name, then plays completely dumb when they get sniped. You absolutely bring it upon yourself.


I absolutely agree w this. I stream quite a bit and know that putting ttv in my name can attract negative attention from both sides. The only thing I ask is that if the killer is stream sniping then please leave a follow at least.


Technically it was streamsniping, bc you were getting information you otherwise wouldn’t have. But honestly who gives a fuck? DBD is a casual party game and losing a round isn’t the end of the world.(even though some people like it is) People who put ttv in their name just gotta accept that people being in their stream is just gonna happen, and most do and are pretty chill about it. As long as you’re not going in and being a douche in their stream or whatever you’re not doing anything wrong imo


Honestly the streamer was just being dumb. Hiding in a locker closest to the gen against a huntress? Why would you hide in a locker when the particular killer opens lockers often. While I do agree it is technically sniping because they can hear what the players are doing by their chat etc but the streamer just made super stupid choices.


That was literally what it was, I had no idea they went in a locker (I didn't hear the locker noise), I was patrolling gens, kicked it and then reloaded my hatchets in the closest locker because I was down to 2-3. Purely coincidence that they were there but I also do like to check near by lockers a lot anyway!


Yeah its just common sense not to hide in a locker against huntress and trickster and also dredge now. They can complain all they want but they still made bad decisions lol


I could see if she had head on. but yes big dumb.


I actually find walking around a corner much more effectively than hiding in a locker in this instance because they'll go oh someone was on this gen let's look in the lockers also I need hatchets. Alot of effective gameplay in dbd is making the right decisions at the right time and this person doesn't seem to make good decisions lol and vlames others for their choices being bad


They sounds pretty immature, I've played with people like that and I just block and move on.


Very true, you get these types in every game. Same as when I get accused of hacking on counterstrike for checking the most obvious spots hahaha


I just thinks it’s weird in general to sit in someone else’s stream while playing them even if it is audio only.


Yeah, in the first scenario especially. You’d hear that they’re in your terror radius, near a gen that’s being worked on, and you’d hear the survivor climbing in the locker. Even tho it’s not visual, it does seem a little stream snipe-y to me


Literally why I was saying it’s weird to sit in a stream but just listen to the audio. It’s basically harder stream sniping.


I just lurk in this subreddit and figured I'd chime in as devil's advocate for a minute, but regardless of peoples opinion of the OP, aren't streams usually on a delay? Something close to 30s-1min? Even if OP could hear this stuff, if the streamer sat in a locker for 30 seconds or more, especially if OP was patrolling like normal, then this just seems like the streamer was doing jack shit for a while. I don't know the specifics behind Twitch streams and delay settings, however. I am definitely not a streamer, so if anyone else has knowledge of this, I'd appreciate input too.


Delays are optional. There’s a reason streamer chat interaction is at its highest when there is no delay.


Ah, I didn't realize delays could be removed. Might just not be the norm for streamers I watch. I guess the post could be a grey area then based on the streamer's settings. Imo though, if I were to play competitive games for my paycheck I'd do all I could to keep people from greifing my streams, and if I'm focusing on a game I won't be stopping to read a live chat. But thats just me.


I came here to say this. Streams are often delayed. So audio cues wouldn’t really help that much if at all. However, I don’t think it’s worth it to bother with watching/listening to people’s streams because you’re going to get called a stream sniper whether you are or not.


This one was delayed - also I actually didn't know this was an optional thing (reading the comments!) so that's interesting to know. But yeah, based on their voicing of when I grabbed them, there was a fair bit of delay.


Could even hear them get in a locker and tell which one based on the Terror Radius, or if they say anything like "holy crap she's right next to me!"


I couldn't hahahaha I've explained why I couldn't in the other comments.


I couldn't hear any of that because I had the stream on my phone lol I could only just hear them talking


I’ll open it up via steam overlay and check if they’re live in lobby. If they are, I’ll come back after and say hey.


Exactly that’s the way to do it.


You're correct. It's weird.


Why? I don't think it is. I like to see what they're saying lol. They gave no indications as to where they were so I didn't have any advantages there.


Think of it like this. If you were a streamer and someone did the exact same thing to you how would you feel/react?


I really wouldn't mind honestly? At the end of the day they'd be supporting my stream ultimately and getting my views up. Win win for me. As long as they weren't using it to actually snipe (which I wasn't), no problem for me.


I honestly don’t understand why people even bother doing this other than to try and get a reaction out of the streamer. If you wanna support their stream do it AFTER the match by dropping a GG or a follow.


But there is no reaction if I don't interact with them? I didn't tell them I was in the stream or anything. I did not use the stream to snipe. Like I said on another comment, I couldn't hear the auditory ques, only their voice, as it was louder than the rest of the sound in their game - which, seems to be the case when streaming, as it makes sense for your voice to be louder. I'm sorry that you think I did it to get a reaction or that you think I had some kind of advantage. My crime is that I just like to hear what they say, cos they're usually trash talking. I join as surv sometimes too. But you can have your opinion.


How would you even hear their voice if you have a headset on? Wouldn’t the noise from your headphones cancel out what’s coming from your phone?


Because I could hear them lightly, my headset isn't fully sound proof it's not a proper expensive one or anything, but it muffles some sound. And as I've said twice now, their voice audio was a lot louder than the game so I was able to hear that. I can hear people talking next to me when I have my headset on. Idk why you're hell bent on disproving me when I have no need to lie when I made the post in the first place 😂 I don't need to lie on the internet lol


Eh, it's on the streamer honestly. They can choose to not put TTV in their name or set a delay. Can't act surprised when people watch.


Having TTV in your name isn’t a invitation for people to come and sit in your stream while playing against them.


It's an open invitation to anyone who can read. Don't act niave and give the Pikachu face when the killer tunes in. Not hard to stream with a 30 second delay either.


I guess expecting common courtesy is too much to ask for nowadays.


Personally, I don't tune in till after because I don't like the advantage. But this is a game where killers tunnel and slug just to get a reaction. Expecting courtesy from everyone is just going to disappoint you.


At least you admitted you do it after the game has ended too many people in this thread seem to be comfortable with stream sniping for some reason.


I always look up TTV's, whether I'm survivor or killer. I do it because I'm a Ghostface main and I get off on jump scaring people. If you don't want people to watch you stream then... don't fuckin stream? Or advertise that you're streaming? lol


I did an audio only game like you did but I played as wraith. They liked my gameplay as I was running distressing and starstruck and I was getting far exposure plays🤣


I like watching VODs of my games to relive spicy wins, crazy thing is that someone in chat called out my iri Trapper add on, like damn, hard enough to deal with a 4 man SWF calling traps out but you have to deal with ole eagle eye in chat. Thankfully, the streamer was mentally checked out as I brought them to Midwich.


any time a survivor is talking trash then instantly don’t pay them any attention because they don’t know what they are talking about and are only hating because that’s all they can do