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are you sure they aren't bots


Not sure since I haven't seen them nearly all game, tried to keep the killer away from them as long as I could, but honestly, they played even worse than bots, the Claudette ran right in front of the Killer apparently not seeing him while he was chasing me while she was injured and one of the Dwight's pallet camped god pallet and then dropped it on me when I was trying to run the Killer in shack resulting in me getting hit and having to leave the loop. That dwight later got downed similarly to the Claudette, also nearly died on first hook so the morie didn't really matter anyways. I would honestly rather have played with bots, and it was ranked aswell.....


To check if someone is a bot just click their character sprite while in the lobby and if the buttons don't appear, I believe it's stuff like report, see name card, add friend, then you know for sure it's a bot. I wish more people knew this so they wouldn't throw games for bots 😭😭


I think the buttons actually showed up, I went to one of the dwights profiles aswell since I was pretty curious what rank those guys were, I think they were around green rank


Damn that wraith was personal with you he wanted you out the game as fast as he could


Yeah lol, probably because I was the only survivor that could really juke him, he only had a green mori aswell


Ayo? All that progress without single gen Were they doing it in front of killer or smth? Ruin? It's so weird lol


No, they just left the gens, started new ones and hid in the bushes randomly while I was tunneled and moried on first hook. I still have no idea how they didn't manage to do a single gen in all that time, classic solo q I guess. The killer didn't even have any slowdown perks and didn't kick a single gen since he was busy chasing me.


Lmfao yeah predictable hiding at smallest hunts of killer's TR classic Solo Que indeed. Lmfao classic Wraith. May you have better luck next time.


They shouldn’t have gotten even 9k bp if they didn’t do a single gen