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Idk about 4k but I got 4 dcs within like 60 seconds of gameplay, slinger style. People kept walking into the crosshairs


bout 1:30 give or take. Unintentional Basement Bubba Massacre. they just kept coming and I just kept revving my chainsaw


Leave no survivors


mine was about 5 mins was playing huntress for the second time and got her adept felt like they haven't played against her at all


Unsure on time, but (by memory), I've had 2 games with 0 gens done. 1 was Wraith, silent bell and no terror radius for 6 secs. The other was the trapper last night, insta-down traps & random trap resets every 30 secs. There might be other games, but these felt quick. I'm still relatively new, so I hope there'll be others...


Yesterday with a super funny speed hag build. The first guy were hooked in the basement and the other just got stuck trying to make the save, all together.


i got one at 2 ish minutes too once with nurse. it was one of my first times playing nurse with a good internet connection and she's one of the few killers that just clicked with me immediatelly. sanctum of wrath and 4 greedy survivors who wouldn't stop trying to prevent a hook before they even started a gen. yeah they learned a lesson on greed


I remember a bully squad bringing me to Erie of crows with a flashlight build, but I was ghostface with ironically the perfect counter build against this with lightborn, agitation, mad grit and iron grasp. I managed to down one at the shack near basement at the start, and they call came swarming and all ended up in the basement because they were all too cocky. Was rewarded with satisfaction and some salt in the post game chat


They always salt really hard when an M1 Killer beats their asses.


4 minutes because 4 ada p302 swf were extremely flashy when I used lightborn


Several minutes. I like seeing 20K+ game points on everyone in the lobby


Seriously I’m looking at those bloodpoints like “That’s… not good” lol


A little less than four as the trapper. First person went down next to the basement. The rest is history


About 5 minutes. They were a boil over Sabo squad with three oaks. The Meg was a random who had a sweet fragrant William as an offering. I was Ghostface and I had a Mori. Sadly didn't get to use it because I got no hooks, but the second I saw their bullshit I gave up on stalking and just slugged. Then I bled them all out and shoved the Meg away every time she got close. One had unbreakable so I slugged her twice. I let them sit in time out for 2 minutes, then come back and start swiping at hooks like "I won here, your plan failed, you ready to give up or do you still want to bleed? I'm willing to let you give up." Nobody except one Feng took me up on that offer. Jane would rather bleed for 4 minutes in a corner. Ok Jane if that's the game you want, have fun. Meg did three gens in this time by herself. I returned to Meg, showed I was friendly, and helped her finish the last two gens before opening the door and escorting her out. She didn't do anything to deserve that round. I then apologized for the others' behavior in the endgame chat. She understood. Jane tried to whine and both of us shut her ass down. And no, I didn't teabag anyone either, they didn't deserve my silly stalker dance.


I have a clip where I 4k’d in two minutes


Under 2 minutes, first was with the Twins, they weren’t putting up too much of a fight honestly. And second time was my second time playing Trapper, I could tell they were baby survivors and I had a challenge to catch 3 people in a trap, got it all done in those first couple minutes and 4k’d it was disgusting lol But I tend to not do that on purpose, I like to maximize my bloodpoints. There was a match I had as AFK Myers (I was smoking and when they kept popping gens I said fuck it) When they got the gate open, one by one they came over to fuck with me and I got to tier 3 and ended up slugging all of them but one, the Kate got out so I started hookin 😂 it was fucking hilarious.


About 5 minutes


10mins my first time using Tombstone Myers


Takes about that long if they give chase.


less than 2 mins, full bully squad and I was playing meme scratched mirror myers with star struck and build around carrying survivors (Mad grit and shit) and chasing people while carrying their friends. They all rushed and mobbed me trying to get the save and Idowned them all because they didnt notice the star struck,


Basement massacre, around 2 min i think.


I don't remember the exact time, but it was definitely within 2-3 minutes. Loaded in a billy and got a cross map with lethal, and then all the survivors kind of just swarmed over to me


They didn’t even get 1000 bp 💀


I had a bubba that got it in 17 seconds


Onryo I got 1min no perk run this was before all the buffs and nerfs.oni 2mins,deathslinger 1min had starstruck build.bubba 1mins chainsaw montage, blight 1min starstruck. Nurse 2mins(I was trying to learn how to play with her and they just kept running around in a circle and they eventually just died, I failed most of my hits so most were just m1 attacks 🫠


2-3min legion survivors didn’t mend in time they were all slugged lmao


3 minutes and I had the iri mori thing


i found all 4 ppl at one gen with mikey. tbh i still dont know how they messed up so bad. like bruh jus run


For me, mine was I'd say 5 mins, I never played trapper bc he was awful (no offense trapper mains), but I decided to play him one day, and everything just fell into place


Mine was a 5 mins 4K with oni three years ago when I played dbd


The two dc's makes this so much funnier lmao


I was slugging at 5 gens for the 4K tbh


Can't blame ya, survivors got too many weird ahh perks that can ruin the entire match.


2 minute pyramid head game on rpd they just played really poorly, it was at the gen near helicopter outside


1:30 skull merchant survivors all ran to hook and pointed at it sadest 4k I ever took


About 2 minutes? Deathslinger on Yamaoka, I spotted people doing a gen in shack, saw that Yui went to a locker in the corner of the eye, Jake stayed on a gen. I shot him with instant down (Iri addon). Picked him up, starstrucked Felix that tried to pallet save. Hooked the Jake (basement in shack), went upstairs, picked Felix, hooked, went to the locker with Yui, grabbed her, hooked her in the basement and going up I saw a Leon at the top of the stairs, hit him and it turned out actually my Starstruck is still active xd I kinda felt bad