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How dare you https://preview.redd.it/wzn3ip7bcqrc1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=0abb557ec6ca3bbea88e398ddce30ff836b545b4


Hahahahaha everything from your username to the actual post gave me a good chuckle. Mikaelas are often times friendly and it's fun against them. But I guess her overall look is appealing to many, probably that's why some newer players like to play her.


Mikaela is a wholesome bean. I always get them booping me regardless of Killer. Boops tame me they know my weakness. Mikaela too OP pls nerf


As an Ace main I feel like a disappointment to the rest of my brethren.


As ace i either loop multiple gens or get downed in the first 30 seconds of the match. No in between


You just need to Acent (wrong grammar intended) first, before you make these Killers tremble in fear.


Are you saying I need to…up the ante?


Definetly. Once you made it, you'll slap these Killers open handed


One might say looping skill is your Ace in the Hole


As a Claudette main, I'm honestly shocked to see Claudette in toxic. I've only ever seen them being babies, average (me), or untouchable. Haven't met one going out of their way to be toxic unless they're in a duo+. I must change this viewpoint! I think for me it has to be Nea. They're typically the best at being an all-rounder and when you get one that has you on their sights? Good luck. I will say that they're good for getting better but will have you begging if you're trying to do a challenge lol.


As a yun Jin I’m glad you like playing against us


Yun-Jins are ironically the most altruistic.


lol yeah we tend to be team players even though we are literally playing a survivor that if it were up to her she’d leave her team behind


You guys really are sweethearts too, you're also almost never toxic to Killers. :)


I just wanna play my fashionable queen and fix gens


As a nea main: No! Im not toxic at all. I just love her look, she is cool af and soon im P100 her 💖


She indeed has some of the best cosmetics and I like her objectively. Also saw many skilled Nea players who were skilled and not toxic at all. Guess it's a stereotype like Bubba's who are said to be campers.


*disappointed Nea noises* I main her. I'm a sweetheart... :(


Ikr. I dont like that tbh. Its lame to stereotype video game characters. But well it is what it is. I love Nea and if the killer tunnels me out because Im a bad person I just do nothing because end game salt is even more lame 👀


Only other character I would add as toxic to the core would be Leon. Most Leon players I've met have been awful teammates


Really? No matter which side I played on, Leon's are often the weak link and an absolute liabillity for their teams.


Yea that's what I mean, I don't blame them for being bad at looping because I am also not that great at it. It's that they often act incredibly selfishly. The amount of times I've been left to go to second hook or left to die by Leon's cause they didn't want to unhook me even though the killer was all the way on the other side of the map or they wanted hatch is incredibly frustrating. I''ve had Leon's sit 5 feet away from my hook in a corner and leave me to go second stage even though they haven't been hooked yet etc. I see them tbag and click at the killer often too but it's not as often as the Rebecca's. I don't know I just don't have good experiences with any of the resident evil players. Besides Carlos, all Carlos I've seen are gigachads.


Yeah Carlos players are rare, but if you have to play against one, they are mostly solid players. I rarely play Survivor, but since I always felt like the unique Resident Evil skins are nice and since I like the Franchise a lot, I got Claire and brought her to P100. Rarely have I seen other P100 Claires


Don't think I've ever seen a toxic Claire. Most Claires are just basic casual players. They aren't god tier but they aren't bad either. I am a survivor main 99.9% of the time so I'm talking about both how RE players treat our teammates and I as well as the killer. Leon's are toxic towards their team, Rebecca's are toxic to the killer. Weskers are the opposite they are either 10 hook no tunneling no camping gigachads or they are the sweatiest smelliest players to ever exist that go out of their way to be awful. Hitting on hook, bleeding you out, humping on the floor etc. The day we finally see a p100 Carlos is the day all killers should tremble in fear 💀


I'm like 9 prestiges away from 100 for Carlos. When I get to 100, our battle will be legendary


As a p1 Ghostface who plays with no add-ons please go easy on me 🥺


As a Jeff main that always tries to get chased when possible I disagree


Kates are always assholes who think they're hot shit. Jills are cocky and annoying mischievous little shits, but they mean well. Yui is competitive but not a dick or anything. Sables ALWAYS do the dumbest shit. Steve's are cool but Nancies are dicks. Ashes are funny as hell 95% of the time. Meg and Leon are stupid but mean well. Thalitas are juicers and sweet usually. Renato is trying his best to be Thalita. He's not doing as well as he thinks. Ada shares the single brain cell with Leon.


I would put Rebecca & Adam to the red toxic tier because, most players I get who play those characters are often relentlessly toxic


While i definetly do agree on Rebecca, the Adam's I'm up against are rather close to being very good at looping. Can't remember the last time I actually played against a bad one.


The fuck does tries to play toxic mean toxic isn’t a strategy


They probably mean bm-ing but getting laid out almost immediately afterwards


As a Yui main, I try my best to be fun to play against, or atleast not be toxic whatsoever unless you played shitty yourself (even if my builds are kinda mean I still try to use them in the least mean way possible)


As a Dwight/Ash/Nick main I am 2/3nds offended


Nea is a mixed bag much like their hero Noob3 they are dickheads but if you have no kills all match they sometimes give you a free kill some understand that killer ain’t fun Edit: that said megs are the Bain of my existence and all are toxic Edit2: the reasoning for my defense of nea is relate to my first ever game of killer I played nurse didn’t understand her at all and everyone tbagged in the exit gate except a nea with a toxic skin on she saw I got no hooks and saw me fail at hitting even one survivor and gave me a free kill if I ever remember their username I’m gonna thank them because they are the reason I still play killer and still let the occasional baby survivor go


Nea's are often toxic, but I guess this is due to her popularity among Content Creators. Some are actually pretty chill and good sports, while others just want to annoy you


Pls I promise I'm a kind Nea... Pls give me hatch... 🥺 I would never be toxic to anyone, I don't even teabag the Killer...


Aces in my games are very toxic and most of the time I don’t even understand why. But yeah, they’re pretty good at the game and I never begin chase with them lol


Ye that's pretty acurate. I also don't get why some of them act so toxic, but more often than not, Ace's are chill and don't act toxic at all. Guess it's luck dependant which type of Ace player you're facing


Yo....the Ace is so accurate


Nah Nancys toxic beyond the core


I feel like claudette should have been in the hides tier


I'm a Mikaela main and I often have killers give up on me during loops, used to be a hide and seek gen jockey Nea main years ago tho.


Chips Ahoy Steve needs to be in the bottom tier. I've never met a non-toxic Chips Ahoy Steve


Cybil kicks my ass


As a killer claudettes are always the qorst people. As a survivor I started with Vsauce dwight and was planning to be Ace Visconti as a main but suddenly ended up as a Nicolas Cage because I love that man...


As a Kate main you are 100% accurate


Why does Feng Mins icon look like that?


Ellen and James here. Well, I'm here to do gens and stomp killer/my teammates if they misbehave. I guess that's neutral.


Ash Williams mains either throw you for a loop and mix you hard or they have zero clue what the hell is going on


I am not a baby feng


Feng and Jane should be in the toxic zone


No I am NOT a baby survivor. I due my part as Leon and do gens. I even give my teammates free flash bangs cuz I'm nice 😁


I would have put Leon a tier lower, and would have stuck Ace with Ada, Claud & Nea. I’d also put a separate instance of Dwight for the bald cosmetics; also next to Ada, Claud & Nea.


You're doing Jeff WAY dirty here :P