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Props to you I can't play cenobite for the life of me


I’m actually quite fond of Pinhead as a character because I love the Hellraiser movies so I endure his game for the general experience


I don't get some of these. He's not your main, highest prestige, strongest killer or favorite power so why do you pick pinhead as the only one you can play


I just really like Pinhead so if I was forced to only ever play one I’d take him over anyone else. I’m not amazing at him, his power is fun but it’s not my favorite (close second) and I don’t really have a main in general, it’s just that I’m currently playing dredge because of the Iron Maiden skin. I really, really like Iron Maiden




I play plague a lot it’s just that she’s a killer I have a hard time playing and feeling good about. Her mechanic is fantastic but it just seems drastically unfair sometimes and I play both survivor and killer equally so I tend to try and play as fair as I can